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1、letters and calls, and do practical things for the masses combine good, effective through reaching people at the service of the “last mile“. Third, foster the development of new energy, new General Secretary XI Jinping stressed development of innovation forest restructuring, revitalization of the ol

2、d industrial bases in Northeast China is the States major strategy, Central has issued comprehensive opinions of revitalizing Northeast China and other old industrial bases, the CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were . Vigorous determination does not waver, the work does not

3、 slacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on their own efforts, cant wait, cant wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must seize the opp

4、ortunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, to start and target, give full play to the initiative of leading cadres at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement the new develop

5、ment philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination and development of green, open, shared ideas, must be measurable, direct action with new development concepts, training cadres. In a new development concept as a yardstick. Establis

6、hed in line with the new concept of evaluation system and evaluation criterion, embodies the new development policy, organization, mandate implementation, always measured by the new development philosophy, continuous correction of forest transition course. In a new development concept for the path c

7、ommand. As part of the implementation of the new development philosophy followed and action guidelines, firmly adjusted, corrected and reject unsuitable, inappropriate and even against the new development ideas, behaviors and practices, more pragmatic approach based on a broad vision, and creatively

8、 carry out ecological construction, industrial development, improving peoples livelihood, such as the work to ensure that new development ideas take root in forest areas. In a new development concept for weapon training cadre. Education leaders “in the new, nothing“ two articles, enhancing vitality

9、and power. Combined development “six big industry“, and implementation “three big engineering“, and create “two big environment“, strengthening on new development, and new economy concept of learning, and grasp and using, real put thought and action unified to new development concept up, at with new

10、 development concept armed himself, and guide practice, effective do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. Second, we must rely on Science and technology affects. Technical innovation is the promotion of economic transformatio

11、n and upgrading, quality and efficiency “first power“.livelihood, is related to peoples well-being and social harmony and stability. We need to protect and improve the livelihood of the people as the starting point and ending point of transition and improve forest peoples feeling and happiness. To p

12、romote poverty relief and development work. Implementing poverty alleviation crucial project is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee, is also determined by the provincial “first project“, we must unify thinking and action to the requirements of the Central, provincial, resolu

13、tely win the poverty battle. The previous phase I to 18 stations, Tahe, Pine Ridge research, visited many of the poor, go, the heavier, more pressure. For poverty relief and development work, we must pay attention to it, always in mind, grasping hands, should not be blindly optimistic, there can be

14、no slack. Poverty alleviation and development lies in precise, accurate. Present, in order to find out the real base of poor people as soon as possible, come up with feasible poverty standards, state card, built on the basis of document management. To firmly establish the “poverty reduction“ concept

15、, increase the intensity of resource integration, and related funding, with limited funds wisely. By using a combination of employment, entrepreneurship for poverty eradication poverty eradication, education, poverty alleviation, medical aid of poverty means, due to effects of policies, those polici

16、es, ensure the completion of mission objectives for poverty eradication for the year. To actively promote the construction of new towns. In February this year, promulgated by the State Council on further promoting urbanization construction of new opinions, proposed to adhere to the people-centered,

17、four modernizations synchronization, optimization, ecology civilization and cultural heritage of new urbanization path with Chinese characteristics. According to district-wide construction of civilized city and the beautiful countryside, further strengthening of urban transport, water supply and dra

18、inage and sewage, waste disposal ground, underground, such as infrastructure construction, strive to create a safer and more livable environment. To actively seize the full stop and opportunities for poverty alleviation and development, further efforts to increase forest villages merge, population t

19、o the County (district) Council sites and centres concentrated in villages and towns. Combined development of urban construction and tourism industries, careful planning and construction of a number of suitable for residential and farm tour towns and villages, forming one village one product, a feat

20、ure pattern. Closer to the masses. Since last year, our in-depth implementation of the leading cadres of grassroots masses at work, solve the problems of a large number of people, get the masses give wholehearted support to and praise, this work will carry on, absolutely cannot or movement. Grassroo

21、ts masses and cadres in combination with poverty reduction, combined with the steady work of2012 年暑期社会实践报告姓名: 班级: 学号: 系别: 专业: 日期:2012.7.20-2012.8.03一 实践活动:关于社会主义新农村建设社会实践调查二 实践目的:(一)了解我国社会主义新农村建设的状况(二)锻炼自己的社会实践能力(三)提高自己与人交往的能力(四)为我国社会主义新农村建设提出自己的建议,为我国社会主义新农村建设做出自己的贡献。三 实践经历:1、 7 月 20 日,我和几位小组成员制定出社

