1、本试卷共 6 页 第 1 页 本试卷共 6 页 第 2 页内蒙古大学鄂尔多斯学院化工专业英语期末考试试卷(A)(20102011 学年 第一学期)(闭卷 120 分钟)学号 姓名 专业 年级 重修标记 题号 一 二 三 四 总分得分I. 阅读理解(Reading and Understanding )(i) This might be achieved in a number of ways, for example, improving the profitability(利润) of the process, increasing the capacity (产量) by introduc
2、tion a new catalyst, or lowering the energy requirement of the process.1. Which one is not mentioned in above section.( ) (A) increasing the profitalbility(B) improving the capacity(C) using large amount of catalyst(D) lowing the energy requirement(ii) This often means that there will be close liais
3、on(联系) between the chemical companies technical sales representatives(代表) and the customer, and the level of technical support for the customer can be a major factor in winning sales.2. We can conclude that ( ) from the above section.(A) there are close liaison between the products and customer.(B)
4、a major factor for winning sales is the level of technical support for customer(C) a major factor in winning sales is the close liaison between the chemical companies technical sales representatives and the customer.(D) the major factors in winning sales are the the close liaison between the chemica
5、l companies technical sales representatives and the customer and the level of technical support for the customer.(iii) A major advance in polymer chemistry was provided by the work of Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta, which led in 1955 to the introduction of some revolutionary (革命性的) catalysts which be
6、ar their name. During the late 1970s production of linear (线性) low-density polyethylene (聚乙烯) was commercialized.3. The introduction of some revolutionary catalysts is due to the in polymer chemistry.4. This paragraph implies that( )(A) During the late 1970s, the linear low-density polythylene are w
7、idely produced.(B) In 1955, the linear polyethylene was commercialized.得分 评卷人 一、阅读与理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)得分 评卷人 二、翻译一英译汉(每小题 6 分,共 30 分)得分 评卷人 三、翻译二汉译英(每小题 6 分,共 30 分)得分 评卷人 四、翻译三摘要(20 分)本试卷共 6 页 第 3 页 本试卷共 6 页 第 4 页(C) Some revolutionary catalysts were introduced during the late 1970s.(D) The linear lo
8、w-density polyethylene bears the name of Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta.(iv) The basic components (构成) of a typical chemical process are shown in Fig. 1, in which each block (方框) represents (代表 ) a stage in the overall (全部) process for producing a product from the raw materials. Fig. 1 represents a g
9、eneralized (一般的) process; not all stages will be needed for any particular process and the complexity (复杂程度 ) of each stage will depend on the nature of the process. 5. This paragraph implies that ( )(A)Figure 1 represents particular process.(B)each block in Fig.1 represents a stage of particular pr
10、ocess. (C)the complexity of each stage will depend on the cost. (D)not all stages in Fig.1 are included in every chemical process.6. Fig 1 represents a process for producing a product from the .(v) There are over three million known compounds, with no end(没有尽头) in sight as to the number that can and
11、 will be prepared(制备,准备) in the future. Each compound is unique(唯一的) and has characteristic(特有的 ) physical and chemical properties(性质). Let us consider in some detail two compoundswater and mercuric(汞,水银) oxide. Water is a colorless, odorless(无嗅), tasteless (无味) liquid that can be changed to a solid
12、, ice at 0 and to a gas, steam(蒸汽 ) at 100. It is composed of two atoms of hydrogen(氢) and one atom of oxygen per molecule (分子), which represents(表现) 11.2 percent hydrogen and 88.8 percent oxygen by mass (质量). Water reacts chemically with sodium (钠) to produce hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide(氢氧化物)
13、, with lime (石灰) to produce calcium (钙) hydroxide, and with sulfur(硫) trioxide(三氧化物) to produce sulfuric(硫的,硫磺的) acid(酸). No other compound has all these exact(精确的) physical and chemical properties; they are characteristic of water alone.Mercuric oxide is a dense(致密的), orange-red powder composed of
14、a ratio of one atom of mercury to one atom of oxygen. Its composition(组成) by mass is 92.6 precent mercury and 7.4 percent oxygen. When it is heated to temperatures greater than 360, a colorless gas, oxygen, and a silvery(银子似的;有银色光泽的 ) liquid metal, mercury, are produced. Here again are specific(明确的,
