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1、2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300K2009 花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300k秩序冊指導單位:行政院體育委員會、交通部觀光局、花蓮縣政府、台東縣政府共同主辦:花東縱谷國家風景區管理處、花蓮縣體育會自由車委員會、台北市體育會自由車委員會協辦單位:花蓮縣議會、台灣鐵路管理局花蓮運務段、花蓮縣政府觀光旅遊局、台東縣政府觀光旅遊局、花蓮縣教育局、台東縣教育局、花蓮縣警察局、台東縣警察局、花蓮縣消防局、台東縣消防局、花蓮縣環保局、台東縣環保局、花蓮縣衛生局、台東縣衛生局、壽豐鄉公所、鳳林鎮公所、萬榮鄉公所、光復鄉公所、瑞穗鄉公所、玉里鎮公所、富里鄉公所、池上鄉公所、

2、關山鎮公所、鹿野鄉公所、後山電台、警察廣播電台、教育廣播電台、花蓮 TKM 鐵馬聯隊承辦單位:花蓮縣體育會自由車委員會、台北市體育會自由車委員會活動日期:民國 98 年 3 月 2829 日2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300K2009 花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300K大會組織名單名譽會長:謝深山名譽副會長:楊文值、林寶樹大會會長:張振乾副會長:李旭寧、彭劍勇顧問:吉安鄉長田智宣、壽豐鄉長邱淑美、鳳林鎮長林挺光、光復鄉長黃榮成、瑞穗鄉長許榮盛、玉里鎮長劉德貞籌備主任委員:彭劍勇籌備副主任委員:狄懋昌籌備委員:沈克倫、白奇川、謝志堅、薛勝隆、葉鴻洲、鄭錦俊、謝


4、)、蘇青山、黃金宏、賴居明裁判長:狄懋昌副裁判長:林志賢起點檢錄:江長勇、張玉蘭、陳智煌、曾素珍、潘天賜、趙淑琳終點:蘇青山、黃俊智、賴居明終點助理:張志銘、洪瑞平、賴文玉、張麗萍、陳俊達、楊大慶、蔡煒楹巡迴交管:許哲銘、白奇川、謝志堅、薛勝隆、葉鴻洲、鄭錦俊、沈克倫、謝仁智折返點:賴居明2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300K2009 花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300K宗 旨:以更高、更快、更強的奧林匹克格言為目標,以不在征服他人,而在自我挑戰為理念,追求永不放棄之運動精神及毅力,培養相互合作、同甘共苦之團隊精神。活動日期:2009 年 3 月 2829 日起

5、點花蓮鯉魚潭潭南停車場台9丙壽豐台9北上大學路(花36)花蓮大橋縣193線台9(南下)鹿野(脫線牧場折返)台9(北上)玉里大橋玉里台9線(北上)壽豐台9丙終點鯉魚潭潭南停車場(全程約305K )路線圖高度表2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300K活動須知:1.參加人員自行車輛請須加裝車頭登及車尾警示燈 2 個(1 個為閃光、1 個為恒亮) ,有完整之前、後煞車並戴安全帽及反光背心或反光腰帶,無以上裝備者一律取消資格。2.活動當日 09:00 時起至 13:30 時止,在起點花蓮鯉魚潭潭南停車場報到處報到並領取號碼晶片貼紙及紀念品,晶片每人一張(請勿摺疊以免壞

6、感應天線) ,請貼於安全帽前方,13:00 時開始陸續放行出發。3.挑戰路程中大會於 193 縣道,約離起點 77.1 公里處設有補給站(亦為確認點參加者需前往取得通過簽證) ,台 9 全線不設補給站。4.抵達終點後隨即前往領取完成獎牌及證書。5.建議活動中結伴同行相互扶持及鼓勵較易完成。6.本活動為自我挑戰性質,依國際慣例故無交通管制,部份路段由工作人員做部份交通疏導,請參加者遵守工作人指揮並確實遵守交通規則,順向靠邊前進,確保騎乘安全。7.本活動具一定難度及危險,非一般自行車活動,出發前及活動中,請自行審慎斟酌評估自身體能狀況並請自行投保意外保險。8.其他依據國際極限挑戰(BRM)之規定辦

7、理(詳細規定公佈於 http:/www.tpe-bike.org.tw)10.賽事期間無線電通訊頻道為 145.66。個人攜帶裝備參考檢查表項目 裝 備 備妥請打勾 裝 備 項目1 車衣(褲) 補胎片 162 車鞋(襪) 打氣筒 173 安全帽(頭巾) 挖胎棒 184 手套 防曬乳液 195 眼鏡 個人藥品 206 防寒風衣/雨衣 特調補給品 217 反光背心(帶) 水壺 228 健保卡 其他 239 錢 2410 手機 2511 相機 2612 自行車(保養) 2713 車頭燈 2814 後閃光燈 X 2個2915 備用電池 302009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限

