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1、亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛高二组试题(总分:150 分 答题时间:120 分钟)听力部分(共四大题,计 30 分)I. 句子理解(Statements) (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 请听句子,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个与你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的答案。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. Mr Johnson often offers his help to others in the company. B. We will be disap

2、pointed if the weather isnt fine tomorrow. C. He had said hed help us, so we were disappointed when he didnt come. D. He made a promise to send us free newspapers once a month. 2. A. A stage show called Tango Argentina toured the world before the war. B. The tango became very fashionable in Argentin

3、a after World War I. C. Argentinians like to express their feelings through music.D. The tango became less popular in the early 1950s. 3. A. The manager warned me that if I didnt work hard I would lose my job.B. I was going to apply for a better job to feed my family. C. Maggie and I graduated from

4、the same college seven years ago.D. I was tired of doing my job, since I had been doing it for years. 4. 5. A. Youd better book in advance if you want to get a room. B. Youll have to book by tomorrow if you want the lower price. C. Its not easy to find room to park my car during this busy hour.D. Yo

5、u have no idea how hard we are doing this task. II. 问句应答(Responses) (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 请听问句,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能够恰当回答你所听到的句子的最佳答亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc案。每个问句只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. A. Never mind. Ive got enough cash. B. Nice price!Well buy some fruit. C. Give me a moment please

6、. I am waiting for a friend. D. I cant believe it. Im very disappointed in you. 7. A. We have to hand in this homework by tomorrow.B. As you know, practice makes perfect.C. Im just looking around. Thank you. D. Thank you, but I think I can finally handle it myself. 8. A. Here you are. But can I ask

7、why? B. Yes. I want to buy a shirt.C. Sorry. But these are all we have. D. Yes. But can I do it myself? 9. A. Oh, thats very nice of you to say so.B. Three to one. Germany is leading the game.C. Dont worry about that. I can wait.D. No. You have to take a train on the other side. 10. A. Im sorry. Im

8、also a stranger here.B. Lets meet at the Italian caf around five oclock.C. No problem. Ive just arrived here.D. Right. Lets go say hello. Hes my friend. III. 对话理解(Dialogues) (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分) A) 请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每组对话和问题均读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. A. To watch a movie. B.

9、 To play a ball game.C. To see a friend in hospital. D. To tell stories to their daughter. 12. A. The parents are not satisfied with the girls behaviour at school. B. The parents dont agree with the way the girl thinks and dresses.C. The parents often discuss with the girl about how to make friends.

10、 D. The parents often quarrel with the girl about the girls future. 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc13. A. A piece of cake and a cup of coffee. B. A glass of milk and some sugar.C. A piece of bread and a glass of water.D. A cup of tea and a sandwich. 14. A. She lost her patience to look

11、after the baby.B. She could not afford to buy a new book.C. She missed one of her old classmates.D. She lost the book which the man lent to her. 15. A. 280. B. 300.C. 315. D. 350. B) 请听下面一段长对话,然后根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 16. Where is Danny at the moment? 17. Who is sitting together

12、 with Danny most probably? A. His new girlfriend. B. His classmate. C. His aunt. D. His college teacher. 18. When is Dannys mother coming to visit him? A. Next month. B. This weekend. C. Tomorrow afternoon. D. Next week. 19. What are Fiona and Rex going to do? A. They are going back to the college f

13、or a rest. B. They are going to try on some new clothes. C. They are going on shopping in a superstore. D. They are going to attend a lecture in the college. 20. Whats the relationship between Danny and Fiona? A. They are boyfriend and girlfriend. 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.ccB. They

14、were boyfriend and girlfriend. C. They are brother and sister. D. They were neighbours. IV. 短文理解 (Passages) (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分) A) 请听下面一段材料,然后根据你所听到的内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。材料读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 21. Whats the date today? A. September 5, 2006. B. September 15, 2006. C. October 5, 2006. D. October 25, 2006.

15、 22. Why has the prime minister gone to Washington? A. To celebrate the presidents birthday. B. To spend a one-week holiday. C. To attend an international trade conference. D. To attend the opening ceremony of an international company. 23. Where will the prime minister go at the weekend? A. Scotland

16、. B. Ireland. C. Egypt. D. Mexico. 24. Why did the traffic jam happen? A. Because the motorway was completely destroyed by floods. B. Because a footbridge over the road between London and Oxford fell onto the road. C. Because a big tree near Cambridge fell across the road and blocked it. D. Because

17、of a car accident which happened between Nottingham and Sheffield. 25. Whats the weather like today? A. Hot and cloudy. B. Fair and dry. C. Cold and fine. D. Snowy and windy. B) 非选择题:请听下面一段材料,根据你所听到的内容,补全空白处所缺的信息,每空不超过两个词。材料读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上) 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc笔试部分(共七大题,计 120 分

18、)I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 31. I think we should organise _ little dinner to celebrate _ event.A. /; an B. the; the C. a; / D. a; the 32. I phoned her _ day, but she refused to tell me _ . A. another; nothing B. another; ever

19、ything C. other; something D. the other; anything 33. Whats the matter? _ ? Yes, my mother _ seriously ill since yesterday. A. Have you wept; get B. Youve been crying, havent you; has been C. Did you weep; got D. Are you crying; had been 34. An American Indian legend says that trees hold up the sky,