15、特定的) physical and chemical properties belonging to mercuric oxide and to no other substance. Thus, a compound may be identified(区别,识别,鉴定) and distinguished(区分) from all other compounds by its characteristic properties.7. Which one is not correct as to the above passage. ( )(A)There are more than 3 m
16、illion compounds which are known at present.(B)The number of compounds which can be prepared in the future could be calculated. (C)Every compound is special and unique. (D)There are characteristic physical and chemical properties for each compound.8. There are two compounds are detailed introduced i
17、n this passage, they are and , respectively.9. This passage suggested that ( )(A) Water is liquid, but can be changed into solid and gas under cetain conditions.(B) Water is composed of one atom of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen per molecule. (C) Water could react with sodium or lime, but could not
18、 react with sulfur trioxide. (D) No other compound has exact physical and chemical properties expect water and mercuric oxide.10. Mercuric oxide has the following properties expect ( )(A)dense (B)orange-red color (C)turn to liquid at more than 360 oC (D)the liquid mercury are much darker in color th
19、an mercuric oxideII. 翻译一(Translating English to Chinese,英译汉)1. Next reaction (反应) was designed based on the obtained experimental (实验的) data. 2. The explosive growth in petrochemistry (石油化学) was largely due to the enormous increase of synthetic polymers (合成聚合物).3. Because of the diversity (多样性) of o
20、perations (操作) and close links (联系) in many areas, 本试卷共 6 页 第 5 页 本试卷共 6 页 第 6 页there is no simple definition (定义 ) of the chemical industry. 4. The purpose of this meeting is to provide information and knowledge in order to reduce uncertainty (不确定性), solve problems and provide better data.5. The ba
21、sic components (构成 ) of a typical chemical process are shown in Fig. 1, in which each block (方框) represents (代表) a stage in the overall (全部) process for producing a product from the raw materials. III. 翻译二(Translating Chinese to English,汉译英)1. 值得注意的是这些化合物(compounds)的大多数都是无机物 (inorganic materials)。2.
22、 虽然催化剂(catalyst)A 和 B 之间的区别(distinction) 不明显,但我们仍尝试 区分(separate)它们。3. 截止到战争结束,合成聚合物 (synthetic polymer)的便利(facility)已经在三个国家广泛(widely)推广(expend)。4. 纳米工程技术(Nano-Engineering Technology)能制造出具有独特性质(property)的物质,这将促进可再生(renewable )能源的开发。5. 工厂的开工率(the plant attainment) ,即工厂运行全年中的实际运行时数(available hours)的百分数
23、通常达到 90。IV. 翻译三 (请写出下列英文摘要的相应中文翻译)Ni-MH novel secondary battery(镍氢新型二次电池)has been the spotlight(焦点) in the research of battery. In this paper, nano-nickel hydroxide(纳米级氢氧化镍) was prepared through sedimentation transform(沉淀转化)method, and the reactive conditions were obtained by controlling the content
24、 of surfactant(表面活性剂)and experiment temperature. The structure of the sample was studied by XRD, TEM, meanwhile, the sample was characterized(测试)by electrochemical testing. As a result, it is showed that the prepared sample was spherical(球形的) , the particle was nanosized, the diameter was 3050nm, an
25、d the crystalline was -type. Compared with the typical nickel hydroxide, the electrochemical capacity(容量)could be improved by more than 20%.本试卷共 6 页 第 7 页 本试卷共 6 页 第 8 页化工专业英语 期末考试 A 卷答案一、 阅读与理解1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (major advance) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (generalized) (raw materials) 7. (B) 8. (water) (mercuri
26、c oxide) 9. (A) 10. (D)二、 翻译一 英译汉1. 我们基于已经得到的实验数据设计了下一步反应。2. 石油化学的迅猛发展在很大程度上是由于合成聚合物的大量增加。3. 由于操作的多样性和在许多领域的密切联系,没有了化学工业的简单定义。4. 这次会议的目的是为了减少不确定性而提供信息和知识,解决问题并提供更好的数据。5. 典型的化学工艺的基本构成见示意图 1,在此图中,每一个方框表示从原料到加工成产品的全过程中的一个步骤。三、 翻译二 汉译英1. It will be noted that most of these compounds are inorganic materi
27、als.2. Although the distinction between catalyst A and B is not clear-cut, we still attempt/try to separate them. 3. By the end of the war, facilities for synthetic polymer had expended widely in three countries.4. Nano-engneering technology could produce/create the substance (which) had special pro
28、perties, which would promote the development of renewable energy.5. The plant attainment, that is, the percentage of the available hours in a year that the plant operates, will usually be 90% 四、翻译三 摘要镍氢新型二次电池已成为电池研究的热点。本文中,采用沉淀转化法制备纳米级氢氧化镍,通过调节表面活性剂的含量和实验温度,得出最佳反应条件。对样品的结构进行XRD 和 TEM 表征,同时对样品进行了电学测试。测试结果表明:制得的样品为球形,颗粒粒度为纳米级,直径为 3050nm ,晶型为 型;将样品与传统的氢氧化镍相比较;测得其电化学容量可提高 20%以上。