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1、1师大附中博才实验中学 2013-2014 学年第一学期九年级第四次月考试题卷英语考试时间:120 分钟 试题满分:120 分第一部分 听力技能 (共两节,计 25 分)第一节 听力选择(15 小题,计 15 分)根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案回答问题。听下面 5 段对话,每听完一段对话后完成 1 个小题。( ) 1. How will Bob go to New York?A B C( ) 2. Whats the womans favorite weather? A B C( ) 3. Where are they talking?A. In the street. B. In a s

2、hop. C. In a library. ( ) 4.What is the girl like?A. She is shy. B. She is outgoing. C. She is confident. ( ) 5. What kind of food does Tom like?A. The food that tastes good. B. The food that is made well.C. The food that is healthy. 听第六段对话,回答第 6 - 7 小题。( ) 6. What kind of music does Lisa like?A. Ro

3、ck music. B. Country music. C. Pop music. ( ) 7. When will the concert begin?A. At 7:30 on Sunday evening. B. At 8:00 on Sunday evening. C. At 8:30 on Saturday evening. 听第七段对话,回答第 8 - 9 小题。( ) 8. When is the cleaning job?A. Every Monday. B. Every Saturday. C. Every Sunday. ( ) 9. What will the boy d

4、o then?A. Do some cleaning. B. Do some reading. C. Do some repairing. 听第八段对话,回答第 10 - 12 小题。( ) 10. What does Jack find difficult?2A. The Chinese homework. B. The math homework. C. The English homework.( ) 11. Why do they want to work together?A. Because they want to help each other. B. Because they

5、 like keeping busy.C. Because the teacher asks them to do so. ( ) 12. How often will they meet for the study group?A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 听第九段对话,回答第 1315 小题。( ) 13. What did Nick do in the early morning?A. He washed some clothes. B. He cleaned the house. C. He cooked

6、 breakfast.( ) 14. What does Jane think of Nick?A. She thinks he works hard. B. She thinks he is always lazy. C. She thinks he is funny.( ) 15. How did Jane feel in the end?A. She was very happy. B. She was very angry. C. She was very excited.第二节 笔录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过 3 个单词。(5 小题,计 10 分)Custo

7、ms in different countriesRome and Italy At coffee shops, people usually 16._ when they drink coffee.India Women wear rings 17. _ to show they are married.Most parts of 18._ Its not OK to touch (触摸) peoples 19. _, especially childrens.Bangladesh(孟加拉国) People use their 20. _ to eat or pass things to o

8、thers.第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计 25 分)第一节 语法填空 (15 小题,计 15 分) 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。( ) 21. _ English is _ useful language which is used most widely in the world.A. The; a B. /; a C. /; an( ) 22. Can you tell me where the hospital is?Im sorry. I dont know. Please ask _.A. else everyone B. else someone C. some

9、one else( ) 23.Many families cant afford a house _ the house price gets much lower. A. unless B. because C. if ( ) 24.Did you have any trouble _ with others when you were in New York?A. talk B to talk C. talking( ) 25. This new kind of ice-cream tastes _ and sells _.A. well; well B. good; well C. we

10、ll; good ( ) 26. _ you want to do in the future, you should work hard now.A. Whatever B. Whenever C. However ( ) 27. My sister likes red very much. This red skirt belongs to _.A. she B. her C. hers ( ) 28. This pair of glasses_be Marys. She has good sight.A. can B. mustnt C. cant ( ) 29. You should

11、turn off the lights when you leave the room. Leaving the lights _ is a waste.A. on B. up C. off ( ) 30. _ fine weather it is! Lets go for a picnic!A. What a B. What C. How ( ) 31. _ foreigners come to China to visit the Great Wall every year. A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Two thousands 3( ) 32.

12、Carol is my best friend and I trust her most. She is the only person _ knows my secret.A. which B. whom C. that( ) 33. Dont throw your things everywhere. _.A. Put them up. B. Put off them. C. Put them away( ) 34. How long _ you _ TV by the time I called you?For three hours. A. had; watched B. have;

13、watched C. have; watch( ) 35. Excuse me. Could you tell me _? You can take No.405 Bus.A. when I can get to the Xiangya Hospital B. how can I get to the Xiangya Hospital C. how I can get to the Xiangya Hospital 第二节 词语填空 (10 小题,计 10 分) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A British student has a n

14、ew invention. It can make children do more 36 and spend less time watching TV. The technology (技术) is 37 “Square-eyes”. It is a little sensor (感应器) and it is put in childrens 38 . It can store the information that how many steps a child has taken during the day and 39 the information to the family c

