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1、单元知识重点(初三上册) Unit 11. ask for help 请求帮助/ask sb to do sth 请某人做某事2. study for a test 为考试学习3. “how”怎样 -by +doing 通过-4. (提建议)what/how about+doing/n.-怎么样,好不好?a. What about_(listen) to tapes?b. 大声朗读练习发音怎么样?_ _ _aloud_ _the pronunciations?5. too-to-/so-that/not-enough to do-a. 听懂英语口语太难了._ _hard_understand_

2、English.b. 水太脏,不能喝.The water is_dirty_ _.c. The room is _too_dirty_A.living B.to living C.to live D.to live in6.I have to finish reading a book and give a report next week.a.have to+动词原形 b.finish+doing c.give/have a report 作/听报告7.A:Im_.阅读慢Cloud you tell me_? 怎样提高阅读速度B:Just read_to get_.Don t read_.R

3、ead _.快速阅读抓主要意思。不要逐字逐字地读,读词组.8.Try_ _a_meaning_ _the sentence_it.9.You probably underatand_ _you think._You read,_you will be.你读得越多,你将越快.10.“it”的用法-作形式主语或形式宾语Why do you find_difficult_ _English?_difficult_me_ _English.11.短语:so-that, most of the time翻译:老师讲得如此快,以致于大多数时间我不能理解他.12.短语:害怕_因为我发音不好_藏在书后_从不说

4、话_13.a movie_Toy Story14.爱上_/be fond of fall(过去式)_feel(过去式)_15.肢体语言_面部表情_16.通过听关键词 by_ _ _words理解意思_17.我认识到_我发现_18._useful sentence_一个有用的句型19.小菜一碟_你活该_孰能生巧_用之或弃之_20.查阅-在字典里_21,。目的状语-so that+从句, -in order that+从句 -in order to 动词原形 (do sth) to+动词原形22.更好的理解_23.做英语笔记_写英语日记_犯语法错误_24.使发音正确_the pronunciati

5、on_“get+sth +adj理发 cut my hair 或 get my hair cut “get+sth+done”让我理发 get me to cut my hair “get+sb+to do sth”25.n.+to do(prep)动词不定式作定语,修饰名词/ 代词并放在其后.当动词是不及物动词时,后面还要加一个介词(in,with,on-)a.Something to eat b.I have a lot of words_(say)c.As long as you study hard,there is nothing_A.to worry B.to worry for

6、C.to worry aboutd.I dont have a parter_.A.to play B.to play with 26.Everyone_the ability_.每个人天生具有学习的能力27.是否_取决于_学习习惯_28有一些共同的好习惯 have some good habits_29.感兴趣_更活跃 _长时间关注_30.把他们需要学习的东西和有趣的事联系起来connect_with_a.宾语从句 b.不定代词 +adj(后置定语)31.even if 虽然。即使 unless=if-not-You_(forget) it unless you_(use)it 时态:主将从

7、现32.keep+(sb)+doing/adj 使(某人)一直做-Keep me running, keep talking , keep healthy ,keep the room clean33.不怕犯错 _思维导图_34.他通过努力成功了_35.只是努力还不够_36.相互问,找出答案_37 知识来源于质疑_38.学习是终身之旅_39.bit by bit,instead of,preparefor-,over and over again40.书面表达 how to study写作思路:1.学习困难(听说读写方面)-2 学习方法(建议)-3 评价学习方法-4.取得的成绩Unit 21.

8、 泼水节_端午节_春节_元宵节_2. 主句+引导词 +宾语从句 -引导词、陈述语序、时态a.I think /belive (that)-(否定前移)I dont think that+肯定句b.I wonder if/whether-c.Could you tell me where I can-3.感叹句-what(a/an)+adj+n.( 主语+ 动词) !How+adj/adv+(主语+动词) ! How +句子!a._great day! b._kind girl she is!_c._kind girls! d._good news!(it is)e._cold the weat

9、her was yesterday!f._he wished that Change could come back!4.What do you like best/most about-?How do you like-?5.一日三餐_(体重)增加_6.how soon-in two weeksHow often-回答频率How long-for two weeks7.短语:the hottest month of the year, sounds like fun/sounds goodFrom-to-, be similar to,go on the street,throw water

10、 at each other8.“full moon,full feelings”a.庆祝中秋, _吃月饼,_好几个世纪_have/has been +done-现在完成进行时“一直做- ”这几年来,你一直在学英语吗?_you _ _English_ years?9.满月形状_,赏月_有圆又亮10.Mooncakes carry peoples wishes to their families they love and miss.a.carry 携带/take 带走/bring 带了/fetch 去带来,b.定语从句:名词+ 引导词+ 从句(1)I like music. Music (主语

