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1、 绝密 考试结束前 全国 2014 年 4 月高等教育自学考试综合英语( 二) 试题和答案课程代码:00795请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。选择题部分注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。2. 每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。I. GRAMMARAND VOCABULARYComplete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likel

2、y answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)1. Mr. Johnson _ rather not invest that money in the stock market.A. should B. couldC. would D. must2. Americans eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.A. more than twice man

3、y B. as twice as manyC. as many as twice D. twice as many3. In 1900, the energy derived from burning petroleum was only four percent _ of coal.A. that B. thisC. what D. which4. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, _ they have no schedules to keep.A. since B. even thoughC. so

4、 D. as if5. In summer, she would sit in the garden enjoying the fresh air and the smell of the things she _.A. was planting B. had plantedC. has planted D. would plant6. There _ nothing more for discussion, the meeting ended earlier than expected.A. to be B. to have beenC. being D. be7. _ we can hop

5、e for is to avoid complete failure in the coming game with that strong team.A. For the best B. With the bestC. At best D. The best8. While crossing the mountain area, all the men carried guns lest they _ by wild animals.A. should be attacked B. must be attackedC. could be attacked D. would be attack

6、ed9. Her talent and experience _ her to the respect of her colleagues.A. authorized B. qualifiedC. deserved D. entitled10. Those who change mobile phones too frequently will have to pay for being _.A. graceful B. fashionableC. popular D. perfect11. We hoped to be able to move into our new house at t

7、he end of the month, but things didnt _ as we expected.A. work out B. move outC. get out D. carry out12. On arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _ which occurred in his dormitory.A. occasions B. affairsC. incidents D. issues13. He complained to the bookseller that there were several

8、 pages _ in the book.A. losing B. missingC. dropping D. lacking14. Jeans are so hot these days that big name stars appear on TV advertising for their _ brands.A. favorite B. uniqueC. permanent D. intimate15. In order to buy a new car, you should at least _ one hundred dollars a week.A. put out B. pu

9、t forwardC. put up D. put asideII. CLOZEFill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)Without transportation, there could be no trade. Without trade, there could be no tow

10、ns and cities. Towns and cities are traditionally the 16 centers of civilization. Therefore, transportation helps make civilization 17 practical .Throughout most of the prehistoric period, people lived by hunting, fishing, and 18 growing wild plants. They had no beasts of burden, wheeled vehicles, o

11、r roads. People traveled 19 on foot and carried their infants and belongings strapped to their backs or heads. Loads too heavy for one person to carry were strapped to a pole and carried by two people.20 All the while , people learned that they could drag loads along the ground on sledges. During la

12、te prehistoric times, people began to build sledges with runners.When people developed agriculture and began to establish 21. permanent settlements, trade between settlements started to develop, which created a need for better 22 means of transportation. The donkey and the ox, which had been tamed f

13、or food products and farm work, helped 23 meet this need. The use of donkeys and oxen as beasts of burden enabled people to 24 move heavier loads than they could before.People also began to develop water transportation during prehistoric times. They built rafts of such 25 materials as logs or reeds.

14、 Later, people learned 26 how to make dugouts and canoes. People paddled these early craft with their hands or propelled them with paddles or 27 poles .The wheel was invented about 3500 B.C. and sailboat about 3200 B.C. Wheeled vehicles and sailing vessels 28 initiated transportation. But the speed

15、of transportation improved only 29 slightly over the centuries.Inventors produced the first engine- 30 powered vehicles during the late 1700s and the early 1800s. This development marked the beginning of a revolution in transportation that has continued to the present.16. A. highlights B. pinpoints

16、C. headquarters D. centers17. A. possible B. acceptable C. practical D. typical18. A. growing B. gathering C. watering D. moving19. A. in turn B. at ease C. on foot D. for fun20. A. All the while B. For a while C. In time D. On time21. A. temporary B. permanent C. regular D. steady22 A. knowledge B.

