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1、“蓝鸽杯”口译大赛文本1.Commission and DiscountS: We believe that we need to do some work on this commodity. We would like to complete some further market research studies before making commitments to you in this regard.李:我们欣赏你的坦率,史密斯先生。你们什么时候想再讨论这个问题,我们都欢迎。S: Thank you. In our previous discussions, you mentio

2、ned that your minimum quantity of shipping this product is one 20-foot container. What would be your agents commission on these minimum quantity,李:我们可以给你代理的佣金,是销售价的 2%,所有这类产品都一样。S: But there will be a very considerable first time advertising expenditure, before the product becomes known and their us

3、ers begin to apply them.李:我们以前没有为我们的代理提供过你们所谓推销津贴的一笔钱。做我们的产品广告严格的说是代理的责任。2.PaymentS: As payment in International trade, they are generally four types of payment. They are cash in advance, documentary credit, documentary collection, and open account.李:你能简单解析一下吗?S: Cash in advance means that the buyer

4、 prepays the seller prior to shipment of goods. Documentary credit is to pay through a banks commitment a specific sum on behalf of the buyer under precisely define the conditions.李:我想我们不会选择第一种方式。这种方式将大风险推给了购买方,还有两种呢?S: Documentary commission is similar to international cash on delivery. Well, with

5、open account, the buyer agrees to pay for the goods with a destinate time after the shipment usually in 30, 60, or 90 days.李:信用证方式比较好,因为它是通过银行付款。S: Documentary collection is also a fair trade payment mode.李:你是建议我们可以在信用证跟 跟单托收这两种方式中选择?S: Yes, thats my personal opinion.3.Investment李:史密斯先生,您对本市进行了一个月的有

6、关投资环境的实地调查,有什么结论?S:Generally speaking, we felt that the city has been developed at a great speed. But we recognized that some 35% of the citys income still relies agriculture, which shows its underdeveloped side.李:是的,我们正在努力使我们的农业工业化,工业现代化,这就是我们需要建造一个大型电厂的原因,我们请求你们给与信贷建厂是因为我们资金短缺。S: We know that you

7、are implementing a great program of national development and we are ready to provide credit for the construction of your power station.李:这是个大好消息,有什么条件呢?S: The credit can be granted 3 years at 8.5% per aunum.李:这利率似乎超出了我们的预计,能不能减一点?S: We cant make you such consumption. We think 8.5% interest is quite

8、reasonable.4.Claim李:是关于你们公司送来的那 80 箱狮牌打火机的事情。S: Yes. Havent you received them?李:收到了。是 8 月 20 日到的。但遗憾的是只有 70 箱,而不是 80箱。S:Really? Have you checked with the on board shipping company?李:当然有。船运公司告诉我们装船的时候就是 70 箱。S: Well, it seems impossible.李:但这是事实。现在我们的客户正在等待着我们的供货。而因为数量短缺,我们无法供货。他们申诉我们没有按时供货导致他们失去了市场。S

9、: Oh, no.李:这是事实。我可以将船运公司的有关证件传真给你。S: Alright. I will look into it. Is there anything else?李:我们必须给我们的客户一些补偿,而我们也要向你们提出索赔。5.Logistics李:史密斯先生,我们现在讨论一下这批订货的最后一项内容运输,你对此有何想法?S: The order is for the Christmas market, so we hope it can meet the Christmas shopping time. How long does it usually take to send

10、 a shipping container from here to northeast part of America?李:根据天津海运部门发的小册子,不考虑台风等自然因素可能引起的任何麻烦,大概需要 40 天。今天是 9 月 6 日,如果我们在这个月的中旬或月底发货,或许会赶得上的。S: Probably? We dont want uncertain answers. We want something definite.李:我们还不知道有否舱位呢。所以我们尽快就此事询问一下海运部门,否则我们只好空运了。空运是最好,最快的途径。S: I know, but it is also the

11、most expensive. The increase of freight cost means the increase of the retail price, you know. I will not choose airfreight unless it is really necessary. So long as sea freight can meet my date, I will choose sea freight.6.S: We read your advertisement in China Daily Oct.21 and we would like to fin

12、d out if you could help us make contacts with manufactures in China, who are interested in processing toys?李:好的,有什么条件吗?S: We will supply drawings and samples. They should process them according to our drawings and samples.李:就这些吗?S: Certainly not. But I think we should discuss the other detailed term

13、s later with the manufacture, not now.李:不过为了给你们联系制造商,我们需要向制造商出示样品和制图,最好也能给他们说明其他的基本条件,制造商就可以一起考虑。S: This is no problem. Well send you these things right away through express mail. Will that be OK?李:我们可以给你联系一些在深圳的制造商。S: Shenzhen? I remember now. We had some transactions with a company there a few yea

14、rs ago. People there are efficient and faithful.7.InsuranceS: Ms. Li, now we have some insurance coverage issues to discuss with you.李:好的,我们做了充分的准备来回答您的问题。S: Now suppose we will pay the price you offered for the goods. How will the goods be issued?李:我们把货物的装载和运输费,也就是我们把货物安全抵达您指定的海港,当然这保险不包括卸货时的损失。S:

15、Could you explain the transportation insurance coverage?李:当然,这里的保险指的就是平安险,我们称之为 WPA.S: Does it cover any damage caused by natural disasters and accidents?李:通常包括。S: How about theft, pilferage, breakage and rain water damage?李:恐怕不包括,我是说,你们不需要这种保险。他们不是精细货物,不会遭到这些损害。S: You are probably right. On the oth

