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1、12011 中考形容词和副词综合练习基础练习I.用所给单词或汉语提示的适当形式填空:1. John is _(tall) than Sam.2. Linda is the _ (young) in our class.3. The man took off his shoes and put them under his bed very _(quiet).4. Ann felt very _ (happy) at her birthday party.5. Which is _ (far) from us, the sun or the moon?6. She looks _ (thin)

2、than me.7. It snowed _ (heavy) last night and now the streets are covered with snow.8.Jason seems to be the _ (busy) man in the world.9.“The sooner, the _ (good)”, the teacher said.10.Jack has the _ (little) bread of the three boys.11.We dont think their classroom is _(干净) than ours.12.Mary walks as

3、 _ (慢) as Lily does.13.Whos _(好) than you at English in your class?14.The teacher asked us to take a _ (仔细) look at everything in the lab.15.Shanghai is one of the _ (大) cities in the world.16.Which is the _ (beautiful) skirt of the three?17.The sick man is getting _ (ill).18.The meat smells _(坏). P

4、lease take it away.19.The wind is blowing _ (strong).20.Whos _(高), Lucy or Lily?21.She didnt do her homework _(仔细).22.Your bag is much _ (轻) than mine.23.How _ (大) the rain is!24.Of all the students Li Hua lives _ (远). II.选择最佳答案.1. My _ sister is two years _ than I.A. older; older B. elder; elder C.

5、 older; elder D. elder; older2. Can you do your work with _ money and _ people?2A. less; few B. less; fewer C. little; less D. few; less3. I didnt know which was _, so I took them both.A. good B. better C. best D. the best4. There was _ house in front of the hill.A. a wooden old fine B. an old woode

6、n fineC. a fine old wooden D. an old fine wooden5. The population of Beijing is larger than _ Shengzhen.A. / B. the one in C. that of D. those of6. What an _ story! Im _ in it.A. interested; interesting B. interesting; interestedC. interested; interested D. interesting; interesting7. The jacket is _

7、 nice, but its _ more expensive than that one.A. much; much B. very; very C. much; very D. very; much8.After turning .She is too tired to walk _.A. farther B. further C. farthest D. furthest9.Do you think the chicken tastes _?-She cooked it _, I think.A. good; good B. well; well C. well; good D. goo

8、d; well10.Li Lei is running _ now.A. more and more slowly B. slowier and slowierC. slowly and slowly D. more slowly and more slowly11.Lin Tao speaks English very well, and _.A. so does his friend B. his friend does soC. so did his friend D. so he did12.He worked _ quietly _ no one knew he was there.

9、A. so; as B. so; that C. very; that D. too; to13.You must be more _, Jim. Look, you didnt write _.A carefully; careful B. careful; carefullyC. careful; careful D. carefully; carefully13.The twins are together most of the time. So they never fell _.A. lonely B. alone C. happily D. friendly14.New York

10、 is _ in the United States.A. larger than any city B. larger than any other cityC. bigger than any cities D. biggest of all the cities15.This street is much _ than that one.A. straight B. straighter C. straightest D. more straighter16.Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose _ expensive one.A. less B.

11、 the least C. the less D. the most317.Would you please say it _? I still cant follow you.A. more slow B. much slow C. more slowly D. much slowly18.This kind of skirt looks _ and sells _.A. nice; well B. nice; good C. well; well D. good; nice19.How was the weather yesterday?-It was terrible. It raine

12、d _. People could _ go out.A. hardly; hardly B. hardly; hard C. hard; hard D. hard; hardly20.He hurt her so _ that she cried.A. bad B. badly C. hardly D. worse21. The girl is _, but her younger sister is even _.A. tallest; taller B. taller; tallest C. tall; tallest D. tall; taller22.This chair is no

13、t _ for him to _.A. strong enough; sit B. enough strong; sitC. enough strong; sit in D. strong enough; sit on23.Tom does everything _, so his teacher speaks _ of him.A. careful; high B. carefully; highlyC. careful; highly D. carefully; high24.You dont look so _ as usual. Youd better go and see a doc

