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1、1Unit four, Whats the best movie theater?1.the best movie theater 最好的电影院; the best clothes store 最好的服装店;the best radio station 最好的广播电台; the most boring songs 最乏味的歌曲;the most comfortable seats 最舒适的座椅;2. the freshest food 最新鲜食物;3. the worst service 最糟的服务;4. the funniest actors 最滑稽的演员5. the best perfor

2、mer 最好的表演者6. the best chess player 最好的象棋手7. the shortest waiting time 最短等候时间;8. the most talented dancers 最有天赋的舞者9. the most exciting magicians 最激动人心的魔术师10. the most talented person 最有才的人11. the most popular 最受欢迎的;最流行的; 12. sing the most beautifully 唱歌最动听13.sit the most comfortably 坐得最舒适;14. buy clo

3、thes the most cheaply 最便宜地买衣服;15. choose songs the most carefully 最认真地选歌;16. buy tickets quickly 快速地买票;17. sing fast songs very well 唱快歌非常好18. American Idol 美国偶像19. Americas Got Talent 美国达人秀; Chinas Got Talent 中国达人秀20. around the world 全世界21. in a fun part of town 在镇上一个有趣的地方; in town 在镇上22. notat al

4、l 一点也不; not any more = no more,(be 后行前) 不再(指次数上) ;not any longer = no longer,(be 后行前) 不再(指时间上) ;21. a school talent show 学校才艺展示; similar shows 类似的节目;talent show 才艺表演 = talent shows ; show ones talents 展示某人的才艺; 22. get more and more popular 变得越来越流行;23 get a very good prize 得到丰厚的奖品;24 the life of ;的生活

5、; the lives of the performers 表演者的生活25.one great thing about sth. 关于某某的一点好处;26. give sb. a way to do sth. 给某人打开了做某事的一扇门;give people a way to make their dreams come true 给人们实现他们的梦想打开了一扇门;e true(梦想、希望)实现;达到28. take walks 散步=take a walk=have a walk =go for a walk =go walking;29. see the street performe

6、rs 看街头表演30. an excellent sports center 一个极好的体育中心31. a movie ticket 一张电影票32. a kind of 一种; all kinds of 各种各样;different kinds of 不同种类;many kinds of 许多种;33. the bus ride 公共汽车之行 34. go in ones car 坐(某人的)车; by bike/bus/subway/car/train 乘坐车;35. a bus stop 公共汽车站=a bus station ; a train station 火车站;2a subwa

7、y station 地铁站; a TV station 电视台; 36. depend on=depend upon 依靠,靠决定 37. the early bus 早班车38. so far 到目前为止,迄今为止; 请区别于 as for 关于,至于;39. havein common 有相同特征(想法、兴趣等方面) ; have one thing in common 有一个共同点; have nothing in common 无共同点;in common with 与一样; in common 共同的;共有的;common (adj.) 普遍的,共有的; commonly (adv.

8、) 普遍地,通常;40. be up to 由决定;是的职责; be up to sb. to do sth. 应由某人做某事;be up to (doing ) sth. 忙于(做)某事, 从事于某事;be up to (doing ) sth. 胜任,适合;只用于否定句和疑问句中;41. play a role in (doing )sth. 在 方面发挥作用;在中扮演角色;play the role of 扮演角色; leading role 主角;role-play 角色扮演;role model 楷模;42. make up 编造(故事、谎言等) ; be made up 被编造;被

9、虚构;make sb. up 给某人化妆;make up 构成,组成;make up with sb. 和某人言归于好;43. take seriously 认真对待某某44. not everybody 并不是每个人45. be close to (adj.) 离近 ;反义词组 be far from 离远;close to (adv.)离 近 ; 反义词组 far from 离远;close 还可作 (adv.):亲密的; close 还可作 (v.):关,关闭;46. take a seat 坐下=have a seat;seat 为(n.) 座位; sit down 坐下;sit 为(

10、v.)坐;47. choose for;选作; choose from;从 中挑选;choose sb. as 选择某人当某某; = choose sb. to be; choose;chose ; chosen;choose to do sth. 决定做某事; choose not to do sth. 决定不做某事;choose sb. to do sth. 挑选某人去做某事; choice (n.)选择; make a choice 做一个选择;48. pretty (adv.)为:“很,十分,相当 ”;只能修饰形容词副词原级; 作 (adj.)为:“漂亮的” ;49. act out

