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1、专业应试题库一,专业词汇翻译A spherical system of coordinates 球坐标系Absolute scale 绝对温标Absolute temperature 绝对温度 Absolute zero 绝对零度Acute angle 锐角Adiabatic process 绝热过程Adjacent 邻近的Amount of heat 热量Amplitude 振幅Analytical expression 解析式Angular momentum 角动量Angular velocity 角速度Annihilate 湮灭Appreciable 相当多的Approximate so

2、lution 近似解Arbitrarily 任意的变换莫测的Assume that 假设At constant pressure 定压At rest 静止的,Axial symmetry 轴对称Axis of rotation 转轴Be independent of 独立的,Be proportional to 与 成正比Bend 使弯曲的Capacitor 电容器Center of mass 质心Centripetal force 向心力Cgs 厘米-克- 秒制(Centimeter-Gram-Second)Change in jumps 突变Chaotic 无序的Charge by con

3、duct 接触起电Charge by induction 感应起电Circulation motion 圆周运动Classical mechanics 经典力学Coefficient 系数Coherent 相干性Combustion engine 内燃机Comparison 参照物Compensate 补偿,抵消Conductor 导体Consecutive 连贯的Consequently 结果,因此Conservation 守恒Considerable 相当大的Constant 常量Constructive interference 干涉相长Coordinate system 坐标系Coul

4、ombs law 库仑定律Counter-phase 反相Cross-sectional 横截面Curl 旋度Curvilinear motion 曲线运动Cyclic process 循环过程Decrement 衰减率Denominator 分母Density 密度Derivative 导数Destructive interference 干涉相消Developing 显影Deviation from 脱离 逸出Diatomic 双原子的Difference 差异Diffraction 衍射Dimension 维Discrete value 离散值Displacement 位移Distanc

5、e 距离 Distribution function 分布函数Divergence 散度Dynamics 动力学Elastic collision 弹性碰撞Electric dipole 电偶极子Electric field 电场Electric potential 电势Electric potential energy 电势能Electrically polarized 电极化Electrodynamics 电动力学Electromagnetic 电磁学Electron 电子Electrostatic 静电Elementary mass 元质量,质量元Embodiment 体现具体化Emul

6、sion 感光剂Energy 能量 Energy level 能级Entropy 熵Equilibrium 平衡Equipartition principle 均分定理Ether 以太Exposure 曝光External force 外力Factor 因素First law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律Focal plane 焦平面Fraunhofer diffraction 夫琅和费衍射Free fall 自由落体Friction 摩擦力Gamma photon 伽马射线General theory relativity 广义相对论Geometrical 几何的Gra

7、dient 梯度Gravity 重力,地心引力Grow proportionally to 正比增长Harmonic function 调和函数Harmonic oscillator 谐振子Heat 热Heat capacity 热容Heat engine 热机Heat transfer 热传递Hence 因此Histogram 直方图Hologram 全息图Holography 全系照相Homogeneous(反应堆)燃烧和减速剂均匀调和的Huygens Principle 惠更斯原理Hypothetical medium 假设介质Ideal gass 理想气体Identical 同一的,完

8、全相同的Illuminate 说明Impart 给予 Impulse 冲量Inalienable 不可分割的Incident light 入射光Inclination 倾角Incoherene 非相干的Increase 增加Increment 增量Inertia 惯性Inertial reference frame 惯性参考系Infrared radiation 红外辐射Initial moment 初始时刻Instantaneous 瞬间的Insulator 绝缘体Integral 积分Interference 干涉Internal energy 内能 Internal force 内力In

9、tra-molecular energy 分子内能Isotropic 各向同性的Kinematics 运动学Law of cosine square 余弦定理Length contraction 长度收缩Macroscopic 宏观的Mass 质量Mass-energy conversion 质能转换Mean distance 平均距离Mechanical equivalent of heat 热功当量Mechanics 力学Medium 介质Microscopic 微观的Molar heat gas capacity 气体摩尔热容Mole 摩尔Molecular physics 分子物理学M

