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1、1国际经济与贸易专业课程简介 1.国际贸易国际贸易本课程主要讲授国际贸易理论和实务两个部分。国际贸易理论部分包括的主要内容有:国际贸易理论、国际贸易政策、国际贸易措施、公平贸易制度、区域经济一体化、国际服务贸易、国际技术贸易等。国际贸易实务部分包括的主要内容有:(1)国际货物销售合同主要条款的内容:国际贸易商品、国际贸易术语与价格、国际货物运输、国际货物保险、国际贸易结算、商品检验、索赔仲裁不可抗力等。(2)进出口贸易的基本程序:交易磋商的一般程序、交易合同的签订、进出口合同的履行程序等。International TradeThis course contains two parts: in

2、ternational trade theories and international trade practices. The theoretic part covers international trade theories, international trade policies, international trade measures, fair trade system, regional economic integration, international trade in services and technologies. The practical part on

3、international trade covers (1) key terms of international sales contracts: commodities, trade terms and prices, transportation, insurance, settlement, inspection, damage claims, arbitration, force majeure, etc; and (2) basic procedures of import/export trading: general process of business negotiatio

4、n, contract signing, contract performance, etc.2.发展经济学发展经济学本课程以发展中国家的经济发展问题作为研究对象,考察这些国家长期贫困落后的根源和发展的障碍,本课程运用经济学的基本理论,分析、比较各种增长模型和发展战略,考察社会经济结构与制度的变迁,揭示影响经济发展的国内外因素,探讨发展中国家经济发展的途径、实绩与经验教训。发展经济学属于应用经济学科,安排在基础经济理论教学完成之后的大三年级。作为培养方案中强化学生理论联系实际的素质和能力的必要环节,本课程的教学内容为学生提供一个了解国情的窗口,提供解决社会现实问题的方法和思路,是经济学专业学生

5、应该具备的基本知识。本课程的重点是对制约发展中国家经济发展的各种因素进行理论分析,难点在于如何从众多因素中把握影响发展的主要约束条件。为便于学生理解,本课程将大量使用我国的资料和案例进行解释和分析。Economics of DevelopmentThis course focuses on the issues concerned with economic development in developing countries. It introduces the economic problems faced by developing countries, and provides ex

6、planations for low economic growth and poverty in poor countries. The course uses classical economic theories to analyze and compare various economic growth models and development strategies, to study the transformation of social economic structures and institutions, to reveal the internal and exter

7、nal factors affecting economic growth, and to discuss the development paths, experiences and performances of developing countries. Development Economics belongs to the field of applied economics and is designed for undergraduate students in their third year who have already encountered classical eco

8、nomic theories. The course helps students to improve their abilities to apply theories to real scenarios, to improve their knowledge of national development conditions, and to master the relevant analysis methods for studying social problems. The key part of the course is theoretical analysis of the

9、 factors hindering economic development in poor countries and the hard part is to identify which of many factors are the most important in this process. To 2facilitate student understanding, many illustrative cases relating to Chinese economic development will be studied in class. 3.国际贸易实务国际贸易实务本课程是

10、一门研究国际货物买卖的有关理论与实际业务的课程。主要讲授国际货物买卖合同、国际货物买卖合同的磋商、订立和履行的基本环节以及相关的国际惯例和法律规则。合同部分主要介绍商品的品质、数量、包装;贸易术语及买卖合同中的价格条款;交付货物的时间和地点;国际货物运输;国际货物运输保险、支付工具与货款的结算方式;货物的检验;索赔仲裁不可抗力等内容。合同履行的基本环节包括备货、开立信用证、制单结汇、索赔等内容。通过学习本课程学生们将会掌握国际货物贸易的基本业务知识和做法,能够签订进出口合同。International Trade PracticesThis course studies the theorie

11、s and practice of international trade. The content includes sales contracts, and the practice, customs and laws related to sales contract negotiation, making, and performance. The course introduces the basic terms of sales contracts, including commodity quality, quantity, and packaging; trade terms

12、and price terms in sales contracts; time and location of delivery; shipment; insurance and payment; inspection; settlement; arbitration; and so on. Regarding contract performance, it covers stocking up, issuing credit, settlement systems, damage claims and so on. After the course, the students will

