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1、1大学英语 (非音体美专业)教学大纲英文课程名称:College English课程代码: a001100051, a001100052, a001100053, a001100054课程类别:公共基础课学时:262学分:16.5开课学期:一、二、三、四适用专业:非音体美本科专业(教科院专业除外)考核方式:第一、三学期为考试;第二、四学期为考查先修课程:无开课单位:外国语学院一、课程简介大学英语教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语课程是大学生的一门必修的基础课程。大学英语是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教

2、学体系。大学英语一、二、三课程每周 5 学时,由读写(2 学时) 、听说(2 学时) 、网络辅导(1 学时)三个部分构成,大学英语四为行业英语课程(针对学科专业设置不同的行业英语课程) ,每周 2 学时,共 262 学时。另:我校专升本学生在升入本科阶段后仍需修一学年的大学英语,采用新视野大学英语教程三、四册为教材,课程每周 5学时,由读写(4 学时)和听说(1 学时)组成,共 160 学时。二、教学基本要求与内容安排(一)教学目的与要求大学英语旨在帮助学生打下较扎实的语言基础,掌握良好的语言学习方法,增强自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,使他们具有较强的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,能用英

3、语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,以适应社会发展、经济建设和国际交流的需要。大学英语课程的任务是在既定的学时内,教师应完成本大纲所规定的教学任务,使学生在达到教学基本要求的基础上向较高要求过渡,并积极引导和鼓2励有能力的学生,通过自主学习,力争达到较高层次的要求。(二)教学内容安排本课程使用的教材是由外语教学与研究出版社出版的新视野大学英语 (第二版)。该教材教学内容经过进一步完善,几乎覆盖全部的四、六级词汇,注重不同语言技能间的联系和综合应用能力的培养,听、说、读、写、译的联系相辅相成。在每周 2节读写课和 2 节听说课的同时,配上每周一节网络辅导课,学生可以利用网络课程提供的丰富的资源,根

4、据个人情况,设定学习目标和进程,选择相应练习,加强语言技能的训练。同时网络课程还利用互联网的便捷,提供了与课文内容相关的网址,外学生提供了个性化学习的空间。每学期计划完成前八个单元的学习,剩余部分由学生自行学习。读写课学时分配教学内容 教学要求 教学方法 重点() 难点()讲课实践上机其他备注Book 1Unit 1Section A Learning a Foreign Language A 讲授 2 1Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning B讲授 讨论 1Unit 2 Section A Deep Concern A 讲授 2 1Sect

5、ion B Is There a Generation Gap? B讲授 讨论 1Unit 3Section A A Good Heart to Lean On A 讲授 2 1Section B The Right Son at the Right Time B讲授 讨论 13Unit 4Section A How to Make a Good Impression A 讲授 2 1Section B Body Language B 讲授 讨论 1Unit 5Section A The Battle Against AIDS A 讲授 2 1Section B The Last Dive a

6、t the Olympics B讲授 讨论 1Unit 6Section A The Trashman A 讲授 2 1Section B The Company Man B讲授 讨论 1Unit 7Section A Face to Face with Guns A 讲授 2 1Section B Should I Have a Gun? B讲授 讨论 1Unit 8 Birth of Bright Ideas 学生自学Unit 9 College Success Made Easy 学生自学Unit 10 Being Honest and Open 学生自学Book 2Unit 1Sect

7、ion A Time-Conscious Americans A 讲授 2 1Section B Culture Shock B 讲授 讨论 14Unit 2 Section A Learning the Olympic Standard for Love A 讲授 2 1Section B The Standard for Olympic Excellence B讲授 讨论 1Unit 3Section A Marriage Across the Nations A 讲授 2 1Section B Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in-law B讲授 讨论 1U

8、nit 4Section A A Test of True Love A 讲授 2 1Section B Love Under the Nazis B讲授 讨论 1Unit 5Section A Weeping for My Smoking Daughter A 讲授 2 1Section B Stop Spoiling Your Children B讲授 讨论 1Unit 6Section A As His Name Is, So Is He! A 讲授 2 1Section B Judge by Appearances B讲授 讨论 1Unit 7Section A Lighten You

9、r Load and Save Your Life A 讲授 2 1Section B Are You a Workaholic? B讲授 讨论 1Unit 85Section A Theres a Lot More to Life than a Job A 讲授 2 1Section B What Youngsters Expect in Life B 1Unit 9 Never Be a Quitter in Face of Life 学生自学Unit 10 Reports on Britain Under the Bombs 学生自学Book 3Unit 1Section A Love

10、Without Limitations A 讲授 2 1Section B The Framework for Love B讲授 讨论 1Unit 2 Section A Iron and the Effects of Exercise A 讲授 2 1Section B Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits? B讲授 讨论 1Unit 3Section A Where Principles Come First A 讲授 2 1Section B Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision

11、-MakingB 讲授 讨论 1Unit 4Section A Five Famous Symbols of American CultureA 讲授 2 1Section B Engelbreits the Name, Cute is My Game B讲授 讨论 1Unit 5Section A Graceful Hands A 讲授 2 16Section B Decisions of the Heart B讲授 讨论 1Unit 6Section A How to Prepare for Earthquakes A 讲授 2 1Section B Changes in the Bala

12、nce of Nature B讲授 讨论 1Unit 7Section A Bill Gates A 讲授 2 1Section B Martin Luther King B讲授 讨论 1Unit 8Section A Legal and MoralImplications of Cloning A 讲授 2 1Section B Who Will TakeAdvantage of Human CloningB 讲授 讨论 1Unit 9 Premarital Agreement 学生自学Unit 10 The Challenging Friend I Didnt Know 学生自学(教学要求

13、:A熟练掌握;B掌握;C了解)听说课学时分配教学内容 教学要求 教学方法 重点() 难点() 讲课实践上机其他备注Book 1Unit 1 Click Here for Language LearningWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 2 Chilling Out with the Folks7Warming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 3 Give and Scrifice Warming

14、up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 4 Making a Good ImpressionWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 5 The Battle Against AIDSWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 6 Consider Collar Colors Carefully!Warming up,

15、listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 7 Guns for Troubles?Warming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 8 Rack Your Brain for Creativity 学生自学Unit 9 School Days 学生自学8Unit 10 Stand Up for Honesty 学生自学Book 2Unit 1 International Clock TalkWarming up, listening

16、 A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 2 All that Glitters Is Olympic Gold!Warming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 3 Pros and Cons of Mixed MarriagesWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 4 A Hunk of Burning Love Warming up, list

17、ening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 5 Enough of Worries and TearsWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 6 Whats in a Name?Warming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 19Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 7 Relax or DieWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening an

18、d speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 8 Life Outside of Work Warming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 9 Only Losers Quit 学生自学Unit 10 The Tragedy of War 学生自学Book 3Unit 1 Live and LoveWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 2 Step Up to Better HealthWarmi

19、ng up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 3 Ways to WinWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 110Unit 4 Symbols of AmericaWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 5 Deaths Lessons for LifeWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Lis

20、tening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 6 Defending Ourselves Against DisastersWarming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 7 Great! Great! Greatness!Warming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 8 Troubling over Genetic Doubling Warming up, listening A 讲授练习 1 1Listening and speaking B 练习 法 1 1Unit 9 Turning Over Peoples Roles in the Family 学生自学Unit 10 A Friend Indeed 学生自学(教学要求:A熟练掌握;B掌握;C了解)网络辅导课学时分配教学内容 教学要求 教学方法 重点() 难点() 讲课实践上机其他备注


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