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1、 Unit 1-Unit 2 综合检测卷第 I 卷 客观题 (共 65 分)一、听力测试 (本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)(一)、听对话回答问题 本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有 5 秒钟时间在试卷上写出你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。1. Where does the woman work?2. What is Tony doing?3. What did the woman leave at home?4. What does the man h

2、ave to catch?5. What is wrong with the woman? A. She feels sick.B. She cannot sleep well.C. Her stomach hurts.6. What is the woman?A. Shes a doctor B. Shes a teacher C. Shes a salesgirl21 世纪教育网版权所有7. How will the man go to work?A. By bike B. On foot C. By bus21cnjycom8. What colour is Mays hat?ARed

3、BOrange. CBlack9. What does the woman want to drink?A. Tea. B. Water C. Milkwww.21-cn-10. What time will the next bus leave for Nanjing?21cnjyA. At 8:10 B. At 8:40 C. At 8:50【来源:21世纪教育网】(二)、听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有 5 秒钟时间在试卷上写出你认为最合适的备选答案。2-1-c-n-j-y听一

4、段对话短文,回答第 11-12 小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。11What jobs does the woman think women can do?ATeachers BDoctors CAll kinds of jobs12What does the woman think about women?AStronger. BMore careful CBetter.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。Miss Gao is a good

5、English teacherLooks tall and slimlooks 13 in bluePersonalities patient and helpfulspends lots of time helping her students 14 difficult thingsWork teaches wellwon the first prize in the 15 competition13. A. modest B. smart C. generous14. A. forget B. explain C. understand15. A. singing B. writing C

6、. teaching听第二篇短文回答 1620 小题。16. Where will they go? A. China. B. A park. C. A town.【出处:21 教育名师】17. How long will it take them to go there? A. 3 hours. B. More than 4 hours. C. Less than 4 hours.18. What will they have for lunch? A. Bread and water. B. Apples. C. Both A and B. 19. Whats the speakers m

7、obile phone number? A. 13726156656 B. 13926158856 C. 13726158856【版权所有:21 教育】20. What can they do after lunch?A. Go shopping. B. Go camping. C. Go boating.二、单项选择 在 A、B、C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)1. _ boy called Tom never tells lies. What _ honest boy he is!A. The, a B. The, an C. A

8、, an D.A, / 2. In order to keep healthy, we should have _fast food, _fresh vegetables and take enough exercise.A. fewer, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, more D. less, less3. My friend loves playing softball. She _ two hours _ every day. A. spends, practising playing B. spends, practising playC. spend,

9、 to practise playing D. spending, practise playing4. Of the two shirts, Id like to choose _ one to save some money for a book.A. the less expensive B. the most expensive21世纪*教育网C .less expensive D. the more expensive5. My best friend Jack looks happy, and he always _ a smile _ his face.A. wear; on B

10、. put; in C. wears; on D. wears; in6. Mary writes _ than _ boy in her class. A. more careful, any other B. more carefully, any C. more carefully, any other D. more careful, any7. Look! A number of people at Renmin Square _ something. The number of them _about 1000.A. are discussing about , is B. is

11、discussing, is C. are discussing about, are D. are discussing, is8. _ exercise you take, _youll be.A. The fewer; the fatter B. The less; the fatter21*cnjy*comC. The less; the more fatter D. The more; the fatter9. - How much _ the elephant _? -Perhaps the _ of it is 2 tons.A. is, weigh; weight B. doe

12、s weight; weighC. is, weight; weigh D. does, weigh, weight10. Didnt Tom catch the bus this morning?_, though(虽然) he went to the bus stop very early.A. Yes, he did B. No, he didnt C. Yes, he didnt D. No, he did11.-The dish is delicious!-Well, at least its _ the one I cooked yesterday.A. as good as B.