11、将表演出来; act as 充当; act for 代表某人行事; act (n.)行为,行动; (v.)行动,扮演;action (n.)行为,行动;active (adj.) 积极的;actively (adv.) 积极地;activity (n.)活动;actor/actress;50. 动词+ive 构成形容词;为多音节,用 more,most 构成比较级,最高级;如:creat(创造,创作) ,creative(有创造力的) ; act(行动) , active(积极的,活跃的) ;impress(给人印象 ),impressive(给人印象深刻的) ;attract (吸引 ),

12、attractive(有吸引力的) ;51.win a prize 获奖; the first prize 一等奖=the first place;52. the price of 的价格(价钱) ;只说高低多少,不讲贵贱便宜;53. stand for 代表 ;象征;但用于否定句,表示“忍受,容忍” Im not standing for it any longer.;54. for example 例如=e.g ;只举一例,且后须用逗号隔开,单词短语句子皆可;such as 例如;其后不用逗号,几个事例,只能是单词或短语;55. poor (adj.) 有四种意思 贫穷的 poor are

13、as; 可怜的 the poor child;不擅长的;a poor swimmer;差的 a poor crop 收成不佳;in poor health 身体不佳; 56. the poor 穷人;the rich 富人; the young 年轻人;the old 老年人;the deaf 聋子;the blind 盲人;the homeless 无家可归的人; 注意:the+形容词,表示一类人,谓语用复数。357.be crowded with 挤满了 ; (adj.) 拥挤的;反义词 uncrowded ; a crowd of people 一群人; (n.)人群;58. be he

14、lpful to sb. 对某人有用(帮助)的; =be useful to sb. ; cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事; 请区别于 cant stand doing sth. 不能忍受做某事;be useful for sb. (to do sth.)对某人有好处;be useful for (doing) sth. 对于(做) 某事来说是很有用的;used to do sth. 过去常常做某事(现在不做了) ; be used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做) 某事;此处 to 为介词; be used to do sth. 表示被用来做某事; 59.

15、a number of=many 许多,谓语复数; the number of .的数量 ,谓语三单;60. take sb. to sp. 带某人到某处; take the subway 乘地铁; take a taxi 乘坐出租车; take the bus 乘公共汽车= take a bus ;61. ride a bike 骑自行车=ride ones bike ; ride a bike to school =go to school on ones bike 62. leave for 起程(动身)前往 63. have a quick breakfast 迅速吃早饭 64. no

16、 problem 没什么,别客气 65. upset+(n.) 打翻 ; (adv.)+upset 心烦意乱; be /(get) upset at 对某人感到心烦/难过; be/get upset about/over 对某事感到心烦/难过;be upset with sb. about sth. 因某事对某人感到心烦 /难过; 66. and so on 等等 67.more and more 越来越68. much+ (adj.)/(adv.)的比较级; 表示:“ 得多” ;=a lot + (adj.)/(adv.)的比较级; 69. watch sb. do sth.观看某人做某事7

17、0. thanks for doing sth. 因做某事而感谢thank you so much 非常感谢你= thank you very much 71. one of+可数名词的复数; 之一72. How do you like?你认为怎么样?= What do you think of ?73.all, both,every 及含有 every 的不定代词等与 not 连用时,只表示部分否定,而非全部;如:not every student 并非每个学生; I dont know all of them. 我并非全认识他们。I dont like both of the book.

18、这两本书我并非都喜欢。若要表示全否定,则需用:all,none; both,neither; every,no; everyoneno one (nobody); everything, nothing;74.Doing morning exercises is good for us. 动名词短语作主语,谓语 三单;75.more than 比 某某 多 (可数、不可数皆可) ; He has more money than you.;76.fewer + 可数名词复数 + than 比某某少 ; John studies fewer subjects than Tom.;77.less +

19、 不可数名词 + than 比某某少 ; I ate less food than you.;78. the most+可数名词复数/不可数名词;“在 某某 当中是最多的 ” Lily has the most pocket money in her class.; 79. the fewest +可数名词复数 ; “在 某某 当中是最少的” ; Who picked the fewest apples today?;80. the least + 不可数名词 ; “在 某某 当中是最少的” ; Daniel did the least work yesterday.;81.副词构成:A、本身

