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1、 六年级英语测试卷一、请正确抄写句子,并圈出其中的元音字母。 (3 分)Let us go skating. 二、Read and choose (读一读 , 选一选, ) (5 分)三、Read and choose (根据图意选择短语 ,将代号填入图下括号中) (5 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、Read and choose the right answer (单项选择)(10 分)( ) 1. _ can I go to Shanghai? You can go by plane. A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 2. There are thr

2、ee lights: _ . A. red, yellow and green B. red, blue and green C. red, orange and green( ) 3. In China, drivers drive on the _ side of the road.A. left B. right C. two( ) 4. I am going to _ my grandparents next week.A. visit B. visits C. visiting( ) 5. I want to buy some books. So I can go to the _

3、.A. bookstore B. shoe store C. pet shop( ) 6. Amys mother is _actress. Her father is _ policeman.A. a , an, B. a, a C. an, a ( ) 7. It _ from the clouds. A. come B. comes C. coming( ) 8. Where does he work? A.His hobby is painting. B. He works in a car company. C. He is a singer.( ) 9. Its late. Let

4、s go _ together. A. to home B. home C. school 单词 rain ship left ride buy音标A. read a magzine C. a cleaner D. rainF. go to the hospital E. play the violinip left bai rein raid( ) 10. Toms mother teaches English. What does his mother do?A. She is a policewoman. B. She is a teacher. C. She goes to work

5、by car.五、Put the words in right order (连词成句) (8 分)1. do How you to go school ( ? ) 2. comes the It from clouds ( . ) 3. to get can the I Zhongshan How Park ( ? ) 4. at cinema Turn the left ( . ) 六、Read and find (读一读,找答语) (5 分)( )1.Where is the museum, please?( )2. How does Li Lin go to work?( )3. Wh

6、ere are you going this weekend?( )4. What does your father do?( )5. Are you going to the bookstore?A. He is a artist.B. Its near the school.C. Yes, we are.D. She goes to work by car.E. Im going to HongKong.七、按单词归类,填序号 (4 分)1、bus 2、East 3、 teacher 4、car 5、North 6、hotel 7、farmer 8、train 9、park 10、plan

7、e 11、left 12、hospital 13、cinema 14、nurse 15 、doctor 交通工具: 方位: 职业: 场所:: 九、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,判断对错。(5 分)Amy and Tom are going to have a busy day next Sunday. In the morning, Tom is going to visit his aunt and Amy is going to buy a cat in the pet shop. Tom is going to have lunch with his aunt. After lunch,

8、 Amy is going to borrow some magazines and comic books in the library. Tom is going to buy a dictionary and a new CD in the bookstore. Finally, Amy and Tom are going buy some apples and go home by subway.( )1、Tom is going to visit his aunt on Sunday.( )2、Amy is going to buy the cat in the bike shop.

9、( )3、Tom is going to have lunch with his uncle.( )4、Tom is going to buy a new CD in the bookstore( )5、Amy and Tom are going to be busy next Sunday.(2) Reading. 阅读理解,选择正确的选项。(5 分)I have a pen pal. Her name is Tina. She is thirteen. She is from Australia. She lives in the country. She is tall and stro

10、ng. She likes playing chess, basketball and computer games. Basketball is her favourite sport. She plays after school every day. Usually she goes to school by bike. She will go by car when he gets up late.( )1、Whos Tina? A. She is my pen pal. B. Shes my classmate.( )2、 Where is she from A. America B

11、. Australia)3、What does she do after school?A. She plays chess. B. She plays basketball. ( )4、What is Tina like? A. Strong and tall. B. Quiet and tall.( ) 5Does Tina usually go to school by bike?A. Yes, she does.B. No, she goes by car. PEP 六年级英语上册综合测试卷 1、根据括号内的单词填写适当的形式, (10 分) 1. She likes _(read)

