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1、听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】参考译文 英国请求延迟一年退出欧盟Hello, this is the BBC news with Fiona MacDonald.大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 新闻,我是菲奥娜麦克唐纳德。The Washington Post has published the last column received from the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi before he went missing in Istanbul. The newspapers editor

2、said they had held off publishing it until now in the hope that the journalist would reemerge. From Washington heres Chris Buckler.华盛顿邮报已经刊登了沙特记者贾马尔哈苏吉在伊斯坦布尔失踪前的最后一篇专栏文章。这家报社的编辑表示他们推迟到现在发布这篇文章是希望这名编辑能重新出现。以下是克里斯巴克勒在华盛顿的报道。In his final piece, Mr. Khashoggi is critical of Saudi Arabia. The Post says t

3、he column shows his passion for freedom, something the paper suggests he may have given his life for. Since his disappearance, Donald Trump has refused to distance himself from Saudi Arabia, and instead emphasized the importance of economic and political ties between the country and the US. However,

4、 pressure on the president is growing amid claims that theres evidence that shows Jamal Khashoggi was interrogated, tortured and killed.在最后一篇文章中,哈苏吉对沙特阿拉伯进行了谴责。华盛顿邮报称这篇专栏文章展现了他对自由的热爱,报社暗示他也可能已经为之丧命。自从他失踪之后,唐纳德特朗普拒绝疏远沙特阿拉伯,相反他还强调两国经济和政治关系的重要性。然而,随着证据表明贾马尔哈苏吉受到了审讯、折磨并遭杀害,特朗普总统面临的压力也越来越大。The British Pr

5、ime Minister Theresa May is facing a backlash from hard-line Brexit supporters in her own party after she told European Union leaders that she would consider extending her countrys post-Brexit transition period by another year. The extension would allow for more time to find a solution to the hardes

6、t problem in Brexit talksthe issue of the Irish border. Kevin Connolly in Brussels explains the implications of such a move.英国首相特蕾莎梅告诉欧盟领导人她将考虑将英国脱欧后的过渡期延长一年,现在她正面临着党内部脱欧强硬派的强烈反对。过渡期延长后,英国将会有更多的时间来解决脱欧最棘手的问题爱尔兰边境问题。凯文康诺利在布鲁塞尔解释了此举的含义。That would be more than five years after the referendum and lets n

7、ot forget a transition would essentially mean that people in Britain would see no change at all from being inside a member state of the European Union. Youre still paying in to the budget. Youre still obeying the rules of the single market, but you lose your vote, your voice in rulemaking. So that w

8、ould be quite a 听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】difficult sell I think within British politics.全民公投之后将会有五年多的过渡期,别忘了这个过渡期本质上意味着英国人将完全感受不到与未脱欧之前的差别。你仍然要为国家财政预算付钱,仍然要遵守单一市场规则,但却在政策制定上失去投票权和话语权。因此这也成为英国政治中一个非常棘手的问题。The first group of a wave of Honduran migrants travelling towards United

9、States has arrived at the border between Guatemala and Mexico. President Trump threatened to cut off millions of aid to the region if they fail to stop the caravan. Our Americas editor Leonardo Rocha reports.第一波前往美国的洪都拉斯移民现已到达了危地马拉和墨西哥之间的边境。特朗普曾威胁称,如果洪都拉斯不能阻止“移民大篷车”,他将切断对该地区数百万的援助。以下 BBC 美洲编辑莱昂纳多罗恰的

10、报道。Some three thousand people, including children, have joined the caravan. The organizer say the migrants are escaping poverty and violence in Central America. President Trump says they are illegal immigrants who cannot be allowed to enter the US. They left Honduras this weekend and several hundred

11、 have now reached the Guatemalan border town of Tecun Uman. If theyre allowed to cross into Mexico, itll be a matter of time before they reach the US southern border and seek a right to entry on humanitarian grounds.包括儿童在内约 3000 多人加入了 “移民大篷车”,组织者表示这些移民是在逃离美洲中部地区的贫困和暴力。特朗普总统表示他们是非法移民不能进入美国境内。他们于本周末离开

12、洪都拉斯,数百人现已到达了危地马拉的边境城镇提肯乌曼。如果他们被允许越界进入墨西哥,那么他们抵达美国南部边界并以人道主义理由为借口寻求进入美国的权利也只是时间问题了。World news from the BBC.BBC 国际新闻。听力原文Hello, this is the BBC news with Fiona MacDonald.The Washington Post has published the last column received from the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi before he went missing in Ista

13、nbul. The newspapers editor said they had held off publishing it until now in the hope that the journalist would reemerge. From Washington heres Chris Buckler.In his final piece, Mr. Khashoggi is critical of Saudi Arabia. The Post says the 听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】column shows

14、 his passion for freedom, something the paper suggests he may have given his life for. Since his disappearance, Donald Trump has refused to distance himself from Saudi Arabia, and instead emphasized the importance of economic and political ties between the country and the US. However, pressure on th

15、e president is growing amid claims that theres evidence that shows Jamal Khashoggi was interrogated, tortured and killed.The British Prime Minister Theresa May is facing a backlash from hard-line Brexit supporters in her own party after she told European Union leaders that she would consider extendi

16、ng her countrys post-Brexit transition period by another year. The extension would allow for more time to find a solution to the hardest problem in Brexit talksthe issue of the Irish border. Kevin Connolly in Brussels explains the implications of such a move.That would be more than five years after

17、the referendum and lets not forget a transition would essentially mean that people in Britain would see no change at all from being inside a member state of the European Union. Youre still paying in to the budget. Youre still obeying the rules of the single market, but you lose your vote, your voice

18、 in rulemaking. So that would be quite a difficult sell I think within British politics.The first group of a wave of Honduran migrants travelling towards United States has arrived at the border between Guatemala and Mexico. President Trump threatened to cut off millions of aid to the region if they

19、fail to stop the caravan. Our Americas editor Leonardo Rocha reports.Some three thousand people, including children, have joined the caravan. The organizer say the migrants are escaping poverty and violence in Central America. President Trump says they are illegal immigrants who cannot be allowed to

20、 enter the US. They left Honduras this weekend and several hundred have now reached the Guatemalan border town of Tecun Uman. If theyre allowed to cross into Mexico, itll be a matter of time before they reach the US southern border and seek a right to entry on humanitarian grounds.World news from the BBC.


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