10、omentum 动量Monatomic 单原子Monochromatic light 单色光Motion 运动Multiply 乘以Neutron 中子Newtons first law 牛顿第一定律Non-equilibrium state 非平衡态Normal acceleration 法向加速度Normal to 垂直于Nuclei 原子核Nucleon 核子Numerator 分子Object beam 物体光束Obtuse angle 钝角Operator 算符Overlap 重叠Polarization 两极分化极化Parallel axis theorem 平行轴定理Parall

11、el beams 平行光束Parallel rays 平行光Parallelogram method 平行四边形法则Parameter of state 状态参数Perfectly rigid body 刚体Perpendicular 垂直的Phase difference 相位差Phenomena 现象Piston 活塞Point charge 点电荷Point particle 质点Power 功率Preference 优先权Principle of relativity 相对性原理Probability 可能性Probability distribution function 概率分布函

12、数Projection 投影Propagate 传播Proton 质子Pseudoscopic 幻视镜的Quantitative conclusion 定量结论Quasi-static 准静态的Radian 弧度Radius 半径Rarefaction 稀薄的Real image 实像Rectilinear motion 直线运动Redistribution 重新分配Reference frame 参考系Reference wave 参考波Relative atomic mass of an element 相对原子质量Relative molecular mass of substance

13、相对分子质量Relaxation process 弛豫过程Relaxation time 弛豫时间Reversible (process)可逆过程Rotational inertia 转动惯量Scalar 标量Scalar field 标量场Semiconductor 半导体Semitransparent 半透明的Solid angle 立体角Spatial coherence 空间相干性Special theory of relativity 狭义相对论Specific heat capacity 比热容Speed 速度速率Stationary 固定的Subscript 下标Superpos

14、e 重叠的Superposition 叠加Symmetry 对称的Temperature 温度Temporal coherence 时间相干性Terminal velocity 末速度Test charge 检验电荷The difference on optical path 光程差The equation of state of an ideal gass 理想气体物态方程The magnitude of a vector 向量的大小The number of degree of freedom 自由度数量The reciprocal of 倒数The refractive index 折射

15、率The right-hand screw rule 右手螺旋定则The second derivative of 二阶导数The square of distance 距离的平方The tangential acceleration 切向加速度Thermodynamic temperature scale 热力学温标Three dimensional 三维的Time averaged value 时间均值Time dilation 时间膨胀Timepiece 计时器Torque 力矩Torsion balance 扭秤Translation motion 平动Triatomic 三原子的Tu

16、ning fork 音叉Twin paradox 孪生佯谬Ultraviolet light 紫外线Undeformable body 不可形变体,刚体Uniform circular motion 匀速圆周运动Unit time 单位时间Vector field 矢量场Vectors 矢量Velocity 速度,矢量Virtual image 虚像Wave length 波长Wave number 波数Weight 重量二、段落翻译翻译( )541、 For a stationary field, the work done on a particle by the forces of th

17、e field may depend on the initial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved. Forces having such a property are called conservative. 对于固定的场,力作用在质点上的公取决于初始位置和末位置,而与路径无关,具有这个性质的力叫保守力.2、 A combination of bodies that are stationary relative to one anothe

18、r with respect to which motion is being considered an a timepiece indicating the time forms a reference frame.由运动上相对静止的物体所组成的复合体,外加显示(记录)时间的仪器, 一起构成了参考系统。3、 The concepts of an equilibrium, state and a reversible process play a great part in thermodynamics. All the quantitative conclusions of thermod

19、ynamics are strictly applicable(适用) only to equilibrium states and reversible processes.可逆过程和平衡态是热力学里重要的部分,所有的热力学定量结论都严格适合于平衡态和可逆过程.4、 If a gas is in equilibrium, its molecules move absolutely without order, chaotically. All the directions of motion are equally probable, and none of them can be give

20、n preference over others.如果气体处于平衡态,那么气体分子运动就没有规律,无序的,分子朝各个方向上的运动的概率相等,没有比其他的更具有优势.5、 Huygens principle: The theory by which light waves spreading out from a point source can be regarded as the superposition of tiny secondary wavelets.惠更斯原理,点光源发出的光可以看成是次级微小光波的叠加.6、 If we imagine a separate isolated b