15、omputer. Software (软件) then tells the 40 how many hours of TV he or she can watch that evening. If the child walks one hundred steps, then he can watch TV for one minute. 41 children use up all of their TV time, they have to do more walking. The inventor, Gillian Swan, says,“This will 42 children to

16、 make exercise part of their daily lives from an early age.”She said that ten years ago, children were 43 because they often played outside 44 their friends, while todays children 45 too much time in front of the TV and dont take enough exercise. This means that todays children become fatter and fat

17、ter. ( ) 36. A. games B. studies C. exercise( ) 37. A. produced B. named C. replied( ) 38. A. shoes B. glasses C. hats ( ) 39. A. take B. bring C. send( ) 40. A. child B. student C. woman ( ) 41. A. Although B. So C. When ( ) 42. A. agree B. help C. ask( ) 43. A. taller B. healthier C. cleaner ( ) 4

18、4. A. for B. by C. with( ) 45. A. spend B. take C. cost 第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计 40 分)第一节 阅读选择 ( 10 小题,计 20 分) 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。A“My dear dad, where are we going?” This has become the most popular question recently.Its a line(台词) from the theme song of Hunan TV stations show Where A

19、re We Going, Dad? “All of my classmates are big fans,” said Ning Yun, 14, from Guangxi. “On Fridays, we remind each other: dont forget to watch it tonight!”In the show, five pairs of fathers and kids go to strange places and finish interesting tasks.Its also about growing up. Clumsy fathers learn to

20、 cook and take care of their kids. The kids learn about 4teamwork and being independent (独立的). But growing up needs courage. In the show, 4-year-old Kimi finds it hard to finish his work alone.“When I saw Kimi looking for his dad, I feel sad,” said Chen Yufang, 13, from Guangxi. “It reminded me of m

21、y first night at the school dormitory (宿舍). I really felt the pain(痛苦) of growing up that night.”When people see the fathers trying to help their kids, they are also moved.Tian Xiaofeng, 14, from Jiangsu, said his father is like Guo Tao in the program. “He is strict. And I was sad about it,” he said

22、. But now he sees it in a different way.“Guo Taos son looks strong and independent. I think his way of educating(教育) works. And I guess my father just wants me to be like that,” he said.On the journey of life, kids learn to grow up, and adults learn to be better parents. Maybe we can plan a trip wit

23、h our parents. Shall we go?( ) 46. Where Are We Going, Dad? is a _.A. TV show B. movie C. play( ) 47. The underlined word “clumsy” means “_” in Chinese. A. 笨手笨脚的 B. 灵活的 C. 愚蠢的( ) 48. Whose father is like Guo Tao in the program?A. Ning Yuns B. Chen Yufangs C. Tian Xiaofengs( ) 49. Which of the follow

24、ing is NOT true?A. After seeing the show Tian Xiaofeng can understand his father.B. Its not easy for Guo Taos son to finish his work alone.C. On the journey of life, both kids and parents need to learn to grow up.( ) 50. What is the best title of this passage?A. Growing up together. B. Being togethe

25、r. C. Traveling together. B阅读下列图片,做 51-52 小题。( ) 51. This activity will last _ days.A.8 B. 18 C.25( ) 52. According to the poster, we cant _.A. let off fireworks B. sing with American pop singers C. watch exciting Chinese dragon danceCome and enjoy a happy traditional Chinese New Year!Here you canha

26、ve delicious Chinese mealswatch exciting Chinese dragon dancelet off fireworksSing and dance with some famous Chinese singers and dancers.Time : 18:0023:00 Date : Jan.18Jan.25 Ticket : 95 RMB5阅读下列图片,做 53-55 小题。FOR SALE3028 Hull Court, Center Street Tracy, Tel : 95377$150,0004 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms18

27、00 square feet,New Paint Fireplace Storage shedA gardenClose to schools and shopping, five minutes walk to the bus stop( ) 53. How much is the house?A. $30,028 B. $95,377 C. $150,000 ( ) 54. The house has the following things EXCEPT _.A. a swimming pool B. fireplace C. a garden( ) 55. Which of the f

28、ollowing is TRUE?A. The house is far away from schools.B. There are no shopping places nearby.C. There is a bus stop near the house. 第二节 摘录要点 ( 5 小题, 计 10 分)Theatre is a great source of entertainment(娱乐) in human history. Here are the four greatest theatres in the world.The Liceo de BarcelonaThis th

29、eatre is in Barcelona, Spain. It is one of the oldest and best theatres in the world. It is the oldest theatre, tradition and pride of Barcelona. The most famous opera singers in the world have stood on the stage. It is a meeting place for the powerful people.The Sydney Opera HouseThe Sydney Opera h

