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1、1动词不定式练习:1. 根据上句意思完成下句,使两句意思相近或相同,每空一词。1. He was so angry that he couldnt say anything. He was too angry _ _ anything.2. I dont know when we will have the meeting. I dont know when _ _ the meeting.3. He said he would write a letter. He said he would have a letter _ _.4. That you read English in the

2、morning is very important.It is very important _ you _ _ English in the morning.5. He was so strong that he could lift the stone. (石头) He was strong _ _ _ the stone.6. His father went to Beijing for his holiday. His father went to Beijing _ _ his holiday.7. They got up early so that they could get t

3、here in time.They got up early _ _ _ _ there in time.8. His brother decided that he would buy the book. His brother decided _ _ the book.9. He hopes that he can visit the Great Wall. He hopes _ _ the Great Wall.10.I saw him go into the room. He was seen _ _ into the room.11.We made him work five hou

4、rs a day. He was made _ _ five hours a day.12.Do you want to say anything for yourself? Do you have anything _ _ for yourself?13.We dont know what we shall do next. We dont know what _ _ next.14.Im very sorry on hearing the bad news. Im very sorry _ _ the bad news.15.He stopped and had a look at me.

5、 He stopped _ _ a look at me.16.I helped him with his English. I helped him _ _ English.17.My father promised (许诺)that he would buy me a bike.My father promised _ _ me a bike. 18.The box is so heavy that I cant carry it.The box is too heavy _ me _ _.19.“Lie down! ”the boy said to his dog. The boy or

6、dered his dog _ _ down.20.“Dont make any noise, ”she said to me. She told me _ _ _ any noise.2动词不定式练习题一 Exercises: 1. We must find a person 做这项工作) 2. In my family, my mother is always the first one (起床) 3. Do you have (什么问题要问)? 4. There are (许多重要事情要谈) 5. This book is (不容易理解) 6.He was too excited (说不

7、出话来) 8. You must get him (今晚顺便到这儿来) 9. It was not good (早晨起床晚) 10. It was a mistake (没有帮他学英语) 11. Her wish is (成为一名大学生) 12.What worries me is (在会上演说些什么)13. It is our duty (保护家园) 14. I opened the door (让新鲜空气进来) 15. _(说) is one thing; _(做) is quite another. 16. _(学好一门外语) is not easy. 17.Its good _(帮助别

8、人) when they are in trouble. 18. I want _(和你说句话) . 19. I hope _(不久再见到你) . 20. My idea is _(立刻开始工作). 21. Her wish is _(上大学) when she finishes middle school. 22. Li Ming asked me _(和他去游泳). 23. Did you see him _(上.公共汽车) 24. You must be hungry. Ill get you something _(吃). 25. Is there anyone _(照顾这些孩子)?

9、26. She went to the station _(接一位美国朋友). 27.My uncle has come to Beijing _(参加一个重要的会议). 28. Please tell me _(怎样念这个词) . 29. I havent decided _(买哪一件衬衫) . 30. The question is _(走哪一条路). 31. She didnt know _(说什么) . 32. Have you decided _ (去哪里)for your holiday? 33. They plan _(盖) another cinema here next ye

10、ar. 34. Please remember _ (关)the window before you leave. 351. He _ (逼着我做)all the work again. 36. The teacher _ (告诉我们要注意) what he was doing. 37. She _ (不允许孩子们玩)in the street. 38. I _ (没想到你来得)so early. 39. The boss _(强迫工人干活) long hours. 40. I _ (不想让你当)a painter. 41. I _ (看见他上楼)a moment ago. 42. I _ (

11、听见雨打)on the window. 43. It _(让我想起) a lot of things. 44. She likes to _ (看人们溜冰). 3不定式练习参考答案一 . 1. to say 2. to have 3. to write 4. for, to, read5. enough, to lift 6. to spend 7. in, order, to, get8. to buy 9. to visit 10. to go 11. to work 12. to say13. to do 14. to hear 15. to have 16. to learn(study)17. to buy 18. for, to carry 19. to lie 20. not, to make二.1-10 BCDDB BDACB 11-20 DABCC ABBCB 21-30 ABCBB DAACC31-40 BCBCC ABCDB 41C


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