21、ody in a space where no other bodies are present, then we can not speak of the motion of the body because there is nothing with respect to which the body could change its position.如果我们假设一个物体所处的空间中没有其他物体,我们不能说明这个物体的运动形式因为我们没有可以观测这个物体位置改变的参考物.7、 Translational motion is defined as motion in which any s

22、traight line associated with the moving body remains parallel to itself .平动可以定义为平动的物体上两点的连线在运动过程中保持平行.8、 Dynamics studies the motion of bodies with a view to what causes this motion to have the nature it does, i.e. with a view to the interactions between bodies.动力学研究的是物体运动的原因,即物体之间的相互作用.10, Vectors

23、are defined as quantities characterized by a numerical value and a direction and, also, as ones that are added according to the triangle or parallelogram method.矢量具有大小和方向,而且还可以用矢量三角形和平行四边形法则合成.11, We shall define internal forces as the forces with which given body is acted upon by the other bodies o

24、f the system and external forces as those produced by the action of bodies not belong to the system.我们可以定义内力是由系统中其他物体产生的,外力是不属于系统的物体产生并导致物体运动的原因12, Conservative forces can be defined in two ways:(1)as forces whose work does not depend on the path along which a particle passes from one point to the a

25、nother, and(2) as forces whose work along any closed path equals zero.保守力具有两种性质:保守力所做的功只与位置有关 ,与路径无关,闭合路径的功为零14, We can thus use the function to determine the work done on a particle by conservative pEforces along any path beginning at arbitrary point 1 and terminating at arbitrary point 2 .我们可以用来 e

26、p 表示保守力对质点从任意点 1 道任意点 2 所做的功15, Assuming that the reference frame relative to which we are considering the complex motion of a rigid body is stationary, the motion of the body can be represented as rotation with the angular velocity in a reference frame moving translationally with the velocity relat

27、ive to 0vthe stationary frame.假设参考系相对我们要研究的刚体是静止的,那么物体的运动可以看成是以 w 为角速度的转动和以速度为 v 的平动.16, All the quantitative conclusions of the thermodynamics are strictly applicable only to equilibrium states and reversible processes.热力学中所有的定量结论都严格遵守平衡态和可逆过程.17, The absolute temperature is proportional to the mea

28、n kinetic energy of translational motion of the molecules of a substance. 绝对温度与物质的平均平动动能成正比.18, The heat capacity of a body is defined as the quantity equal to the amount of heat that must be imparted to the body to raise its temperature by one Kelvin.物体的热容为物体升高每开尔文所需要的热量.19, Temperature: A measure

29、of the average kinetic energy per molecule in a substance, measure in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit or in Kelvin.温度,分子平均动能的量度,单位为摄氏度,华氏度和开尔文.20, Absolute zero: the lowest possible temperature that a substance may have- the temperature at which molecules of a substance have their minimum kinetic ener

30、gy.绝对零度:物体温度最低的可能值 .此时,分子具有最小动能21, Multiplication theorem of probabilities: the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of statistically independent events equals the product of the probabilities of each of them occurring separately.概率相乘定理:独立事件同时发生的概率等于每个事件单独发生概率的乘积.22, Entropy: a measure of the

31、disorder of a system. Whenever energy freely transforms from one form to the another, the direction of transformation is toward a state of greater disorder and therefore toward one of greater entropy.熵:系统的无序程度,能量总是向着熵增加的方向进行转化.23, By coherence is meant the coordinated proceeding of several oscillato

32、ry or wave processes.相干性是振荡和波动过程的协调性24, The superposition of waves producing regions of reinforcement and regions of cancellation. Constructive interference refers to regions of reinforcement; destructive interference refers to regions of cancellation.光的叠加形成了加强区和减弱区,干涉相长形成加强区,干涉相消形成减弱区25, There is n

33、o appreciable physical difference between interference and diffraction. Both phenomena consist in the redistribution of the light flux as a result of superposition of the waves.干涉和衍射没有明显的区别 ,两者都包含光通量的重新分配和两者都是光的叠加引起的26, Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other.同种电荷相互排斥,异种电荷相互吸引27,The arrangement of the charges setting up the field being studied may change under the action of the test charge.电荷形成的场会随检验电荷的移动而改变


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