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1、本科毕业论文(20 届)基于 MATLAB 仿真的电力系统短路故障分析所在学院专业班级 电气工程及其自动化学生姓名指导教师完成日期1 目 录摘要 .IAbstract.II1 绪论 .11.1 电力系统短路故障的危害 .11.2 基于 Matlab 仿真系统故障的前景 .12 无穷大功率电源供电系统三相短路仿真 .12.1 无穷大功率电源供电系统三相短路的暂态过程 .22.2 无穷大功率电源供电系统仿真模型构建 .32.3 Matlab 仿真模型及结果分析 .93 基于 Matlab 仿真的同步发电机突然短路的暂态过程分析 .113.1 同步发电机突然三相短路暂态过程分析 .123.2 同步发

2、电机突然三相短路暂态过程的数值计算与 Matlab 仿真 .133.2.1 同步发电机突然三相短路暂态过程的数值计算 .133.2.2 同步发电机突然三相短路暂态过程的 Matlab 仿真 .154 基于 Matlab 仿真的小电流接地系统单相故障分析 .194.1 小电流接地系统单相故障特点简介 .194.2 小电流接地系统仿真模型构建 .214.2.1 中性点不接地系统的仿真模型及计算 .214.2.2 中性点经消弧线圈接地系统的仿真模型及计算 .244.3 小电流接地系统单相故障仿真结果及分析 .254.3.1 中性点不接地系统的仿真结果及分析 .264.3.2 中性点经消弧线圈接地系统

3、的仿真结果及分析 .285 结论与展望 .29参考文献 .31致谢 .32ii ContentsAbstract.II1 Introduction .11.1 The harm of electric power system short circuit fault.11.2 The prospect of the fault simulation system based on Matlab .12 The infinite power three-phase power system short circuit simulation.12.1 Transient process of th

4、ree-phase short circuit in infinite power supply system .22.2 Simulation mode construction of power supply system for infinite power supply32.3 The result and analysis of simulation.93 Transient simulation of sudden short circuit for synchronous generator .113.1 the introduction of the process of th

5、e sudden three-phase short circuit transient of synchronous generator .123.2 Numerical calculation and simulation of the sudden three-phase short circuit transient of synchronous generator.133.2.1 Numerical calculationof the sudden three-phase short circuit transient of synchronous generator.133.2.2

6、 Simulation method for the sudden three-phase short circuit transient of synchronous generator.154 Single phase fault of small current grounding system .194.1 Brief introduction to the characteristics of single phase fault in small current grounding system .194.2 Simulation model construction of sma

7、ll current grounding system.214.2.1The simulation model and the calculation of neutral point grounding system214.2.2The simulation model and calculation of the grounding system of the neutral point via the arc suppression coil .244.3 Simulation results and analysis .253.3.1The results of simulation

8、and analysis of neutral point grounding system .263.3.2The simulation results and analysis of the grounding system of the neutral point via the arc suppression coil .285 Conclusion and prospect .29Reference.31Thanks .32I基于 MATLAB 仿真的电力系统故障分析摘要:电力系统故障分析主要是研究电力系统中由于故障所引起的电磁暂态过程,搞清楚暂态发生的原因、发展过程及后果,从而为防


10、;系统发生短路相当于改变了电网的结构,必然引起系统中功率分布的变化;不对称接地短路所引起的不平衡电流产生的不平衡磁通,会在邻近的平行的通信线路内感应出相当大的感应电动势,造成对通信系统的干扰,甚至危及设备和人身的安全。关键词:电力系统故障、电磁暂态过程、功率分布、感应电动势IIPower System Fault Analysis And SimulationAbstract power system fault analysis is mianly to study electromagnetic transient process caused by fault in power syst

11、em,and make clear the cause of the occurrence ,the development process and the consequences of transient,so as to provide the necessary theoretical knowledge of preventing power system fault and reducing the loss of fault.There are more faults occure in the power system,which can be divided into sim

12、ple fault and composite fault.Simple fault refers to that a short circuit or a fault phase occurred when the power system is in the normal operation.,while the composite fault is the combination of two or more simple faults.The so-called short refers to the connection between phase to phase or phase

13、 to earth outside the normal operation of power system.During normal operation,phase to phase or phase to earth is insulted except for neutral point.The experience of power system shows the single-phase short circuit accouts for the most.Three-phase circuit is still symmetrical when the three-phase

14、circuit is in the short,so it is called symmetrical short circuit,while several other loops are the asymmetric three-phase circuit,so it is called asymmetric short circuit.The main cause of short circuit is that the insulation between phase to phase or phase to earth of electrical equipment carrying

15、 parts is destroyed.Short circuit has great damage to the normal operation and electrical equipment of the power system.The short circuit caused the voltage of the power network to be reduced,the short circuit of the system changed the structure of the power grid,and the power distribution changed i

16、n the system. Asymmetric connection short circuit caused by the unbalanced current of unbalancing flux, induce considerable induction electromotive force in the adjacent parallel lines of communication, cause interference on the communication system, and even endanger the safety of equipment.Keyword

17、s:power system fault:;electromagnetic transient process;power distribution;nduction electromotive force 11 绪论1.1 电力系统短路故障的危害电力关乎国家的能源和经济。随着现代社会生产力水平的不断提高,电能用户对于供电可靠性、安全性、持续性的要求越来越高,优质、可靠、稳定的电力供应已成为电力用户的普遍需求。电力网络的延伸、运行条件越来越复杂、电网用电设备种类和数量的大量增加、自然灾害和误操作等因素使得电网故障频繁发生。电力系统的大事故会对国家经济产生巨大影响,对国家安全产生巨大威胁。但是,

