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1、小学生英语阅读天天练 - 0 -小学生英语阅读天天练一One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help t

2、hem. Just then a man comes up and shouts: “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.( ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _.A. fishing B. shopping C. business( ) 2. They stop their car _.A. at the parking spot B. ne

3、ar the sea C. near the store( ) 3. They want to put the things _.A. in a big bag B. in their car C. in others car( ) 4. Mr. White cant open the car, so _.A. they walk home B. they ask a policeman to helpC. they call a taxi 注解:1.B-从短文第一句”One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car“”一天怀特先生和夫人开车去购物“可

4、以得出答案。2.C-从短文第二句”They stop their car near a store“”他们把车停在商店附近“可以得出答案。3.B-从短文第三句”They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car“”他们买了很多东西,想把东西放到车里“可以得出答案。4.B-从短文第四句”But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them.“”但怀特先生无法打开车门,所以他们请警察帮忙.“可以得出答案。笔

5、记整理:1.go shopping (去商店)购物2.want to do sth 想要做某事,举例:want to put the things in the car.引申开来,”喜欢做某事“是 like doing sth,举例:like playing football ”喜欢踢足球“3.ask sb to do sth 请某人做某事,举例:ask a policeman to help them.拓展下,ask sb for help 是”向某人求助“ 的意思4.be friendly to sb 对某人很友好,举例: The policeman is very friendly to

6、 them5.take a look at sth 看着某物(这里的 look 做名词用噢),look 还可以做动词用,look at sth 也是看着某物。小学生英语阅读天天练 - 1 -小学生英语阅读天天练二Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife, Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden bes

7、ide his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.( )1. Mr Brown lives in _with his wife.A. a city B. a small town C. a big town( )2. He works_ days a week in

8、his office.A. four B. five C. six( )3. He isnt _on Saturdays and Sundays.A. free B. busy C. happy( )4. He likes _ on Saturdays and Sundays.A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon C. looking at his garden( )5. Mrs Brown _ the flowers.A. likes B. doesnt like C. often helps注解:1.B-从短文第一句 Mr Br

9、own lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife.“布朗先生和他太太住在小镇上的一座很美丽的房子里”可以得出答案。2.B-从短文第二句 From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house.“从周一到周五,他在家附近的办公室上班”可以得出答案。算算周一到周五是不是一共 5 天呀?3.B-从短文第三句 He is free on Saturdays and Sundays.“他周六、周日休息”可以得出答案。4.A-从短文第五句 He likes growing flowe

10、rs and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays.“他喜欢养花,双休日经常在花园工作。”可以得出答案。文中并未提及在花园散步(walk),look at the garden 是指“看着花园 ”,文中也未提及。所以 B 和 C 选项可以排除,剩下 A 选项啦。5.A-从文中第六句 The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much.“花儿很美,布朗太太很喜欢它们。”可以得出答案。笔记整理:1.“妻子”是 wife,“丈夫”我们用 husband

11、。他们合起来就是一对夫妻,我们用 couple。记住啦,Husband+Wife=Couple , 然后他们会生一个 baby,叫 child,后来又生了一群娃娃叫children。2.Mr 是先生,Mrs 是夫人,小姐是 Miss。小学生英语阅读天天练 - 2 -3.一周有七天,分别是:Monday(周一),Tuesday(周二) ,Wednesday(周三),Thursday(周四) ,Friday(周五),Saturday (周六) ,Sunday(周日)。周一到周五是“工作日”,我们用 weekday,周六、周日是“周末”啦,用 weekend。小学生英语阅读天天练 - 3 -小学生英

12、语阅读天天练三There is a new park near my house. Its a fine day today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says, “Dont swim

13、 in the lake!” There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.( )1. The park near my house is _.A. new and beautiful B. old and beautiful C. clean and new D. old and clean( )2. Is there a cafe in the park? _A.