12、books.2. My father often _(watch) TV after supper.3. Tom and Alice _(like)listening to music.4. How does she _(go) to school.5. He _(have) a new bicycle.6. Im going to _(buy) a story book.7. Its _(next)the hospital.8. He dances. He is a _(舞蹈家).9. She _(打扫)streets. She is a cleaner.10.She teaches me

13、English. She is a _(老师).二、选择正确的答案,将字母填入题前的括号里。 (15 分)( )1. Does your mother wash clothes? A. Yes, she doesnt. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesnt.( )2. What does Tom do? A. Tom goes to school.B. Tom is a boy. C. Tom is a teacher.( )3. How does he go to school? A. On feet. B. By foot. C. On foot.( )4.

14、 He likes _. He likes _, too.A. make/swimming B. making/swim C. making/swim( )5. Where is your home?.A. Its south of the post office. B. Im at home. C. I live in the city.( )6. _ You can go by the No. 15 bus.A. Can I go on foot? B. How can I get to Yingtan Park? C. Where is the Yingtan Park?( )7. Ha

15、ppy birthday. _ A. Happy birthday. B. Thank youC. Ok.( )8. _? Im going to the zoo.A. Where are you going? B. When are you going?C. What are you going to do?( )9.Who are you ? _.A. Im little Water Drop. B. Who are you? C. Im fine.( )10.Where does he work? A. He goes to work by bus. B. He works in a h

16、ospital. C. He can be a doctor.( ) 11.Look at the boys. They _ games at school.A. play B. playing C. are play D. are playing( ) 12. A: . B: Nice to see you, too.A.Nice to see you. B. How are you? C. How do you do! D. See you later ( ) 13. A: Here you are. B: A. Thats right. B. Let me see. C. Thanks.

17、 D. Yes , I like it ( )14.What you doing? Im a book.A. do, seeing B. are, looking C. do, watching D. are, reading( )15. -Is that your book? -Yes, _.A. it is B. it isnt C. its D. this is三英汉互译。 (15 分)1.骑自行车_2. read a magazine _ 3.集邮_ 4. science museum _ 5.漫画书_ 6. Motor cycle_7.下周_ 8. pen pal _ 9.交通规则_

18、 10. Hong Kong _4. 四、按要求写出词语。 (9 分)5. ride (ing 形式) _ 7.swim (ing 形式) _ 8. have( 第三人称单数) play(第三人称单数)_ making (原形) _their (同音词) _doesnt (完全形式) _ actor (对应词)_ 五 、 短 文 选 词 填 空 。 ( 13 分 )Im Mike. I _ _to buy some books _Sunday. The bookstore is to the post office. I can _to the bookstore _the No. 47 bu

19、s. Get _at the railway station, and then walk_. The _ is_the right. I want to _five books.六 、阅 读 理 解 : ( 10 分 )Many people dont have the same hobbies, but they can still be good friends. Li Yang and Wang Li are good friends. Li collects stamps and often shows them to Wang. Wang doesnt like collectin

20、g things. He likes swimming. Wang often asks Li to go swimming with him, but Li always says he is busy. Yes, he is always busy with his stamps. “ You should collect something,” Li often says to Wang. Wang likes playing the violin, but Li doesnt. Li likes playing the piano. They like to help each oth

21、er. Thats why they are good friends.( )1、 Wang Li and Li Yang are _. A. twins B. friends( )2、 Wang Li and Li Yang_ the same things. A. like B. likes( )3、 Wang Li likes_. A. collecting stamps B. swimming( )4、 Li Yang doesnt like _.A. playing the violin B. playing the piano( )5、 Li Yang and Wang Li _have the same hobbies. A. doesnt B. dont七 、 根 据 所 给 信 息 写 五 句 以 上 的 连 贯 的 话 语 。 (不 少 于 五 句 话 ) (10 分 )what, want, this, near, go, buy, by, next,off, bookstore, straight, on, inName Job How she goes to work HobbyAmy teacher on foot collecting stamps_


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