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1、貿易英文常用措辭之靈活應用Starting with the BasicsI.【一般常用語】1. 期盼. look forward to + N+ Ving例: We look forward to your prompt reply.We look forward to hearing from you soon.期盼很快收到您的回音。譯: 期盼很快收到您的訂單。2. 若.則不勝感激;希望、敬請A. We would be obliged + if + you would/could + VWe would be grateful/thankful We would appreciate i

2、tIt would be appreciated .例: We would be obliged if you would provide/furnish us with information on their financial status.如蒙提供他們的財務狀況資料,則不勝感激。譯: a. 如蒙提供他們在信用方面的資料,則不勝感激。b. 如蒙寄上目錄及價目表,無任感荷。B. We would appreciate + N We would be grateful/thankful forN + would/will be (highly/much) appreciated例: We w

3、ould be grateful for an early reply.若您能早日回覆,我們會非常感激。 We would appreciate your prompt attention to the adjustment of this claim.Your prompt attention to the adjustment of this claim will be (highly) appreciated.希望您能迅速處理索賠。(若您能迅速處理索賠,我們會感激不盡。) 譯: a.我們會非常感激您所能給予之協助。b.希望您能迅速處理此事。(若您能迅速處理此事,我們會感激不盡。)3. 請

4、告知A. Please advise/inform us of somethingadvise/inform us + 子句例: Please inform us of your terms of payment. 請告知貴公司的付款條件。B. Please let us know + something+ 子句 例: Please let us know what discount you can allow us for a large order.請告知訂單較大時,可以打多少折扣。譯: a. 請告知最快交貨日。b. 請告知您可供應的數量。(從存貨中可供應多少數量)C. please do

5、 not hesitate to let us/me know請別客氣儘管告知例: If there is anything we can do for you, please do not hesitate to let us know. 若有任何我們可以為您效勞的地方,請別客氣儘管告知。譯: 若您有任何問題,請別客氣儘管告知。4. 附上A.隨函附上.We enclose/are enclosing/have enclosed.Enclosed is/are.Please find enclosed.is/are enclosed例: Enclosed are our latest cata

6、log and price list.隨函附上本公司最新的目錄及價目表。 Our quotation for leather handbags is enclosed.隨函附上皮革手提包的報價。譯: 隨函附上我們的最新目錄及 CIF Singapore 報價的價目表。B.附檔為 .Attached is/arePlease find attached.例: Attached is our company profile for your reference.附檔為本公司簡介供您參考。 譯:附檔為本公司第 123 號訂單,訂購影印機。5. 謝謝您.。Thank you for your + NT

7、hank you for + Ving例: Thank you for your interest in Victoria Sportswear. 謝謝您對維多利亞運動服飾表示興趣。Thank you for responding so promptly to our request.謝謝您這麼快地回應我們的要求。譯: a. 謝謝您詢問本公司的產品。(謝謝您對本公司產品的詢問)b. 謝謝您讓我們注意到這個問題。(bringto our attention)II. 【開發信】1. 我們從. 得知We have learned sth from sb.from sb that + 子句 例: We

8、 have learned your name from the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 我們從紐約工商協會得知貴公司的大名。We have learned from the Barnes Hardware Ltd. of London that you are looking for an import agent to represent you in Asia.我們從倫敦的邦斯五金公司那兒得知您在尋找一家可以在亞洲代表貴公司的進口代理商。譯: 我們從芝加哥(Chicago)的德國領事館得知貴公司是德國首屈一指 (leading

9、)的廚具製造商。2. 自我介紹(公司).A. 本公司為.We are.例: We are an established company specializing in office equipment.本公司為一歷史悠久專門製造辦公設備的廠商。譯: 本公司名列台灣主要的家具廠商(為主要的家具商之一 )。B. 本公司為.,想要.We are.and would like to . 例: We are importers of optical products and would like to receive your current catalog. 本公司為光學產品的進口商,希望能收到貴公司

10、的最新目錄。譯: 本公司為自行車廠商,想與貴國的進口商取得聯繫 (get in touch)。III. 【代理權】1. 本公司有興趣擔任貴公司在的獨家代理。We are interested in acting as your exclusive/sole agents in.例: We are interested in acting as your exclusive agents in Europe.本公司有興趣擔任貴公司在歐洲的獨家代理譯:若貴公司在這裡還沒有代理商(沒有被人代表), 我們希望(有興趣)成為您的獨家代理。IV.【詢問】1. 可否寄上Would/Could you ple

11、ase send .? 例: Would you please send us samples and price lists of the goods listed below?可否寄上下列產品的樣品及價目表?譯: 可否惠賜圖示(illustrated)目錄, 及您的出口價格、折扣及付款條件的詳細完整資料。2. 詢價用語A. Please quote for the supply of .請提供(. 東西) 的報價例: Please quote for the supply of 200 MC15 DVD players.請提供 200 台 MC15 光碟機的報價。B. (Would you