8、挑戰 300K活動流程(A)報到報到時間於3/28 09:00 13:30(鯉魚潭潭南停車場)報到時領取物件:贈品、安全帽號碼貼紙(內含計時晶片)報到時務必熟記各車隊報到編號,個人選手請熟記選手編號,以加速報到作業(B)典禮儀式(宣佈注意事項)3/28 12:30 12:50 於鯉魚潭潭南停車場舉行(C)檢錄出發時間檢錄及出發時間於 3/28 13:00 13:40檢錄內容:車輛安全、服裝、安全帽配戴、號碼貼紙張貼位置(D)本次挑戰賽活動為個人計時,騎乘時間以晶片記錄為準,選手檢錄完成後,即可前往出發台,出發台設有晶片感應栱門,經過栱門即完成出發,出發後不得再重覆返回要求重新出發。選手若未完成

9、出發準備,請勿靠近出發台,晶片一經感應即自動開始計時,為了不影響您自身成積,請遵守此項規定。晶片本次號碼貼紙內含晶片計時,請遵照以下使用規則:絕對禁止對折,內置天線會因為對折而無法收發。貼紙張貼位置請參照圖示。賽程本次賽程路段共約305公里為非競賽型個人計時挑戰賽全程無交通管制補給站一:約賽程77.1k處花東縱谷管理處關站時間:18:00秘密檢查點關站時間:折返點關站時間:終點關門時間3月29日上午9時,限定時間20小時大會緊急聯絡電話 指揮組 0928-392441 0928-392445 無線電通訊頻率:VHF 145.66 2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑

10、戰 300KRULES OF BREVETS RANDONNEURS MONDIAUXfrom 200 km to 1000 km 世界 200 公里至 1000 公里自行車極限挑戰資格賽競賽規則Article 1 : Only the Audax Club Parisien has sanctioning worldwide authority for these events. The ACP registers all brevets. Each brevet receives a verification number. These are assigned chronological

11、ly based on time of receipt. The ACP has registered all brevets since their inception in 1921.第一條:Audax Club Parisien (ACP) 為核發參加是項自行車國際賽事資格證明的專責機構。ACP 自 1921 年起核發各項競賽項目護照,並依受理申請時間核予認可號碼。 Article 2 : These brevets are open to any amateur cyclist regardless of his or her cycling affiliations an cover

12、ed by insurance. Any rider under the age of 18 must have consent of his or her parent or legal guardian. Any form of human-powered vehicle is acceptable. The only stipulation is that the vehicle must be powered solely by the rider.第二條:凡是業餘自行車運動愛好者,任何運動社團或協會的會員均可申請核發本項競賽項目資格卡,並納入保險範圍。任何未滿 18 歲者,需檢附父母

13、或是法定監護人的同意,以及 6 個月內的醫檢證明,始得參加 ACP 及賽事主辦單位的活動。任何以人力為動力的車輛都是可以接受的,唯一的條件是發動的人力以一人為主。Article 3 : To participate in a brevet a rider must complete a registration form and pay a registration fee set by the event organizer. In some countries, a waiver of liability must be sign.第三條:所有參加的挑戰者須填寫報名表格,並繳交報名費用至主

14、辦單位;在某些國家,第三責任險也必須一同簽名。Article 4 : Each rider must be covered by liability insurance, either by a group policy or by a personal policy. A rider must第四條:所有參加的挑戰者都須投保第三責任險,由所屬協會、地方主辦單位投保的團體保險,或是個人保險(請注意:大部分的綜合保險都未包含參加舉辦之賽事及付費參加之賽事的附加險)都可以接受。辦理註冊登記時出檢具正面註記已辦理第三責任險之會員卡或相關證明文件。若主辦單位於資格賽開始前尚未取得第三責任險投保證明,得

15、拒絕未投保者參加比賽。2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300KArticle 5 : During the event, each rider is considered to be on a personal ride. The rider must ride in accordance with all applicable traffic codes and obey all traffic signals. The ACP, other organizers, ACP representative and his/her association ca

16、nnot and do not accept responsibility for any accidents that may occur during the course of a brevet.第五條:在資格賽期間,所有的挑戰者都視為個人參加,所有參賽人員必須遵守交通法則以及所有的道路指示牌。ACP、主辦單位、ACP 代表及其所屬組織對資格賽期間發生任何意外事故,概不負責。Article 6 : For night riding, vehicles must be equipped with front and rear lights attached firmly to the ve

17、hicle. Lights must be fully functional at all times (Spare lights are strongly recommended; spare bulbs are required). At least one of the rear lights must be in a steady (rather than flashing) mode. Riders not complying with all these requirements will not be permitted to start.Lights must be on fr

