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1、Module5 there are only nineteen crayons 教案教学目标:知识:1.学生能听说认读单词及词组:thirteen,fourteen, fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,give out,all right2.学生能听懂认读句子:There are only nineteen crayons, but there are twenty children in the class.技能:能运用句型“there be”描述物品的数量情感:培养学生认真观察生活,并能在实际生活中积极用英语进行交流教学重难点:1.听说

2、读 13-19 量词,并能听说读写四会词:crayon ,begin,floor , ,并能运用句型“there are”描述物品的数量2.注意 fifteen ,thirteen 的发音,以及使用句型 There is/areBut there is/are数量够不够如何用英语描述教学准备:PPT、点读笔、单词卡片教学方法:游戏法,直观法教学过程:Step1 热身导入1. GreetingT: Class begins!S: Good morning, Ms. Liang!T: Good morning boys and girls! Sit down please.T: Lets sing

3、 a song-ten little IndiansS: Student sings 2. T: Good. Now, listen and carefully. Do you remember whats this? (Show the numbers picture)S: answer.T: Good job. (Continue present the numbers)S: answerStep2 呈现与操练1. T: how many apples in the picture?(展示图片)lets count:one,twofifteen, sixteen, seventeen ,e

4、ighteen, nineteen(带读单词 thirteen,fourteen,fifteen ,sixteen, seventeen,eighteen ,nineteen)S: student count the apple(S and T lets count together)T: How many apples? S: nineteenT: Very good. Read after me, nineteen 十九(使用大小声、个人、组与组、全班 进行操练单词)S: read after the teacherT: who can try?S:Let me try(让举手的同学都快速

5、读一遍,对于发音不标准和发音好的给予适当的纠正鼓励和表扬)T: continue present thirteen(剩下的 13-18 教授方法同上并鼓励没举手的学生起来回答)T:教授完 13-19 后,询问学生有没有发现其中有什么规律?思考并找出来。S: answer the question after.T: 向学生解释基数词的构成:112 是独立的词1319 词尾加后缀 teen,和注意 13,15,18 的拼写形、112 是独立的词。(并使用 T say:three,S say: thirteen 方式进行再次操练)2. T: Do you know the new word? How

6、 to say in English? (show the new word class begins)S: Student says the word T: Very good. You are right. Read after me “class begins” (学习单词 class begins 使用大小声,组与组,小火车,全班式进行操练)S: read after the teacherT: look at me and listen carefully. What I am doing now? (不断做出 give out 分发的动作,引导学生理解这个单词的意思)S : 分发。

7、带读单词 give out,all rightgive out)3. T: Now, youre sitting on the chair and I stand on the floor (带读单词 floor 操练同上)4. 复习 there be 句型T: How many flowers can you see? (引导学生用 there be 句型回答)S: there is/are5. 播放 SB unit1 活动 1 的动画录音,让学生看动画或录音理解图文6. 再次播放录音,让学生逐句跟读,鼓励学生模仿录音的语音语调7. 让学生依次进行全班跟读、小组跟读、8. T :播放第一遍

8、SB unit1 活动 2 的动画录音,让学生看动画或听录音,初步理解课文语境。并提出问题:Listen and underline听录音,用横线标出 There are But there are的句型和自己不认识的单词及短语:give out、all right 、crayon 、 begin 、floor 9. 再次播放录音,让学生完整的听一遍,进一步理解语境并回答问题:What did MS Smart buy yesterday? How many crayons did MS Smart buy? How many children are there in the class?(

9、教师解读课文并对 there is/are.but there is/are重点解释并进行运用训练)11.播放第三次录音,让学生逐句跟读(重复两遍)12给 3 分钟时间,学生分组自由朗读,请学生三人为一组分角色朗读进行表演。Step4 巩固与拓展1. Play game 完成 SB unit1 活动 4 的 practice . 老师依次说明各图中物品名称数量及孩子的数量,然后请学生两人为一组仿照示例进行对话。2. 几道关于 there be 的选择题3. 再出几道课文中的重点巩固Step5 板书There are only nineteen crayons.But there are twenty studentsStep6 布置作业1. 翻译 Module5Unit12. 熟读课文。3. 写出 5 个 There be 句型。


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