22、会实践计划,并确立了分工;2、 、7 月 21 日-7 月 25 日,我们来到本市的几个乡镇,进行实地考察,了解我市社会主义新农村建设情况。3、7 月 26 日-7 月 28 日,我们来到市里有关各个部门,向他们了解我市社会主义新农村建设状况。4、7 月 29 日7 月 31 日,我们向有关群众发放调查问卷,进行问卷调查,向他们了解我市社会主义新农村建设的状况,并提出相关建议。5、8 月 1 日-8 月 2 日,我们来到图书馆和上网进行相关资料的搜集。6、8 月 3 日,我们读者几天的调查结果进行汇总,并对社会主义新农村建设中出现的问题提出了自己的建议。四 实践结果(一)社会主义新农村建设状况

23、1、农村经济稳步发展,农民收入逐步提高。 近年来,中央以及省市区各级政府的一系列支农惠农政策的出 台和落实,如免除农业税、不断提高粮食收购价格、进行各种农业 补贴(对农民种粮进行的直接补贴;对农民购买粮种进行补贴;对 农民购买农机具进行补贴;农业生产资料价格综合补贴)等,极大 地调动了农民种粮和发展农业生产的积极性,农村经济稳步增长, 农民收入不断提高,农村经济进入了一个新的发展阶段。2、基础设施逐步改善,生活环境不断优化。 在国家一系列政策资金的大力支持下,我国各地农村都组织实 施了农村电网改造、林业生态建设、人畜饮水改造、县乡道路建设、 农村中小学校舍建设、小康住宅建设等一批基础设施项目建

24、设,使 农村基础条件进一步改善,农业发展有了后劲,可持续发展有了保 证。这主要表现在农村的道路、电网、饮水设施,以及农民使用沼气等方面都有了非常明显的变化。从道路建设来看,我们现在能做 到全国 87%的行政村通达客运班车,这和以前相比有了非常明显的 变化。从电网的建设来看,在大电网覆盖区域之内,除了西藏地区, 其他地区都已经在电网覆盖范围内, 大电网的电可以直接进村入户, 这使电在传输过程中损耗大大降低。农村电网的改造后农村的电价 基本上做到同网同价。3、文化教育加快发展,农民素质不断提高。近年来,随着农村经济的稳步发展和农民收入的不断提高,我 国也逐年加大了对教育和科技的投入,中小学校舍建设

25、、远程教育 网络建设、电化教letters and calls, and do practical things for the masses combine good, effective through reaching people at the service of the “last mile“. Third, foster the development of new energy, new General Secretary XI Jinping stressed development of innovation forest restructuring, revitaliza

26、tion of the old industrial bases in Northeast China is the States major strategy, Central has issued comprehensive opinions of revitalizing Northeast China and other old industrial bases, the CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were . Vigorous determination does not waver, the

27、 work does not slacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on their own efforts, cant wait, cant wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must

28、 seize the opportunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, to start and target, give full play to the initiative of leading cadres at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement t

29、he new development philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination and development of green, open, shared ideas, must be measurable, direct action with new development concepts, training cadres. In a new development concept as a yards

30、tick. Established in line with the new concept of evaluation system and evaluation criterion, embodies the new development policy, organization, mandate implementation, always measured by the new development philosophy, continuous correction of forest transition course. In a new development concept

31、for the path command. As part of the implementation of the new development philosophy followed and action guidelines, firmly adjusted, corrected and reject unsuitable, inappropriate and even against the new development ideas, behaviors and practices, more pragmatic approach based on a broad vision,

32、and creatively carry out ecological construction, industrial development, improving peoples livelihood, such as the work to ensure that new development ideas take root in forest areas. In a new development concept for weapon training cadre. Education leaders “in the new, nothing“ two articles, enhan

33、cing vitality and power. Combined development “six big industry“, and implementation “three big engineering“, and create “two big environment“, strengthening on new development, and new economy concept of learning, and grasp and using, real put thought and action unified to new development concept u

34、p, at with new development concept armed himself, and guide practice, effective do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. Second, we must rely on Science and technology affects. Technical innovation is the promotion of economic

35、 transformation and upgrading, quality and efficiency “first power“.livelihood, is related to peoples well-being and social harmony and stability. We need to protect and improve the livelihood of the people as the starting point and ending point of transition and improve forest peoples feeling and h

36、appiness. To promote poverty relief and development work. Implementing poverty alleviation crucial project is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee, is also determined by the provincial “first project“, we must unify thinking and action to the requirements of the Central, prov

37、incial, resolutely win the poverty battle. The previous phase I to 18 stations, Tahe, Pine Ridge research, visited many of the poor, go, the heavier, more pressure. For poverty relief and development work, we must pay attention to it, always in mind, grasping hands, should not be blindly optimistic,

38、 there can be no slack. Poverty alleviation and development lies in precise, accurate. Present, in order to find out the real base of poor people as soon as possible, come up with feasible poverty standards, state card, built on the basis of document management. To firmly establish the “poverty redu

39、ction“ concept, increase the intensity of resource integration, and related funding, with limited funds wisely. By using a combination of employment, entrepreneurship for poverty eradication poverty eradication, education, poverty alleviation, medical aid of poverty means, due to effects of policies

