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1、第 1 页六年级上册 Unit 4:Accident(2)【课前测验】一、听写二、中英互译1.When I was eight, I had an accident with my bike._2.I was in hospital for four weeks._3.Last year I was on my holiday with my parents._4.One day I went swimming._5.I cut my foot on a broken bottle._6.My mum put a bandage round it._第 2 页3、回答下列句子1.Did Jac

2、k have an accident when he was eight ?肯定回答:_否定回答:_2.Did Juliet cut her foot/hand last year?肯定回答:_否定回答:_【课堂讲解】*重点短语keep to rules _ ride ones(my/your/his/her) bike _wear ones helmet _ take care _put on ones belt _ ride in a car _look left and right in the street _ stay here _ for a while _ a deep cut

3、_ speak English _ play games _*重点句子1.-Whats the matter with you?/ Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?-My knee hurts./ I hurt my knee. ear / finger / leg / foot / 2.-Are you OK/right?(问人) 第 3 页-I am fine. / No, I am not well.3.-Was it bad?(问伤口)-Yeah,I feel pain.4.小病小痛怎么说,下表告诉你!感冒 have/catch a cold She has a

4、cold.肚子疼、胃疼 a stomchache He has a stmachache. 头疼heade I haveheade. 咳嗽 cough cough/He is a bit of cough. 发烧fver Ty havea fever 我流鼻涕 Mynoe i running.*我会填(不仅注意第三人称单数,还要注意时态哟!)1. Yesterday I _(发烧了).2. My father _(肚子疼). 3. Last week she _ (头疼).4. They _(有点咳嗽).5. My mother and I _(感冒了).【课后作业】1、改错,将你认为错误地方

5、的字母填入括号内,并在横线上改正( )1.We watch an big football game on TV. _A B C( )2.Youre play with dolls. _A B C( )3.I like rideing my bicycle. _A B C( )4.Ive get a stamp from the USA. _A B C第 4 页( )5.Its on the east of China. _A B C二、按要求写句子1.Have you got any picture books?(作否定回答)2.This stamps is from China.(改为复数

6、句)3.There is a letter for me.(改为一般疑问句)4.I want to go inside.(改为一般疑问句)5.We have a special meal on Thanksgiving Day.(对画线部分提问)三、阅读理解Christmas Day comes in winter. It is always on the same day each year. Its on December 25th. We always get up early on Christmas Day. 第 5 页When we get up,we find presents

7、at the end of our beds. We open our presents in the morning.At noon,we have a big lunch at home. In the afternoon,we play games and have a good time. In the evening,we are usually very tired,so we go to bed at about10 oclock.( ) 1、 Christmas Day is on 25th. A、November B、December C、October( ) 2、 We always get up on Christmas Day.A、 early B、late C、at ten oclock.( ) 3、 We find at the end of our bed. A、food B、 presents C、socks ( ) 4、 In the ,we play games and have a good time. A、evening B、morning C、afternoon ( ) 5、 Because we are very ,we go to bed early.A、tired B、 happy C、 sad


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