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1、1Unit1 The lion and the mouse【教材分析】作为本册教材的起始单元,本单元的课文仍旧是一个经典故事,改编自著名的寓言故事狮子和老鼠 。故事已拟人的手法呈现了两个强弱分明的动物形象,表达了两个寓意:一是小人物也可以发挥大作用;二是人人都需要朋友,即使他很强大。小学阶段的高年级学生已经具备了较为独立自主的思考和判断能力,在教学过程中,教师可以适时地引导学生发挥想象力,表达自己对“朋友”的定义和见解,明白“尺有所短,寸有所长”的道理,感受朋友间相互帮助的美好情感。教师也可以鼓励学生表演故事和背诵课文。【教学目标】1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读单词及词组:mous

2、e, walk by, wakeup, some day, letgo, the next day, net,bite, sharp, sadly, just then, soon, from then on, cheer, hit, deep, reach, quickly, pourinto,会听、会说、会读和会写单词及词组:large, strong, quietly, weak, loudly, happily.等副词的用法。2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读、会运用句型:The mouse said quietly. The lion laughed loudly.3. 复

3、习过去式,进一步学会运用。并掌握几个动词的过去式的特殊变化。4正确区分、理解和掌握形容词与副词,并学会正确运用。5学生能初步理解本篇童话故事,并通过故事学习,激发学生的学习兴趣。教育学生不能欺负弱小;要明白:强大和弱小是相对的!6掌握语音:特殊疑问句的降调杨庄英语集体二次教案主备:曹翠英 执教:曹翠英Comment U1: 重点Comment U2: 难点27通过对伊索寓言和成语故事的了解和阅读,体味中外文化的差异。8培养学生的自主学习能力以及语言综合运用能力。【教学重点】1会听、会说、会读和会写单词及词组:large, strong, quietly, weak, loudly, happi

4、ly.等副词的用法。2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读、会运用句型:The mouse said quietly. The lion laughed loudly.3. 掌握语音:特殊疑问句的降调【教学难点】1.副词 sadly, loudly, quietly, weak, loudly,happily的构成和用法。2不规则动词 bite, let, wake的过去式。 【教学准备】图片、光盘、录音机【课时划分】第一课时:Story time第二课时:Grammar timeFun time第三课时:S ound time, Culture time & Cartoon time第

5、四课时:Checkout time & Ticking time第五课时 Ticking time &Exercise第六课时 复习 Unit 1 所有内容以及完成相关练习3Period 1【教学内容】Story time【教学目标】1、能听懂、会说、会读词汇 mouse, large, strong, walk by, wake up, some day, quietly, loudly, the next day, net, bite, sharp, ask, just then, soon, get out, happily, from then on, weak。2、能听懂、会说、会读

6、日常句型:The mouse said quietly. The lion laughed loudly. The lion asked sadly. The lion said happily.3、复习过去式,进一步学会运用。4、能在理解的基本上,熟练朗读并试着复述故事。5、通过阅读故事,教育学生不能欺负弱小;要明白:强大和弱小是相对的!【教学重点】1、能听懂、会说、会读词汇 mouse, large, strong, walk by, wake up, some day, quietly, loudly, the next day, net, bite, sharp, ask, just

7、then, soon, get out, happily, from then on, weak。2、能听懂、会说、会读日常句型:The mouse said quietly. The lion laughed loudly. The lion asked sadly. The lion said happily.【教学难点】能在理解的基本上,熟练朗读并试着复述故事。【课前准备】句子板书,单词卡片,课文图片,PPT【教学过程】4Step 1. Organization:1. Greetings. 2. Free talk:What day is it today? How is the wea

8、ther today? Do you like ? Step 2. Presentation and practice:1. T: Do you like animals? Ss: Yes, I do. T: What animals do you know? S: tiger, cat, dog, bear, 2. T: Today were going to learn a story about animals. What animals? Can you guess? (检查学生预习)Ss: The lion and the mouse. 3. Lets talk:1). T: How

9、 about the lion? 通过学生交流,学习:large, strong, sharp 等单词。2). T: How about the mouse? 让学生通过对比,交流。引出:small, weak 等单词。3). 集体说一说,lion 和 mouse 的异同。e.g. The lion is large. But the mouse is small. The lion is strong. But the mouse is weak.The lions and the mouses teeth are sharp.4. Read the story.1). T: What ha

10、ppened to the lion and the 5mouse? Would you like to know? Read by yourselves. 2). Ss read the story. 5. Try to tell the story. Pic 1. 1). T: Where was the lion? Ss: It was in the forest.T: How about the lion? Ss: He was large and strong. T: What other animals can you see? Ss: I can see T: Do they l