14、 Yes, there isnt. B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, there is. D.No, there is.( )3. People cant _in the lake.A. swim B. fish C. boat D. play( )4. The shops in the park are not _.A. small B. big C. good D.pretty( )5. Do we like the park? _A. Yes, we do. B.No,we do. C.Yes, you do. D. No,we dont.注解:1.A-从短文第一句

15、There is a new park near my house.“在我家附近有一个新的公园。”和倒数第二句 The park is so beautiful.“这个公园很漂亮。”可以得出答案 new and beautiful.2.C-从短文第四句 On my left, there is a cafe.“在我的左手边,是一家咖啡馆”可以得出答案 Yes, there is.3.A-从短文第九句 Dont swim in the lake!“不准在河里游泳 “可以得出答案。4.B-从短文第十句 There are some small shops near the gate.“在靠近门口的

16、地方有些小商店。”可以得出答案 not big,注意题目中可是有个“不” 字的哟。5.A-从短文最后一句 We like it very much.“我们非常喜欢这个公园。”可以得出答案。笔记整理:1.“在左边”是 on the left, “在右边”是 on the right.2.“There be”句型-There is/are sb (doing sth) in sp.“某人在某地做某事。”给个例句哈,There are some children playing in the park.“一些孩子在公园玩耍。”3.Dont swim in the lake.“不准在河里游泳。”是个祈

17、使句,表示命令。 “不准在这里吸烟。”我们可以说“Dont smoke here.”,还有一种更口语化的表达就是 No smoking here.4.in the middle of .是指“在.中间”。比如说:in the middle of March “在三月中旬”, in the middle of the ocean“在大海中央”。小学生英语阅读天天练 - 4 -小学生英语阅读天天练四My name is Li Fang. I have a new friend. Her name is Linda. She lives in New York. Linda is eleven ye

18、ars. She likes playing chess. My hobby is playing chess, too. She often goes to school by bus. Her mother is a doctor. She goes to work on foot. Her father is a teacher. He goes to work by car. Every evening Linda does her homework. Her mother watches TV and her father reads newspapers. Linda will c

19、ome to China soon. She is in England now. Im excited.请仔细阅读以下问题,并判断正确与否, 正确的写“T“, 错误的写“F“。( )1.Lindia is a Chinese girl.( )2.Lindas father is a doctor.( )3.Lindas father reads newspapers in the evening.( )4.Lindas mother goes to work by bus.( )5.Linda likes playing chess.注解:1.F. 从短文第三,第四句 Her name is

20、 Linda. She lives in New York.“她叫琳达。她住在纽约。”可以知道琳达不是中国人,所以这题是错误的。2.F. 从短文第十二句 Her father is a teacher.“她爸爸是一名教师。”可以知道琳达的爸爸不是一名医生,所以这题是错误的。3.T. 从短文倒数第三句 Her mother watches TV and her father reads newspapers.“她妈妈看电视,她爸爸看报纸”可以知道这题是正确的。4.F. 从短文第十句 She goes to work on foot.“她步行去上班 ”可以知道琳达的妈妈不是做公车去上班的,所以这题

21、是错误的。5.T. 从短文第六句 She likes playing chess.“她喜欢下棋 ”可以得出答案。笔记整理:1.like playing chess“喜欢下棋”。其中包含了 2 个固定搭配噢。 like doing sth“喜欢做某事”, 和play chess“下棋”。拓展下,玩球类活动我们直接 play+球类名称,比如:play football/basketball/volleyball“踢足球/ 打篮球/打排球;但是,演奏乐器我们用 play the + 乐器名称,比如:play the piano“弹钢琴”,play the violin“拉小提琴”。2.on foot

22、“步行”,by car“坐车“, by bus“做公共汽车“,by metro“坐地铁”。3.do ones homework“做回家作业”, do the housework“做家务”。4.watch TV“看电视”,TV 是 television 的缩写形式;read newspaper“看报纸”。5.Im excited now.“我现在很激动 ”。excite (v.)使激动,使兴奋,比如:excite her interest.“引起她的兴趣”, exciting(adj.)“令人激动的”,比如:The news is exciting.“这条消息令人激动”。excited (adj

