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1、 南村乡中五年级英语(上册)基础测验题 第一单元南村乡中英语教研组 小学英语 pep 五年级上册第一二单元试卷1 词汇(英汉互译) 。1.看电视_2.在星期六早上_3.做作业_4.读书_5.上科学课 _6.在周末_7.在星期三_8.三天_9.太大_10.我爸爸的朋友 2、默写星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 _ _ _ _星期五 星期六 星期日 年轻的 滑稽可笑的 高的 强壮的 和蔼的 年老的 矮的 瘦的 先生 严格的 聪明的 积极的 安静的 Canada know fun 二找出不同类的单词。10( )1.A.tall B. short C. ball( )2.A.strict B. acti

2、ve C. old( ) B. banana C. cucumber( )4.A.what B. where C. she( )5.A.are B. am C. it三按要求写出下列单词。10young(反义词) short (反义词) do not (缩写形式) what is (缩写形式) so much(近义词) 四选择填空。151. your math teacher ? Mr Li.a. Whos b. Whats c .Hes2. Whos that man?a. She is my mother. b.He is my father. c. This is a

3、book.3. I like our English teacher . What you?a. but b. about c. are4.Whatt your math teacher like?a. Hes then. b. Hes fine. c. He likes sports.南村乡中五年级英语(上册)基础测验题 第一单元南村乡中英语教研组 5.Is your new art teacher strict?a. Yes,she is. b. Yes,she isnt. c. No,she is.五连词成句。 our she is teacher art muc

4、h her is class fun 3young who that la.dy is 4.Chinese is your who teacher 5.have I teachers three new 六将下列汉语翻译成英语。151.谁是你美术老师?-张老师。2.她是什么样子的?-她又低又瘦。3.胡老师年轻吗?-是的,他是。4.她文静吗?-不,她不。5.她既年轻又漂亮。 1.今天星期几?星期三。_2.星期四你们上什么课?_3.我们上语文,英语,音乐,计算机和美术。_4.星期六你做什么?_ 5.我经常看书和看电视。_6.我星期日做作业。你呢?_7.我也做作业。_8.我喜欢英语。你呢?南村乡中五

5、年级英语(上册)基础测验题 第一单元南村乡中英语教研组 _9.星期五你上什么课?_10.我上美术和体育。_11.周末你做什么?_12.我玩电脑游戏。 七、 完成句子1. _ your new English teacher? Miss Ye.2. _ he like? Hes young and strong.3. Is your Chinese teacher strict? Yes, _.4. Whos that young man? _ is your P.E. teacher.1、 读一读,选出每组中发音不同的单词( )1. A. peach B. tea C. bread( )2.

6、A. black B. lake C. apple( )3. A. strong B. short C. seat( )4. A. blue B. brown C. blow2、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“ ”,不同的打“ ”。 mouth ( ) 2. bread teacher ( ) 3. thin bike ( ) 4.take apple ( ) 5.sheep sleep ( ) 6.putbut ( ) 7.great seat ( ) window ( ) 9.peach jeans ( )八、 读短文,判断正误Im Sarah. I ha

7、ve three teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. My science teacher is Mr Liu. Hes tall and thin. My art teacher is Miss Zhao. Shes pretty and young. My English teacher is Miss Sun. shes an old woman. Shes kind.( )1. I have two new teachers.( )2. My art teacher is an old woman.( )3. My English teacher is Miss Sun.( )4. My science teacher is tall and thin.( )5. Miss Sun is strict.


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