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1、Lesson 131. Three gin and tonics.2. Because drinks are not served before 12 oclock midday.1. The table-cloth is very dirty.2. Soup stains.3. Yes. He is going to change it immediately.1. He cant understand how 10 marks plus 12 marks plus 65 marks 50 pennies can add up to 177 marks 50 pennies.2. He ad

2、mits the mistake and apologizes for it.1. left school2wrote his first book, Rag Doll.3. went to Indonesia4. met his wife5. bought a farm6. started making documentaries for TV7. published his 2nd novel, The Cold Earth.8. made the film Eastern Moon 1. A new fridge2. not more than 140 cm high.3. 50cm w

3、ide and 130 cm high.4. 129 pounds.5. Yes.20-25, medium good-looking long mid-20s tall dark handsome1. Perfect Partners Ltd2. Both of them want a friend of the opposite sex.3. Yes. They are husband and wife.5. 25 pounds47 Riverside Road, London SE1 4LP.10th May, 1989Dear Chris,Thanks for your letter.

4、 Im sorry I havent answered it sooner but writing is difficult at the moment. I fell off my bike last week and broke my arm. It isnt anything serious and Ill be OK in a few weeks.Your holiday sounds fantastic. Im sure youll enjoy it. Some one at work went to Jamaica last year and had a wonderful tim

5、e. When are you going exactly? I hope youll have good weather.There isnt really much more news from here. Ill write a longer letter in a few weeks. Send me a postcard and give my regards to everyone.YoursKim.Lesson 141. Geneva 2. By air 3. Because he prefers morning flights. 4. 9:20 5. 8:151. To hav

6、e some more chicken. 2. She wants to be slimming. 3. A very small piece.1. A cup of tea 2. Coffee 3. He wants milky coffee without sugar.1. Black coffee 2. Yes. A portion of strawberry tart. 3. Because they need her service.Steak and ice-cream bank office, ground floor, International, 9:30 a.m. 3:00

7、 p.m , he was late for breakfast, make it hurries Browning, 5:30 tomorrow, 12:00 noon, ones departure, keep the room 3:00 p.m.Hendersons car will be ready by 6 p.m. Thursday.Mr. Adams mother-in-law is arriving on ThursdayThe ad will be in Fridays paper, 13th of the month.baked bean, 100 tinsAll her

8、food is to be delivered to her house.This afternoon. Forty-eight tinsBecause she wants to save the food for war.Because she cant stand fish.enquire. inquire, acquire, require, request, get down on ones kneessailor, a pub, Liverpool, very drunk, around 11 p.m., midnight, on his hands and knees, there

9、, my wallet, down there, in that street, here, demanded, the light85, millionaire, an American university, a long, healthy life, very rich at the same time, secret, simple, save every, the audience, all those things, , 39, explain that, for a moment, long enoughLesson 15Dialogue1: Vienna, first clas

10、s, BE 502 9:25 Heathrow F T F Dialogues2-4: meat pie, tea, cheese cake, c a c F T F F, hardly eatendelicious, I ought to, a nice cup of tea, Id love one. tempting, wouldnt mindDialogue 5: b a bDialogue 6 F T F F owe to, one from, OK, have one of mine Dialogue 7: c a c c Dialogue 8:b c, eleven, ten t

11、o one tomorrow Dialogue 9: F T F F in particular, appeals, that kind of, might be, Id need referencesTidy upinterfere with, interpret: explain the likely meaning, interruptIn a restaurant. Three. A waiter and two customersa man and a woman.house wine, half of bitter, soup, steak,. come this way, do

12、for you, order, starters, your steak done, the wine listJames 22bus conductress winner of this years London to Brighton cycle race.the age of 5 self-taughtbought by herself by working overtimeto have a long hot bath and relaxmake remarks/comments onThe girl interrupts when he is talking.The girls cl

13、othesThe girl is wearing make-up.The girls way of doing homework.The girls friends and favorite records.Dictation: Philip is a very interesting boy. He is clever but he doesnt like school. He hates studying but he is very keen on learning new practical skills. In his spare time he often repairs moto

14、rbikes. He likes helping the neighbours in their vegetable gardens, too. Lesson 16Dialogue1: c c; Dialogue 2:a c c b Dialogue 3: 1. In a post office 2. She wants to send a greetings telegram to Germany and buy a book of stamps and half a dozen air mail labels. 3. 75 pence (pound) dollar-cent influen

15、zaDialogue 4: b a b c cDialogue 5: F F F TDialogue 6: b c Dialogue 7: F T F T Dialogue 8: 1. They are roommates. 2. His radio is terribly loud and he often uses the first speakers soap.3. To turn down his radio in a fraction and to buy his own soap.disturbing, felt so stronglysoup, dress, the day af

