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1、中国人民对外友好协会(简称“全国友协” )是中华人民共和国从事民间外交事业的全国性人民团体,以增进人民友谊、推动国际合作、维护世界和平、促进共同发展为工作宗旨,代表中国人民在国际社会和世界各国广交深交朋友,奠定和扩大中国与世界各国友好关系的社会基础,致力于全人类团结进步的事业。全国友协贯彻执行中国独立自主的和平外交政策,遵循和平共处五项原则,开展全方位、多层次、宽领域的民间友好工作,为实现中国的和平发展与和平统一大业服务,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而努力奋斗。全国友协的各项活动得到中国政府的支持和社会各界的赞助,已设立 46 个中外地区、国别友好协会,与世界上 157 个国家的近 50

2、0 个民间团体和组织机构建立了友好合作关系。中国人民对外友好协会的主要任务是: 开展中外民间友好交往,组织代表团互访,举办纪念庆典,倡议和主办研讨会、洽谈会、论坛等交流活动,增进与各国人民之间的相互了解,建立信任,发展友谊。 推动国际合作,建立交流机制,搭建合作平台,促进中外双方在经济、科技、人才等多领域的务实合作,为实现互利共赢、共同发展创造有利条件。 开展中外民间文化交流,派出和接待文化艺术团体和人士进行友好访问,举办演出和展览,促进中外文化互鉴,加深了解和友谊。 受政府委托,协调管理我国同外国建立和发展友好城市关系的工作,推动中外地方和城市的交流与合作。作为世界城市和地方政府联合组织的成

3、员,代表中国地方政府参与国际合作。 作为在联合国经社理事会具有全面咨商地位的非政府组织,广泛参与联合国的事务,积极参加其他国际非政府组织的交流活动,有效传递中国的信息。 发展中外民间友好力量,建立对不同地区和国家的友协团体,联系各国对华友好组织、社会团体和人士,向为民间友好做出重要贡献的组织和人士,分别授予“人民友好使者”荣誉称号、 “人民友谊贡献奖” 、中外两国友好使者荣誉称号和中外两国友好贡献奖。 致力于维护世界和平、人类共同安全的事业,声援各国人民争取国家发展、社会进步、维护主权和安全的正义斗争。 开展其它有关中国人民同各国人民友好合作的工作。中国人民对外友好协会是一九五四年五月三日由十

4、个全国性的社会团体联合发起成立的。最初称中国人民对外文化协会,一九六六年改称中国人民对外文化友好协会,一九六九年起改称现名。会址设在北京。在中国各省、自治区、直辖市及部分市、区、县设有地方对外友好协会。中国人民对外友好协会每五年召开一次全国理事会会议,选举会长、副会长、秘书长,并组成常务理事会。第十届全国理事会会议于二一二年五月召开,选举李小林女士继续担任会长。The Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) is a national peoples organization enga

5、ged in people-to-people diplomacy of the Peoples Republic of China. The aims of the Association are to enhance peoples friendship, further international cooperation, safeguard world peace and promote common development. On behalf of the Chinese people, it makes friends and deepens friendship in the

6、international community and various countries around the world, lays and expands the social basis of friendly relations between China and other countries, and works for the cause of human progress and solidarity. It implements Chinas independent foreign policy of peace, observing the Five Principles

7、 of Peaceful Coexistence, while carrying out all-directional, multi-level and broad-area people-to-people friendship work to serve the great cause of Chinas peaceful development and reunification and contribute to the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. In launchin

8、g its activities, it has support from the government and assistance from all sectors of the society. It has set up 46 China-regional or China-national friendship organizations and established relationship of friendly cooperation with nearly 500 nongovernment organizations and institutions in 157 cou

9、ntries.Main tasks of the CPAFFC include:to carry out people-to-people friendly contacts with other countries by organizing exchange of visits of delegations, holding commemorative activities, initiating and hosting exchange activities including seminars, talks, forums to enhance mutual understanding