14、tor at once.A. well B. Good C. Nice D. bad 综合练习1.The little baby looks _.A. lovely B. carefully C. heavily D. sadly2. The Chinese people are _ than you think.A. friendly B. more friendly C. very friendly D. as friendly3. Everything is _ on the moon than on the earth.A. much more lighter B. much more

15、 light C. more lighter D. much lighter4. She is _ careful as I, but Im _ than you.A. as; much careful B. so; more careful C. as; much more careful D. so; very careful5. I think science is _ foreign languages.A. so difficult as B. as difficult asC. very difficult than D. much difficult than6. Allan i

16、s one of _ popular teachers in the school.A. more B. the more C. most D. the most47. I dont think Unit 3 is more difficult. I think its _.A. more easily B. more easierC. much easily D. much easier8. No one runs as fast as John in his class. The sentence means _.A. John runs fastest in his class.B. J

17、ohn runs faster than any other boy in his class.C. John runs more slowly than any other student in his class.D. John runs as fast as others in his class,9. Which do you like _, tea, orange or water?A. good B. well C. best D. better10. Of all the apples Jims is _.A. the bigger B. the biggest C. bigge

18、r D. biggest11.Maths _ one of the _ subjects in middle school.A. are; important B. is; most importantC. is; more important D. are; much important12.What a _ cough! You seem _ ill.A. terrible; terribly B. terribly; terribleC. terrible; terrible D. terribly; terribly13.The Yellow River is _ river in C

19、hina.A. the two long B. the second longerC. the second longest D. two longest14.Do you have a big library?-No, we dont, at least, not _ yours.A. bigger as B. as big as C. as big than D. as bigger than15.There are a lot _ people today than yesterday.A. of B. most C. much D. more16.She has been ill si

20、nce last week. How is she now?-She is _ today.A. worse B. iller C. worst D. much more ill17.John has three sisters. Mary is the _ of the three.A. most cleverest B. more clever C. cleverest D. cleverer18.It takes a long time to go there by train; Its _ by road!A. quick B. the quickest C. much quick D

21、. quicker19.The horse is getting old and cannot run _ it did.A. as faster as B. so fast than C. faster D. so fast as20.I believe that _ you work, _ result (结果) youll get.A. the harder; the better B. the harder; a betterC. the more hard; the more better D. more hard; more better521.Though Li Ming and

22、 Li Hua are twin brothers, they look _.A. same B. the same C. difference D. different22.Queshi Bridge is the second _ bridge in Shantou.A. large B. long C. longer D. longest形容词和副词能力提高一、 根据句意在空白处填入适当的形容词。1. Jim cant reach the apple in the tall tree because he is .2. My watch doesnt keep good time. So

23、mething is with it.3. This question is so that none of them can answer it.4. She has a temperature, wed better send for a doctor at once.5. We were all after climbing the hills.6. If you take more exercise, you can keep .7. The river is too deep. Its to swim in it.8. He lived in the small village al

24、one but he didnt feel .9. He was all after a long walk in the rain.10. The boys made much noise in class and the teacher became .11. In the old days his parents couldnt send him to school because they were very .12. The car is much too expensive. He hasntmoney to buy it.13. Walking on the moon is no

25、t as as on the earth.14. The things on the moon are much than these on the earth.15. Mary felt when she saw the strange thing with three legs.16. Tom looked so for he had lost his wallet.17. The bottle is . Theres nothing in it now.18. English isnt to learn well, but it is so important. 二、 用所给形容词的适当

26、形式填空。1. Jack is (young) than Mike. He is (young) boy in the family.2. Exercise One is quite (easy), but Exercise Two is much (easy). 3. The little girl is now much (happy) than she was two years ago.4. The noise is getting and (hard).5. That was one of the (excite) moments of 1982.6. This picture is

27、 (beautiful) than that one, but it is (expensive).67. We have a much (good) life now. We must make it (good) still.8. Jim spends a lot (much) time on Chinese than before.9. Her mother looks much (young) than she is.10. This thick dictionary is much (useful) than that thin one.11. She is always as (b

28、usy) as a bee.12. Please show me the (near) way to the post office.13. The student felt quite (pleasure) when he passed the exam.14. This is one of the (big) libraries in our city.15. If you want to be (healthy) than before, you must eat (little) and take more exercise.16. Which country has (large)

