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1、1学习英文最常遇到的一个问题,便是词汇不足。一个词汇不足的人,在英文听、写、说各方面的能力都会受到严重的限制。因此往往无法适当地与英美人士沟通意见;在参加考 试时,更经常因为看不懂题目,而不知从何作答。我们有鉴于此,特别为全国广大的英文读者编排了一系列的词汇丛书,从最基本的 Vocabulary Fundamental,到足以应付留学考试之所需的 Vocabulary 22000,循序渐进,为您扎实地打好词汇基础,无论您目前在校求学还是已步入社会,都会发现本系列书籍即是您苦寻已久,增强英文实力的最佳利器。本书重点: 单词的大家族词根相同的词。 单词的联想词义相似的词。 外来语来自法语、意大利语

2、、西班牙语等的单词,分量不容忽视。 衍生词单词举一反三的秘诀。 研读本书,您的单词量将迅速增加5倍以上! Vocabulary 5000 1本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 2详细列出各词的国际音标、词性说明及中文解释,省却查字典的麻烦,并附有英文解释,以培养直接用英文思考、判断的能力。中英文解释均是以该词最常用的意义为主,一词若有若乾常用解释或词性,则一并列出。单词后面附有例句,以说明该词的用法;例句附有中文翻译,以便对照参考。 3每一课分为四个部分,以便于分段记忆。在课前有预备

3、测验,每一部分之后有习题,课后有效果检测;可借助于重复测验来加深对单词的印象,并学习如何活用单词。 4本书共分为22课,建议进度为一天一课,如此便可在一个月内增加2500个词汇。http:/ adj.贫瘠的 同:sterileThe barren land could produce little food.Bump v.碰撞 同 :collideThe room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.Devise v.设计;发明 同:inventHe devised a new method for teaching the blind

4、.Exert v.使用 同:useMy wifes been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.Intrigue 1. n.阴谋 同:conspiracy 2. v.引起的兴趣The kings younger brother took part in the intrigue to make himself king.The books unusual title intrigued me into reading it.Oath n.宣誓;誓言 同:pledgeHe placed his right hand on the

5、Bible as he spoke the oath of office.Postpone v.延期 同:adjournThe had to postpone their trip because of rain.Refuge n.避难所;避难 同:shelterThe cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree.Regain n.恢复 同:recoverIt took her a long time to regain her health.Shatter v.破灭;粉碎 同:smashTheir hope of finding him alive

6、was shattered when his dead body was found.Tease v.嘲弄 同:vexAt school, the other children always teased me because I was fat.Tilt v.倾斜 同:inclineHe tilted his chair back too far and fell on the floor.Version 1. n.翻译 同:translation 2. n.叙述Do you have the English version of this book?Your version of the

7、accident differs from that of the other witness.Absurd adj.荒谬的 反:reasonableHis belief that he was too clever to be cautht in his wrongdoing was absurd.Alien adj.外国的 反:domesticAfter ten years his alien speech was still noticeable.Amiable adj.和蔼可亲的 反:spitefulShe is an amiable girl and gets along with

8、everyone in the office.Ban v.禁止 反:allowIn most countries the sale of liquor to children is banned.3Figurative adj.比喻的 反:literal“The sweet temper” is a figurative expression,but “sweet coffee” is not.Genuine adj.真正的 反:falseHer wedding ring is made of genuine diamond.Hoist v.升起 反:lowerThey hoist the n

9、ational flag at six oclock every morning.Incorrect adj.不正确的 反:accurateThe newspaper gave an incorrect account of the traffic accident.Massive adj.巨大的 反:tinyThe house was build on a massive rock.Stale adj.不新鲜的 反:freshThere was only a piece of stale cake left in the refrigerator.Thrive v.茂盛 反:declineT

10、he buy at wholesale and sell at retail.Most floers will not thrive without water and sunshine. Wholesale n.批发 反:retailAnnoy v.骚扰 n. annoyanceThe baby is always annoying his sister by pulling her hair.Celebrate v.庆祝 n. celebrationWe celebrated Christmas with trees and presents.Diplomat n.外交家 n. diplo