10、, build up trust and develop friendship with people of other countries;to promote international cooperation by establishing contact mechanisms, building cooperation platforms and furthering pragmatic cooperation in economy, science and technology, personnel and other areas to create favorable condit

11、ions to achieve win-win results and common development;to effect people-to-people cultural exchanges by dispatching or hosting cultural groups or personalities on friendly visits and sponsoring performances or exhibitions to promote learning from each other in the cultural field and enhance understa

12、nding and friendship;entrusted by the government, to coordinate and oversee the work of establishing and developing friendship-city relations between China and other countries and promote exchanges and cooperation between their localities and cities; as a member of United Cities and Local Government

13、s, to participate in international cooperation on behalf of Chinese local governments;as a nongovernment organization in general consultative status with the U.N. Economic and Social Council, to take an extensive part in U.N. affairs, actively participate in the exchange activities of other internat

14、ional nongovernment organizations to effectively communicate information about China;to develop the force of people-to-people friendship between China and other countries by establishing China-regional or China-national friendship organizations, keeping contacts with friendship-with-China organizati

15、ons in various countries, and conferring separately upon organizations or personages that have made important contributions to peoples friendship the honorary title of Friendship Ambassador or the Award for Contribution to Peoples Friendship; the honorary title of China-national Friendship Envoy or

16、the Award for Contribution to China-national Friendship; to engage in the cause of safeguarding world peace and common security of humankind and support the people of various countries in their just struggle to achieve national development and social progress and defend sovereignty and security; and

17、 to carry out other activities for friendly cooperation between the Chinese and other peoples.The CPAFFC was founded on May 3, 1954 on the initiative of ten national public organizations. It was first called the Chinese Peoples Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. It was rename

18、d the Chinese Peoples Friendship Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries in 1966. Since 1969, it has been known by its present name. It is located in Beijing. Local associations for friendship with foreign countries have been set up in all the provinces, autonomous regions and muni

19、cipalities directly under the Central government, and in a number of cities, districts and counties.The National Council of the CPAFFC convenes every five years, at which the president, vice presidents and secretary-general are elected to form the Executive Council. The Tenth National Council was co

20、nvened in May 2012, and Mme. Li Xiaolin was re-elected CPAFFC president.中国人民对外友好协会章程(2012 年 5 月第十届全国理事会会议通过)第一章 总 则第一条 本会是中华人民共和国全国性的人民团体,名称为中国人民对外友好协会,简称“全国友协” 。英译名为 THE CHINESE PEOPLES ASSOCIATION FOR FRIENDSHIP WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES,简称“CPAFFC ”。第二条 本会作为民间外交组织,代表中国人民在国际社会和世界各国广交深交朋友,奠定和扩大中国与世界各国友

21、好关系的社会基础,为中国特色社会主义事业争取广泛的国际支持。第三条 本会以增进人民友谊、推动国际合作、维护世界和平、促进共同发展为工作宗旨。第四条 本会贯彻执行中国独立自主的和平外交政策,遵循和平共处五项原则,开展全方位、多层次、宽领域的民间友好工作,为实现中国的和平发展与和平统一大业服务,致力于全人类团结进步的事业,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而努力奋斗。第二章 工 作第五条 开展中外民间友好交往,组织代表团互访,举办纪念庆典,倡议和主办研讨会、洽谈会、论坛等交流活动,增进与各国人民之间的相互了解,建立信任,发展友谊。第六条 推动国际合作,建立交流机制,搭建合作平台,促进中外双方在经济

22、、科技、人才等多领域的务实合作,为实现互利共赢、共同发展创造有利条件。第七条 开展中外民间文化交流,派出和接待文化艺术团体和人士进行友好访问,举办演出和展览,促进中外文化互鉴,加深了解和友谊。第八条 受政府委托,协调管理我国同外国建立和发展友好城市关系的工作,推动中外地方和城市的交流与合作。作为世界城市和地方政府联合组织的成员,代表中国地方政府参与国际合作。第九条 作为在联合国经社理事会具有全面咨商地位的非政府组织,广泛参与联合国的事务,积极参加其他国际非政府组织的交流活动,有效传递中国的信息。第十条 发展中外民间友好力量,建立对不同地区和国家的友协团体,联系各国对华友好人士、组织和社会团体,