13、have mastered the relevant knowledge and procedures of international trade and be able to sign import/export contracts. 4.国际经济学(1) (英文版)国际经济学(1) (英文版)国际经济学(1)是高等学校国际经济与贸易专业的核心课程和专业必修课程,该课程主要是运用微观经济学的基本原理分析国际贸易理论和政策,重点是巩固和提高学生国际贸易理论方面的素养,因此,该课程主要授课对象是本专业大三或大四的学生。主要内容包括:绪论、比较优势理论、提供曲线与贸易条件理论、要素禀赋理论、国际

14、贸易的标准理论、现代国际贸易理论、经济增长与国际贸易、国际贸易政策、国际经济一体化与关税同盟理论、国际贸易与经济发展、生产要素的国际流动及其经济效应。该课程的重点是国际贸易基本理论和政策,难点是用国际经济学要求的方法尤其是一些数理模型方法阐述这些理论和政策。该课程的主要教学方法:采用教师讲授、现实案例和课堂讨论相结合的教学形式,同时配备课堂练习和课后作业以巩固所学知识,分配小部分课堂教学时间对课后作业进行集中讲评。International Economics (1) (English Version)International Economics (1) is a core compulso

15、ry course for undergraduate students (Year 3 or Year 4) majoring in International Economics and Trade. It focuses on applying the principles of microeconomics to analyzing theories and policies pertaining to international trade. The course mainly provides students with an introduction to the concept

16、s and theories of international trade. Topics covered in the course include the law of comparative advantage, offer curves and the terms of trade, factor endowment theory, the standard theory of international trade, modern international trade theory, economic growth and international trade, internat

17、ional trade policy, economic integration: customs unions and free trade areas, international trade and economic development, international mobility of production factors and the resulting economic effects. The key part of the course is the theories and policies of international trade, and the hard p

18、art of the 3course is applying mathematical models to describe and explain the theories of international trade. The teaching methods include lecturing, case studies and group discussions. There are exercises in class and after class for consolidating knowledge, with solutions presented in the follow

19、ing class. 5.国际经济学(2) (英文版)国际经济学(2) (英文版)国际经济学(2)是高等学校国际经济与贸易专业的核心课程和专业必修课程,该课程主要是运用宏观经济学的基本原理分析国际金融理论和政策,侧重点是提高学生国际金融理论方面的素养,同时兼顾国际金融实务知识的介绍,该课程主要授课对象是该专业大三或大四的学生。主要内容包括:绪论、国际收支、外汇市场和汇率,汇率决定理论、浮动汇率和固定汇率的价格调节机制和收入调节机制、开放宏观经济学和国际货币体系。本课程的重点是国际金融基本理论和政策,难点是汇率决定理论、汇率调节机制和开放宏观经济的理论模型。该课程的主要教学方法:采用教师讲授、现

20、实案例和课堂讨论相结合的教学形式,同时配备课堂练习和课后作业以巩固所学知识,分配小部分课堂教学时间对课后作业进行集中讲评。International Economics (2) (English Version)International Economics (2) is a core compulsory course for undergraduate students (Year 3 or Year 4) majoring in International Economics and Trade. It focuses on applying the principles of macr

21、oeconomics to analyze theories and policies pertaining to international finance. The course mainly provides students with an introduction to the concept and theories of international finance. Topics covered in the course include the principles and concepts of balance of payment, foreign exchange mar

22、kets and exchange rates, exchange rate determination, the price and income adjustment mechanism with flexible and fixed exchange rates, open economy macroeconomics, the international monetary system and financial crises. The key part of the course is the theories and policies of international financ

23、e, and the hard parts of the course include exchange rate determination, adjustment mechanisms with flexible and fixed exchange rate, and models in open economy macroeconomics. The teaching methods include lecturing, case studies and group discussions. There are exercises in class and after class fo

24、r consolidating knowledge, with solutions presented in the following class. 6.外贸函电与单证外贸函电与单证本课程是一门与国际贸易实务紧密关联的工具性课程,内容包括建立业务关系、询价、报价、还价、订货、包装、运输、保险及支付等外贸业务环节的英文信函实例及写作练习,这些内容是对外贸易专业人员必须掌握的基本技能。本课程在实例教学的前提下,又对外贸英语函电的一般格式、常用词汇、习惯表达法进行规律性的总结,从英语教学的角度出发,本课程是和外贸相结合的一门英语实务课,是用于解决目前学生英语学习中普遍存在的较高的语言知识和低下的语

