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1、液态铅酸电池充电站计划Planing of charging stationsfor liquid acid Pb-batteries林德-厦门叉车有限公司Linde-Xiamen Fork Lift Truck Co., Ltd2002. 11Planing of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 2 / 132目录 Content1. 充电站的定义和说明 Definitions and descriptions of charging stations . 1.1 电池房 Battery-Rooms. 1.

2、2 电池充电站 Battery charging stations . 2. 建筑结构 Building construction .2.1 充电站内的车辆空间 Truck place in charging stations .2.2 电池房的空间 Place in battery rooms . .2.3 地板条件 Floor condition.3. 电气安装 Electrical installation . 3.1 视在功率 Apparent Power . .3.2 取暖 Heating . 4. 充电机 Charger . 5. 通风 Ventilation . 5.1 总则 G

3、eneral. 5.2 根据 DIN VDE 0510 计算 Calculation according DIN VDE 0510.5.3 必要的空闲房屋空间计算 Calculation of the necessary free room space.5.4 必要的空气流量计算 Calculation of the necessary volume of airflow.5.5 通风结构 Construction of a ventilation. 6. 房屋温度和气候 Room temperature and climate. 7. 加水 Water topping . 8. 搬运电池 B

4、attery changing arrangements . 8.1 起重设备和货车 Crane Equipments and changing lorries . 9. 维护和维修地方 Maintenance and repair places .10. 标记和规定 Labels and regulations . 11. 急救措施 First aid . 12. 重要的规范和规定 Important norms and regulations . Planing of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 3

5、/ 1331. 充电站的定义和说明Definitions and regulations of charging stations1.1 电池房Battery-Rooms:电池房是一种专门给电池充电和储存电池的房屋,也可以将充电机安装在电池房内。A battery room is a special room for charging and storing batteries, in these rooms also the chargers could be installed.1.2 电池充电站Battery charging stations:电池充电站是一种专门房屋,在屋内,可以给装

6、在车辆上的电池充电也可以给 1.1 所述的电池充电。A battery charging station is a special room for charging batteries which are installed in the trucks and also charging batteries according 1.1.总之先要决定是否应该建立电池房或充电站,大多数情况下两班或三班工作制运行应该有电池房,充电机前放有正常充好电和正在充电的电池。在充电站里,正常情况下装在车辆中的电池和充电机相接,以上两种充电方式都可以放在一间房中。General is to decide if

7、 a battery room or a battery charging station should be set up. Mostly a battery room is necessary at a two or three shift operation, normally recharged batteries and batteries under charge stand in front of one charger. In battery charging stations normally trucks with installed batteries are conne

8、cted to the chargers. Also both different versions could be installed in one room.重要的是房屋是否是一个有人负责对电池管理、维护和充电的工作场所。这样必须有专门规定,如:灯光、噪音、温度、气体释放等等,是否还要有附加等候室、清洗室和休息室。Important is if the room is a working place where persons are in charge to optain and maintain and change batteries. In this case special r

9、egulations for working places are necessary, for example questions about light, noise, temperature, gas-emission and so on, additional waiting rooms, wash rooms and rest rooms had to be installed. 2. 建筑结构Building constructions2.1 充电站里的车辆空间Truck place in charging stations 总则General充电站的平面空间取决于充电站规模和车辆

10、种类,而且根据 VDI 2197, 2198 和 2199 或国家特殊标准计算车辆进、出和转弯的必备空间。The necessary square meters of charging stations depends in the main part of the kind of charging station and the trucks, also the necessary space for drive in and out and turn around with the trucks must be calculated according the regulation VDI

11、 2197, 2198 and 2199 or special national norms.实际可以用 15 m2 计算,重要的是:- 车辆的种类和外形尺寸- 每个车型的车辆数量- 车辆总数量- 充电机的数量和种类- 车辆占据的面积(宽和深)Planing of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 4 / 134- 车辆高In practice you can calculate with 15 m2 square meters, important are:- kind and largeness of th