20、为副词; 如:well , fast ; B、由形容词 + 后缀构成;由形容词 + l/y 构成 ; 如: quick quickly ; 辅音字母 + y 结尾; 发/【i】/音 ; 变成 y 为 i + l/y ; 如: lucky luckily ; happyhappily;辅音字母 + y 结尾; 发/【ai】/音 ; 直接 + l/y ; 如: shyshyly ; dry dryly;元音字母 + e 结尾或辅音字母 + l/e 结尾; 去 e 或 l/e;再 + l/y ;如:true truly ; gentlegently; terrible terribly;4 以 i/

21、c 结尾的; + -a-l-l-y ; 如 basicbasically;基本上,主要地 ;economic economically; 经济地;以 l/l 结尾的; 直接 + y ;dull dully 迟钝地; shrill shrilly 尖声地,耀眼地 ;但下列词例外:public publicly; 公然地; whole wholly ; 整个地; 口诀:幸运地是; 温柔地害羞基本上真地迟钝;唯一快乐地(恰好)是漂亮。 ;luckily(辅 y 尾) ;gently (辅 l/e 尾) ;shyly (【ai】音尾) ; basically(i/c 尾) ;truly(元 e 尾)

22、;dully(l/l 尾) ;gayly (元 y 尾) ;快乐地,华美地 ; solely(元 l/e 尾) ;唯一地,单独地 ; nicely(辅 e 尾) 漂亮地,恰好地;基序口诀:40 无 U, 第九无 e.;现在分词、过去式口诀: 分死 dying(die)哭过去 cried(cry). 单辅重读双写同 。 ;形容词比较级最高级口诀: 形容比较过去式,多音节 more 要分清。 (副词比较级最高级与形容词同)82.副词比较级用法:同级比较 用 as + 副词原级 + as; 与 .一样 ; not as/so + 副词原级 + as ;不如. ;She sings as well a

23、s a singer. 她歌唱得和歌唱家一样好。 ( 她歌唱得好) ;He doesnt do so well in the test as Mary. 他在测试中没有玛丽做得好。 (他在测试中没有做好) ;比较级 + than ;They now live more happily than before. 他们现在过得比过去幸福 (他们现在过得幸福) ;注: 使用时口诀 : 先正常词序,再添加 ; 比较级 + and + 比较级 或 more and more + 多音节副词; 表示 “越来越”You work harder and harder. 你工作越来越努力了; “the + 比较

24、级,the +比较级” ; 表示 “越 , 就越 ”;The faster you type, the more mistakes you may make. 你打字打得越快,你出的错可能会越多。 ;83. 最高级的基本用法主语+系动词+ the 最高级+ of/in + 范围词语; 表示 “在 中最 ” ;She is the youngest of all.; She is the youngest in her class.;He is the smartest of us three. ; 他是我们三人中最聪明的。主语+系动词+ the 最高级+that 从句(限定范围) ; 表示 “

25、 在 中最 ” ;This is the worst film that I have ever seen these years. one of the + 最高级 + 可数名词复数; 表示 “最 的 之一”Li Yuchun is one of the most popular singers.; He is one of the tallest students in his class. “the + 序数词+最高级+ 可数名词单数” ; 表示 “第几 的 ”The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.;The Chang

26、jiang River is the first longest river in China. Which / Who is + the 最高级, A, B OR C? ; 表示 “A,B 和 C 哪一个最 ”Which is the largest in area, China, Canada or Russia? Ann is cleverer than any other student in her class. = Ann is the cleverest student in her class. 【重点句型】1. The DJs choose songs the most ca

27、refully. 流行音乐节目主持人最认真的选择歌曲。2. How do you like it so far? = What do you think of it so far? = How do you feel about it so far?到目前为止,你认为它怎么样?3. Thanks for telling me. 多谢你告诉我。 No problem. 不客气;4. Thats up to you to decide. 那由你决定。5. They play a role in deciding the winner. 他们在决定胜利者方面起着重要作用。56. He is much

28、 better than other actors at finding the most interesting roles.他比其他演员更擅长发现有趣的角色。7. I still dont really know my way around. 我依然不认得周边的路。8. How far is it from your home? 从你家去有多远?9. However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows. 然而,不是每个人都欣赏这些表演。10. Some think that the lives of the performers are m

29、ade up. 有的人认为那些表演都的生活经历是编造的。11. However, if you dont take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch.然而,假如你不把这些表演看得太当真,它们还是值得看的。12. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.有关它们的一点好处是,它给人们开启了一扇让他们的梦想成真的门。13. There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park.在格林伍德公园每个人都可以找到适合自己的东西。


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