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1、 Medical English Amphibious Words1. AbnormalGeneral Meaning: adj.反常的,不规则的Medical meaning: adj.变态的,畸形的 n .畸形的人E.g. How to change the abnormal psychology of others appellation? With animal cure? Be still psychological channel?如何改变别人称谓的变态心理?用动物治疗?还是心理开导?2. AbuseGeneral Meaning: vt. 虐待;辱骂 ; 滥用Medical me

2、aning: n. 误用,滥用 E.g. When drugs of abuse increase dopamine release from the VTA into the nucleus accumbens, they also alter the responsiveness of the VTA and ucleus accumbens to glutamate for days.当滥用药物促使 VTA 释出较多的多巴胺到依核时,也会改变 VTA 与依核对谷胺酸的反应长达数天之久。3. CarrierGeneral Meaning: n.运送者;货架Medical meaning:

3、n. 带菌者;载体;E.g. The chromosome is the genetic material carrier, it exists in the cell nucleus, each species chromosome number is constant, maintains its species the relative stability.染色体是遗传物质的载体,它存在于细胞核中,每一个物种的染色体数目都是恒定的,以保持其物种的相对稳定性。4. Digital General Meaning: adj. 数字的;手指的 n. 数字;键Medical meaning: a

4、dj.手指的E.g. Take extra care when performing digital examinations of fracture fragments or wounds containing wires or sharp instrumentation.当用手指探查骨折碎片或有钢丝及其他锐利器械的伤口时,要格外小心。5. Tender General Meaning: adj. 温柔的;柔软的;脆弱的;幼稚的;难对付的n. 偿付,清偿Medical meaning: adj.敏感的;n.触痛 E.g. The area over the vein is painful,

5、swollen, red, and hot. A tender, cordlike mass may be felt under the skin.静脉上部会疼痛、肿胀、变红、发热。皮下可以感到柔软、线状的物质。6. EnduranceGeneral Meaning: n. 忍耐力;忍耐;持久;耐久Medical meaning: n. 忍耐力,耐药性E.g. Methods Used to using different doses of asthma in mice capsules, the mice were observed changes in general and endura

6、nce, thymus weight and MDA, SOD content in lung tissue.方法给小鼠服用不同剂量的平喘胶囊,观察各组小鼠的一般情况以及耐力变化、御寒能力、胸腺重量以及肺组织中 MDA、SOD 的含量。7. Medium General Meaning: adj. 中间的,中等的;半生熟的 n. 媒介;方法;媒体;中间物Medical meaning: n.介质,培养基E.g. Meterial and Methods: Using different medium and concentration of fetal bovine serum, we hav

7、e modified the method to culture the primary HEL, HEK.方法:分别用不同的培养基及不同浓度的血清,以改进的方法对原代人胚肺、肾细胞进行培养。8. ObstructionGeneral Meaning: n. 妨碍;障碍;阻碍Medical meaning: (器官、管道)梗阻, 阻碍E.g. Of 72 men seen at six U. S. tertiary care hospitals for bladder outflow obstruction secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia,

8、35 underwent TURP and 37 underwent ILC.72 位病患因为良性摄护腺增生继发的膀胱输出阻碍,至六间美国第三看护医院就诊,其中 35 名接受 TURP 及 37 名接受了 ILC。9. SecondaryGeneral Meaning: adj. 第二的;中等的;次要的;中级的 n. 副手;代理人Medical meaning: 继发性的 E.g. so in the case of influenza, antibiotics are useless unless ordered to treat secondary bacterial infection.所以就流感而言,抗生素是无效的,除非开出来是为了治疗二线的细菌感染。10. SecreteGeneral Meaning: vt. 藏匿;私下侵吞Medical meaning: 生分泌E.g. Male reproductive system can also secrete estrogen which conduct its biological effects through combination with estrogen receptor.雄性动物的生殖系统中也能产生雌激素,雌激素主要通过与雌激素受体结合发挥生物学作用。


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