Curriculum—embedded Assessment of Bilingual Teaching Process in Private Universities.doc

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1、1Curriculumembedded Assessment of Bilingual Teaching Process in Private UniversitiesAbstract. A number of recent research reports tell that students receiving bilingual education in universities are not as superior in both English proficiency and expertise as what educators have expected. Researches

2、 take different views about reasons for the unsatisfactory result, what many researches, however, agree upon is, that teaching process of teachers gets vital influence on students results. In my research I focus on the comprehensive view and procedures of teaching and make a close reservation in the

3、 classroom in order to follow the teaching process and to judge its quality. In particular, I go deeper into the communication in the classroom at private universities and focus on how the teacher manages to manifest the subject content bilingually. Based on the analysis from observation, I try to s

4、tudy what types of factors that constitutes conditions and limitations for a successful communication for bilingual teaching. Key words: bilingual teaching, teaching process, communication, factors 21 Introduction Bilingual education in private university is often the attraction to recruit new stude

5、nts, thus much attention is paid to effective teaching of bilingual teachers or students effective learning in a classroom. Effective teaching is based on principles of learning which is hardly separated into a definite and coherent number of steps. Sometimes, learning occurs almost instantaneously,

6、 and other times it is acquired only through long, patient study and diligent practice. The teaching process, on the other hand, can be divided into steps. Although there is disagreement as to the detailed steps, examination of the various lists of steps in the teaching process reveals that differen

7、t researchers are saying essentially the same thing: the teaching of new material can be reduced to planning and preparation, communication, application and self-reflection which can also be demonstrated in pedagogical, subject matter and didactical aspects. Among the existing research, much concern

8、 is relied on a question of pure basic research as well as testing didactical hypotheses for evaluation or creating specific material or methods for single or interdisciplinary monolingual courses. From this multitude of research, I have reverted to a praxis orientated 3research approach as the focu

9、s, namely to study the teachers instruction or performance in the curriculum-embedded classroom. Bilingual education is a relatively recent area of research in China and in private universities. Research within this area was previously conducted by pedagogues who often used the bilingual education f

10、or cases studies at pubic primary school or universities. Until now, relatively little research has been carried out in private universities concerning bilingual education, let alone teaching process and its assessment, which makes this study impressing and critical. 2 Teaching Process A common idea

11、 in teacher training has been that that a person who masters on the one hand subject knowledge and on the other pedagogy, should automatically be a good teacher of this subject. Ball and Bass (2000) have objections to that common, but according to them, erroneous view. The integration of knowledge a

12、nd teaching proficiency required to teach is simple and happens in course of the experience, which in fact, however, it does not happen easily, and often not happens at all. Thus studying the teaching process is a rather complex activity and the study of bilingual teaching process is 4harder to imag

13、ine. For that reason there is no coherent theory that explains all of this complexity. In my research I integrate the professional perspective of teaching and try to illustrate all important and necessary factors in each step of teaching process. 2.1 Planning and Preparation For each lesson or instr

14、uctional period, the instructor must prepare a lesson plan. Traditionally, this plan includes a selecting instructional goals or objectives, designing coherent instruction, and preparation facilities to be used during the lesson as well as the means to be used for review and evaluation. Objectives a

15、re needed to bring the unit of instruction into focus. The instructor can organize the overall instructional plan by writing down the objectives and making certain that they flow in a logical sequence from beginning to end. It also allows persons outside the process to see and evaluate what is suppo

16、sed to take place. In addition, recent pedagogic researches pay much attention to the acquiring knowledge of students to see what pre-knowledge students have learned and how to make logical connection between knowledge of the past and the upcoming, which can help instructor to anticipate what might

17、constitute the difficult for students 5during the classroom communication or to value students learning capability. Also, what teachers are required to prepare should include update knowledge related to the curriculum. 2.2 Instruction or Communication and Application The nature of the subject matter

18、 and the objective in teaching it normally determine the method of instruction. Instruction is the process that instructor uses method chosen to make students known to a great extent what textbook reads. Traditionally, the method is limited to the lecture method, the demonstration-performance method

19、, and the guided discussion. The lecture method is suitable for presenting new material, for summarizing ideas, and for showing relationships between theory and practice. While the demonstration-performance method is desirable for teaching a skill, which the instructor would first demonstrate a proc

20、edure and then the student would have an opportunity to perform the same procedure. Another form of instruction is the guided discussion which is used in a classroom situation. It is a good method for encouraging active participation of the students. Whatever method or combination the instructor emp

21、loys, the instruction purpose is almost the same: 6communicating accurately, demonstrating flexibly, and engaging students in learning through using questioning and discussion techniques and providing feedbacks to students. And application is where the student uses what the instructor has presented.