29、population, America or Japan?17. The Yellow River is not so (long) as the Changjiang River. It is the second (long) river in China.18. It seems that Li Lei is a little (tall) than Wu Dong. But Wu Dong looks much (strong).19. Many students think maths is (important) of all the sciences.20. The bottle

30、 has (little) water of the three.三、 选择填空。1. How much food do you want, Bob? .A. More, better B. More, the better C. The more, the better D. The more, the best2. Do you want to have ?A. else anything B. else something C. something else D. anything else3. Chinese is spoken by of people in the world. A

31、. largest number B. a large number C. the largest number D. a larger number4. Its nearly nine oclock. We havent time.A. many B. enough C. a little D. a lot5. The number of the workers in this factory is than in that one.A. fewer B. less C. large D. small6. America is a country.A. developed B. develo

32、ping C. develop D. develops77. Autumn is season of the year in Beijing.A. best B. good C. better D. the best8. Would you like some milk?A. much B. many C. more D. most9. Shes than you singing.A. good; at B. better; in C. better; at D. good; in10. There are boys but girls in Class 3 than in Class 2.A

33、. few; many B. fewer; more C. fewer; many D. few; more11. The bus is to hold fifty people.A. too big B. very big C. big enough D. enough big12. There were shops in the city in 1982 than in 1990.A. little B. few C. fewer D. less13. My brother was to help me at the moment.A. too busy B. very busy C. e

34、nough busy D. busy enough14. My brother is to lift the heavy box.A. strong enough B. enough strong C. strong too D. too strong15. They are planting more and trees on the hills. A. more B. many C. less D. most16. Shanghai is larger than in our county.A. any city B. any other city C. the other city D.

35、 other cities17. The teacher asks them to keep their eyes , so they cant see anything.A. close B. open C. opened D. closed18. I think a headache is a thing.A. badly; terribly B. bad; terribly C. bad; terrible D. badly; terrible19. This is story that everyone likes to read it.A. such interested B. so

36、 an interested C. so interesting D. such an interesting20. Dont be to ask for help if you need it.A. afraid B. careful C. worried D. alone821. Suddenly, Edward came in and said he had to tell the class.A. anything important B. important everything C. something important D. important something22. The

37、re is milk left. We have to go and buy some at once.A. a little B. a few C. few D. little 23. Liu Mei is in her class.A. the second best girls B. the best second girls C. the second best girl D. the best second girl24. Who are to learn new things, the old or the young?A. the quick B. more quicker C.

38、 quicker D. the quickest25. There are many tall and beautiful trees on sides of the road.A. both B. all C. each D. every26. The villagers have built a 800 bridge over the river.A. meter-long B. meter C. meters longer D. metres-long副词一、根据句意和所给的首字母,写出副词的完整形式。1. The boy fell off his bike and hurt himse

39、lf b .2. “Why are late for school again?” the teacher asked a .3. I didnt see m during the flight because there are t much cloud.4. He is s nice a person that we all like him.5. The words on the blackboard are so small that I cant see them c .6. You cant drive a car. I cant e .7. Please speak l , I

40、cant hear you.8. The green lights dont shine so b as the yellow ones.9. How f did he run? Two miles.10. Lucy studies Chinese h than Lily; so she does b in Chinese than Lily.11. He often takes a lift to go up and d .12. Then he gets o of the lift and climb u to the fifteenth floor on foot.13. Go alon

41、g this road and turn r at the second crossing.14. I got up e and hurried to the station.15. The old man was too tired to walk any f .16. You dont write so c as before.17. The truck hit the tree so h that it fell down.918. L I was at home when she called.19. Look! The kite is flying h and h .20. The

42、children rushed n to their seats. 21. You came to school l in your class yesterday.22. Lucy did rather b . Mei mei did w . Lily did w of all.23. How w the little girl is dancing over there.24. My mother coughed t for the whole night.25. Old people must be spoken to p .二、选择填空。1. The room was shining in sunshine.A. too B. either C. also D. nor2. The you get ready, the youll be able to leave.A. quicker; sooner B. more quickly; sooner C. more quickly; earlier D. more quick; earlier3. Will you please say it again ?A. more slowly B. much slowly C. too much slow D. mu


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