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1、1留白:七年级上 Unit 2 This is my sister教材分析本单元的中心语题是“家庭” 。教材结合图片及家谱图学习有关家庭成员的词汇和介绍人物,辨别人物的目标语言。首次进行阅读教学,培养学生的语篇意识,分析语篇是如何把介绍人物的句子串联在一起的,引导学生关注阅读内容,从中提取有用信息,而不是一个词一个词地读。同时适当解释文化差异,让学生在语境中学习和模仿逐渐突破语言和思维上的难点。教学目标:能够简单介绍人物关系及指认人物关系。能够用指示代词 this, that, these, those 介绍人物关系及用 who 引导的特殊疑问句询问第三方是谁。能够辨别 3 组元音:u:和 u

2、, :和 或a: ; a:和及正确读出简单的缩略表达。能够将图片与人物描述相结合进行有效记忆及将人物描述的文字信息和图片信息相互转换。了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称谓。教学重难点:能够正确使用下列词汇:family, mother (mom), father (dad), parent, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandmother (grandma), grandfother (grandpa), grandparent, cousin, aunt, uncle, day, photo, picture, girl, dog, these, thos

3、e, they, who, have, next, here, of, well, bye.能够正确使用下列常用表达:this is , that is , these are , those are , whos ? a photo of my family, in my farmily, have a good day.能掌握名词单复数与谓语的一致性。教法和学法通过图片将学生带入 David 的家庭,并在此情境中输入与介绍人物和辨别人物相关的核心句型和重点词汇。通过表格的形式梳理重点语法项目。通过对话练习,造句练习及游戏,写作训练巩固本单元的目标语言。教学设计 (4 个课时)Period

4、OneStep1. Lead in 1. Revise Unit 1 by greeting new students and introducing oneself.2. Tell Ss they will learn new expressionssentences about introducing family members.T: How mamy people are there in your femitly? Who are they?Use the teachers family photo to teach the new words:2留白:mother, father,

5、 parents, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, friend, sister and write them on the Bb.3. Ask the Ss to look at the picture in la and match the words with the people in the picture.Step2. Listening1. Before listening, ask the Ss to write new words in the picture and tell them these are t

6、he key words in the listening.2. While Listneing, finish 1b.3. After listening, write tle basic patterns on tle Bb ard read the conversations (Pay attention to “this” “that”, “these” “those”)Step3. Practice1. RolePlay: read 1c.2. Talk about Davids family members in pairs.3. Act out.Step4. Homework1.

7、 Draw a picture and introduce your family. (at least 5 sentences)Period TwoStep1. Lead-in1. Good students read out their homework, the other Ss write down the key words. (how many people in their families)Step2. Listening1. Listen and finish 2a.2. Listen again and finish 2b.3. Ask questions: Whats G

8、indys mothers name?Whats her fathers name?Is Mary her sister?4. Listen ard read.Step3. Practice1. T and a student practice 2c; Then work in pairs and talk about Cindys family.2. Act out.3. Role-play the conversation (2d)Step4. Survey1. Grammar focus:2. Finish 3a and read.Use their own family photo o

9、r draw a picture to make new conversation.3. Finish 3b and read4. Work in groups of four and talk about their family photos.5. Act out and record.Step5. Homework3留白:1. Introduce your classmates family.Period ThreeStep1. Lead in1. Read homework and record.2. Draw family tree and teach new words.3. Re

10、ad tle words and explain in English.Step2. Practice1. Finish 1a. 2. Read words in lb and then listen, circle the words.3. Listen again and finish 1c.4. Listen and read, pay attention to: This is a photo of my family.Step3. Reading1. Ask the students to find some English names in Unit2 and ask: Is Ja

11、ck a girl or a boy? What about Jenny?2. Finish 2a.3. Look at pictures and ask some questions:How many people can you see in the first picture?How many people can you see in the second picture?What else can you see in the second picture?4. Read 2b silently and Circle the names.5. Ask some questions:W

12、hats her grandfathers name?What are her brothers names?Does the dog have a name? Whats her name?6. Read the passage again and complete the sentences in 2c.Step4. Role-playWork in groups of four, read the passage and then role-play (e.g. Im Jennys mother. My names Mary)Step5. HomeworkRecite and write

13、 down the passage without looking at their books.Period FourStep1. Lead-in1. Ask some students to recite the passage in 2b.Step2. Writing1. Read the words in the box in 3a.2. Complete the passage with the words in the box. Then drow a picture of Pauls family. 3. Read the passage.4. Finish 3b and the

14、n correct the writing in pairs.5. Read out their writing.Step3. Self-check4留白:1. Finish two tasks.Step4. Writing1. Work in pairs and talk about their fathers or mothers family.2. Draw the family tree.3. Write the passage about their parents family: My fathermother has a big family.4. Compare the differences between their family and their parents family.Step5. HomeworkRevise the whole unit


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