17、 judgment C. standards D. means23. A. recognize B. develop C. meet D. reduce24. A. bear B. move C. share D. lift25. A. materials B. styles C. items D. types26. A. where B. when C. how D. as27. A. poles B. sails C. currents D. winds28. A. demonstrated B. revolutionized C. witnessed D. initiated29. A.

18、 considerably B. continuously C. swiftly D. slightly30. A. powered B. controlled C. oriented D. relatedIII. PARAPHRASINGChoose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentences or the italicized part. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point e

19、ach, 10 points in all)31. This is a deflation of our pretensions, to be sure, but it is also the opening up to our view of a vast and awesome universe.A. This makes us feel flattered, .B. This makes us feel less arrogant, .C. This is a lack of trust in our honesty, .D. This is a lack of respect for

20、our dignity, .32. When you stay in a new environment for a while, you move to stage twothe crisis stagein which the shine wears off and day-to-day realities sink in.A. .your interest begins to disappear and you find life dull.B. .the brilliant light goes off and you have nothing to hope for in life.

21、C. .the bright color fades and life changes too quickly for you to adapt to.D. .your excitement dies out and you have to face unpleasant aspects of life.33. The old woman did not want to become a burden, and so bore her burden. A. The old woman took the responsibility to support herself, for she hat

22、ed to bother and depend on others.B. Being tired of being a burden on others, the old woman started to take care of herself.C. Instead of becoming a burden on others, the old woman had to take care of others.D. Despite her will not to bother others, the old woman became their burden.34. How do you g

23、o about making a boy into a zero?A. How can you make a boy interested in nothing?B. What do you do if a boy gets a zero in his exam?C. How is it possible to turn a boy into a total failure?D. What does it mean to a boy if he is nobody in school?35. Now, I didnt have to say that . if you ask me, it s

24、howed a lot of humility on my part to say a thing like that when, after all, I have got a career of my own to consider.A. .I said that at the cost of my own reputation.B. .I wouldnt have said that if I had thought for myself.C. .only a modest person like me could say something like that.D. .as a per

25、son with self-respect, I wouldnt say that kind of thing.36. “Its not so much what my husband says,” a tearful wife confides, “as the way he says it. Why does he have to yell at me?”A. The way he says it is as important as what he says.B. What he says matters more than the way he says it.C. It is the

26、 way he says it rather than what he says that hurts me.D. It is what he says rather than the way he says it that hurts me.37. But try to break it the difficult situation the family had to face gently to Laura.A. But try to treat Laura politely.B. But try to free Laura from it carefully.C. But try to

27、 tell Laura this in a tender way.D. But try to leave Laura without hurting her.38. Flunk one more course, and Im out.A. I cannot put up with another course any more.B. If I fail another course, Ill have to leave the university.C. One more university course is what I need for graduation.D. I am no lo

28、nger a university student due to the failure in a course.39. I bowed to superior my mother will and entered journalism with a heavy heart.A. I accepted the job though I hated it deep down in my heart.B. I got ready to devote myself to journalism as my mother expected.C. I respected my mothers decisi

29、on and took up journalism seriously.D. I had to obey my mother and began my journalistic career unwillingly.40. People in those difficult places do not forget the law of hospitality to the strangerfor their God may decree that they too shall become strangers on the face of the earth.A. .because they

30、 believe that one day fate might take them to some foreign land.B. .because they hope that their kindness might help them make friends all over the word.C. .because they are afraid that an unfriendly host might be an unwelcome visitor someday.D. .because they are sure their friendliness could bring

31、them the chance to travel around the world.IV. READING COMPREHENSIONRead the two passages and choose the most likely answer to each of the questions. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (2 points each, 20 points in all)Passage OneIf you are searching for a job, you h

32、ave perhaps read lots of local newspapers with job vacancies, and certainly even visited an employment agency or firm to help you get the job of your dreams. Job hunting is not an easy task and one needs to be informed on how to find numerous advertisements of vacancies that suit your professional n