11、macyThe unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat.Foresee v.预知 adj. foreseeableIt is impossible to foresee whether shell be well enough to come home from hospital next month. Induce v.说服 n. inducementWe couldnt induce the old lady to travel by air.Mobilize v.动员 n. mobilizationOur country is in

12、great danger;we must mobilize the army.Precede v.在前 n. precedentMr. Eisenhower preceded Mr. Kennedy as president of the United States.Predetermine v.预先决定 adj. predeterminateSome people believe that mans destiny is predetermined.Prevail v.流行 adj. prevalentMaking resolutions on New Years Day is a cust

13、om that still prevails.Subtle adj.精致的;淡的 n. subtletyHer subtle smile made him curious.Transact v.办理 n. transactionThe man transacts many affairs connected with the purchase of a home.Treason n.叛国 adj. treasonous4Helping the enemies of ones country is an apparent treason.Utilize v.利用 n. utilityHow ca

14、n we utilize his knowledge and skill to our advantage?Bosom n.胸She wore a flower on the bosom of her dress.Diploma n.文凭When a person has successfully completed a certain course of study, he is given a diploma by theschool.Dramatic adj.戏剧的The meeting between the mother and her blind son was dramatic.

15、Fume n.烟;气体The strong fumes of the automobile exhaust early choked him.Hurrah n.欢呼声“hurrah!” they shouted as the team scored again.Miniature 1. n.缩小之模型 2. n.缩小物In the museum there is a miniature of the ship “Mayflower.”The child was playing on the floor with his collection of miniature farm animals.

16、Parcel n.包裹On her birthday her arms were filled with gift parcels.Pill n.药丸The pill stuck in his throat but an extra drink of water washed it down.Racket n.喧哗The students made a big racket as they left the school.Rhyme n.音The poet used the word “flight” as a rhyme for the word “night”.Scar n.疤The ma

17、n looks terrible; he has many scars on his cheeks.Sculpture n.雕刻There are many famous sculptures in the museum.Skip v.跳When I read a book, I usually skip over; he uninteresting part.练习:本期的生词中选出适当的填空。1. Few plants and animals _in the desert.2. Owing to the possibility of rises in prices and wages,it

18、is not easy to _ the cost of producing this article in our factory.3. The room was so dark that I _ my head against the door.4. The kings younger brother took part in the _ to make himself king.5. In the United States the sale of liquor to children is _.56. The unsociable person is hardly fit a(an)_

19、.7. When I read a book I usually _ over the uninteresting part.8. The poet used the word “gold” as a(an) _ for the word “cold.”9. “_!”they shouted as the team scored again.10. They _ the national flag at six oclock every morning.答案: 1.thrive 2.predetermine 3.bumped 4.intrigue 5.banned 6.diplomat 7.s

20、kip 8.rhyme 9.Hurrah 10.hoist第二课的单词Apparatus n.仪器 同:equipmentThe town has recently purchased some new fire-fighting apparatus.Assert v.断言 同 :insistThe witness asserted that the salesman was dishonest.Assign v.分派 同:allotHe was pleased that he was assigned such an easy task in the company.Compensate v

21、.赔偿 同:rewardHe gave me a new knife to compensate for the one of mine he lost.Deem v.认为 同:considerHe would deem it an honor if the minister came to see him.Inviolable adj.不可侵犯的 同:sacredFreedom of action is one of the inviolable rules of human behavior.Specimen n.标本 同:sampleHe collects specimens of al

22、l kinds of rocks and minerals.Stimulate v.刺激;鼓舞 同:exciteThe beating of a drum on the battlefield stimulated the soldiers to fight more bravely. Tendency n.趋势 同:inclinationBoys have a stronger tendency to fight than girls.Testify v.证明 同:proveHe testified that the car was being driven slowly at the ti

23、me of the accident.Tourist n.观光客 同:travellerEach year, many foreign tourists visit Taiwan for sight-seeing.Utility n.效用 同:usefulnessTheir furniture was chosen for utility rather than for elegance.Blunt adj.钝的 反:sharpToo much alcohol makes all your senses blunt.Elastic adj.有弹性的 反:inflexibleToy balloo