16、ter tomorrow, on earthdry cleaning, tomorrow morning, the same day, arrange it, madam,really, wonderfulan early call, fix that for, waking device, at the head of, set it toa Maxi Quarterpounder a banana long boat cold milkcheeseburger green salad cola(2)(a+e+c); (1+6+4)(b+d+f); (5+3)portablecatching

17、 the same train in the morning; sitting in the same office all daywatching the same television programs, they hunted for their food, they grew their own vegetables, they did things for themselves.The same sort of job, no various-variety, he needs a holidayanxious, anxietyportable, c, c, b, aT, FFTFe

18、ncyclopediaDictation1. What was the worst problem you encountered in your present job? 2. How did you handle it?3. Why do you want to leave your present job?4. What are you most proud of having done in your present job?5. Why do you think you are qualified for this job?6. What sort of boss would you

19、 most like to work for?7. Supposing a member of your staff was frequently away from work, claiming to be ill, what action would you take?8. If you were working as a part of the team, what unspoken rules of behavior would you observe?9. How long do you plan to stay in this job?shake, tremble, quiver,

20、 shiverseasick, airsick, be bound to do sthLesson 173 pence 82 pencepostage, Thailand, check, need, else, 1.Because the other person has the TV so loud.2. Because the other one took it away without permissionhave, so loud, trying to sleepI really ought to have known better. have, so loud, trying sle

21、ep3. Sam. He still feels homesick. In England. think, life in England, feeling, homesick, bound, strange, first4. b, were off, soon, stay a little longer, late already, shame5. a, quite catch, out of your way, on my way home 6. a, shivery, pain, stomach, had it, best part, a week fairy tale, folk st

22、ory, science fictionIts time that you got up/left.I would rather that you painted the door grey.ascend/go up, descend/go down, decrease/increase, switch on/off/toguts:couragehave/get a crush on:be in love with get down on ones kneesleave out1. a, c, b, b, sort of start withWould you prefer2. b, a, c

23、, b,a reserve, for five, Im afraid, serve lunch, 3 p.m., 2 oclock, by a window3. c, c, a, c, ba table for two, At what time, Kryzkoviak, look forward toB. a, c, c, c, F T T FC. F, F, T, Fccbcba,descended, through, landed in the middle, a green, put on, opened, climbed, down, stepped onto, took off,

24、helmets, breathed, stuck, take offDictationThere were angry scenes yesterday outside No. 10 Downing Street as London school teachers protested about their salaries and conditions. London teachers are now in the second week of their strike for better pay. Tim Burston, BBC correspondent for education

25、was there.correspondence,keep correspondence with , correspondence courseLesson 181. c, Not lunch, have, new brand.2. a, Believe, take in, Nine, per week, heating Friday 3. a, wonder, fit me in, tomorrow, 4: b, needed, part-timers, hotel, some sort, look back in, 5. b, How like, like, washed, leave

26、as it is6. In a department store, A brown suede jacketBecause it is sold out, but the promises to ring him if any more gets in.Served, in the way brown suede forty-two, sold right out, likely, getting in7. 54655, To tell Mary that John rang herthe line, out8. No. Yes. have a word with/have words wit

27、h, June, Rightresidentresidentboard, broad, ccbac1. Malinen, Finnish, waitress, Hotel Scandinavia, 1976-1980, brushing up her English2. five, bringing in the dishes, serving, looking after the bills. 40 pounds a week, a free evening meal, the manF, F, T, Fccabbccbtone, tune, melody, pitch, rhythmCom

28、e in. Oh, its you again, Tom. What have you done this time?Ive cut my finger and its bleeding a lot.Let me see, TomHmmm, that is a bad cut. I can clean it and put a plaster on it, but youll have to see the doctor.yellowish, longishillegal1. c, b, a, expecting, This way, 2. c, b, do for a living, giv

29、e legal advice, I see, a solicitor, you mean, was looking for, vocabulary, Im afraid. Never mind.3. T, F, T, F4. c, c, b, b, a,4-(3+7+10)-8-29- (1+6)-5Its not nearly as cold as yesterday.6. T, T, F, T7. Excuse me, the James Bond film, Do you happen to, how to find out, local paper, which page it is

30、on, Here it is, which performance8. b, a, c, b, 9. 1)The way to the swimming pool.2) No, she cannot because she is a stranger there.3) The man over there.4) On the other side of the road.b, c, c, a, c, b, b, b T: 2, 6, 8C, b, b, F, F, Frunning, sheepdog, started barking at, kick it out of the way, j

31、umped up, bit him, the leg, go to the doctor, it wasnt infected (with the virus)mildcatch ones breath, take a breath, out of breathLesson 19Doctor Sowanso is the Secretary General of the United Nations. Hes one of the busiest men in the world. Hes just arrived at New Delhi Airport now. The Indian Pr