40、, those policies, ensure the completion of mission objectives for poverty eradication for the year. To actively promote the construction of new towns. In February this year, promulgated by the State Council on further promoting urbanization construction of new opinions, proposed to adhere to the peo

41、ple-centered, four modernizations synchronization, optimization, ecology civilization and cultural heritage of new urbanization path with Chinese characteristics. According to district-wide construction of civilized city and the beautiful countryside, further strengthening of urban transport, water

42、supply and drainage and sewage, waste disposal ground, underground, such as infrastructure construction, strive to create a safer and more livable environment. To actively seize the full stop and opportunities for poverty alleviation and development, further efforts to increase forest villages merge

43、, population to the County (district) Council sites and centres concentrated in villages and towns. Combined development of urban construction and tourism industries, careful planning and construction of a number of suitable for residential and farm tour towns and villages, forming one village one p

44、roduct, a feature pattern. Closer to the masses. Since last year, our in-depth implementation of the leading cadres of grassroots masses at work, solve the problems of a large number of people, get the masses give wholehearted support to and praise, this work will carry on, absolutely cannot or move

45、ment. Grassroots masses and cadres in combination with poverty reduction, combined with the steady work of育设施投入成为各地农村投资的重点。与此同时, 各地不断加大对农民的培训,教授农民各种实用技术和知识,培养 致富带头能人。如建立了农村义务教育的经费保障制度。至 2006 年 开始,就在农村实行了义务教育阶段的学生免交学杂费制度,同时 农村义务教育阶段孩子的教科书全部由政府免费提供,这使得农村失学儿童的比例显著下降,从根本上提高农民的文化程度和自身素质。4、保障制度不断完善,和谐氛围逐渐

46、形成。国家不断完善农村社会保障制度。2007 年开始,党中央、国务院确定在全国农村建立最低生活保障制度, 这在过去是不敢想象的。 到 2009 年年底,已经有 4600 多万农民纳入了最低生活保障制度,平均给每个纳入低保的农村人口每个月补贴 60 元钱。 同时推行新型 农村社会养老保险的试点工作,试点范围是全国 1/10 的县。在 2020 年将覆盖全 国。医疗上从本世纪初开始建立新型农村合作医疗制度,到 2008 年 该标准提高到了 100 元,农民自己交 20 元,中央和地方政府各贴 40 元,总体上看,对于农民大病、重病,需要住院做手术的情况, 基本上可以做到一半的费用可以报销,避免很多

47、农民家庭因病致贫的情况出现。5、民主法制不断健全,法制观念进一步加强。 在国家加强民主法制建设的环境下,农村基层民主法制建设 也取得了很大成绩,广大干部群众法律意识法制观念普遍增强,以 宪法为核心,农业法、村民委员会组织法为重点的与农民生产生活 密切相关的法律法规广泛普及;依法治村活动广泛开展,在村党支 部的领导下,依法建制、以制治村、民主管理、民主监督的工作格 局逐步形成;普遍实行村民自治,村务公开,农村基层民主得到发展。以 农 民 为 主 体 , 重 大 决策农民说了算,建设过程农民积极参与,改革的实惠由农 民分享。凡是农民能够参与进来的,政府一律不包办;对农 民不能直接参与进来的重大建设

48、项目,政府也是把解决农民 群众最关心、最直接、最现实、最迫切需要解决而又无能为 力的问题作为新农村建设的着力点和突破口,并通过村务公 开 、召 开 村 民 代 表 大 会 等 形 式 及 时 向 农 民 群 众 做 宣 传 。做到上 级政策要公布、创建规划要公认、建设项目要公示、投入资金要公 开。保 证 村 务 公 开 率 100 ,群 众 满 意 率 达 90 以 上 。在每个 村成立了 3-5 人的村民理事会、监事会,规划的制订、资金的筹集 使用、工程招投标、质量监督等都交给村民讨论决定,农民的知情 权、参与权、决策权、监督权在创建中充分体现。(二)社会主义新农村建设出现的问题1、人多地少

49、,农民增收后劲不足。 我国是一个农业大国, 农民收入的大部分来自农业。 截至 2008 年底,我国耕地面积为 18.2574 亿亩,户均耕地面积仅 7 亩,人多 地少的局面依然严重。近年来,虽然各地加大了农业结构调整和科 技推广力度,但农村土地有限,加之农业生产方式总体上还比较落 后,因此仅靠现有土地和种养方式很难实现农民收入的突破。与此 同时,我国农村二、三产业发展较慢,经济效益普遍较低,对农民 增收的支撑能力弱,农民从事二、三产业收入较少,农民增收后劲不足。2、农村基础设施和农业生产条件改善投入不足。 近年来,尽管国家大力推进社会主义新农村建设,我国农村基 础设施建设letters and calls, and do practical things for the masses combine good, effective through reaching people at the service of the “last mile“. Third, foster the development of new energy, new General Secretary XI Jin


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