23、向为民间友好做出重要贡献的组织和人士,分别授予“人民友好使者”荣誉称号、 “人民友谊贡献奖” 、中外两国友好使者荣誉称号和中外两国友好贡献奖。第十一条 致力于维护世界和平、人类共同安全的事业,声援各国人民争取国家发展、社会进步、维护主权和安全的正义斗争。第十二条 开展其他有关中国人民同各国人民友好合作的工作。第三章 会 员第十三条 本会实行单位会员和个人会员相结合的制度。第十四条 国家各有关部门、社会团体、友协团体,以及各省、自治区、直辖市和所属城市的对外友好协会可以成为本会单位会员。各会员单位推举代表担任本会单位理事。如代表的工作岗位发生变动,会员单位应该另行推举代表,并报全国友协常务理事会

24、审批。第十五条 本会可聘请社会知名人士担任特邀理事,特邀理事即为本会个人会员。第十六条 本会单位会员代表和个人会员须遵守宪法和法律,对触犯刑法的,自动撤销其理事资格。第十七条 本会会员应该遵守本会章程,为实现本会宗旨而承担一定工作,积极参加本会组织的民间外交活动,并有权享受本会提供的在国际交往方面的服务。第四章 机 构第十八条 本会最高权力机构是全国理事会,每届任期五年,除任期开始时召开一次全体会议外,届中至少还应再召开一次。第十九条 全国理事会的组成应注意广泛性和代表性,由上一届理事会与社会各界协商决定。第二十条 全国理事会的职权:(一)审查本会工作报告,决定工作方针和任务;(二)根据形势发

25、展和工作需要修改本会章程;(三)决定聘请名誉会长、名誉顾问和顾问;(四)选举会长、副会长和秘书长。第二十一条 会长、副会长和秘书长组成常务理事会,主持本会日常工作并负责向全国理事会报告工作。常务理事会可决定组成人员的个别调整,但必须经下一次全国理事会追认。常务理事会可决定设副秘书长若干人,并建立必要的办事机构。根据需要,常务理事会可决定临时召集全国理事会会议。第二十二条 各省、自治区、直辖市及所属的市、区、县,可以根据需要建立相应的对外友好协会。作为相应级别的人民团体,各省、自治区、直辖市以及市、区、县对外友协在业务工作上接受上一级对外友协的指导。第五章 经 费第二十三条 本会经费来源:(一)

26、国内外社会各界的捐助;(二)本会举办活动的收入;(三)政府资助。第六章 会 徽第二十四条 本会会徽由梅花图案和文字“友好” 、 “中国人民对外友好协会” 、“CPAFFC”组成。会徽可在办公地点、活动场所、会议会场悬挂,在出版物和纪念品上印制,也可制成徽章佩戴。第七章 附 则第二十五条 本会会址设在北京。第二十六条 本章程经全国理事会会议通过后生效。第二十七条 本会终止需经全国理事会会议参会理事三分之二以上多数讨论通过方为有效。第二十八条 本章程的解释权属中国人民对外友好协会。Statutes of the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship

27、with Foreign Countries(Adopted by the Tenth National Council Meeting in May 2012)Chapter One General PrinciplesArticle 1 This Association is a national peoples organization of the Peoples Republic of China, called the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, abbreviated as

28、CPAFFC.Article 2 As a nongovernmental diplomacy organization, on behalf of the Chinese people, the Association makes friends and deepens friendship in the international community and various countries around the world, lays and expands the social basis of friendly relations between China and other c

29、ountries to gain extensive international support for its socialist cause with Chinese characteristics.Article 3 The aims of the Association are to enhance peoples friendship, further international cooperation, safeguard world peace and promote common development.Article 4 The Association implements

30、Chinas independent foreign policy of peace, observing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, while carrying out all-directional, multi-level and broad-area people-to-people friendship work to serve the great cause of Chinas peaceful development and reunification, and engage in the cause of hum

