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1、实验中学初二英语堂堂清课题:8AU4 Reading(1) 日期:2014.10自学指导一、预习课本 p44-p46,翻译下列词组1.do it yourself_2.be crazy about DIY_3 .love to repair things and decorate his house_4.look terrible_5.try to put in a brighter light in his bedroom_6.make a mistake_7.have a power cut_8.put up a picture on his bedroom wall_9.hit a pi

2、pe and fill the room with water_10.paint it blue_11.keep on painting_12.a shelf above my bed_13.spend five hours putting up the shelf on the wall_14.one end of the shelf was much higher than the other_15.advise him to take a course in DIY_16.make him angry_17.know everything about it_18.read all the

3、 books myself_19.attend lessons_20.fail to put in a new light_21.put a picture on a pipe_二、知识点解析1. be crazy about sth/ doing sth. 我痴迷足球。_他着迷于打电脑游戏_2. terrible(adj.)-terribly(adv.) 多么可怕的消息啊_他病得很严重。_3. put in sth.=put sth.in 安装它_在公寓里安装四个窗户_你可以把管子安装在墙里。_4. make a mistake=make mistakes 犯很多错_你越细心,你犯的错误就越

4、少。_5. fillwith 用填满. 让我们用水装满这个瓶子。_be full of sth.= be filled with sth. 这个篮子里满是鲜花。(两种)_6. not only, but also. 不仅,而且. (谓语就近原则)不仅你,而且他擅长物理。_不仅她,我也擅长画画_不仅学生,他们的老师也喜欢这部电影。_我们不仅饿,而且累。_我妈妈不仅是个好老师,而且也是个好厨师。_7. advise doing sth. / advise sb. (not) to do/ 他建议看电影_ 他建议去公园_她建议我们卖房子_ 他们建议我们不要单独去_advice(不可数名词) a pi

5、ece of advice 一条建议请给我们一些建议。_8. take a course in sth./ doing sth./ 上美术/绘画/ 舞蹈课程 _9. attend the meeting/ the wedding(婚礼) 明天我将出席一个重要会议。_我和妹妹上同一个学校。_10. fail in (doing) sth./ fail to do sth. 我通过了数学,但是英语失败了。_我没能算出这道题目。_11. another 的用法:辨析:another, other, others, the other 与 the others(1) 指“另一个”,没有固定的范围。如:

6、anotherThis dress is dirty, please _ _one _ me.这件裙子脏了,请给我换一件吧。(2)other 的意思是“ 其他的” ,后面接名词。如: 其他学生 /老师_(3)others 的意思是“ 别人”,常用于句式 some.others,意思是“一些另一些.”.如:操场上有许多学生,一些打篮球,一些踢足球,另一些在跑步。There are many students on the playground. Some are playing basketball, some are playing football, _are running.(4)the

7、other 的意思是 “(两个中的)另一个”,用于“onethe other” 的句式。如:我有两个哥哥,一个是工人,另一个是老师。I have two brothers. _ is a worker, _is a teacher.(5)the others 是指“ 其余的” ,表示在一个范围内的其他全部。如:这本字典比其余的都好。This dictionary is better than _. 12. keep doing 与 keep on doing(1) 两者均可表示“继续做某事,反复做某事”,可互换,只是 keep on 更加强调时间的间隔性和动作的反复性。如:这个男孩子不断在课堂

8、上问愚蠢的问题。The boy _/_ _ asking some silly questions in class.(2) 若表示一个连续不断的动作,或某一动作的持续状态,只宜用 keep doing。如:一直待在这儿,我很快就会回来。_13. instead 意为“代替”“替代”,作副词用,通常位于句尾。如位于句首时常用逗号与后面阁开。instead 在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折句子中作“然而”讲。例如:Lily isnt here. Ask Lucy instead. Lily 不在这儿,去问 Lucy 吧. 注意当 instead 在祈使句中时,只能位于句末。instead of

9、 是介宾短语,其意与 instead 相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,起宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词 + ing 形式充当。例如:1.Well ask Li Mei instead of Mary. 我们将去问李梅而不问玛丽。我会替她去_He didnt answer me, instead, he asked me another question _当堂检测一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词:1.Mom, I have finished my homework _(已经). Can I play the computer games now?2.How did you find th

