项目建议书表格Project Proposal Form.doc

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1、项目建议书表格 Project Proposal Form(重点景观)Project Title:项目名称:Project start and end date (2-3 years, not exceeding 3 years): 项目起止日期(23 年,不超过 3 年) : _ Budget: 1. Requested from GEF SGP (local currency, not exceeding$50000): 预算: 从 GEF 小额赠款申请的经费(人民币,不超过等值 5 万美金): _ 2. Contribution from others including from co

2、mmunities as follows(local currency): 其他资金来源包括社区的捐赠(人民币)Donor/local partner出资方/当地合作伙伴In cash 现金 In kind 非现金3Total project cost(local currency): 项目总经费(人民币): _GEF SGP Classification 项目类别Thematic/Focal Area (Tick one)主题/ 重点领域 (打勾)Project Category (Tick one)项目分类(打勾)Demonstration Project示范项目Conservation

3、of Biodiversity(including snow leopard conservation project)生物多样性保护(包括雪豹保护特别项目)Capacity Development Project能力发展项目Building Partnership / leveraging other resources 建立伙伴关系/撬动其它资源Climate change mitigation 减缓气候变化Networking or building alliance /Policy Dialogue建立网络或联盟/政策对话International waters 国际水域(红树林、珊瑚

4、礁、海草床、滨海湿地的保护、防治陆源污染、可持续渔业)Scaling up/ replication of SGP achieved results 升级/复制小额赠款项目取得的成果Multi-focal*多领域Innovation project integrating environmental protection, sustainable livelihood and community empowerment环境保护、可持续生计和社区赋能相结合的创新型项目* Proposal addresses more than one focal area项目建议书涉及一个以上的重点领域。Pri

5、ority landscapes project located (tick one)项目所处的重点景观 (打勾)滇西北三江并流地区高山峡谷景观三江源高寒草地湿地景观北部湾热带海岸带景云南省的怒江傈僳族自治州、迪庆藏族自治州和丽江市的 8 个县 66 个乡青海省玉树藏族自治州、果洛藏族自治州、海南藏族自治州和黄南藏族自治州的 21 个县160 个乡镇及格尔木市的唐古拉山镇本次征集,该地区只支持减缓气候变化项目本次征集该地区只支持减缓气候变化项目观About the Proponent:申请者简介Name of Organization 机构名称:Organization Registratio

6、n No. 机构统一社会信用代码:Date of Founding 成立日期: Number of members 机构人数:全职人员_名,兼职人员_名。Person in Charge 负责人: Bank information:银行信息:开户行_ 银行开户许可证核准号_ 帐号_账户名称_广西壮族自治区的北海市、钦州市、防城港市,广东省湛江市和海南省的儋州市等行政区,共 9 区 8 县4(县级)市,包括 243 乡镇。支持生物多样性、国际水域和减缓气候变化三个领域的项目Coordinator 联系人:Address 地址:Phone 电话: Fax:传真E-Mail 电子信箱: Organi

7、zation Website 机构网站: References ( two people from other organization who know your organization well)推荐人 (来自其他机构、对你机构有充分了解的 2 位推荐人)1. Name 姓名_ Title 职务_ organization 机构 _ telephone 电话_ email 邮箱 _2. Name 姓名_ Title 职务 _ organization 机构 _ telephone 电话_ email 邮箱 _Brief history of organization(including

8、Number of projects implemented)机构的简要历史(包括实施项目的数量):Relevant experience of organization 机构在所申请项目领域的相关经验: Project staff (please indicate names and roles in this project including project team members and financial staff) 项目成员(请说明参与本项目的人员姓名及在本项目中的职责包括项目组成员和财务人员)1. Targeted Location and Population :(Brie

9、fly Describe location, coordinates (longitude and latitude) ,geographical details and living conditions of target population, with relevant maps attached) 目标位置和人口: (简要描述项目点的位置, 经纬度,地理信息和目标人群生活状况,请另加一页附上项目点在中国的位置地图。)No. of households: _ No. of population: _Ethnic/Religious representation_项目点有多少户: 项目点

10、人数: 项目点民族或宗教组成:Annual average income/person: _ 项目点人均年收入: No. of participating Male _No. of participating Female _No. of participating children _ 参与项目的男性人数: 参与项目的女性人数 : 参与项目的儿童人数;No. of participating households: _ 参加项目的家庭数量:2. Introduction: 背景介绍 Baseline assessment of relevant environmental and socio

11、-economic conditions (The baseline assessment is essential so that changes and impact brought about by the project intervention can be evaluated. It is also important to include an overview of other interventions in the area, both ongoing and planned, by local, national, and international organizati

12、ons.) 相关环境和社会经济状况的基线信息 (基线信息的评估是必不可少的,目的是为了评估通过实施项目所带来的改变和影响。描 述当地,国家和国际组织在当地正在进行的项目或计划实施的项目的总体情况也很重要。) Main problems and needs 主要问题和需求 Rationale /Solutions 基本原理/解决方案 Anticipated results/outcomes 预期成果3. Project contribution to SGP targets for the 6th Operational Phase 项目对小额赠款计划第 6 执行阶段目标的贡献Which GEF

13、 focal areas and SGP objectives does this project comply with? Please check one or more boxes as appropriate这个项目符合 GEF 的哪个重点领域和 SGP 的哪个具体目标 ?请在方框内勾出一个或多个适合的选项。 3.1 Maintain globally significant biodiversity and the ecosystem goods and services that it provides to society 维持全球重要的生物多样性和生态系统提供的产品和服务3.2

14、 Support to transformational shifts towards a low-emission and resilient development path支持低排放和有复原力发展道路的转型变化3.3 Promotion of collective management of transboundary water systems and implementation of the full range of policy, legal, and institutional reforms and investments contributing to sustainab

15、le use and maintenance of ecosystem services。促进跨界水系统的集体管理和政策、法律、制度变革以及投资的全面实施,贡献于维持生态系统服务和可持续利用。4. Specific objectives in this project (You may consider: What does the project want to change? How will things be different after this project has ended? What will people do differently after participati

16、ng in the project from what they do now?) 项目的特定目标 (你可以考虑:这个项目想改变什么?项目结束后会有什么不同?参与项目后人们会有什么跟现在不同的改变?) 1) _2)_3)_ When planning proposed activities, please consider time availability of target population and major stakeholders. Seasons and climatic conditions are also important factors. Some activities may readily be carried out using pre-existing community resources, without having to wait for cash transfer from GEF SGP.在设计项目活动时,请考虑目标人群和利益相关方的时间有效性以及季节、气候条件等因素。一些活动利用社区已有的资源更易开展,不必等 GEF SGP 的汇款到达就可以进行。


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