12、) please quote prices C.I.F./F.O.B. 地名 請提供( 方式) 的報價 例: Would you please quote prices C.I.F. Tokyo for the following items:請報上下列物品 CIF Tokyo 的價格。譯: 請報上下列物品的最低價。V.【回覆】1. 謝謝您 月. 日的. Thank you for your of 日期. (letter, fax, email, inquiry, quotation, order)例: Thank you for your letter of September 25. 謝謝

13、您 9 月 25 日的來函。譯: a. 謝謝您第 235 號訂單,訂購男用毛衣。b. 謝謝您第 10 月 12 日來函詢問本公司筆記型電腦。 2. 回覆您月.日的.In reply/response to your . of 日期, 例: In reply to your inquiry of February 10, we are pleased to quote as follows:回覆您 2 月 15 日的詢問,很高興報價如下:譯: 回覆您 8 月 3 的詢問,我們今天寄出了最新的目錄。3. 應您所求 (照您所請求的)as requested, 例: As requested, we

14、are sending you a range of cloth samples.應您所求,寄上代表性的布料樣品。 類似用法: as instructed (照您所指示的)譯: 應您所求,附上手提電視機的報價。4. 可以從庫存出貨。例: Delivery can be made from stock.We can supply from stock.譯: 我們可以從庫存出貨,並且如期交貨(趕上交貨日 ), 不會有問題。(will have no trouble in.)5. 沒有貨A. 沒有現貨;缺貨be out of stock 例: The goods (that) you require

15、 are out of stock at present, but we can offer you a substitute.您要的貨目前缺貨,但我們可以提供替代品。譯:您所詢問的東西缺貨,但我們推薦相近的替代品 Model AC-101。(recommendas) B. 停產sth + be discontinuedsb + no longer manufacture(s) + sth例:We no longer manufacture the Clairview television models.The Clairview television models have been dis

16、continued.(The Clairview television models are no longer available.)Clairview 電視機種已不再生產/已停產。譯: 很抱歉,您所訂購的貨品不再生產。VI.【報價】1. 我們的報價如下:(很高興報價如下)We are pleased to quote as follows:譯: 回覆您 12 月 9 日的詢問,很高興報價如下:2. 打. 折offer (sb) a discount of 10% 打九折offer (sb) a 10% discount offer 可以用 allow, grant 取代例: We offe

17、r a 20% discount off list prices. 定價打八折We will offer a 10% discount off list prices for orders over $10,000.more than $10,000exceeding $10,000 凡超過一萬美元的訂單,就給予九折優待We will allow you a further 5% discount for orders of more than 500 units. grant you an additionalan extra若您訂購五百件以上,我們會再給九五折優待。譯: 數量達 1000

18、給九折,超過 1000 給予八五折優待。 (up to)VII.【 訂單】1. 下訂單place an order/orders for sth with sb 例: If your price is workable, we will place a large order with you.若價格可行,我們就會向您下大筆的訂單。If the prices quoted are competitive, and the quality up to standard, we will place regular orders with you.若所報的價格具有競爭力且品質達到標準,我們會經常下

19、訂單。譯: a. 若產品令人滿意,未來我們還會再下訂單。(in the future)b. 若您能提供優惠的報價且保證收到訂單後三週內交貨,我們會經常下訂單。VIII.【出貨】1. 因急著要貨(請在前交貨/請迅速交貨)as the goods are urgently required/needed, as we are in urgent need of the goods, .例: As the goods are urgently required, we would be grateful for delivery by May 15. We would be grateful for

20、 delivery by May 15 as the goods are urgently required.由於需貨孔急,請在五月十五日前交貨。Prompt delivery would be appreciated as we are in urgent need of the goods.由於需貨孔急,請迅速交貨。譯: 由於需貨孔急,請在月底前交貨2. 在收到 之後, (多久) 即可以出貨Delivery will be made on/after receipt of .Shipment will be effected 例: Delivery will be made immedia

21、tely on receipt of your remittance.收到匯款後即馬上出貨。Shipment will be effected within 30 days after receipt of your L/C. 收到信用狀後 30 天內即可出貨。譯: 收到訂單後三星期內即可出貨。3. 準備好出貨。be ready for shipment/dispatch例: The goods you ordered are ready for shipment.dispatch您所訂購的物品已準備好出貨。譯: 很高興確認,您在 9 月 15 日訂購的書籍已包裝好且準備出貨。 (pack)I