24、ns , sponges and steel springs are elastic.Exit n. 1.出口 反:entrance 2.离去He left the building through the rear exit.6When the cat came in, the little mouse made a hasty exit.Fatigue n.疲劳 反:vigorHe was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night.Heir n.(男)继承人 反:heiressWhen he died, his young nephew was

25、 the only heir to his great wealth.Inflate v.膨胀 反:deflateAs the currency of a country is inflated, the prices of goods begin to rise.Plump 1. adj.丰满 反:thin 2. v.忽然落下She is too plump to fit into this dress.Utterly exhausted, she plumped down on a chair.Recall v. 1.忆起 反:forget 2.召回Mother could recalle

26、d stories that she had heard years ago.The government recalled the general after he lost the battle.Shun v.避开 反:encounterYou can hardly shun meeting her if you and she both work in the same office.Sneer v.轻蔑;嘲笑 反:admireThe mean girl sneered at the poor girls cheap clothes.Adjoin v.临近 adj. adjoiningC

27、anada and Mexico adjoin the United States of America.Ally 1. v.同盟 n. alliance 2. n.同盟Great Britain, France and Italy were allied during the First World War.Great Britain and the United States were allies in both World Wars.Chaste adj.贞洁的 n. chastityHer parents teach her to be chaste and decent in he

28、r behavior.Confide v. 1.依赖(告知秘密) n. confidence 2.信任When she was a child she always confided her problems to her sister.We cant confide in his words , for he often breaks his promises.Defy v.藐视 n. defianceThe driver of the car was defying the traffic law by speeding.Disrupt v. 1.使中断 2.使分裂 adj. disrup

29、tiveAn accident has disrupted railway service into and out of the city.Slavery seemed likely to disrupt the Union.Enable v.使能够 n. ablilityThe birds large wings enable it to fly very fast.Fantastic adj.怪诞的 n. fantasyThe wall was covered with many fantastic pictures and photographs.Impact n.冲击 adj. im

30、pactiveThe force of the impact threw the driver out of the car.7Interfere v.干涉 n. interferenceIt is best not to interfere in other peoples arguments.Minimize v.将减至最小程度 n. minimumYou can minimize the dangers of driving, by taking care to obey all he rules of the road. Narrate v.叙述 adj. narrativeShall

31、 I narrate a strange experience of mine?Visual adj.视觉的 n. visionThe contrasting colors created an interesting visual effect.Appliance n. 1.电器用品 2.应用The modern house has many useful electrical appliances.The appliance of electricity to household tasks makes house.Brood 1. n.孵;窝 2. v.沉思There are twelv

32、e chickens in this brood.She brooded on her past mistakes so much that she became ill.Fringe n.边缘The woodcutter had a little house on the fringe of the forest.Gravel n.碎石The path to the house was covered with gravel.Hut n.小屋In the storm, they found a shabby hut in the forest.Lure 1. n.诱饵 2. v.引诱The

33、fisherman had some bright colored lures to attract fish.The hope of high profits lured him into questionable dealings.Perch 1. n.栖身处 2. v.栖息The bird flew down from its perch in the cage.The bird perched on the womans shoulder.Retail n.零售Most people buy meat and groceries at retail.Stride n.大步Great s

34、trides have been made in science since 1900.Swarm 1. n.群 2. v.蜂拥A swarm of people surrounded the car to see the famous actress in it.Rural populations swarmed into near by towns.Twig n.小树枝The tree bears so many apples that the twigs seem almost broken down.Wade v.涉水The bridge is far away from here;

35、wed better wade across the stream.Wrinkle n.皱纹8She is beginning to get many wrinkles around her eyes.练习:从本期的生词中选出适当的填空。1.The police _ it necessary for the towns safety to arrest more speeders.2.A large building may have a heating _ by which all the rooms are steam-heated.3.Many firms _ their workers

36、 when they are hurt at work.4._ material has the quality of springing back to its original shape after being bent or stretched.5.They have not yet recovered from their _ of overworking.6.I asked him to look after my bags because I can _ in him.7.The idea that machines could be made to fly seemed _ a