25、用能力之间矛盾的辅助手段之一。Foreign Trade Correspondence and DocumentsThis is an instrumental course closely related to international trade practices. It teaches students how to carry out correspondence in English for the purpose of building business contacts; making inquiries, offers and counter-offers; placing

26、 orders; arranging packaging, transportation, insurance and payment, all of which are required skills for people in the foreign trade field. With numerous real-life case studies, this course summarizes the standard formats used in English correspondence, 4frequently-used vocabulary, and idiomatic ex

27、pressions in foreign trade correspondence. This course is an English practical course relating closely to foreign trade, and provides a supplementary tool to help solve the common problems of students who have good knowledge of English but are unable to apply it.7.中国对外经贸概论中国对外经贸概论本课程主要介绍中国对外贸易与对外经济合

28、作的发展历程,尤其是改革开放以来中国对外贸易与对外经济合作的发展历程与现状,让学生了解、理解或掌握中国对外经贸发展历程、现状、趋势以及中国对外经贸的政策、体制,并能结合运用在相关专业课程中学习的理论知识来分析、解决中国对外经贸发展中出现的现实问题。本课程比较全面地介绍中国对外经济与贸易的有关内容和问题,内容涉及到中国对外贸易、利用外资与对外经济合作的政策、体制演变及发展历程,中国对外贸易、利用外资与中国经济发展的关系,以及中国对外经济与贸易中的热点问题,课程内容的宏观性比较强、政策性比较强,有利于学生在宏观上把握中国对外经贸的大局。Introduction to Chinese Foreign

29、 Economy the theoretical basis of its establishment; various WTO Agreements; the Dispute Settlement Mechanism; the Trade Policy Monitoring Mechanism; and the institutional structure of the WTO. Students majoring in international trade and economics are required to grasp the basics of this course and

30、, in doing so, reach a good understanding of the disputes arising from international trade transactions. In addition, this course sets out to help students understand the international rules regulating international trade and gain insight into international trade transactions, as well as the process

31、 of national trade policy-making. The course puts a particular emphasis on teaching students how to analyze real international trade cases in light of the WTO Agreements and the operation of the DSM. As the students will have had no practical experience with international trade, this course aims to

32、bridge the knowledge gap by bringing them into close familiarity with the process of international trade dispute settlement, despite the apparent difficulty of the relevant legal texts. Classroom teaching will be complemented with group discussions among students, mainly revolving around investigati

33、on of real international trade cases, with a view to enhancing 6the practical skills of the students as well as promoting their critical thinking skills. 10.国际商务(英文版)国际商务( 英文版)在全球经济一体化的背景下,国际商务越来越成为必然的和经常的现象。国际经营活动与一国范围内的经营有很大不同。这导源于国家间政治经济和法律制度的区别以及文化的差异,此外还有跨国交易活动所涉及的货物、资本、技术、信息、人员等在国际间流动的规则以及各国的限

34、制措施。国际货币资金的流动也有重大影响。国际经营包含多种方式,如进出口贸易、经济技术合作、对外直接投资等,其中对外直接投资构建跨国企业是最重要方式,本课程着重分析跨国企业构建和运作的以下几方面:跨国企业如何确定其经营战略,如何进入国外市场,如何在全球从事营销和产品开发,如何管理全球企业,如何开发管理人力资源等。这些内容对从事国际贸易、创办国际企业以及制订经营战略、海外拓展都具有十分重要的实际意义。International Business (English version)International business has become commonplace and necessary

35、against the backdrop of global economic integration. International business activities differ from domestic business activities in many ways, which can be traced to the differences in social economic environments, legal systems and cultural backgrounds of different nations. In addition, internationa

36、l business activities involve dealing with different national regulations, and sometimes restrictions, relating to the transfer of goods, capital, technology, information and people across national borders. Transnational flows of money and funds also have an important impact on international busines

37、s activities. International business can be undertaken in a number of ways: for example, export and import trading, technological cooperation, foreign direct investment, etc. Of these, foreign direct investment leading to the establishment and operation of multinational enterprises is one of the mos