33、eeds. There are a number of useful tips on how to write unique and good curriculum vitae (CV)(简历) documents that all job seekers should like. All this information can be obtained at no cost from most job sites.Today most recruitment companies advertise their vacancies on the job websites and this pr

34、ovides a free and accessible way to find thousands of jobs and one can feasibly apply for jobs within a very short time. Most recruitment portals (门户网站 ) allow you to keep your CV with them and send it automatically to the human resources for consideration any time you apply for a job.This service a

35、lso allows you to up-date your CV at any time and companies looking for employees will also be able to view your employment and qualification details and send you an application invitation without the need of your having to look for them. If you are looking for a job, you can start with the most pop

36、ular and trusted sites that will give you a wide range of choices to select from.E-mail alerts can save you a lot of energy and time but one needs to specify the type of notifications she/he needs to receive depending on ones career goals. You should also need to be keen on the deadline because most

37、 sites do not remove the list of jobs, whose deadline has already passed. In case the deadline is not indicated you can e-mail or call the employer to check the details.Before applying for a job it is advisable to read the terms and conditions of recruitment well to see whether you qualify for the p

38、osition because it is pointless to apply for a post of which you do not meet the requirements. You need to expand your job search by browsing related categories or you can look for a job using alternative job titles in other areas, for instance, outside your locality, since an opportunity can presen

39、t itself at the least expected place.Business sites are also becoming very popular and help many job seekers to create and develop relationships that will help them find a job. There are numerous job sites available but one needs to be very careful. There are people who use these sites to cheat inno

40、cent employment seekers. These sites also offer useful information and tips on how to find a job, write a CV, apply for a vacancy as well as tips on interviews. Some sites provide you with career coaches to give you all the information you need on jobs and can also help you find the right job that i

41、s in line with your career or profession.41. What kind of service do most recruitment portals offer?A. They keep job seekers CVs.B. They publish job seekers CVs.C. They up-date CVs for job seekers.D. They prepare CVs for job seekers.42.Which of the following can best explain the word “feasibly” in P

42、aragraph 2?A. Directly. B. Effortlessly.C. Possibly. D. Immediately.43. Which of the following can help you avoid wasting time on a job which does not exist?A. To ask for details. B. To check the deadline.C. To inquire about payments. D. To confirm the location.44. What is the authors advice about g

43、etting a job?A. You need to be informed about alternative job positions.B. You need to focus on certain categories to avoid wasting time.C. You should study the terms and conditions to avoid being cheated.D. You should be clear about the requirements and your qualifications.45. What might be the aut

44、hors purpose of writing this passage?A. To tell people how to find job vacancies.B. To explain how hard it is to find a job now.C. To recommend the most popular and trusted sites.D. To share some personal experience with job seekers.Passage TwoIve often felt that “step-parent” is a label we attach t

45、o men and women who marry into families where children already exist, for the simple reason that we need to call them something. It is most certainly an enormous “step”, but one doesnt often feel as if the term “parent” truly applies. At least thats how I used to feel about being a step-mother to my

46、 husbands four children.My husband and I had been together for six years, and with him I had watched as his young children become young teenagers. Although they lived primarily with their mother, they spent a lot of time with us as well. Over the years, we all learned to adjust, to become more comfo

47、rtable with each other, and to adapt to our new family arrangements. We enjoyed vacations together, ate family meals, worked on homework, played baseball, rented videos. However, I continued to feel somewhat like an outsider, invading foreign territory. There was a definite boundary line that could

48、not be crossed, an inner family circle which excluded me. Since I had no children of my own, my experience of parenting was limited to my husbands four, and often I felt sad that I would never know the special bond that exists between a parent and a child.When the children moved to a town five hours

49、 away, my husband was understandably depressed. In order to maintain regular communication with the kids, we contacted Cyberspace and promptly set up an e-mail and chat-line service. This technology, combined with the telephone, would enable us to reach them on a daily basis by sending frequent notes and messages, and even chatting together when we were all online.Ironically, these modern tools


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