18、om dusk to dawn and at any other times when poor visibility conditions exist (rain, fog, etc.). Each rider, whether riding in a group or by himself, must fully comply with this requirement. Everyone must use their lights! All riders must wear a reflective vest, sash, Sam Browne belt, or some other d

19、evice that clearly places reflective material on the front and back of the rider. Any violation of these night riding rules will result in the immediate disqualification of the rider.第六條:在夜間騎乘時,所有挑戰者必須在車輛上牢固的裝置前後燈,必須確定所裝置的前後燈是可以隨時正常運作的(強烈建議準備備用車燈以及車燈用燈泡) 最少要有一個後車燈是有能持續發亮的模式,如果參賽的挑戰者裝備不符規定時,將禁止出發比賽。黃

20、昏至黎明這段期間以及能見度不佳(下雨、起霧)時,必須全程打開車燈,不論是團體組或是個人組,這些裝備是必備的,所有的挑戰者必須穿反光背心、腰帶、武裝帶或是在身體前後佩帶其他可以明顯清楚反光的物品或物質。任何違反夜間騎乘規定的參賽者,將立即喪失參賽資格。Article 7 : Each rider must be self sufficient. No follow cars or support of any kind are permitted on the course. Personal support is only allowed at checkpoints. Any violati

21、on of this requirement will result in immediate disqualification.At the start, if the organizer creates groups, as everyone rides at his or her own pace, a rider could go out the group at any time. No rider can be considered as group leader. All distinctive signs (jersey, armband, etc)or title (road

22、 captain) are not allowed. All riders are required to conduct themselves in a civil manner and abide by all applicable vehicle codes, laws, and regulations. All riders are required to respect local customs with regards to decorum.2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300K第七條:所有的挑戰者必須靠自己的力量來完成賽事,比賽期間嚴禁任何

23、車輛或支援人力隨行,人力支援限於檢查站內,凡違背規定的參賽者,將立即喪失參賽資格。比賽開始的時候,若主辦單位將參加的挑戰者分組出發,每個人得按自己的速度騎乘,並可隨時離開團隊獨騎,沒有人是團體的領導者,衣著裝備(車衣、臂章)上不得有任何特殊的標示或是頭銜(道路隊長等等)。所有參賽人員必須遵守比賽當地的民間禮儀、當地交通法規、所有法律以及合宜端莊的心尊重當地風俗。Article 8 : At the start, each rider will receive a brevet card and a cue sheet indicating the route and the location

24、of the checkpoints. Riders must stay on the route. If a rider leaves the route, they must return to the route at the same point prior to continuing, ie. no shortcuts or detours from the route, unless specified by the organizer. Riders must stop at each checkpoint to have their card stamped. Organize

25、rs may also include unannounced checkpoints along the route. This assures that everyone will stay on the prescribed route.The organizer must use the Audax Club Parisien brevet cards or the local brevet cards approved by Audax Club Parisien.第八條:比賽開始時,所有挑戰者將會收到一張資格卡以及路線圖,這張路線圖上會指出比賽的路線還有檢查站的位置,挑戰者在比賽途

26、中不得駛離規劃路線,若挑戰者駛離規定路線,則需回到他脫離路線的原點始得繼續比賽,也就是說除主辦單位另有規定外,不得抄捷徑或是繞路。挑戰者每到達一個檢查站時必須停下,並且拿出他們的資格卡讓檢查站人員蓋章,主辦單位可以在比賽路線上設置未公佈的檢查點,以確保所有參賽挑戰者都是在同一規定路線上競賽。主辦單位必須使用 Audax Club Parisien 的資格卡或是由 Audax Club Parisien 所認可的地方資格卡。Article 9 : Organizers may have checkpoints with no member of the organizing staff pres

27、ent. At these checkpoints riders must get their brevet card stamped at a local establishment that the organizer specifies as a checkpoint, such as a grocery store or gas station. Checkpoint information to be noted on the brevet card includes the time and the date of passage (for brevets that extend

28、beyond 24 hours).For unmanned checkpoints where no means of getting a stamp is available (arrival in the middle of the night for example), the rider may either (1) mail in a postcard with the checkpoint information (time, date, full name of the rider, and the riders club affiliation) to the brevet o

29、rganizer; or (2) write into their brevet card identifying information from a predetermined landmark or sign at the checkpoint also noting the time and the date of passage. When the rider mails a postcard, the rider should mark his brevet card in the space provided for the checkpoint: PC, with the ti

30、me and date the postcard was sent. The organizer has the discretion to determine 2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300Kwhich option is to be allowed for a given checkpoint.Missing checkpoint stamps, missing checkpoint times, or loss of the brevet card (regardless of how far into the ride a rider is)