10、e _(课程)?3.He didnt reply,_(反而 ),he turned on his heel and left the room.4.Please repeat this _(句子).5.You had better not make too many _(错误) in the exam.二用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Dont always do as others do, Su Yue. Try to be _(oneself).2.We must keep on _(work) hard in the coming new year.3.Not only you but al

11、so she _(know) Japanese.4.I helped him put up some _(shelf) in his bedroom.5.He hit a pipe and _(fill) the room with water.三、.单项选择:( )1.-What do you usually do when something is wrong with your bicycle?-I usually _ Mr. Smith to repair it for me.A. advise B. have C. let D. make( )2.-Did the foreigner

12、s have any problems talking with Chinese in Beijing in 2008?-I dont think so. Now_ the young _ the old are learning to speak English.A. only; except B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either ;or( )3.-Something is wrong with your bike. How did you come to school this morning?-I didnt ride my bi

13、ke to school. _,I came here by bus.A. Usually B. Sometimes C. Instead D. However( )4.-My uncle helps me _ two special lights in my bedroom after we moved to the new flat. -That sounds great. Ill go to see the lights when I have time.A .put in B. turn up C. get off D. take on( )5.-What did Miss liu s

14、ay to you before I came into the classroom?-She_ me to look up the new word in a dictionary if I dont know how to use it.A. said B. hoped C. meant D. advised( )6.-Do you want to go out for a day this weekend?-No. I wont go out for a day. _,Ill stay at home and help mother with the house work.A. Exac

15、tly B. Exactly for C. Instead D. Instead of实验中学初二英语堂堂清课题:8AU4 Reading(1) 日期:2014.10自学指导三、预习课本 p44-p46,翻译下列词组1.do it yourself_2.be crazy about DIY_3 .love to repair things and decorate his house_4.look terrible_5.try to put in a brighter light in his bedroom_6.make a mistake_7.have a power cut_8.put

16、up a picture on his bedroom wall_9.hit a pipe and fill the room with water_10.paint it blue_11.keep on painting_12.a shelf above my bed_13.spend five hours putting up the shelf on the wall_14.one end of the shelf was much higher than the other_15.advise him to take a course in DIY_16.make him angry_

17、17.know everything about it_18.read all the books myself_19.attend lessons_20.fail to put in a new light_21.put a picture on a pipe_四、知识点解析2. be crazy about sth/ doing sth. 我痴迷足球。_I am crazy about football.他着迷于打电脑游戏_He is crazy about playing computer games.2. terrible(adj.)-terribly(adv.) 多么可怕的消息啊 W

18、hat terrible news!3. put in sth.=put sth.in 安装它 put it in 在公寓里安装四个窗户 put in four windows in the flat 你可以把管子安装在墙里。You can put in a pipe in the wall4. make a mistake=make mistakes 犯很多错 make many mistakes你越细心,你犯的错误就越少。The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.5. fillwith 用填满. 让我们用水装满这个

19、瓶子。Lets fill the bottle with water.be full of sth.= be filled with sth. 这个篮子里满是鲜花。(两种)The basket is full of flowers.The basket is filled with water.6. not only, but also. 不仅,而且. (谓语就近原则)不仅你,而且他擅长物理。Not only you, but also he is good at physics.不仅她,我也擅长画画 Not only she, but also I am good at drawing.不仅

20、学生,他们的老师也喜欢这部电影。Not only students, but also their teachers enjoys the film.我们不仅饿,而且累。We are not only hungry, but also tired.我妈妈不仅是个好老师,而且也是个好厨师。My mother is not only a good teacher, but also a good cook.7. advise doing sth. / advise sb. (not) to do/ 他建议看电影 He advised watching movies. 他建议去公园 He advis

21、es going to the park. 她建议我们卖房子 She advisee us to sell the house. 他们建议我们不要单独去 They advise us not to go out alone.advice(不可数名词)a piece of advice 一条建议 请给我们一些建议 Please give us some advice.8. take a course in sth./ doing sth./ 上美术/绘画/ 舞蹈课程 take a course in art/ drawing/dancing/ 9. attend the meeting/ the

