E Exercisexercise1.1 Relative mass1.1 Relative massAlAl2 2O O3 3 K K2 2CrCr2 2O O7 7 H H2 2SOSO4 4 HNOHNO3 3HF COHF CO3 32-2-CuSOCuSO4 4 NH NH4 4+FeFe3 3O O4 4 P P2 2O O5 51.2 Mole and the Avogadro constantFe=56;H=1;L=6Fe=56;H=1;L=610102323molmol-1-1;V;Vm m=22.4dm=22.4dm3 3/mol/mol 1.How many molesmolesmolesmoles of atoms are contained in 5.6g of iron?2.How many iron atoms atoms atoms atoms are there in 0.1 mole iron?3.How many moles moles moles moles of 121023 molecules of H2?4.How many molecul