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1、1,Diet Therapy,食,疗,2,什么是食疗 What is Diet Therapy?,“药补不如食补” To tonify the body through food is better than through the medicine (herb)“厌于药,喜于食”Food is beloved more than medicine (herb) 变“良药苦口”为“良药可口”Change bitter herb into tasted herb,3,饮食在中国,不仅要充饥果腹,更重要的要吃出健康! In China, food is not only to feed the s

2、tomach but also to maintain the health.,4,因人而异食疗方 Diet Formulae for different people,5,一、宜用于阴虚的汤Soup for Yin deficiency,阴虚的表现:心烦失眠、神志恍惚、心悸心慌、多梦多疑、记忆力减退,容易腹泻便溏的人不宜,常有反酸者冰糖量不用或少用。Yin deficiency: insomnia, restless, cloudy mind, palpitation, dream-disturbed sleep and suspicious, poor memory, not suitab

3、le for the people who have lose stool and diarrhea. No rock sugar or dosage reduced for people who have acid regurgitation.,6,百合地黄鸡子黄汤Soup of aiHe(Lily),DiHuang(rehmannia root) and egg yolk,百合30克、生地30克、冰糖适量,煎开后,用慢火再煎15分钟,去渣后,用鸡蛋黄1只,冲入搅拌后食用。Baihe30g,Dihuang30g,rock sugar, after boiled with water, coo

4、k another 15min.with mild fire, remove the rest with filter, mix one yolk in the soup, then ready for serving.,7,二、宜用于阳虚的汤Soup for Yang Deficiency,阳虚的表现:头晕乏力、记忆力减退、腰痛、腰膝酸软无力、怕冷、性功能低下,甚至阳痿。Yang deficiency: dizzy, poor memory, lower back pain, weakness & soreness of knee joint and lower back, aversion

5、 to cold, low sexual function, impotence.,8,核桃花生海参汤,Soup of Walnuts, peanuts and sea cucumber. 核桃肉30克、花生30克、海参50克,加适量水,煎开后慢火煎2小时后服用。Walnuts30g, peanuts30g, sea cucumber50g, add proper water, after boiled, cook them with mild fire, ready for serve after 2 hours.,9,三、宜用于气虚的汤Soup for Qi deficiency,气虚表现

6、:面白无光泽、头晕目眩、气短懒言、汗多乏力动则尤甚、血压偏低,四季皆宜。Qi deficiency: pale face without light, dizzy, blurred vision, shortness of breath, lazy to talk, sweat a lot and lassitude with movement. Hypotension. Soup is good for 4 seasons.,10,参芪鸡汤Soup of Ginseng, Huangqi(Astragalus root) and chicken,人参3克、黄芪30克、三黄鸡200克、生姜3克

7、、蜜枣5枚加水适量,煎开后,用慢火煎2小时服用。 Ginseng3g, Huangqi30g, Chicken200g, Fresh ginger3g, honey dazao (Chinese date)5pieces, add proper amount of water, after boiled, cook it with mild fire for another 2 hours, then ready for serve.,11,健脾益气汤Soup to strengthen spleen Qi,老少均宜,适于胃口欠佳、手术后欠补、尤其适用于小儿大便常烂不成形、胃口不好、汗多、面白

8、欠光泽、唇甲淡白。Good for both old and young people, suitable for the people who have poor appetite, weak body after surgery, specially good for children who have loose stool, poor appetite, sweating, pale face and pale lips and nails. 山药30克、薏米30克、红枣5枚、党参30克、瘦肉100克,加水,煎开后慢火煎2小时可食用。Yam30g, Yimi(Coix seed)30g

9、, Dangshen (Pilose asiabell root)30g, thin meat100g, add water, cook another 2 hours after boiled, then ready for serve.,12,四、宜用于血虚或气血虚型人的汤Soup for blood deficiency and Qi & blood deficiency,血虚:如产后、手术后出血多或贫血的人,有头晕目眩、心悸、气短的,均可以服用,秋冬更宜。Blood Deficiency: after baby delivery and surgery, or anemia patie

10、nt who has dizziness, blurred vision, palpitation, breathless. Good for autumn and winter season.,13,当归生姜羊肉汤,Soup of Danggui (Chinese angelica) and mutton 当归15克、生姜15克切碎、羊肉200克加水适量,煎开后慢火煎2小时后食用。 Danggui15g, chopped fresh ginger15g, mutton200g, add proper amount of water, cook another 2 hours after bo

11、iled, then ready for serve.,14,气血两虚Deficiency of both Qi and Blood,头晕发热、心悸、气短懒言、肢麻、面色萎黄、甲唇舌体淡白或出血过多的人。Deficiency of both Qi and Blood: dizzy, fever, palpitation, breathless and lazy to talk, numbness of limbs, sallow face, pale nails, tongue. Or the patient who lost much blood.,15,当归补血汤,Soup of Chin

