他汀类药物预防动脉粥样硬化的重大进展程蕴琳(ppt)(优选)他汀类药物预防动脉粥样硬化的重大进展程蕴琳Thin,ruptured fibrous cap with thrombusDense macrophage infiltration Boyle et al.J Pathol1997;181:93-9.Pathology of Acute Coronary SyndromesAdvanced AtherosclerosisIntimal smooth muscle cells become senescentActivated macrophages induce intimal smooth muscle cell death and degrade matrix in the fibrous capAdventitiaThrombusThrombus forms and extends into the lumen and the plaque Lipid coreUnstable Coronary Artery DiseaseAdventitiaPlatelets aggre