30、ouse is well-known for its modern building. It is in Sydney, Australia. It was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 20 October, 1973. The first opera performed there was War and Peace in September of that year. The Opera House can hold 1,547 people.The Burg TheatreThis famous theatre is in Vienna, the la

31、nd of classical music. Vienna is the capital of music. This theatre was once named Coliseum Hofburg Theatre. But in the year of 1918, it was named to be known as the Burg theatre.Teatro la FeniceThis is one of the best theatres in the world. Its in Venice, Italy. It is also a historic and very old t

32、heatre of Italy. It was built from 1790 to 1792.It can hold about 1,500 people.The four greatest theatres in the world56._ Location(地点) FeatureThe Liceo de Barcelona In Barcelona, Spain Its one of the theatres and 57._ for the powerful people.The Sydney Opera House In Sydney, 58._ Its well-known for

33、 its modern building.59._ In Vienna It was once named Coliseum Hofburg Theatre.Teatro la Fenice In Venice, Italy Its a 60._ theatre.6第三节 回答问题 ( 5 小题计 , 10 分)阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。 In winter, many animals like to sleep. But their sleeps can be very long and deep. This kind of sleep is called hibernati

34、on (冬眠).During this kind of sleep, their temperatures go down, and hearts beat slowly. They take very small breaths.Animals can hibernate for part or all of the winter. Its hard for them to find things to eat. When they go to sleep, they dont need much food.Bears, hedgehogs (刺猬) and chipmunks (花栗鼠)

35、go to sleep in their homes. Frogs and snakes hibernate, too. Frogs move into the earth under water to keep themselves warm.Before they go to sleep, they eat a lot to get fat (脂肪). Some also keep food in their homes to eat later.Bears are the biggest animals that hibernate. They often sleep in caves.

36、 Bears must eat a lot of things like nuts before going to sleep for a long time. They eat as much as 300 apples (thats the same as 60 hamburgers) each day for many weeks. They can eat for 20 hours a day!Bears can go into a very deep sleep. It can last from three months to half a year. During that ti

37、me they do not eat, drink or go to the toilet. A mother bear can give birth to (生) babies during her hibernation.Other animals sleep less. Sometimes they wake up to eat, or take a walk. Then they go to sleep again.61. Do many animals like to sleep in winter?62. Why do animals hibernate for the winte

38、r?63. Where do frogs move when they hibernate?64. How much do bears eat each day before going to sleep?65. How long can bears deep sleep last?第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计 30 分)第一节 翻译语篇 (5 小题,计 10 分)A young woman in her twenties was sitting on the train, next to her mother. 66. 他们看起来很累但是很兴奋. The young woman was l

39、ooking out from the trains window. Suddenly, she shouted: “Mom, look, the trees are behind us!” 67. Her voice was so loud that everyone on the train heard. Mom smiled. But a young couple (夫妻) sitting nearby looked at the young womans childish behavior (行为) with pity (同情). “Poor young woman. 68. Ther

40、e must be something wrong with her mind,” they thought.A while later, the young woman shouted again: “Mom, look! The clouds are running with us!” Mom smiled again. And she seemed very happy with the young womans words.Finally, the couple couldnt help asking the old woman: “Sorry if we offend (冒犯) yo

41、u. But why dont you take your daughter to a good doctor?”The old woman smiled and said: “Actually, we have just come from the hospital.”“Then you should go to a better one. Because it seems that your daughters situation hasnt improved,” said one of them. They felt so bad for the old woman.“No, in fa

42、ct Im very happy with the treatment (治疗),” said the mother. “My daughter was blind (失明的) from birth. 69. 今天,她第一次看到这个世界.”Every single person has a story. 70. Dont judge (评判) people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you. 66. 767. 68. 69. 70. 第二节 完成对话 (5 小题,计 10 分)根据上下文和你的实际情况把下面的对话补

43、充完整。A: Hello, Jim! 71._?B: Hello, Kate! Im reading a book. My favorite hobby is reading books.A: Me, too. What kind of books do you like?B: I like all kinds of books. 72._?A: My favorite book is Harry Potter. By the way, Im going to the bookstore to buy some books tomorrow. 73._?B: Id love to. 74. _? A: Lets meet outside the school gate at 7:30 tomorrow morning.B: OK, see you tomorrow.A: 75. _! 第三节 情景作文(10 分)假如你是李华,你的笔友 Tom 即将来长沙度假,他想了解长沙的地方特色,请你写一封 E-mail,从美食、娱乐和景点等方面做简要介绍。要求: 语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整; 文中不得出现你的真实校名和姓名; 词数 6080;Dear Tom, Im very glad to know that youre coming to Changsha soon. _


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