37、 hundred years ago.8.I walked the floor to and fro with heavy _ as if excited to fury.9.The soldiers _ across the stream when they saw the bridge had been destroyed.10.It is natural that the _ price is higher than the wholesale price.答案: 1.deemed 2.apparatus pensate 4.elastic 5.fatigue 6.confide 7.f

38、antastic 8.strides 9.waded 10.retail第三课的单词Alter v.改变 同 :changeIf the coat is too large , the tailor can alter it to fit you.Doom n.命运;劫数 同:fateAs the ship sank, they faced their doom.Fragile adj.易碎的 同:breakableThis old dish is in a very fragile condition.Fruitful adj.有收获的 同:profitableWe had a very f

39、ruitful discussion in the classroom.Garrison n.要塞 同:fortThe japanese garrison on wake surrendered at the end of World War .Hurl v.用力投掷 同:castThe hunter hurled a long, sharp spear at the bear.Jail n.监狱 同:prisonThe judge sent him to jail for six days.Quest n.探询 同:pursuitShe went to the library in ques

40、t of something to read.Refrain v.抑制 同:abstainIn order to lose weight, she refrained from eating candy.Script n.字迹 同:handwritingI could easily recognize my fathers careful script.Shabby adj.简陋的 同:wornYou look rather shabby in those clothes.9Temporary adj.暂时的 同:transientMany students find temporary jo

41、bs during their summer holidays.Urgent adj.紧急的 同:imminentThe refugees are in urgent need of medical supplies.Alert adj.留心的 反:heedlessA good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement in the field.Artificial adj. 1.人造的 反:natural 2.虚伪的The artificial flowers were made of paper and cloth.She welco

42、med us with an artificial smile on her face.Ascend v.上升 反:descendHe watched the airplane ascend higher and higher.Disgrace n.耻辱 反:honorA doctor like him is a disgrace to our hospital.Grudge n.怨恨 反:favorI always feel she has a grudge against me, although I dont know what wrong I have done to her. Nun

43、 n.修女;尼姑 反:monkMy aunt is a nun; she cant get married, and has to live a life of prayer and worship. Random adj.随便的 反:deliberateThe room was filled with a random selection of furniture.Steadfast adj.坚定的 反:inconstantHe was so steadfast to his principles that we couldnt move him.Subordinate 1. adj.下级

44、反:superior 2. n.属下A clerk in a business occupies a subordinate position to that of the owner.A good leader is the one that is respected by his subordinates.Thrift n.节俭 反:wasteHer thrift saved them enough money to buy a hourse.Treacherous adj.叛逆的 反:loyalThe treacherous soldier carried some important

45、pieces of information to the enemy.Troublesome adj.麻烦的 反:pleasingHe is a troublesome child; he is not obedient to his parents.Alternative n.二选一 adj. alternateHer father gave her the alternative of staying in high school or going to work.Bulge n.凸出 adj. bulgyThe bag of candy made a bulge in the child

46、s pocket.Congratulate v.祝贺 n. congratulationLet me congratulate you on the birth of your son.Contradiction n. 1.反驳 2.矛盾 adj. contradictoryContradiction by the students always makes my teacher angry.It is a contradiction tosay you support the government but would not vote for it in an election. Detec

47、t v.发现 n. detectionSmall quantities of poison were detected in the dead mans stomach.Execute v.实现 n. executionThe plan was good in every respect, but it was badly executed.10Intervene v.插入;介于其间 n. interventionA week intervenes between Christmas and New Years Day.Monster n.怪物 adj. monstrousThat dog i

48、s a real monster; I have never seen such a big one.Paralyze v.使麻痹 n. paralysisHis arm was paralyzed as the result of the accident.Revive v.复活;苏醒 n. revivalHe was nearly drowned, but we revived him.Stagger v.蹒跚 adj. staggeringThe boy staggered and fell under the heavy load of books.Subsequent adj.后来的

49、 n. subsequenceThe story will be continued in subsequent issues of the magazine.Cling v.粘着The two friends cling together wherever they go.Countenance n.面容;表情The actor had a handsome and distinguished countenace.Dimension n.尺寸He ordered wallpaper for a room of the following dimensions; 16ft. long, 12ft. wide, and 8ft. high. Erase v.抹去He erased the wrong answer and wrote in the right one.Gr


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