18、由于各种偶然因素所造成的影响,电力系统的各种事故在客观上是不可避免的。全网的大规模停电就有可能因为局部的故障未能得到及时有效的应对。1.2 基于 Matlab 仿真系统故障的前景计算机仿真技术已成为电力系统研究、规划、设计和运行等各个方面的重要方法和手段,由于 Matlab 具有很良好的开发性、高效的数据仿真分析, 特别是信号处理和直观的图形显示功能,且 Matlab/Simulink 环境下的 PSB 模型库及Simulink 强大的二次开发功能和丰富的工具箱,能快速而准确地对电路及更复杂的电气系统进行仿真、计算. 因此,它已成为电力科研工作者和工程技术人员应用它来进行电力系统有关问题的仿真

19、分析和辅助设计的理想工具。本文介绍了无穷大供电系统三相短路故障,同步发电机突然短路以及小电流接地系统单相短路等三种短路情况,分析了三种情况的短路过程,构建三种短路模型,通过 Matlab 及 Simulink 对各种短路模型进行仿真。2 无穷大功率电源供电系统三相短路仿真短路问题是电力系统运行方面的基本问题之一。进行短路电流计算和仿真,能为发电厂、变电站以及整个电力系统的设计和运行做好准备,以此作为合理选择电气接线、选用有足够热稳定度和动稳定度的电气设备及载流导体、确定限制短路电流的措施、在电力系统中合理地配置各种继电保护并整定其参数等的重要依据。为此,掌握短路发生以后的物理过程以及对短路过程

20、的仿真计算方法是非常必要的。2图 2-1 无穷大功率电源供电的三相电路突然短路本节介绍如图所示的简单电路发生三相短路的暂态过程,然后介绍利用Simulink 进行仿真的方法。此电路中假设电源电压幅值和频率均为恒定值,这种电源称为无穷大功率电源。电源功率为无限大时,外电路发生短路引起的功率改变对于电源来说是微不足道的,因而电源的电压和频率保持恒定。无限大功率电源可以看做是由无限多个有限功率电源并联而成,因而其内阻抗为零,电源电压保持恒定。实际上,真正的无穷大功率电源只是一个相对的概念,它在实际中是不存在的,无穷大功率电源往往是以供电电源的内阻抗与短路回路总阻抗的相对大小来判断的。当供电电源的内阻

21、抗小于短路回路总阻抗的 10%时,则可认为供电电源为无穷大功率电源。在这种情况下,外电路发生短路对电源影响很小,电源电压幅值和频率可近似的认为保持恒定。2.1 无穷大功率电源供电系统三相短路的暂态过程如图 2-1 所示为一无穷大电源供电的三相对称系统,短路发生前系统处于稳定运行状态。假设 a 相电流为(2-1)|0|0sin()mtI假设 t=0s 时刻, f 点发生三相短路故障。此时电路被分成两个独立回路。由无穷大电源供电的三相电路,其阻抗有原来的 突然减小为)()(LjR(R+j L).由于短路后的电路仍然是三厢对称的,依据对称关系可以得到a、b、c 相短路全电流的表达式= sin( t+

22、 - )+ sin( - )- sin( - )iaImIm|0|0ImeTat= sin( t+ - - )+ sin( - - )- sin( - - )b120|010| 120at| |0sin()sin()sin()atmmmct TIII3短路电流可能的最大瞬时值称为短路电流冲击值,以 表示。冲击电流主im要用于检验电气设备和载流导体在短路电流下的受力是否超过容许值,即所谓的动稳定度。由此可得冲击电流的计算式为= + = (2-2)imIeTa01.KimI式中, 称为冲击系数,即冲击电流值对于短路电流周期性分量幅值的Kim倍数; 为时间常数。Ta2.2 无穷大功率电源供电系统仿真

23、模型构建图 2-2 无穷大功率电源供电系统假设无穷大功率电源供电系统如图 2-2 所示,在 0.02s 时刻变压器低压母线发生三相短路故障,仿真其短路电流周期分量幅值和冲击电流的大小。线路参数为 L=50km, =0.4 /km, =0.17 /km;变压器的额定容量 =20MV.A,短x1r1 SN路电压 %=10.5,短路损耗 =135kw,空载损耗 =22KW 空载电流 %Us PsP0I0=0.8,变比 =110/11,高低压绕组均为 Y 形联接;并设供电点电压为kT110kv。其对应的 Simulink 仿真模型如图 2-3 所示。4图 2-3 无穷大功率电源供电系统的 Simuli

24、nk 仿真图表 2-1 图 2-3 仿真电路中各模块名称及提取路径模块名 提取路径无穷大功率电源10000 MVA,110 kV SourceSimPowerSystems/Eletrical Sources三相并联 RLC 负荷模块 5MW SimPowerSystems/Elements串联 RLC 支路 SimPowerSystems/Elements双绕组变压器模块 SimPowerSystems/Elements三相故障模块 SimPowerSystems/Elements三相电压电流测量模块 SimPowerSystems/Measurements示波器模块 Scope Simul

25、ink/Sinks电力系统图形用户截面 Powergui SimPowerSystems5图 2-4 电源模块的参数设置在 Simulink 仿真图中各模块名称及提取路径见表 2-1.在图 2-3 中,电源采用“Three-phase source”模型,其参数设置如图 2-4 所示。变压器 T 采”Three-phase source“模型。根据给定的数据,计算折算到110kv 侧的参数如下:变压器的电阻为= = =4.08 (2-3)RTSUPNs2103253变压器的电抗为= =63.53 (2-4)XT10%sN23则变压器的漏感:= /(2 f)=0.202H (2-5)LT变压器的励磁电阻为= =5.5 (2-6)RmPUN02135变压器的励磁电抗为= =75625 (2-7)XmSIN%023


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