38、t important forms of international business, and as such will be placed at the focus of this course. This focal subject will be approached from the following aspects: how to strategize for multinational enterprises; how to make an entry into foreign markets; how to launch marketing and product devel

39、opment globally; how to manage global enterprises; and how to explore human resources. These topics will have practical significance for those who aspire to engage in international business, especially when it comes to setting up international enterprises, making global business strategies and explo

40、ring overseas markets. 11.专业外刊选读专业外刊选读本课程是在第六学期开设的英语财经新闻文摘阅读课。 课程目标在于让学生们通过阅读各类财经新闻评论文章,了解全球经济(包括国别经济)的现状和热点,明白相应经济政策的制定和效果,了解一些知名企业经历的发展和问题,尽可能地扩大对全球范围内财经和商业现象的了解和认识。在阅读过程中,锻炼学生运用基本的专业理论知识对财经和商业现象进行分析。同时作为双语课,本课程还旨在提高学生阅读英语财经文章和撰写简短英语评论的能力。具体的文章每周由任课老师从 BBC/The Economist/The Financial Times 等英美财经媒体

41、进行选摘。选摘的标准包括:1.专业相关性,文章应与国际经济与贸易专业有密切联系; 2.时效性,文章应紧扣全球经济正在发生的潮流和热点,把新闻带入课堂; 3. 内容多元化,涉及的领域应广泛涵盖专业领域,包括国际金融,国际商务,法律,会计,市场营销; 4. 难度适中,长短结合,文章篇幅不应过长,内容符合通俗阅读的标准。 本课程的组织形式主要为带领学生精读文章,熟悉相关的经济英语术语,了解重要的经济事件和现象,以及理解评论背后的经济学逻辑。另外课堂组织还包括同学演示、课后评论和课间讨论。7Selected Readings of Major-Related Press Articles in Eng

42、lishThis course is an optional course that requires the students to undertake readings selected from economic and financial newspapers and magazines published in English. The objective is for the students to get in touch with current affairs and topical issues in the global economy (including nation

43、al economies), to understand the making of macroeconomic policies and how they affect economies, to gain familiarity with the experiences of, and problems facing, successful corporations in their operations, and eventually to broaden their knowledge and understanding of financial and economic phenom

44、ena in the real world. Students are expected to practice basic theoretical analysis of the subjects covered in the readings. Also, it is hoped that reading English articles will improve the students English reading and writing skills. The articles will be selected by the lecturer mainly from BBC/The

45、 Economist/The Financial Times or other English business media, on a weekly basis. The selected articles will be: 1. Relevant the articles ought to be closely related to the major of international trade and economics; 2. Up-to-date the articles are expected to bring in ongoing trends and topics as n

46、ews to the class; 3. Diverse the coverage of the articles will be as broad as possible to include many major international business activities, including international finance, international business, law, accounting and marketing; 4. Suitable in length and difficulty - articles written for a popula

47、r audience will always be preferred. Classes will be organized mainly around reading the articles intensively together, while picking up the relevant terms in economics and business, gaining insights into the events and phenomena of economic affairs and understanding the logic supporting the article

48、s. Other classroom activities will include presentations and discussions by the students. Students will also be required to write comments on the readings after each class. 12.国际经济法国际经济法为国际贸易本科专业设立的国际经济法课程对象是基于国家对国际经济活动的宏观管制产生的国际经济法律制度,其主要内容包括国家之间就国际贸易管制,国际货币金融管制,国际投资管制,及对其他国际经济活动的管制所设立的国际经济组织和协议达成的

49、法律制度安排。通过本课程的学习,学生应该熟悉国际经济活动所处的国际公法环境,了解国家之间为实现经济目标在国际法律框架内进行的合作和博弈,理解国际经济组织的运作机制,最后能够领会国际经济法律制度与国际政治经济形势发展的内在联系。本课程与本专业另一门必修课程国际商法的区别在于国际商法调整的是私人之间的国际商事法律关系,而国际经济法体现的是政府对国际经济活动的政策管制,所以把它们分立为两门平行课程是符合学科发展规律的。本课程为中文授课课程,但教学中会涉及对英语资料的学习。International Economic LawThis course on international economic law is a new component of the international trade and economics major. The course introduces international economic law as a system of international rules and laws that exert macro regulation over international economic activities. The contents include the inst


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