22、 Furthermore, before the instructor begins his or her performance mentioned above, creating the classroom environment could help the instruction greatly. This procedure consists of organizing physical space, creating an environment of respect and rapport, establishing a culture for learning and mana

23、ging students behavior. 2.3 Self-reflection Before the end of the class, the instructor should review what has been covered during the lesson and require the students to demonstrate how well the lesson objectives have been met. Evaluation is an integral part of each classroom. More likely, the evalu

24、ation will be formal and results recorded to certify the students progress in the course as well as communication with students. Any advances and deficiencies should be noted at the conclusion of the lesson. Failure to make students aware of their progress, or lack of it, may create a barrier that c

25、ould impede further instruction. In order to improve the teaching profession, the instructor could communicate with peers to discuss problems in teaching 7after the class. These conducts are based on the strong professional responsibility of teachers. 3 Method The four steps constitute a comprehensi

26、ve and consecutive procedure of teaching process, in which novice and veteran teachers involve different time and diligence for each step. Similarly, bilingual teachers need contribute more to each class. As mentioned above, this study will take a praxis orientated research approach as the focus, na

27、mely to study the bilingual teachers instruction or performance in the curriculum-embedded classroom in private universities. So the overall aim of my work was to study how teachers, during bilingual lessons, communicate with their students in order to support them in the learning process and also t

28、o establish the conditions that should exist in the learning environment in relation to this communication. Therefore, the focus of this study relies on communication and application, while the planning and preparation and self-reflection could accomplish through interview before and after the class

29、. Thus this research demands data as followed: recording of the class communication or instruction, analysis of tasks textbook required and students solved during the 8lesson, interview of teachers for selected goals and after-class refection. For that purpose, I choose junior students bilingual tea

30、ching at Oxbridge College, KUST, a college with good reputation of bilingual education. In particular, courses of bilingual education here is limited to economical and management subjects for the sake of understanding the classroom communication. And teachers of bilingual education are all novices w

31、ith 1 to 3 years teaching experience. Before each class, the teacher is interviewed to introduce the goals of this class and the techniques prepared. Also, the material ready to be instructed in the textbook is examined. During the classroom teaching, recording is accompanied from the beginning to t

32、he end for memorizing how the teacher communicates with students during classroom teaching. Thereafter, the teacher is interviewed again for self-evaluation for the whole class and suggestions for future lesson and 60% students are invited to express their response to the lesson. 4 Conclusion As is

33、what they are supposed to do, bilingual teachers in my research endeavored themselves to individualize their 9teaching performance, to find encouraging and interesting ways to make students involved in teaching, and to make the instruction concrete and understandable. Nevertheless, a more elaborate

34、analysis reveals the following main deficiencies or problems: Firstly, due to lack of time, the teachers often started to explain things without too much review of the core contents instructed at last course or without listening to the students real problems. For that reason, teachers often explaine

35、d other problems instead of what students puzzled, which made the beginning of a class routine and dull. Secondly, the verbal language of English used by teachers showed a gradual going-down trend in a class. Most of bilingual teachers, when preparing the class, worry about students capability of un

36、derstanding the subject matter in English, all contents were written in both English and Chinese on PPT. The fact is that most students in private universities are poor in English and lead to be scared of communicating in English. Thus teachers adjusted the language proportion with the proceeding of

37、 the class and spoke more Chinese the mother language in accordance with students response. What makes it serious is that in most cases even bilingual teachers could express 10something in regulating English language designed for controlling for classroom discipline, rather than in professional Engl

38、ish for this subject accurately and properly. Thirdly, the communication between teachers and students was not as desirable as planned since students might neither understand what teachers have said nor be less confident to express themselves in English. Dilemma often occurred in the classroom accor

39、dingly, especially when teachers encouraged students to answer questions in English. Fourthly, students paid too much time and attention to annotate new vocabularies or sentences, which deviated their attention from the subject matter in the classroom and resulted in vague understanding of it and po

40、or application of theory in the textbook into practice or into case analysis what teachers have often designed for testing students. Lastly, students often unconsciously rotated between subject instruction and language explanation by teachers, since these teachers are inexperienced in either teaching or bilingual teaching. Thus, the result mentioned above, based on the observation of the teaching process, could best illustrate reasons for the existing complains of bilingual teaching. Although teachers try every possibility to prepare,


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