32、ime Minister is meeting him. Later theyll talk about Asian problems.Yesterday he was in Moscow. He visited the Kremlin and had lunch with Soviet leaders. During lunch they discussed international politics. Tomorrow hell fly to Nairobi. Hell meet the President of Kenya and other African leaders. Hell

33、 be there for twelve hours.The day after tomorrow hell be in London. Hell meet the British Prime Minister and theyll talk about European economic problems. Next week hell be back at the United Nations in New York. Next Monday hell speak to the General Assembly about his world tour. Then hell need a

34、short holiday.bcab, cbaccbcab, cbacc3 War and Peace, The Empire Cinema, In the Entertainments Guide.4gotare; have been, a, will be able to, what the weathers like, nearly, goodness God bless you!5. acbc, 7.ccbb(7+4)-8(2+10)-6(1+5+9)1134, 6 ,Ta little longer, miss, hurry, Good gracious, again soon, m

35、ost kind ofon empty long roads; in traffic jams, for lights to change; in a good drivers car, to being a passengerenjoy, be fond of, dont mind, preferccbbhappened, sitting, into a conversation, a date, the same evening, a lot in common, same interests, the same thingshave much/little/a little/a loti

36、n commonBecause his boss has come into the office.Blackmail, burglary, fraud, hijacking, kidnapping, mugging, shoplifter, smuggler, appeal, caution, cell, death penalty, defense, imprisonment, innocent/guilty, probation prosecution, corporal punishment, solicitor/barrister/lawyerB a c b Cover charge

37、, beer, Starter ,main course, vegetables, Beer, Dessert cigarettes5. 6. 7. Beer 8. Dessert9. Cigarettescharged me twice, the figure of 5.50, here and then againcheck it for youdo too loud, want one, 2. a spider on the bread, catch it3. doing the backstroke the hot liquid kills meat rations, extra ch

38、argeLesson 20: Dictation: Every color has a meaning. And as you choose a color, you might like to remember that its saying something. Weve said that red is lovable. Green, on the other hand, stands for hope; it is tranquil. Pink is romantic, while brown is serious. White is an easy onewhite is pure.

39、 Orange is generous. Violet is mysterious, turquoise is strong and blue is definitely feminine. compound word, warm-hearted, hard-working blend smog; smoke+fog, motel, motor+hotelNBA, borrowing, .a good holiday abroad travelling around Europe.to get a job in advertising of some kinda temporary job f

40、or a year or soto save as much money as possibleas a waiter in a restaurantto open my own restaurant1. In the evening; 2. Victoria Hall; 3. The annual presentation of the Nurse of the Year Award.4.The first Nurse of the Year. 5. More than forty years6. Thirty years ago.7. Miss Helen Taylor; 8. Her s

41、enior officers, her colleagues and the parents of the children she nurses. 9. “Efficient but patient”, “helpful and happy”, “strict and caring”, “human and interested”10. Dame Alice Thorntonaward sb. sth., reward sb. for sth. salary, Lesson 21Dictation: Ours/Our perfume is a very expensive perfume.

42、When people see it or hear the name we want them to think of luxury. There are many ways to do this. You show a woman in a fur coat, in a silk evening dress, maybe covered in diamonds. You can show an expensive car, an expensive restaurant, or a man in a tuxedo. We decided to do something different.

43、 We show a beautiful woman, simply but elegantly dressed, beside a series of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, and it works. Because she is wearing the perfume, and because she is next to expensive and beautiful paintings, our perfume must be beautiful and expensive too. It does work.adjust oneself to

44、; adapt oneself to;luxuriousmake profitsLesson 22you see, something of a special, guest star, the tickets do cost 250 marks each, you would like one, a few back for the residents, Good Lord, 35 pounds, on second thoughts, a bottle of scotch to, entertain myselfScotch Whiskya bit of celebrationextrae

45、xtremely, attend to it right away, housekeeper, have been, with; not the(no), sort of thing, a well-run hotel199 pounds, 372 pounds 400 pounds, 103; 343; 311; 243;Holiday planning timeSomething interesting, something less expensiveTime and moneyabccacLondon, Kathmandu, London, ten weeks, 4th April,

46、1,100 pounds, specially adapted, sleeping, cooking, a shower system, six or eight months, controlDictation: I have always been interested in making things. When I was a child I used to enjoy painting, but I also liked makings things out of clay. I managed to win a prize for one of my paintings when

47、I was fourteen. That is probably the reason that I managed to get into art college four years later. But I studied painting at first, not pottery. I like being a potter because I like to work with my hands and feel the clay, I enjoy working on a potters wheel. Im happy working by myself and being near my home. I dont like mass-produced things. I think crafts and craftspeople are very important. When I left college I managed to get a grant from the Council, and I hope to


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