12、e trucks- quantity of trucks of each truck type- total quantity of trucks- quantity and type of chargers- the stand square meters of the truck (wide and deep)- high of the truck车辆附加的占地面积,必须将车辆周围空间 0.6 m 和充电机到电池间 1m 的距离计算在内。Additional to the stand square meters of the trucks a necessary space around

13、the truck of 0,6 meters and a distance charger to battery of 1 meter must be calculated.车辆到充电机和存储的货物之间最小距离:Minimum distances of trucks to chargers and stored goodsa) 车辆周围必备空间necessary space around the truck 最少 0,6 meterb) 电池和充电机间必备距离necessary distance between battery and charger 最少 1 meterc) 到易燃品的必备

14、距离necessary distance to inflammable stored goods 最少 2,5 meterd) 到易爆品的必备距离 necessary distance to explosive material 最少 5 meter必备高度(取决于车辆)necessary high of the place (depends of the trucks) 最少 2 meterStelplatz A Stelplatz B brenbare Gegnstnde, z.B. einglarte War feur -, explosins -oder livtf -gefhrdet

15、 Bric a a a a b c d 充 电 机 A charger 充 电 机 B charger B 车 辆 A ruck 车 辆 B ruck 易 燃 品 iflam od易 爆 品 gs Planing of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 5 / 135充电站的房屋布局Room arrangement at a charging station相对放置的车辆间必备距离应该是车辆转动空间的一半(Wa)加上 0.6m (B = Wa + 0,6m) necessary distance between

16、 the opposite placed truck should be the half of the turnaround space (Wa) of the truck plus 0,6 meter (B = Wa + 0,6m)2.2 电池房的空间 Place in battery rooms电池充电房的必要面积取决于电池、充电机、起重设备或运输充放电电池的车辆的种类、数量和大小。In battery charging rooms the necessary square meters depends of the quantity and the largeness of the b

17、atteries and the chargers and of the kind of crane or the change-wagon to handle the recharged and the discharged batteries实际上,可以用 7 m2 计算In practice you can calculate with 7 m2每个充电机前必须计算出必备空间, 以放置两个电池加上电池之间最少 0.2m 的通风空间。In front of each charger the necessary place must be calculated for two batteri

18、es plus a distance of minimum 0,2 meter between the batteries to have a good ventilation during charge.放电池的托架必须以最重的电池考虑计算,并且与地隔离。Battery banks must be calculated for the heaviest battery and must be isolated against the ground.aBPlaning of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 6

19、 / 136充电机前面板到电池的最短距离(a)为 0.5m,电池到温度超过 200C 的加热装置最短距离为 2.5m。The minimum distance (a) of the charger front panel to the battery is 0,5 meter and minimum 2,5 meter between battery and heating systems with a temperature more than 200C2.3 地板要求Floor conditions地板上应该盖有一层防酸材料压强 8 N/mm抗酸腐蚀 抗硫酸 H2SO4 (50%)泄漏电阻

20、 100 kohm墙泄漏电阻 100 kohm (电池周围 1.5m。)屋顶抗酸腐蚀 抗硫酸 t H2SO4 (50%)地板必须有一个最小 0.25 m3 坑,其周围斜度为 1% 。The floor should be covered with an acid resistant material:Pressure solidity 8 N/mmAcid solidity against H2SO4 (50%)Divert resistance 100 kohmWallsDivert resistance 100 kohm (only around the place of the batt

21、eries (1,5m)RoofsAcid solidity against H2SO4 (50%)The floor must have a Gradient of 1% to a pit of minimum 0,25 m33. 电气安装Electrical installation总则General按照 DIN VDE 0100 或专门国家标准或根据充电机供货商的说明进行电气安装,应具有市电电源断路器、为每个充电机安装带慢动作熔丝的电源断路器或电机电路自动空气开关。应该具有通风并规定:只有工作通风时才能充电。The electrical installation is to be don

22、e according DIN VDE 0100 or special national norms with a main switch power breaker and each charger with a power breaker with slow acting fuses or automatic breakers for motor-rated circuits according the technical instructions of the supplier of the chargers. With a ventilation it should be instal

