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1、2016 暑期补习潘静文国 际 音 标IPA美 式 音 标K.K 例词 例句1.Pleasepli:zPlease speak English with me.pli:z spi:k gl wmi:请和我说英语。2. Difficultdfk()lt Its not difficult to speak English.ts nt nt dfk()lt tu,t spik spik l说英语不难。3. Everythingevr Everything is ready.evr z red一切都准备好了。4. Practiceprkts Practice makes perfect.prkts

2、mekz pfkt熟能生巧。2016 暑期补习潘静文5. Perfectpfkt He speaks perfect English.hi spik pfkt l他讲一口流利的英语。6. Rememberrmemb Remember to call your mother.rmemb tu,t kl j; j m记得打电话给你母亲。7. Wonderfulwndfl; -f()l My mother is a wonderful teacher.ma m z wndfl; -f()l tit我妈妈是一位非常棒的老师。8. Togethertge China and America should

3、 always work together.tan nd merik d lwez wk tge中美两国应该时刻携手合作。9. Botherb Sorry to bother you.sr tu,t b ju对不起,打搅了。2016 暑期补习潘静文10. Charmingtm You have a charming smile.juhv tm smal你有非常迷人的微笑。11.Alwayslwez Always say “ please“ and“ “thank you“.lwez se pli:z nd k ju:要经常说“请” 和“谢谢”。12. Importantimp:tnt It s

4、 important to practice English every day.ts imp:tnt tu,t prkts l evri dei坚持每天操练英语是非常重要的。13. Shouldd You should read as many books as possible.jud ri:d z meni bukz zpsbl你应该尽量多读书。14. Foodfu:d A:What s your favorite food?wtz j; j feivrit fu:d你最喜欢吃什么?2016 暑期补习潘静文B:My favorite food is noodles.ma feivrit

5、fu:d z nud()lz我最喜欢吃的面条。15. Mistakemisteik Dont be afraid of making mistakes.dont bifreid v; ()v meiki misteikz不要怕犯错误。16. Chinatan Is this your first time in China?z s j; j f:st taim in tan这是你第一次来中国吗?17. Enjoynd I really enjoyed talking to you.a rl ndd tk tu,t ju和你聊天我很开心。18.HopehpI hope to see you ag

6、ain soon.a hp tu tu si ju gen sun我希望能尽快再见到你。2016 暑期补习潘静文19.outstandingatstndYoure an outstanding teacher.ju n atstnd tit你是一位杰出的老师。20.clearklrIt s very important to have clear pronunciation.t z ver mpt()nt tu hvklr prnnsen 清晰的发音是很重要的。21.carekeWe should all care about the environment.wi d l ke bat n,v

7、arnmnt 我们都应该爱护环境。22.sureI m sure you will enjoy it.am ju wl nd t.我相信你会喜欢的。2016 暑期补习潘静文23.impossiblempsblNothing is impossible.n z mpsbl.一切皆有可能。24.believebliv Believe in yourself.bliv n jrslf. 相信你自己。25.timetamDon t waste time.dont west tam.不要浪费时间。26.DecidedsadLet me know what you decided.let mi n wt

8、ju dsadd.让我知道你的决定。27. keep Keep up the good work!2016 暑期补习潘静文kip kip p gd wk!再接再厉!28.governmentgvm()ntOur government does a great job.a gvm()nt dz ; gret db。我们的政府表现得很出色。29.feelfilI feel a little sick today.a fil lt()l sk tde.我今天有点不舒服。30.leaveliv When are you leaving?wen ju liv?你什么时候离开?31.nervousnvsD

9、ont be nervous about speaking English.dnt bi nvs bat spik ili . 2016 暑期补习潘静文不要一说英语就紧张。32.businessbzns Do you do a lot of business in China?du ju du lt ()v bzns n tan 你在中国的业务多吗?33. specialspe()lThis is a special local dish.s z spe()l lk()l d.这是一道地方特色菜。34.pleasureple Its a pleasure to be here today.ts

10、 ple tu bi h tde .我很高兴今天能来到这里。35.Bathroomb rumI need to use the bathroom.ai nid tu,t ju:s brum我要上洗手间。2016 暑期补习潘静文36. Weatherwe(r)Are you used to the weather here?:r ju juzd tu,t w hr你适应这里的天气吗?37. HelphelpLet me help you.lt mi hlp ju让我来帮你。38. TerrifictrfkYou look terrific today.ju lk trfk tde你今天看起来棒极

11、了!39. ChangetendChina is changing every day.tan z tend vri de中国每天都在变化。40.LanguagelwdEnglish is an international language.l z n,n ntnnl lwd英语是一门国际语言。2016 暑期补习潘静文41. TroubletrblI dont want to trouble you.ai dont wnt, wnt tu,t trbl ju我不想麻烦你。42. DrinkdrkWhat would you like to drink?wt,wd ju lak tu,t drk你想喝点什么?43. LotsltsI have lots of friends from all over the world.ai hv ltsv frendz frm l ov wrld 我有很多来自世界各地的朋友。44. Wordsw:dzWords cant express how thankful I am.w:dz knt ksprs ha kf()l ai m言语无法表达我的感激之情。45. MemorymmriI have poor memory.ai hv pr mmri我的记忆力不好。


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