31、 will result in disqualification. Each rider is responsible for seeing that his brevet card is properly completed at each checkpoint.第九條:在檢查站,主辦單位可以安排非主辦單位之會員參與工作,挑戰者到達大會所宣布的當地檢查站例如超級市場、加油站.等等,必須停下並在資格卡上蓋章,檢查站人員會紀錄通過檢查點的日期、時間,以及相關的資訊(24 小時以上的資格賽)。到達無工作人員的檢查站時(例如到達時候已經是午夜),這時挑戰者可以選擇以下方式來完成通過檢查站:(1) 用

32、明信片寫下通過時間、日期、全名、所屬俱樂部名稱寄給主辦單位。(2) 在資格卡上註明預設的地標或檢查站標誌,並記錄通過的日期、時間。若採用寄明信片方式時,必須在資格卡所列的該檢查站蓋章處寫上 PC 及明信片寄出的日期時間。主辦單位得自行決定哪個檢查站採用什麼方法來檢驗通過檢查站的作法。若挑戰者資格卡未蓋檢查站的章、未記錄時間,或是遺失資格卡(不論參賽者已完成的距離有多長),均以喪失資格論處。挑戰者有責任妥為保管資格卡並確認蓋妥各檢查站章戳。Article 10 : Overall time limits vary for each brevet according to the distance

33、. These are: (in hours and minutes, HH:MM) 13:30 for 200 KM, 20:00 for 300 KM, 27:00 for 400 KM, 40:00 for 600 KM, and 75:00 for 1000 KM.Additionally, riders must arrive at each checkpoint between the opening and closing time for the checkpoint. These times are noted on the brevet card with the info

34、rmation for the checkpoints. Riders must arrive at each checkpoint between the start and the finish while the checkpoint is open. If a rider arrives at a checkpoint after it has closed and the ride organizer is satisfied that the riders lateness is due to the occurrence of something unforeseen and b

35、eyond the control of the rider (such as stopping to help at a traffic accident or a road closure), then the ride organizer may waive the fact that the rider arrived at the control late and allow the rider to continue. Poor bicycle or equipment maintenance, fatigue, lack of fitness, hunger, etc. are

36、not unforeseen and beyond the control of the rider and therefore will not serve as a valid reason for being late. Subject to the foregoing, failure to make all checkpoints, even if the brevet is done within the overall time limit, will result in disqualification.2009 Never Stop 永不放棄系列賽花東縱谷單車極限挑戰 300

37、K第十條:規定完成比賽的時間依比賽距離而有所不同 (HH:MM)13:30 (200KM)20:00 (300KM)27:00 (400KM)40:00 (600KM)75:00 (1000KM)此外,挑戰者必須在檢查站開啟到關閉的時間內通過,卡片上所列的檢查站資訊內均詳載這些資訊,挑戰者必須於檢查站開啟的時間到達檢查點的開始線以及結束線之間,如果挑戰者因故沒有辦法在檢查站關閉的時間前到達檢查站,大會將考慮挑戰者延誤的原因,例如係發生任何人力不可抗拒之因素(挑戰者停下來協助處理交通意外事故,或是道路封閉.等等),致挑戰者延後抵達檢查站時,大會將准許挑戰者通過檢查站並且繼續比賽,但是挑戰者若因為

38、個人車輛裝備因素,疲勞、體能不足或是飢餓等而無法通過檢查站檢查的非不可抗力因素,即使在限定時間之內到達終點完成比賽,挑戰者仍將被判失格。Article 11 : Any fraud, cheating, or deliberate violation of these rules will result in the exclusion of the rider from all ACP sponsored events.第十一條:任何作弊、欺騙的情形或是蓄意違反大會規則者,將永不得參加任何 ACP 所辦的活動。Article 12 : At the finish, the rider mus

39、t sign his brevet card and return it to the event organizer. The brevet card will be returned to the rider after the brevet has been verified and a brevet number issued. In the event of the organizer losing a brevet card, no replacement to the rider will be made.These brevets are not competitive eve

40、nts, so no rider classifications are made. Commemorative medals for each brevet are available for purchase. Those wishing to purchase a medal should mark their brevet card accordingly. Payment is required at the finish.第十二條:比賽結束時,挑戰者必須在他自己的資格卡上簽名,並繳回大會。資格卡在確認挑戰者完成挑戰並核發認證號碼後發還予挑戰者。若不幸大會在檢查過程中遺失挑戰者的卡片

41、,將不補發所有的資格賽活動都不是競賽活動,所以大會不將所有參賽的挑戰者分級,挑戰者可以自由購買每次的活動紀念獎牌作為留念,購買的挑戰者必須要在卡上註記,並在比賽結束時繳費。Article 13 :Medals: The medals noting the successful completion of the brevets are: a bronze medal for 200 KM, a silver-plate medal for 300 KM, a vermilion medal for 400 KM, a gold medal for 600 KM, and a silver medal for 1000 KM. The design of the medals will change after each PBP. Cost for the medals will be set by the event organizer.


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