31、an progress and solidarity, working hard to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.Chapter two FunctionsArticle 5 The Association carries out friendly people-to-people contacts between China and other countries by organizing exchange of visits of delegations, holding commemo

32、rative activities, initiating and hosting exchange activities including seminars, talks, forums to enhance mutual understanding, build up trust and develop friendship with people of other countries.Article 6 The Association promotes international cooperation by establishing contact mechanisms, build

33、ing cooperation platforms and furthering pragmatic cooperation in economy, science and technology, talents and other areas, to create favorable conditions to achieve win-win results and common development.Article 7 The Association effects people-to-people cultural exchanges with other countries by d

34、ispatching or hosting cultural groups or personalities on friendly visits, sponsoring performances or exhibitions to promote learning from each other in the cultural field and enhance understanding and friendship.Article 8 Entrusted by the government, the Association coordinates and oversees the wor

35、k of establishing and developing friendship-city relations between China and other countries, promoting exchanges and cooperation between their localities and cities. As a member of United Cities and Local Governments, the Association participates in international cooperation on behalf of Chinese lo

36、cal governments.Article 9 As a nongovernment organization in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association takes an extensive part in U.N. affairs and actively participates in the exchange activities of other international nongovernment organ

37、izations to effectively communicate information about China.Article 10 The Association works to develop the force of people-to-people friendship between China and other countries by establishing China-regional or China-national friendship organizations, keeping contacts with friendly personages, org

38、anizations and public societies, and conferring separately upon organizations or personages that have made important contributions to peoples friendship the honorary title of Friendship Ambassador or the Award for Contribution to Peoples Friendship; the honorary title of China-national Friendship En

39、voy or the Award for Contribution to China-national Friendship.Article 11 The Association engages in the cause of safeguarding world peace and common security of humankind and supports the people of various countries in their just struggle to achieve national development and social progress and defe

40、nd sovereignty and security.Article 12 The Association carries out other activities for the friendly cooperation between the Chinese and other peoples.Chapter Three MembershipArticle 13 The Association adopts the system of combining group and individual memberships.Article 14 Relevant state departme

41、nts, public societies, friendship organizations, and friendship organizations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as friendship organizations of cities under their jurisdiction may become group members of the Association. The member units

42、 recommend their respective representatives to be the Associations group council members. In case the representatives working post has changed, the member unit concerned ought to recommend another representative and report to the Executive Council of the Association for approval.Article 15 The Assoc

43、iation may invite a number of noted public figures to be its specially-invited council members, who are its individual members.Article 16 The representatives of the Associations group members and the individual members must abide by the Constitution and laws of China, and any member who violates law

44、s will be deprived of membership automatically.Article 17 The members of the Association must observe its statutes, undertake some work to realize its aims, actively participate in the people-to-people diplomacy activities organized by the Association, and have the rights to enjoy the services provi

45、ded by the Association in international contacts.Chapter Four Organizational StructureArticle 18 The highest organ of authority of the Association is its National Council. The term of each session is five years. In addition to the general meeting held when a new session starts, at least one more cou

46、ncil meeting should be held between sessions.Article 19 In the composition of the National Council, attention should be paid to its extensiveness and representativeness, and it should be decided by the preceding Council and various circles of the society through consultations.Article 20 Functions an

47、d powers of the National Council:1, to examine the work report of the Association, and decide on the work policies and tasks;2, to amend the statutes of the Association as required by development of the situation and the needs of work;3, to decide on inviting honorary president, honorary advisors an

48、d advisors; and4, to elect president, vice presidents and secretary-general.Article 21 The president, vice presidents and secretary-general form the Executive Council to attend to the day-to-day work of the Association and is responsible for reporting its work to the National Council. The Executive

49、Council may decide on individual adjustment of its composition, but it must be subsequently confirmed by the next National Council meeting. The Executive Council may decide to appoint a number of deputy secretaries-general and set up offices needed. When required by needs, the Executive Council may decide to temporarily hold the National Council meeting.Article 22 Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, as well as cities, districts and count


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