1、圣诞晚会讲话稿(英文版)圣诞晚会讲话稿(英文版)Good evening everyone! “Good evening!” Are you having a good time? “Yes” No, I can tell that you aaving a good time, but having a great time! Our annual holiday events are just getting better and better:le are attending year after year;ars venubest;gs are fantastic; andgy lev
2、ellgwonder evling and delightful. We all know that it takes a landganize such a party, our Socialbers worked hardlease put your hands together, a big thank youalWhile you ag, relaxing, andg your chatting, I feel a luPressuTug from wg for standingwdg from what I was told last wA few days agalld me th
3、at they walead a line dance agaar, and to make it our year end gathering trad“What?” I said, “I am aging, plus, I do not have the talents and skills to lead line dancing anymore”at is why I feeld. Buar, Iddo it again, and the main reason was that I wad by your enthusiasm, and by your participaAbouag
4、u bookedlght. How mau will stay overnigday? 1,2. Wow, good for you!u, our evust the beginning of your overnight party! You deserve it! How many bottles of whisky are you going to drink? If you got too drunk, call me, because I know howvBut I am not going to tell you now, otherwise, mau may try whisk
5、y and get drunk at home which I dd. Everyone looks sharp tonight. Buarklingat really, really, grabs my au guess what it is? Our MC Andy told me that he was looking forwardglast December, and recently, he said: he looks at his fashionable wlvery day. So Andy, please show us yougThank you. Alalbers st
6、arted to have vacalast week, I asked them what did they plalidays? Guess what? They said: they planned nothing but bavent! So just look arounddelicious dank youI have said enough. Lets talk about line daI have selected ag called “一晃就老了”,lease follow me, say it: 一.晃.就.老.了.。It means that “getting old like a sway”. We all ald at all, and we all are able to sway, so pleadancing floor, followand sway! (after dance) You guys are genius, you follow the music gracefully and beautifully, and you learn to swaThank you andght!