爱乐之城经典台词 爱乐之城经典对白【中英文对照】1、People love what other people are passionate about!人最爱别人倾注热情的事物。2、Heres to the ones who dreamFoolish as they may seemHeres to the hearts that acheHeres to the mess we make.此致追梦愚人,他人笑尔疯癫;此致破碎之心,此致不堪过往3、A bit of madness is keyTo give us new colors to see正是那一丝丝疯狂,让我们看见新的色彩。(人生需尽兴,方得新际遇。)Who knows where it will lead us?And that is why they need usBeing on the rebels谁知此路何方世界正在疯狂共起身与世对抗4、Im letting life hit me until it gets tire