11、)is loud.(合成一句)I like music(_)is loud.(music 是物,在句中做主语,用that/which 代替,不可省掉)(2)I like music. I can sing along with music(宾语)- 合成一句I like music(_)I can sing along with( ).(和作主语时相同,不同点是,that/which 可省掉)(3)I like people. People are friendly.I like people( )are friendly.(名词指人时,用 that/who)11.传统的民间故事_,后羿射日_

12、,嫦娥奔月_最感人_12.无论谁都不会长生不老。_can never _ _13.plan(过去式) _ steal (过去式)_refuse to do sth_14.call out her name/shout to(at) sb, lay out the fresh flowers 布置好鲜花 lay-laid15.share mooncakes with the families 和家人一块儿吃月饼16.辨析:wish/hope/expect/look forward to 希望,期待17.(1).two special days-_is Mothers Day,_is Father

13、s Day.(句型:some-,others-)(2)写作提纲:1.节日名称 2.时间 3.活动情况(3)Give gifts to, show our love,become more and more popular(4)dont have to,spend,it,help,instead18.疑问词+ do you think+陈述句(主语+动词 -)Who/which+do you think+动词-?翻译:你认为这个节日是关于什么的?19.H alloween 万圣节(1)popular,important,traditionai festival(2)time: 10.31(3)a

14、ctivities:a.挂蜘蛛,黑猫之类的可怕的东西 put-around-b.dress up as, c.ask for candies and treats,d.trick or treatplay a trick on sb, turn off the lights and light the candles20.The spirit of Chrismas:_(1)Think of, the importance of-(2)a famous novel_ _Lu XunAn old man_Scrooge_never laughs or smiles.He is_and only_

15、他很吝啬,只考虑自己.对别人友好 be friendly to , treat sb nicely,care about-make more money(3)生意伙伴_be punished 被惩罚 warn sb(not) to dosthEnd up with/doing expect sb to do sth(4)three ghosts:a. take him back to his_(童年),remind-of-as a kid(5)wake up, find out. give gifts to people in need(6)He treats eneryone with ki

16、ndness and warmth,spreading love and joy语法:现在分词作状语,表示相伴随着的动作We went to the park,singing along the way.21.EasterThe_of new life, give birth tolife 孕育生命,not only+倒装句-,but (also)- (连接两个主语时,就近原则)Spread-aroud, in different hiding places, an egg hunt , give out-as liftsCreat good businessUnit31.ask for in

17、formation politely 有礼貌地询问信息2.(问路)Excuse me,could you tell me where I can-?宾语从句Pardon me -how toget to-?疑问词+to do3. go along-until-沿着-一直走到-肯定句+until-_ (动词用延续性动词)否定句+until-_ (动词用短暂性动词)4 on.your right/left ,bedide the bank5 上 2 楼,左转6 一个游乐园7 Imto try to the ridesbecause theyre so(区别: -ing/-ed 结尾的形容词)8 R

18、ush into/out of-冲进(出)-in a rush 匆忙地9 If youre,justormy hand.10 Weevenyet.(not start).语法:现在完成时的标志alread,yet,just,ever,never,so far,for,since,in the past few year,etc.11 Shoutinghelp 语法:do(does)/did 用于动词前起强调作用。He helps me with my English.I watched TV last night.12On ones y to-,pass by13.为什么不早点来占个座位?14

19、.suggest(sb)doing,-suggest that+从句(should+动词原形) ,suggest-suggestion15.否定前缀Expensive,crowed,friendly,polite16.知道怎样有礼貌地请求帮助很重要。Important howhelp17.much more polite,less polite than18.spend time leading in-19.Im sorry to trpuble you,but-I wonderif-municate-with-21.Could you tell me 哪里停车。地下停车场Unit41. 肯定

20、句:used to+ 动词原形一般疑问句: Did you use to-?Yes,Idid.No,I didnt.否定句:-didnt use to-反意疑问句:You used to-.didnt you?2.Whats he like?= Whats does he look like?3.on a swim team, from time to time4.so/such“如此”so/such-that-如此-以致于-so+adj+a/an+单数名词,such+a/an+adj+ 单数名词such+adj+复数名词,so many/much+ 名词So 还有其它含义: because-

21、so,so+adv.I hope/think so.and so on.Just so so.5.Its+时间+since+从句(一般过去式)翻译:我来这所学校三年了。6.“变”动词:turn red, become rich, get tired7.我的小学同学He used to-,but now he-(说出他的一些变化)8.pop star 一个 18 岁的明星Take up doing sth,deal withher shyness,dare to do,not-any more,in (the)front of9.3a 课文知识点:( 1)good things:rich,famous(2) Bad things:(3)Advice/suggestion:give up,fight on,hang outwith friends10.辨析:alone/lonely


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