23、.)“感到激动的”,比如:Im excited about his arrival.“他的到来让我感到激动。”小学生英语阅读天天练 - 5 -小学生英语阅读天天练五Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I

24、am Number Five, Row Four.( )1.David_an American boy.A. is B. am C. are( )2.He is_ .A. ten B. eleven C. twelve( )3.Sun Wei is_ Class Three, Grade One.A. in B. on C. of( )4.David is in Row_ .A. Four B. Five C. One( )5.Sun Wei is Number_ .A. Four B. Five D. Eight解析:1.A.第三人称单数后 be 动词用 is2.C.从短文第五句 “He i

25、s twelve.“可以得出答案3.A.在几班,在几年级用介词“in“4.B.从短文倒数第二句“He is Number Eight, Row Five.“可以得出答案5.B.从短文最后一句“I am Number Five, Row Four.“可以得出答案笔记整理:1.介绍自己姓名可以用句型“My name is .“2.介绍自己年龄可以用句型“Im eleven/ten.“3.介绍自己所在班级和年级可以用句型“Im in Class XXX, Grade XXX.“4.介绍自己学号,座位时可以用句型“I am Number XXX, Row XXX.“小学生英语阅读天天练 - 6 -小学

26、生英语阅读天天练六My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. That is my mother. She is a teacher. That is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. That is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot.仔细阅读下面的题目,正确的写“T“ ,错误的写“F“( )1. Jim Green is

27、eleven.( )2. His mother is teacher.( )3. His father is a Chinese teacher.( )4. His sister is twelve.( )5. He has a bird.解析:1.F.从文章第二句 I am twelve.可以得出答案“Jim Green 是 12 岁,不是 11 岁”噢。2.T.从文章第四句 She is a teacher. 可以得出答案。3.F.从文章第八句 He is an English teacher.可以得出答案:Jim 的爸爸是英语老师,不是语文老师。4.F.从文章倒数第四句 She is e

28、ight.可以得出答案:Jim 的妹妹 Kate 是 8 岁,不是12 岁。5.T.从文章最后三句: This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot.“这是 Polly,是只小鸟,它是只鹦鹉。”可以得出答案。小学生英语阅读天天练 - 7 -小学生英语阅读天天练七Van and Ted are twin brothers. They look the same. They are English. They are eleven. They are in No.15 Middle School. They are new students in Class

29、 One, Grade One. Van sits in Row One. Ted sits in Row Three.( )1. Van and Ted are _.A. twins brothers B. twin brother C. twin brothers( )2. They are_.A. English B. American C. Chinese( )3. They are_.A. ten B. eleven C. twelve( )4. They are_students.A. new B. old C. good( )5. Ted sits_Row Three.A. on

30、 B. in C. at解析:1.C.从文章第一句 Van and Ted are twin brothers.“Van 和 Ted 是双胞胎兄弟。”可以得出答案。2.A.从文章第三句 They are English.“他们都是中国人。 ”可以得出答案。3.B.从文章第四句 They are eleven.“他们十一岁。 ”可以得出答案。4.A.从文章第六句 They are new students in Class One, Grade One.“他们是一年级一班的新生。”可以得出答案。5.B.从文章最后一句 Ted sits in Row Three.“Ted 坐在第三排。”可以得出答

31、案。小学生英语阅读天天练 - 8 -小学生英语阅读天天练八小屁孩日记Greg Heffley is an 11-year-old boy. He is kind, honest, smart and naughty. He has a lot of ideas. He has a diary. In his diary, he writes many interesting stories about his life. He also draws cartoons in his diary. He has a lot of problems in school. But he makes a