22、X.【付款、催款】1. 將以.方式付款Payment will be made by. (買方陳述)should (賣方陳述)例: Payment will be made by bank transfer. 將以銀行轉帳方式付款。譯: 付款應以支票或銀行轉帳方式行之。2. 附上(金額) 支票一張,支付. We enclose a cheque/check for 金額 in payment of/for our settlement Enclosed is our check for.例: We enclose a check for600 in settlement of your sta

23、tement dated May 15.附上 600 歐元支票一張,支付您 5 月 15 日的帳單。 Enclosed is our check for $2000 in payment for the goods supplied on Oct. 15.附上 2000 美元支票一張,支付您 10 月 15 日的貨款。譯: 附上 500 英鎊支票一張,支付發票 135 號的帳款。3. (帳款)已逾期(多久時間)。be.overdue past due例: Your payment is three months overdue.您的貨款已逾期三個月未付。例: Settlement of thi

24、s account is more than a month overdue.此帳款已逾期一個多月。譯: 容我們提醒您,您訂單 312 號的貨款已逾期一個月。X.【訴怨】1. 少了sth be missing (from.)例: Two cartons are missing. 少了兩個紙盒。Four cases are missing from the consignment.貨少了四箱。2. 短裝sb short-ship sth by .例: You have short-shipped this consignment by three bales.(這批貨) 你們短裝了三捆。3. 受

25、損be damaged例: Some of the articles were badly damaged.有些物品嚴重受損。4. 在.的時候發現.Upon / On + Ving., we found that .例:On inspecting the goods, we found that the quality was not up to sample.檢查貨物的時候,我們發現品質未符合樣品的規格。譯: 在打開紙箱的時候,我們發現半數的盤子都嚴重受損。 (unpack /carton box) 講義中的/表示或者 , ( )表示括號中的字可以省略。【翻譯練習參考答案】I.1 We lo

26、ok forward to receiving your order soon.I.2Aa We would be obliged if you would provide us with information on their credit standing.I.2Ab We should/would be obliged if you would send us your catalog and price list.I.2Ba We would be grateful for any help you can give us.We would appreciate any help y

27、ou can give us.I.2Bb Your prompt attention to this matter would be highly appreciated.We would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.I.3Ba Please advise us of your earliest date of delivery.Please let us know your earliest date of delivery.I.3Bb Please let us know what quantities you can s

28、upply from stock.Please inform us what quantities you can supply from stock.I.3C. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us/me know.I.4 A Please find enclosed our current/latest catalog and price list quoting CIF prices Singapore.I.4 B Attached is our order No. 123 for photocopiers

29、I.5a Thank you for your inquiry for/about our products.I.5b Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention.II.1. We have learned from the German Consulate in Chicago that you are a leading producer of kitchenware in Germany.II.2A We are one of the main producers/manufacturers of furniture in T

30、aiwan.II.2B We are manufacturers/producers of bicycles and would like to get in touch with importers of this line in your country.III. 1 If you are not already represented here, we would be interested in acting as your sole agents.IV.1 Could you please send us your illustrated catalog and full detai

31、ls of your export prices, discounts, and terms of payment?IV. 2 Please quote your lowest/best prices for the following items.Please quote your lowest/best prices for the items listed below.V.1 a Thank you for your order No 235 for mens sweaters.V.1 b Thank you for your enquiry of October 12 regardin

32、g our laptop computers. Thank you for your letter of October 12 inquiring about our laptop computers.V. 2 In response to your inquiry of August 3, we have sent today our latest catalog.V. 3 As requested, we enclose our quotation for portable TVs.V. 4 We can supply from stock and will have no trouble

33、 in meeting your delivery date.V.5A The goods you inquired about are out of stock, but we recommend our Model AC-101 as a close substitute.V.5B We regret ( to inform you) that the goods you ordered have been discontinued.We regret ( to inform you) that the goods you ordered are no longer availableWe

34、 regret (to inform you) that we no longer manufacture the goods you ordered.VI.1 In reply to your inquiry of December 9, we are pleased to quote as follows:VI. 2 We allow a 10% discount for quantities up to 1000 and 15% discount for quantities over 1000.VII.1a If the product is satisfactory, we will

35、 place further orders with you in the future.VII.1b If you can offer favorable quotations and guarantee delivery within four weeks from receipt of order, we will place regular orders with you.VIII. 1 As the goods are urgently required, we would be grateful for delivery by the end of the month.VIII.

36、2 Delivery will be made within three weeks on receipt of your order.VIII. 3 We are pleased to confirm that the books you ordered on September 15 are packed and ready for dispatch.IX.1 Payment should be made by cheque or bank transfer.IX.2 We enclose our check for500 in payment of your invoice number 135.IX. 3 May we remind you that payment for your order no. 312 is a month overdue?X. Upon unpacking the carton box, we found that half of the plates were badly damaged.


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