23、led a regulation that only with a working ventilation a charge is possible3.1 视在功率Apparent power视在功率计算必须包括下列项目:- 充电机- 加热系统- 通风- 照明Planing of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 7 / 137For the calculation of the apparent power the following components must be included:- charger

24、s- heating systems- ventilation- illumination充电机 1 到 n 的 视在功率计算:根据供货商的信息,功率 P1, P2, .PnP (总功率) = (P1 + P2 + . Pn) x aa = 因数,所有充电机都工作 (一般为 0,8)Calculation of the apparent power of the chargers 1 to n:Power according the information of the supplier P1, P2, .PnP (total) = (P1 + P2 + . Pn) x aa = factor

25、 if all chargers are in function (typical 0,8)对于充电机,效率和功率因数 cos phi 同样重要,典型计算:充电机技术 / 曲线 效率 cos phi50Hz-充电机 / Wa, WoWa 75% 0,750Hz-充电机 / IUIa 85% 0,7HF-充电机 / IUIa 90% 0,95For the chargers also the efficiency eta and the power factor cos phi are importanttypical calculationcharge technique / curve et

26、a cos phi50Hz-charger / Wa, WoWa 75% 0,750Hz-charger / IUIa 85% 0,7HF-charger / IUIa 90% 0,953.2 加热 Heating加热功率取决于房屋种类和大小,与充电机和电池的发热成反比。The heating power depends of the kind and largeness of the room it will be decreased by the heating of the chargers and the batteries.充电能量计算例如电池 48 V 750 Ah, 放电等级 8

27、0%充电机 输出曲线 WoWa, 负载系数 1,2中负载电压 2,4 V/Z效率 80%总能量: 64,8 kWh (所有充电机有功功率)消耗的负载能量 51,8 kWh损失能量 13,0 kWh ( 可用于加热 )Calculation of the charge energyKn x Qe x LF x n x UmE = -eta x 1000 E 视在功率 apparent power kWhKn 额定容量 nominal capacity Ah K5Qe 放电等级 discharge grade %LF 充电系数 charge factorn 单体电池数量 number of cel

28、lsU 中负载电压 middle load voltage V/Zeta 充电机效率 efficiency of the charger1000 kWh 转换 Wh calculation of Wh in kWhPlaning of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 8 / 138ExampleBattery 48 V 750 Ah, discharge grade 80%Charger output curve WoWa, load factor1,2middle load voltage 2,4 V/Ze

29、fficiency 80%Total energy: 64,8 kWh (apparent power of all chargers)consumed load energy 51,8 kWhLost energy 13,0 kWh ( usable for heating )4. 充电机Chargers为了选择正确的充电机,必须要知道电池型号、电池种类、额定电压、额定容量和根据工种、单班、两班或三班决定的充电时间。充电机根据外形大小既可以墙上安装也可以地面安装。为了良好通风充电机之间最小 0.2m 间距很重要。为便于方便操作,应该选择好安装充电机的高度。任何与水有关的安装必须在充电机下面。

30、To select the correct chargers it is necessary to know the battery type, the kind of battery, the nominal voltage, the nominal capacity and the charging time depending of the kind of working, single shift or two, three shift operation.The chargers are either wall mounted or floor mounted depending o

31、f the largeness of the chargers. Important is also a distance between the chargers of minimum 0,2 meter to get a good ventilation of the air. The mounting high should be selected that a good operation with the chargers is possible. Any installation of water must be below the chargers.Example for wal

32、l mounted chargers例如,墙上安装充电机: CE 32 16 Schuko 保 护 斜 坡protection ramp Kabelkanl LG Typ 2 53 m 690 m LG -Typ 110 m 180 m 50m 电 线 槽 cbecanl Planing of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 9 / 1395. 通风 Ventilation5.1 总则 General因为电解液的水分离在电池腔内形成氢氧混合气体,这个过程是在接近电池充电结束时,即电池过充时发生 的,超过过充电