16、er hand, what about the delivery time insurance? What should we do if we could not receive the delivery in time?李:我们国家尚没有交货时间的保险,恐怕我们不能为你们办理这种险。8 Claim李:根据合同,我们在 2010 年 5 月 20 日就可以到船运公司提取这批机器,但实际上是 7 月 18 日才到货。这一拖延,严重影响了我们的项目进展,我们要求 100 万美元的赔偿。S: We are sorry about the delayed delivery. We failed to

17、 deliver the machines in time because of force majeure circumstances. Our vessel had run a ground and we put it under repair. Here is the certificate.李:但你们没有通知我们船只延误,给予我们补偿是你们的责任。S: We did. We did immediately notify you through fax. You should have checked your secretary.李:我们的传真机 24 小时都开着,但我们没有收到你们的

18、传真。S: We have here the contract, the original of the fax, and the Clean Bill of Lading.李:我们怎么能够相信这个传真是原件。你们完全可以在来之前就伪造一张,你们自己看看,纸是新的,印油也是新的。如果传真真的发了,你们应该有保存的原件。9 Compensation Trade李:史密斯先生,我们有高质量的棉花资源,很好的员工,廉价的劳动力,但我们还是满足不了市场的需求。S: Then I think you should expand your productivity.李:是的,但是我们用的国产梳棉机都是 2

19、0 世纪 60 年代设计的,生产能力低,式样单调,一些国外梳棉机生产能力高,但我们缺少资金。坦诚说,我们一直想和你做补偿贸易。S: Well, how many sets of dressing machines are you planning to import?李:大约十套。S: Ten sets? We dont think we will buy so many T-shirts a year from you for the same amount of money.李:哦,您不一定买价值 10 套梳棉机的 T-恤衫,你可以买你想要买的东西。S: You mean indirect

20、 product compensation trade? By the way, what brand of dressing machine are you going to take?李:我们还没决定,这要看你们是否同意。S: Then you have to consider carefully the brand, quantity, price, and all the relevant terms and conditions of the contract.10 Technology Transfer S: Well, Ms Li, your Jiaozi is so good

21、that it has become one of my favourite food. I wonder if it is possible for me to join your company. I mean you can have a branch in Australia. I want to introduce food to people there.李:你们澳大利亚在烹饪食物和加工食品方面有很高的技巧,如果你们懂得这方面的技术就可以自己制作。S: I dont quite understand. Are you suggesting you transfer the skil

22、l rather than let me join your company?李:正是,这样子对我们双方都更加方便。S: Then what kind of transfer would you suggest? Does the right to manufacture include the skill required to produce it?李:我们把商标卖给你怎么样?我是说,你可以用我们的牌子来给你们的店命名,我们还可以派一些专家去你们国家去培训你们的厨师和管理人员。S: It seems to me buying your brand and techniques suits

23、us better. I will consider it.11 About the goods (Packing)S: Ms Li, shall we talk something about the packing of these shirts now?李:好,我认为这批订货可以用聚乙烯衬里的纸箱来包装。S: You mean the outer packing?李:是的,你的意见呢?S: I mean both outer and inner. Now, we will discuss the outer packing first. Cartons are not strong en

24、ough. Most of them will be liable to get broken on arrival. I would therefore suggest that you wrap the cartons with double layers of thick polythene and strengthen them with double straps.李:好的,我们答应。实际上我们的包装箱都能防水,防渍和勾划。S: What will you do with the inner packing please? I mean the packing for each sh

25、irt?李:我们通常是把每一件衬衫折成小长方形,用相同大小的纸板支托,然后装进塑料袋,不过,我们想先听一听你的意见。S: Silk shirts are elegant goods. They need great care. Please dont fold them, but support each of them with a hanger, and cover each with a piece of plastic. Then lay them flat one after another in a carton. Cartons should be a little longer

26、 inside than the shirt.12 Agency李:史密斯先生,你对我们商店的调查感觉怎么样?S: I should say, generally speaking, its pleasant.李:那你对我们职工印象如何?他们符合你的要求吗?S: Ive just had a chat with some of them. They certainly know our products well, and could explain the specifications and show the operation well to the customers. Im happ

27、y about it. But how will you manage to extend our business. Thats what I am worrying about.李:我们会及时向你们报告我们市场及其趋势,向你们汇报顾客的反馈,以便你们能够改进或生产顾客所需的产品。 S: And if there is a sudden change of the market?李:我们通常都会做市场预测,如果有什么出乎意料的事情发生,我想我们有能力处理,因为我们是一家有 50 年历史的公司。S: As a sole agent you could get a considerable am

28、ount of commission, and if you push the sale especially well, well also grant you a special reward accordingly.李:是啊,这也是我们为什么申请独家代理,而不申请一般代理的原因。13 AgencyS: Im a retailer in Vancouver. I have a small shop selling Chinese rugs and carpets for about 10 years. My shop is one of the few shops selling Chinese rugs and carpets there.李:你可以试一试。但你为什么想当包销商?S: I want to develop my business. Im familiar with the people there, and I have the market for your rugs and carpets. So please tell me what I shall do to get it.李:首先你得知道是否有中国生产商想要在温哥华找包销商。


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