13、 as well as C. so well D. so well as12.-Can I _ your bike?-With pleasure! But you mustnt _ it to others.A. lend, borrow B. borrow, lend C. lend, lend D. borrow, borrow13.-There is nothing important this afternoon, so you _ come to school.-Really? Thank you very much.A. neednt to B. neednt C. dont ne

14、ed D. not need14. -_? -Hes friendly and helpful. He often helps me with my homework.A. Whats he like B. What does he likeC. What is he look like D. What does he look like15.-Thank you very much for giving me this beautiful card.-_A. Really, do you like it? B. Its only a little thing.C. Is it beautif

15、ul? D. Im glad you like it.三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)“Youre my best friend.” Its the nicest thing you can _1_ to someone. Its also the nicest thing you can _2_ someone.Good friendships begin in middle school. Its the _3_ you begin to develop your own per

16、sonality(个性). Your parents arent around so you _4_ lots of time everyday sharing your life with your classmates. You talk with them, you work with them and you become friends with them. But _5_ them will become your “best” friend.Best friends are the people who like you and _6_ you the most. They ar

17、e the _7_ who are easy to work with and easy to have fun with.Sometimes its _8_ to find a best friend. And sometimes you can _9_ a little lonely. But just because you dont have a best friend now, it doesnt mean you _10_ one in the future. Best friends seem to find each other as if by magic. And when

18、 you find your best friend, the magic will last forever.1. A. tell B. write C. say D. go2. A. hear from B. hear of C. hear about D. think of3. A. time B. place C. beginning D. best4. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend5. A. none of B. not all of C. no one of D. all of6. A. understand B. think C. give D.

19、 take7. A. that B. ones C. those D. these8. A. easy B. easily C. not easy D. easy enough9. A. think B. know C. become D. feel10.A. not have B. dont have C. wont have D. havent 四、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给出的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)ADo you get enough sleep? With so much homework, its

20、 often difficult to get the rest you need. But you need to try, because sleep keeps you healthy and it stops you from getting fat. Recently, a group of US scientists did a study of kids aged between 8 and 13. The study found that if kids sleep for just one extra hour each day, the chance of their ge

21、tting fat is cut by about 30 percent.Why? When people dont get enough sleep, they become tired. When they are tired, they dont exercise enough. Also, kids like snacks. If they are awake(醒) one more hour or two each day, they have more time to eat snacks or other unhealthy foods.So, how much sleep sh

22、ould you get? Scientists suggest(建议 ) 10 to 11 hours a night for kids aged 5 to 12. For older kids, eight to nine hours will do.1. How many reasons are given why people might get fat without enough sleep?A. 3. B. 2. C. 1. D. None.2. What does “eight to nine hours will do“ mean?A. Eight to nine hours

23、 sleep will be good and B. Eight to nine hours sleep will be too long.C. Eight to nine hours sleep will help get fat.D. Eight to nine hours sleep will help eat snacks and unhealthy foods. :3. What does the passage talk about?A. How to get long sleep.B. How to keep fat.C. Enough sleep makes people he

24、althy and slim.D. Long sleep makes people healthy and slim.BWhen I was ten, my mother worked all day so I had to take care of my younger brother. At that time, my little brother was about four years old and he missed mum all the time.One day, after I had given him his dinner, he started crying for m

25、um. He was so young and really needed mum. So I dressed him, put on his shoes, carried him on my back and walked out. Soon he fell asleep. About half an hour later, I found that he had lost a shoe while sleeping. I took him off my back and put him down. I knew we needed to find that shoe, for our mo

26、ther couldnt afford(买得起) new shoes. We had to go back to find it, so I told my brother to wait right there. A man heard it and stopped me just before I walked off. He asked me, “Are you leaving your brother here to find the shoe? What would you do if he is not here when you come back?” I did not kno

27、w how to answer that question. He continued, “Its OK if you cant find the shoe, but it is not OK to lose your brother.” Then he sent us to mums workplace by taxi.21 教育名师原创作品My whole life I have depended(依靠) on the kindness of many strangers(陌生人), I feel regretful that I can not find them and say tha

28、nk you. I do not even remember what the mans face looked like, but he taught me a lessonpeople are more important than things.4. Why did the younger brother cry for his mother?A. Because he was hungry B. Because he missed his motherC. Because he wanted to sleep D. Because he wanted to play outside5.