33、压就开始放气阶段。要设计电池充电房和充电站有足够的自然通风,如果需要强迫通风,就应该在始开充电时接通通风装置,进风尽可能的接近地面,经过电池然后尽可能高的从对面排出。A battery cab form a gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen due to the electrolytic decomposition of water. This gas develops particularly towards the end of battery charging or if the battery is overcharged. It is at it

34、greatest above the voltage at which gassing starts.Battery charging rooms and battery charging stations shall where possible be designed so that the natural ventilation is sufficient. If artificial ventilation is necessary, it shall be ensured that the ventilation is switched on whilst charging is t

35、aken place.The inlet air shall enter as close as possible to the ground, pass over the batteries and escape as high as possible on the opposite side.5.2 根据 DIN VDE 0510 第三部分计算Calculation according DIN VDE 0510 part 3电池充电房和充电站的通风,在充电时要考虑到至少有足够的空气流量 Q,Q 由以下公式决定:The ventilation of battery rooms and cha

36、rging stations is regarded as adequate if during charging at least the volume of airflow Q, determined according to the following equation, is guaranteed.Q m/h = v x q x s x n x I这里 where:Q 空气流量 m3/h is a volume of airflow in m3/hv 稀释系数,氢/空气混合物在较低的爆炸限度时,空气和氢气体积之比(96% 空气/4%氢气 =24)is the dilution fact

37、or which is equal to the ratio of the amount by volume of air and hydrogen at the at the lower explosion limit of the hydrogen/air mixture (96% Luft/4%H2 =24)q 氢气体积流量,与一个单体电池在 0C 和 1013 Pa 时电解液 Ah 每 A 每 h 的电流强度有关is the volumetric flow of hydrogen relative to the strength of the current which at 0C a

38、nd 1013 hPa develops in one cell per A and per h due to electrolysis Ah (0,42E-3 m/h)s 安全系数=5(船舶核潜艇=10)safety factor = 5 (ships and submarines = 10)n 单体电池数量is the number of cellsI 产生氢气的电流安培数is the current level in A which causes the development of hydrogen电流 I 的指导数Guide values for current ICharging

39、characteristic curve充电特性曲线current level I per 100 Ah nominal capacity 每 100Ah 额定容量电流 IWa- 特性 characteristic (4 A/100Ah)Wsa- 特性 characteristic (6 A/100Ah)WoWa- 特性 characteristic (4 A/100Ah)IU- 到 2.4V/Z 的特性IU-characteristic up to 2,4 V/Z(2 A/100Ah)IUI- 特性 characteristic (5A/100Ah)IU- 到 2.25V/Z 的特性IU-c

40、haracteristic up to 2,25 V/Z1 APlaning of charging stations for liquid acid Pb-batteries 液态铅酸电池充电站计划 10 / 1310Q m/h = 0,05 x n x I A (v x q x s = 0,05 共计 together)5.3 必备的空闲房屋空间计算*Calculation of the necessary free room space *:正常情况下,如果房屋足够大,不必对充电房和充电站加专门通风,公式如下:Normally at battery rooms and charging

41、stations no special ventilation is necessary if the halls are large enough, the formula is:V = Q x 2,5 m宽 wide L: . m伸 deep B: . m高 high H: . m 体积 volume V: . m (L x B x H)*不包含充电机体积、电池体积和其他*brut, without charger-volume, battery-volume and others例如:对具有 WoWa 特性曲线的充电机:对于这种特性已经计算出每 100Ah 的电流为 4A。Example

42、 for a charger with WoWa characteristic:At these characteristic the calculation is to be done with a current of 4A for each 100Ah battery capacity所充电池为:Batteries which will be recharged:10 个带有 48 V / 400 Ah 的电池电池数量 10额定电压 48每个电池所含单体电池 24总单体电池数 240额定容量 400放气电流(A/100Ah): 4总放气电流 (A/400Ah): 1610 batteries with 48 V / 400 AhQuantity of batteries 10Nominal voltage 48Number of cells per battery 24Total number of cells 240Nominal capacity 400Gassing current (A/100Ah): 4Total gassing current (A/400Ah): 16Q m/h = 0,05 x n x I = 0,05 x 240 x 16 Q = 192 m/h


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