32、 lot of trouble, too. He runs away from a school singing contest(比赛). He often wants to play tricks(捉弄) on others. But he always makes a fool of himself(出洋相). He is not good at making friends. But he wants to be the most popular in his school.Greg is not a good role model (榜样). But US children like

33、reading his diaries. In fact (实际上), everything Greg does, you should do the opposite (相反). Do you want to read about him?Go and read the book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid (小屁孩日记). It won the Favorite Book award (奖项) at the 2010 Kids Choice Awards in the US.【小练习】判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写“T“,错误的写 “F”。1.( )Greg Heffley

34、 is an 11-year-old boy.2.( )Greg Heffley has no idea,but he has a diary.3.( )In his diary, he writes many interesting stories about his life.4.( )He runs away from a school dancing contest(比赛).5.( )Greg is not a good role model (榜样).【解析】1.T.从文章第一句 Greg Heffley is an 11-year-old boy.可以知道这句话是正确的。2.F.从

35、文章第三、第四句 He has a lot of ideas. He has a diary.“Greg 有很多鬼点子。他还有本日记。”可以知道题目中说“他没有鬼点子”是不对的啦。3.T.从文章第五句 In his diary, he writes many interesting stories about his life.“在日记里,他写了好多生活中有趣儿的故事。”可以知道这题是正确的。4.F.从文章第九句 He runs away from a school singing contest(比赛).“他从学校唱歌比赛中逃出来了。”可以知道题目中说的“舞蹈比赛”是错误的啦。5.T.从文章

36、第二段第一句 Greg is not a good role model (榜样). “Greg 可不是个好榜样。”可以知道这题是正确滴。想想也是啊,他老是捣乱、出状况,我们可不能学习他噢!小学生英语阅读天天练 - 9 -小学生英语阅读天天练九Chinas Lin Dan tells the world he is now the true No.1 badminton player! He wins the gold medal (金牌) in the mens singles (男单比赛 ) at the Guangzhou Asian Games.He wins the gold med

37、al (金牌) in the mens singles (男单比赛) at the Guangzhou Asian Games. He beat (打败) Lee Chong Wei (李宗伟) of Malaysia (马来西亚).Lee was the worlds No.1 player. “Lee is one of the worlds best badminton players. We play hard. We have an exciting game. He is a respectable (值得尊敬的) player for me,” Lin says. Now he

38、has a new goal. “Ill try to get to the London 2012 Olympic Games. Ill work hard,” he says.About Lin DanName: Lin DanBirthday: October 14, 1983Nickname: Super DanHeight (身高 ): 178 cmWeight (体重): 72 kg【小练习】判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写“T“,错误的写 “F”。1.( )Lin Dan tells the world he is the world true No.1 player now.2.

39、( )He wins the gold medal in the womens singles at the Guangzhou Asian Games.3.( )Lee Chong Wei beat Lin Dan at the Guangzhou Asian Games.4.( )Lee Chong Wei is the worlds best football players.5.( )Now, Lin Dan has a new goal. He will try to get to the New York 2012 Olympics Games.【解析】1.T.从文章第一句 Chi

40、nas Lin Dan tells the world he is now the true No.1 badminton player!“中国的林丹告诉整个世界他才是当今羽毛球界的第一名。”可以知道这句话是正确的。2.F.林丹是男生,所以应该是 mens singles (男单比赛) ,而不是 womens singles(女单比赛)拉。3.F.从文章第四句 He beat (打败) Lee Chong Wei (李宗伟) of Malaysia (马来西亚).“ 他打败了来自马来西亚的选手李宗伟。”可以知道题目中李宗伟在广州亚运会上打败林丹是错误的。4.F.李宗伟是打羽毛球(badminton)的,可不是踢足球(football)的哦。5.F.从文章最后一句“Ill try to get to the London 2012 Olympic Games. Ill work hard,”he says.“他说:我想要参加 2012 年伦敦奥运会。”可以看出题目中说的 “2012 年纽约奥运会”是错误的。


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