20、 and if they _ , _ will be a disaster. A. are cut off; it B. will be cut down; it C. are cut down; there D. will cut off; there 35. I cant help _ at his meanness. He again decided against 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc_ his old aunt. A. surprising; to save B. being surprised; helping C

21、. to be surprised; saving D. to surprise; to help 36. How _ he have got into an accident? He is such a careful driver. But other drivers are not. Somebody _ into his car. A. can; may have run B. may; should have crashed C. must; must have crashed D. might; can have run 37. Between 1950 and 1990, the

22、 world population doubled to 5.3 _ . Nearly eighty _ of these people live in developing, or poorer nations. A. billion; percent B. billion; percentage C. billions; percents D. billions; percent 38. If Janet _ half an hour earlier, she _ to see Kevin before he left. He was eager to say good-bye to he

23、r. A. has arrived; would be able B. would leave; was able C. have started; would have been able D. had come; would have been able 39. Good morning. May I help you? No, thank you. Im just looking around. _ A. Thanks for coming to see me. B. How are you feeling today? C. Ill write you a cheque right n

24、ow. D. Take your time then. 40. _ that her fifteen-year-old son disappeared while walking home from school, she suddenly burst _ tears. A. Being heard; out B. Having been told; into C. To tell; away D. Seen; out 41. He was a _ person in the neighbourhood. The people thought there was not a man alive

25、 who could do everything half as _ as he did. 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.ccA. highly respecting; more B. high respected; fast C. highly respected; well D. highest respected; better 42. Gary was extremely busy with his work last week. Not until _ very dark _ his work and go home. A. wa

26、s it; he started B. it was; did he stop C. was it; did he start D. it was; he stopped 43. Its a family of three children, _ are _ the Internet. A. all of them; fond of B. both who; made up of C. all of whom; addicted to D. all which; satisfied with 44. Are you ready to order? Im kind of in a hurry.

27、_ A. What can you serve quickly? B. What had happened? C. I hope youre not displeased with her. D. There will be a lot of food. 45. I did not accept the job. _ Im unwilling to do the job, _ Im unequal to it. A. However; as B. Not that; but C. Although; so D. Not for; though II. 阅读理解 (Reading compreh

28、ension) (共 20 小题;选择题 5 小题,每小题 1 分,非选择题 15 小题,每小题 2 分,计 35 分) A)选择题:阅读下面短文,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) Can you understand the beginning of this essay? 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc“My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we usd 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & 3 kds FTF.” The Scottish teach

29、er who received it in class had no idea what the girl who wrote it meant. The essay was written in a form of English used in cell phone text messages. Text messages (also called SMS) through cell phones became very popular in the late 1990s. At first, mobile phone companies thought that text messagi

30、ng would be a good way to send messages to customers, but customers quickly began to use the text messaging service to send messages to each other. Teenagers in particular enjoyed using text messaging, and they began to create a new language for messages called “texting.” A text message is limited t

31、o 160 characters, including letters, spaces, and numbers, so mess- ages must be kept short. In addition, typing on the small keypad of a cell phone is difficult, so its common to make words shorter. In texting, a single letter or number can represent a word, like “r” for “are,” “u” for “you,” and “2

32、” for “to.” Several letters can also represent a phrase, like “lol” for “laughing out loud.” Another characteristic of texting is the leaving out of letters in a word, like spelling “please” as “pls.” 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.ccSome parents and teachers worry that texting will make

33、children bad spellers and bad writers. The student who wrote the essay at the top of this page said writing that way was more comfortable for her. (The essay said, “My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend, and their three

34、kids face to face.”) Not everyone agrees that texting is a bad thing. Some experts say languages always develop, and this is just another way in which English is changing. Other people believe texting will disappear soon. New technology for voice messages may soon make text messages a thing of the p

35、ast. 46. What is the writers opinion of text messaging? A. The writer does not give his opinions. B. It is not bad for children. C. It will make children bad writers. D. It is fun and easy to do. 47. Which characteristic of texting is NOT described in the passage? A. Using letters to represent words

36、. B. Using phrases to represent essays. C. Using letters to represent phrases. D. Using numbers to represent words. 48. Which of the following was most probably the title of the students essay? A. My Smmr Hols B. CU in LA C. My GF D. My Gr8 Tchr 49. Why do some people think that texting is bad? A. I

37、t costs too much. B. Its too difficult to type. C. Teenagers wont learn to write correctly. D. Its not comfortable. 50. Why arent some people worried about the effect of texting? A. Not many people use texting. B. Spelling in English is too difficult. C. Teenagers quickly become bored with texting.

38、亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.ccD. Texting will disappear because of new technology. B) 非选择题:阅读下列材料,然后按要求完成所给出的题目。(答案写在答题纸上) AQuestions 5155: Answer each of the following questions in no more than 3 words. 51. Which is the best channel for news? 52. Who has returned to playing tennis? 53

39、. What time does the romantic film start? 54. How much money is the game show prize? 55. What does “on the air” mean? BThe man looks uncomfortable. He is not speaking. His girlfriend keeps asking him whats wrong. “Nothing,” he replies each time. You must be familiar with this kind of scene. Romantic

40、 comedies and TV dramas often show this kind of relationship problem. (59) Such problems among couples often result from not understanding their partners communication style.(60) Psychologists(心理学家) have found some basic differences between the sexes in the ways they communicate. Firstly, women typically prefer to talk


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