29、 What does the underlined word “regretful” in the last paragraph?A. Sorry B. Happy C. Excited D. Angry6. What did the man mean by saying “Its OK if you cant find the shoe, but it is not OK to lose your brother.”?A. Things are more important than peopleB. People are more important than things.C. Both

30、 the shoe and your brother are important.D. The shoe is more important than your brother.CAmerican and British people both speak English of course. But sometimes it does not seem like the same language. In fact, there are some important differences between British English and American English.First

31、of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans dont say each word separately. They say several words together. Americans may say “I dunno” instead of “I dont know”. Or they may say “Whadaya say?” instead of “What did you say?” However, the British are more careful in their speech. They usually

32、say all the words and keep them separate.Sound is not only the difference between British and American English. Words sometimes have different meanings too. Some American words are never used in England. The same thing is true of some British words in America. For example, the vocabulary (词汇) for ca

33、rs and driving is very different. Americans drive trucks, but in English people drive lorries.Many expressions are also different in the two countries. In England, if you are going to telephone your friends, you “phone them up”. In America, you “give them a call”. When you are saying goodbye in Engl

34、and, you might say “Cheerio!” In America you might say “See you later.”Therere also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans usually use the helping verb “do” when they ask a question. They say “Do you have a storybook?” But the British often leave out the helping verb. They say “Have you

35、 a storybook?”All these differences can be confusing(易混淆的) if you are learning English. But most languages are like this. Languages change over time. When people live separate places, the languages change in different ways. This is what has happened to English. It can also happen to other languages,

36、 such as French. Many people in Canada speak French but their French is very different from the French of France.7. What does the word “separately” mean in this passage? It means_A. 含糊的 B.快速的 C.分开的 D.简略的8. The vocabulary for cars and driving is _A. an example of British EnglishB. an example of Ameri

37、can EnglishC. the same in America and EnglandD. not the same in America and England9. Languages _A. are always changing as time passesB. keep unchanged even if time changesC. are the same in all placesD. are easy to learn10. This passage is mainly about _A. English vocabularyB. how American sounds a

38、re different from British sounds21 教育网C. the way the British say wordsD. some differences between American and British English第 II 卷 主观题(共 35 分)五、词汇运用 (本大题共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,共 8 分)(A) 根据句意和中文注释,写出所给单词的正确形式。1. My sister hopes to be a _ (社会) worker.2. Can you talk to Tom about anything? -Yes, he can keep

39、_ (秘密).3. Millies dream is to become an _ (杰出的) teacher when she grows up.4. I think the boy is too young and he cant sit _(自始至终) the whole morning.(B) 根据句意, 写出所给单词的适当形式。5.Suzy has a pair of _(smile) eyes, she always looks happy6.The weather is even (bad) today than yesterday.7. Lei Feng is one of t

40、he greatest _(hero) I like.8We all know Shakespeare was, of course, a _(Britain) writer.六、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,共 8 分)1. Im glad we (visit) the museum. Im looking forward to the trip.2.We should spend as much time as we can _ (read) English.3. There _(be) a new film in Wanda Cinema

41、 this evening, isnt there?4.Its better to give than _(receive)5.They _ (offer) him a very good job, but he turned it down.6.The baby _ (cry) in the bedroom. Can you make him stop crying?7.-Great! Your voice _(sound) better. - Thanks. I drank lots of water this morning.8.Wechat is like _(talk) to a p

42、erson in front of you.七、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共 6 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分)1. 他有足够的耐心倾听我的问题。He is _ _ to listen to my problem.2. 我们不应该说任何人的坏话。We should not _ _ _ _ about anyone.3. 我的学校比 Daniel 的学校暑假少放几个星期。My school has _ _ _ for the summer holiday than Daniels4. 他是个有幽默感的人,和他在一起你不会感到无聊。He has _, youll

43、never feel bored with him.5. 当我们在课上和同学们讨论问题时,时间似乎过得更快。Time _ when we discuss problems with classmates in class.6. 他为什么总是犯同样的错误?Why did he keep _?八、阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。每个空格只能填一个单词。(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)The Chinese are very generous when it comes to educating(教育) their child

44、ren. Some parents send their children to the best schools or even countries, such as , England, The Us or Australia. But it is very expensive. Many also want their children to go to after-school classes.However, most parents dont see that the best education is usually very cheap. Parents should know childrens different skills. Children will usually be good in some areas but poor in others. Most parents fail to


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