22、 wedding(婚礼) 明天我将出席一个重要会议。Tomorrow I will attend an important meeting.我和妹妹上同一个学校。My sister and I attend the same school.10. fail in (doing) sth./ fail to do sth. 我通过了数学,但是英语失败了。 I passed maths, but failed English. 我没能算出这道题目。I failed to work out the problem.11. another 的用法:辨析:another, other, others,

23、the other 与 the others(1) 指“另一个”,没有固定的范围。如:another This dress is dirty, please give another one to me. 这件裙子脏了,请给我换一件吧。(2)other 的意思是“ 其他的” ,后面接名词。如: 其他学生 /老师 other students/teachers(3)others 的意思是“ 别人”,常用于句式 some.others,意思是“一些另一些.”.如:操场上有许多学生,一些打篮球,一些踢足球,另一些在跑步。There are many students on the playgroun

24、d. Some are playing basketball, some are playing football, others are running.(4)the other 的意思是 “(两个中的)另一个”,用于“onethe other” 的句式。如:我有两个哥哥,一个是工人,另一个是老师。I have two brothers. One is a worker, the other is a teacher.(5)the others 是指“ 其余的” ,表示在一个范围内的其他全部。如:这本字典比其余的都好。This dictionary is better than the ot

25、hers. 12. keep doing 与 keep on doing(1) 两者均可表示“继续做某事,反复做某事”,可互换,只是 keep on 更加强调时间的间隔性和动作的反复性。如:这个男孩子不断在课堂上问愚蠢的问题。The boy keeps_/keeps on asking some silly questions in class.(2) 若表示一个连续不断的动作,或某一动作的持续状态,只宜用 keep doing。如:一直待在这儿,我很快就会回来。Keep staying here, I will come back soon.13. instead 意为“代替”“替代”,作副

26、词用,通常位于句尾。如位于句首时常用逗号与后面阁开。instead 在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折句子中作“然而”讲。例如:Lily isnt here. Ask Lucy instead. Lily 不在这儿,去问 Lucy 吧. 注意当 instead 在祈使句中时,只能位于句末。instead of 是介宾短语,其意与 instead 相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词 + ing 形式充当。例如:1.Well ask Li Mei instead of Mary. 我们将去问李梅而不问玛丽。我会替她去 I will go instead of h

27、er.He didnt answer me, instead, he asked me another question He asked me another question instead of answering me.当堂检测一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词:1.Mom, I have finished my homework already (已经). Can I play the computer games now?2.How did you find the course (课程) ?3.He didnt reply, instead (反而),he turned on his

28、 heel and left the room.4.Please repeat this sentence(句子).5.You had better not make too many mistakes (错误) in the exam.二用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Dont always do as others do, Su Yue. Try to be yourselves_(oneself).2.We must keep on working (work) hard in the coming new year.3.Not only you but also she knows (kn

29、ow) Japanese.4.I helped him put up some shelves (shelf) in his bedroom.5.He hit a pipe and filled (fill) the room with water.三、.单项选择:( A )1.-What do you usually do when something is wrong with your bicycle?-I usually _ Mr. Smith to repair it for me.A. advise B. have C. let D. make( B )2.-Did the for

30、eigners have any problems talking with Chinese in Beijing in 2008?-I dont think so. Now_ the young _ the old are learning to speak English.A. only; except B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either ;or( C )3.-Something is wrong with your bike. How did you come to school this morning?-I didnt ri

31、de my bike to school. _,I came here by bus.A. Usually B. Sometimes C. Instead D. However( A )4.-My uncle helps me _ two special lights in my bedroom after we moved to the new flat. -That sounds great. Ill go to see the lights when I have time.A .put in B. turn up C. get off D. take on( D )5.-What di

32、d Miss liu say to you before I came into the classroom?-She_ me to look up the new word in a dictionary if I dont know how to use it.A. said B. hoped C. meant D. advised( C )6.-Do you want to go out for a day this weekend?-No. I wont go out for a day. _,Ill stay at home and help mother with the house work.A. Exactly B. Exactly for C. Instead D. Instead of


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