11、ike the lion? Ss: No, because the lion wanted to eat them. 2). Lets try to say.T&Ss: There was a lion in the forest. Pic 2. 1). T: Can you say something about Pic. 2? S1: The lion caught the mouse. S2: The lion laughed loudly. S3: The mouse was small. 2). T: Why did the lion catch the mouse? Ss: Bec

12、ause the mouse walked by and woke the lion up. 学习:walk by woke up woke (wake 的过去式) 3). Read the story about Picture 2 together.Pic 3. 1). T: What happened the next day? 6Ss: Two men caught the lion with a large net. T: How was the lion now? Ss: It was sad. T: Why? Do you know? S1: Because the lion c

13、ouldnt get out. S2: Because the lion was tired. T: The lion was in the net. What did it do? 通过回答:学习 bit with bit(bite 的过去式) 强调两个单词的不同读音。2). Read the story about this part. Pic 4. 1). T: The lion was sad. But who came? Ss: The mouse. T: Could the mouse help the lion? Ss: Yes, he could. T: What did th

14、e mouse do? Ss: The mouse made a big hole in the net with his sharp teeth. T: What did the lion say? 2). Read this part. Pic 5. T: What did the mouse and the lion become? Ss: They became friends.6. 情感教育:Dont look down upon the weak! 别小看弱者!Step 3. Consolidation:71. Lets read!1). Read the whole story

15、in pairs. 2). Read together. 2. Read and order. 1). T: You know their story, I think. Please read these sentences and try to order them.2). 学生读句子,并试着排序。3). 交流,试着说一说。3. Ask and anwer: 1). 四人小组,对故事进行提问,先问书上的句子,再进行一些拓展。2). 集体问答。4. Retell the whole story. 1). 根据板书和问题等,试着集体复述本课故事。2). 两人说一说。要求:根据图片和板书,整合句

16、子复述故事。5. Recommend: Aesops Fables. Step 4 Homework1. 朗读故事,并试着把故事讲给同学或家长听一听。2. 阅读英语版伊索语言小故事,并尝试讲一个。板书设计: Unit 1 The lion and the mouselarge strong laugh loudly ask sadly say happilysharp small weak say quietly狮子图老鼠图8Period 2【教学内容】Grammar time& Fun time【教学目标】1、正确区分、理解和掌握形容词与副词,并学会正确运用。2、进一步复习过去式,并掌握几个

17、动词的过去式的特殊变化。3、在理解与熟练朗读的基础上,尝试讲故事和表演故事。4、通过讲故事,体会故事阅读的乐趣;同时教育学生养成乐于助人的好习惯。【教学重点】1、正确区分、理解和掌握形容词与副词,并学会正确运用。2、在理解与熟练朗读的基础上,尝试讲、演故事。【教学难点】正确区分、理解和掌握形容词与副词,并学会正确运用。【课前准备】单词卡片,PPT、图片、头饰等【教学过程】Step 1. Organization:1. Greetings. 2. Free talk:What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? 9What was it

18、like yesterday? Do you often speak loudly? Do you often laugh loudly? Do you often sing happily? Step 2. Revision:1. T: What animal always speaked loudly, the lion or the mouse? Ss: The lion. T: What animal often laughed loudly, the lion and the mouse? Ss: The lion. T: But one day, did the lion say

19、and laugh loudly? Ss: No. He said sadly. 2. T: Do you know the story about The lion and the mouse? Try to say one or two sentences.学生试着回忆故事,讲一至两句与故事相关的句子。3. 齐读故事。4. 看着插图,试说故事的梗概。Step3. Fun time: Say and act1. Lets say!1). 呈现 P10 的三幅插图,引导学生逐图说一说。2). 个别交流。3). 集体说一遍。引导学生关注动物们的神情变化,加上不同的语气读一读。4). 同桌试着说一

20、说。2. Lets act!1). 戴上头饰,师生试着说一篇。2). 学生上台表演。10Step4. Grammar time1.T: You did a good job. Look, here are some important sentences. 板书呈现故事中的几个重要句子:(P9 方框中内容)2. T: Can you read? 学生读一读句子。3. T: What can you find? 1). 学生自主探究,发现句子的特点。2). 学生交流:a. 句子中结尾的单词,都是“ly” 。b. 句中都含有“动+副”结构。3). 小结:副词与动词连用;副词的变化规则:一般情况下,

21、只要在形容词后面加“ly ”;辅加 y 结尾,要去 y,改成 i, 再加 ly, 如 happyhappily。4. Lets read!1). 快速读副词:sadly, loudly, quietly, happily2). 读“ 动+副”的词汇:如:ask sadly, laugh loudly5. Lets say!1). 读副词,并说出其形容词。如:sadly sad loudly loud quietly quiet happily happy2). What else? 让学生试试说一说,其他加“ly”变成副词的单词。如:beautifully, carefully, quickly.6. Lets try!根据句意,完成填空。


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