12、ese Angelica to tonify Blood 当归10克、黄芪30克、蜜枣5枚、白鸽1只,加水适量煎开后慢火煎2小时油盐调味后食用。Danggui10g, Huangqi (Astragalus root) 30g,Honey date5ps, one white pigeon, add proper amount of water, cook another 2 hours after boiled, add some oil and salt for serving.,16,五、胖人和湿人的粥Rice soup for overweight people,表现:身体肥胖,倦怠乏

13、力,喉中漉漉有痰,水肿、小便不利、泻泄。Manifestations: overweight, lassitude, edema, dysuria, diarrhea.,17,薏苡仁粥Soup of Yiyiren (Coix seed),取薏苡仁3060克,粳米100克。将薏苡仁与粳米同放入锅中,水煮,熬成粥即可。此方健脾止泻、利水渗湿、祛湿除痹。Yiyiren30-60g, Rice100g, cook together with water. It is good to strengthen spleen,stop diarrhea and drain the dampness, rel

14、ieve pain.,18,六、瘦人应当多食粥Rice soup for thin people,19,菊花粥Soup of Chrysantimum flower,菊花50克,粳米 l00克,先将菊花煎汤,滤出清汤与粳米同煮成粥。清暑热、散风热、清肝火、明眼目等作用。预防燥热疾病,对于风热感冒,心烦咽燥,目赤肿痛等具有一定疗效。Chrysantimum50g, Rice100g, cook chrysantimum flower first with water, then use the soup to cook with rice. It is good to clear away su

15、mmer heat, dispel wind heat, remove liver fire, brighten eyes. It can prevent dryness and fire, effective for relieving common cold of wind heat type, restless and dry throat, swelling and red painful eyes.,20,四季食疗Diet Therapy for 4 Seasons,21,一、春季饮食Spring Diet,22,Lily Soup,百合粥,百合粥,23,西芹炒百合celerylil

16、y,24,萝卜radish,25,二、夏天吃什么蔬菜好What kind of Vegetable is good for summer time?,26,黄瓜 cucumber,27,冬瓜wax gourd,28,木瓜pawpaw,29,凉拌藕片lotus root,30,三、秋季养生话食疗 Diet for Autumn,31,每日食梨三、两个 3 or 2 Pears a day,32,海带kelp,33,秋天粥羹Rice Soup in Autumn,薏米30 、银耳15 、莲子20 、绿豆10、枸杞15、冰糖适量。Ingredients: Yimi (coix seed)30g, Y

17、iner(white fungus)15g, Lotus seed20g, Green bean10g, Gouqi (Wolfberry)15g, Rock sugar in proper dosage.,34,四、冬季温胃吃羊肉火锅 Mutton Hot Pot to warm up Stomach in Winter,35,萝卜radish牛腩beef,36,女人要食补 Women need diet to nourish,37,女性喝豆浆抗癌养颜 Soya milk is good for women to maintain the beauty,38,Diet for Hair,美发

18、乌发,39,红糖姜枣茶 Tea of Brown Sugar and Ginger,40,米酒,Rice Wine,41,壮男美食,Diet for Men,42,牡蛎,Oyster,43,香蕉,Banana,44,海鱼 Sea Fish,45,花菜 Cauliflower,46,谷物Grain,47,有色果蔬,Colored Vegetable and Fruits,48,大豆 Bean,49,樱桃 Cherry,50,枸杞补肾粥 Rice Soup of Gouqi zi(wolfberry) to tonify Kidney,枸杞50克,粳米100克Gouqizi50g, Rice100

19、g.,51,家常食品话养生Daily Diet for Maintaining Heath,52,山药粥Yam Rice Soup,以干山药片4580克,或鲜山药100200克,洗净切片,与粳米100克同煮粥,做早、晚餐食用。Dried yam45-80g, or fresh yam100-200g, cook with rice100g, serve in morning or evening,53,蜂蜜,Honey,54,姜,Ginger,55,醋,Vinegar,醋,醋,56,黑木耳Black Fungus,Jews-ear,57,火龙果,Dragon fruit,58,茶 tea,美容

20、茶:绿茶,Green Tea,59,去火茶:菊花,Tea for clearing fire: Chrysantimum,60,养颜茶:玫瑰花,Rose Tea,Tea for beauty,61,降压茶:决明子,Tea for lowering Blood Pressure,Juemingzi (cassia seed),62,消食茶:大麦,Tea for helping digestion: Wheat,63,美白祛斑茶:柠檬,Tea for removing freckles,Lemon,64,补肾茶:枸杞子,Tea for tonifying kidney,Gouqizi (wolfberry),65,减肥去脂茶:山楂,Hawthorn,Tea for loosing weight,66,Tangerine peel 3g green tea 5g 陈皮3g,绿茶5g,沸水冲泡,代茶饮。,67,Hawthorn 10g chrysanthemum5g Cassia seed 10g山楂10g,菊花5g,决明子10g,水煎后当茶饮。,68,生命在于运动,69,THANK YOU,


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