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1、阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A great starHu Ge As we all know, Hu Ge is a great star in China. He was born 1 1982. And he was born in Shanghai. He was 2 at singing and acting at a very young age. When he was 14 years old, he became a young host on Shanghai TV Education Channel. In

2、2001, he 3 Shanghai Theater Academy. In 2005, he 4 “Li Xiaoyao” in the TV show called Chinese Paladin and then he became very 5 . Chinese people began to like him.In the following years, he acted in many TV 6 and he became more and more popular. In June, 2016, he 7 a big prize at the 22nd Shanghai T

3、elevision Festival. On Oct. 16, at the 28th China TV Golden Eagle Award, Hu Ge got two prizes home. They were the Best Actor and the Most Popular Actor for 8 good acting in Nirvana in Fire, 2015.The humble actor said his success was 9 with his movie team. “ Today the prize is in my hand. It doesnt 1

4、0 I have a high level. Instead, Im just at the beginning of the trip of acting,” he said.1.A.in B.on C.at D.for2.A.smart B.good C.interested D.friendly3.A.looked after B.waited for C.went to D.came in4.A.acted B.loved C.left D.met5.A.funny B.happy C.cute D.famous6.A.shows B.stations C.pictures D.rul

5、es7.A.needed B.got C.stopped D.made8.A.its B.his C.my D.their9.A.never B.sometimes C.always D.hardly10.A.ask B.find C.hope D.mean答案速查 15 ABCAD 610 ABBCDWord Bank host n.主持人 prize n.奖 humble adj.谦逊的语篇解读 文章主要讲述了胡歌的演艺生涯以及成功历程A great starHu GeAs we all know, Hu Ge is a great star in China. He was born 1

6、 in 1982. And he was born in Shanghai. He was 2 good at singing and acting at a very young age. When he was 14 years old, he became a young host on Shanghai TV Education Channel. In 2001, he 3 went to Shanghai Theater Academy. In 2005, he 4 acted “Li Xiaoyao” in the TV show called Chinese Paladin an

7、d then he became very 5 famous. Chinese people began to like him.In the following years, he acted in many TV 6 shows and he became more and more popular. In June, 2016, he 7 got a big prize at the 22nd Shanghai Television Festival. On Oct. 16, at the 28th China TV Golden Eagle Award, Hu Ge got two p

8、rizes home. They were the Best Actor and the Most Popular Actor for 8 his good acting in Nirvana in Fire, 2015.The humble actor said his success was 9 always with his movie team. “ Today the prize is in my hand. It doesnt 10 mean I have a high level. Instead, Im just at the beginning of the trip of

9、acting,” he said.Here is a special plant with tomatoes at one end and potatoes at the other end. It sounds like something from a science fiction film, but it is really true. The Thompson 它不仅能在室外种植,也可以在室内种植,甚至还可以在花盆袋子等较小的地方种植阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。We often see people walking

10、their dogs in the street. Have you ever seen dogs 1 people? These dogs are 2 :they are guide dogs and their masters are blind.So far, there are about 3,000,000 guide dogs in the world, 3 China only has less than 100 guide dogs. Beijing is 4 to more than 67,000 blind people, but there are only 10 gui

11、de dogs in the 5 . All these 10 guide dogs in Beijing 6 the China Guide Dog Training Centre in Dalian. In fact, it usually costs 120,000 to 150,000 yuan to train a guide dog. A 7 dog usually serves people for 8 to 10 years.There were guide dogs in America a hundred years ago. It is 8 to have a guide

12、 dog in the Chinese family. Guide dogs are often not welcome on the bus or the subway. So Shanghai 9 a law in 2011:guide dogs and their 10 should be allowed to go to the shops and the hospitals. Blind people and their guide dogs are able to go into many shops now.1.A.walking B.playing C.taking D.bri

13、nging2.A.healthy B.smart C.funny D.special3.A.and B.so C.though D.but4.A.center B.city C.home D.place5.A.city B.group C.zoo D.house6.A.work in B.come from C.help with D.live in7.A.pet B.meat C.guide D.family8.A.new B.surprising C.terrible D.good9.A.got B.took C.had D.made10.A.friends B.owners C.kids

14、 D.visitors答案速查 15 ADDCA 610 BCADBWord Bank master n.主人 cost v.花费 train v. 训练 allow v.允许篇章图解 本文介绍的是:早在一百年前美国就训练导盲犬帮助盲人,但是在中国却是一件新兴的事情,在北京服务盲人的导盲犬数量很少答案还原We often see people walking their dogs in the street. Have you ever seen dogs 1 walkingpeople? These dogs are 2 special :they are guide dogs and th

15、eir masters are blind.So far, there are about 3,000,000 guide dogs in the world, 3 but China only has less than 100 guide dogs. Beijing is 4 home to more than 67,000 blind people, but there are only 10 guide dogs in the 5 city. All these 10 guide dogs in Beijing 6 come from the China Guide Dog Train

16、ing Centre in Dalian. In fact, it usually costs 120,000 to 150,000 yuan to train a guide dog. A 7 guide dog usually serves people for 8 to 10 years.There were guide dogs in America a hundred years ago. It is 8 new to have a guide dog in the Chinese family. Guide dogs are often not welcome on the bus

17、 or the subway. So Shanghai 9 made a law in 2011:guide dogs and their 10 owners should be allowed to go to the shops and the hospitals. Blind people and their guide dogs are able to go into many shops now.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。When you are old, it is good for you to have friend

18、s around. They can help you to live longer. Australian scientists said having friends around in old age could do more for life expectancy than having family members around.Friends may encourage you to look after your health. When you are in difficult times, your friends can help reduce the feelings

19、of depression and anxiety. You have friends to share your feelings. As we get older we may lose friends. So we need to make new friends through social networks.Mrs Green, who is a 60-year-old woman, says that she does benefit from chatting and feels valued among friends.So we should build more socia

20、l networks for the old. Then they have more chances to make friends. They can chat with their friends. As a result, the old can be healthier than before. They can live longer.1.What is good for you when you are old?A.To have friends around.B.To give up jobs.C.To have family members around.D.To live

21、in hospital.2.After reading the passage,we can know what friends can do for the old.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.They will live shorter.B.They will be happier and healthier.C.They will not share with each other.D.They will watch movies together.3.What does the underlined

22、 sentence mean in Chinese?A.随着我们越来越老,我们可能会把朋友忘掉B.随着我们越来越老,我们可能会失去朋友C.随着我们越来越老,我们可能会有更多的朋友D.我们年老时就不要朋友了4.When Mrs Green is with her friends,she feels_.A.unhappy B.valued C.bored D.tired5.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Friends can help the old live longer.B.We need to build social networks.C.Its

23、 about how to make friends with the old.D.Its about why the old need to live with family members.答案速查 15 ABBBAWord Bank encourage v. 鼓励 benefit v. 受益 chat v. 聊天语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文,讲述的是人们年老时,身边有朋友会更好因为朋友们可以鼓励他们去照顾自己的身体,忘掉自己的苦闷,帮助他们缓解抑郁和焦虑因此我们应该为老人们建立社交关系网,从而让他们能交更多的朋友难句分析原文 Mrs Green,who is a 60-year-old woman,says that she does benefit from chatting and feels valued among friends.译文 格林夫人是一位 60 岁的妇女她说她确实从聊天中受益,而且感受到了朋友们的重视分析 本句中的 who is a 60-year-old woman 是一个非限制性定语从句,对格林夫人的情况进行说明本句中的does 起强调作用,可理解为“的确,确实”


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