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1、第一篇 关于减肥Perhaps like most Americans you have some extra pounds to 47 . You may even have tried a fad diet or two, but found yourself right back where you started. The key to weight loss is regular 48 activity. And surprisingly, you dont have to give up eating or make the gym your second home to see

2、long-term, 49 effects.You body needs a certain amount of energy to maintain basic 50 such as breathing, blood circulation and digestion. The energy required to keep your organs functioning is referred to as the resting or basal metabolic rate.Any time you are active, 51 energy is required. It is obt

3、ained from glycogen and fat stored in the blood, liver, and muscles. The key to losing weight is to draw on the fat rather than on the carbohydrate reserves.Which of the two energy sources you use depends on the intensity and 52 of your activity. The higher the intensity, the more your body will pul

4、l from the stored carbohydrates. The lower the intensity, the more your body will 53 on fat as its fuel.Aerobic exercise is most 54 for weight loss. When you perform aerobic activities you 55 contract large muscle groups such as your legs and arms. Walking, running, rollerblading, swimming, dancing,

5、 and jumping jacks are all forms of aerobic activity.Surprisingly, if your aerobic activity is low to moderately intense and of long duration, you will burn more fat than if you had 56 in a short burst of high-intensity exercise. In short, a brisk 30-minute walk will burn fat while a 100-yard sprint

6、 will burn glycogen.A positiveB additionalC durationD effective E shed F physicalG food H functions I participated J rely K cut L repeatedlyM uses N little O obvious47. E 该空需填入动词原形,结合原意“和大多数美国人一梯状,你(的体重) 可能也有几磅需要_”可知,E( 去除)最符合文意。48. F 结合常识和下文可知,F 最符合文意。49. A 结合句意“令人惊奇的是,为了看到长期_ 效果你不必节食或常去健身馆”,可知空格处需

7、填一形容词,初选后留下 A、D 。由于下文只是讲到运动会帮助减肥,但并未说明它的效果明显,所以此处宜选用意思上更宽泛的 positive(正面的,有效的)。50. H 下文举例的 breathing, blood circulation and digestion 都是人体的基本功能,且其后的 functioning 已给出了提示,故 H 最符合文意。51. B 该空需填入形容词,结合常识和句意 “任何时候只要你活动,你都需要_能量”来看选项,B(额外的) 符合文意。52. C 该句句意为“ 采用这两种能量消耗来源中的哪一种取决于你活动的强度和_”,结合下文提到的.low to moderat

8、ely intense and of long duration.可知 C 最符合文意。53. J 结合句意“(活动的) 强度越低,身体越_于脂肪作为其燃料”,该空应填入能和 on 搭配的动词,J 最符合文意。54. D 结合常识可知,有氧运动是最有效的减肥方式,选项中 D 最符合文意。55. L 该空需填入副词,选项中只有 L 和 N 可作副词,由下文提到的 walking, running, swimming, dancing, and jumping 等可推知在这些有氧运动中四肢的活动是反复的,故排除N。56. I 该空需填入动词的过去分词,结合句意 “如果你已经 _高强度、爆发性的运动

9、,你会燃烧更多的脂肪”可知 I 最符合文意。第二篇 关于太阳花A sunflower is a sunflower. A mobile phone is a mobile phone. But can you 47 the two to do something for your local 48 ?It may well be possible. When you have finished with your mobile phone you will be able to 49 it in the garden or a plant pot and wait for it to flow

10、er.50 , a biodegradable (生物可降解的)mobile phone was introduced by scientists. It is hoped that the new type of phone will encourage 51 to recycle.Scientists have come up with a new material over the last five years. It looks like any other 52 and can be hard or soft. and able to change shape. Overtime

11、it can also break down into the soil without giving out any toxic 53 . British researchers used the new material to develop a phone cover that contains a sunflower seed. When this new type of cover turns into waste, it 54 nitrates(硝酸盐). These feed the seed and help the flower grow.Engineers have des

12、igned a small 55 window to hold the seed. They have made sure it only grows when the phone is thrown away.“Weve only put sunflower seeds into the covers so far. But we are working with plant 56 to find out which flowers would perform best. Maybe we could put roses in next time,“ said one scientist.A

13、 Recently B consumer C chemical D environment E combineF transparent G buy H companion I experts J forms K buryL paper M paper N plastic O Usually47. E 该空应填入动词原形,选项中只有 E、G 和 K 是动词原形。文章前两句点明两者是截然不同的东西,这里用 but 一转,讲能不能把两者结合起来,E 最符合文章。48. D 本题需通读下文,对整篇文章有所了解才能得出答案。由下文的相关信息词biodegradable (生物可降解的),recycle

14、(回收) 等可知 D 最符合文意。49. K 该名前半句讲手机报废,所以极可能是把废弃的手机扔进或埋进花园,动词原形的 E. G. K 中,K 最符合文意。50. A 分析空格所在句的句子结构,空格处应充当状语成分且需大写,结合词义,选项中 A 符合文意。51. B 结合句意“这种新型手机有望激励 _进行回收利用”可推知此空应填入表示人的名词,故 B 最符合文意。52. N 前句提到科学家开发了一种新材料,接着谈到这种新材料像其他_一样容易塑形,这正是塑料的特性,故选 N。53. C 空格所在句意为“ 随着时间的流逝,它也能分解到土壤里,而且不会释放出任何有毒的_ _” ,分解多半与化学有关,

15、所以空格处应填入 chemicals(化学物质) 。54. J 该空需填入第三人称单数的动词形式,选项中只有 J 符合文意。55. F 该空需填入一个形容词,选项中只有 F 和 O 是形容词,F(透明的)符合文意。因为只有透明的才方便工程师观察,才有下面的 make sure 一说。56. I 由句意“但我们(工程师)现在正和植物_合作”可知,空格处应选表一类人的名词,且用可数形式,B、I 中 I 符合文意。第三篇 关于外教Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.In recent years, more and more f

16、oreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the United States. Both the advantages and the disadvantages47 using foreign faculty in teaching positions have to be48 , of course. It can be said that the foreign background that makes the faculty member from abroad an asset also49 problems of adj

17、ustment, both for the university and for the individual. The foreign research scholar usually isolates himself in the laboratory as a means of protection; 50 , what he needs is to be fitted to a highly organized university system quite different from51 at home. He is faced in his daily work with dif

18、ferences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students52 a common ground in each others cultures, some concept of what is already in the minds of American students is53 for the foreign professor. While helping him to adapt himself to his

19、 new environment, the university must also 54 certain adjustments in order to take full advantage of what the newcomer can55 . It isnt always known how to make creative use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller colleges. This is thought to be a56 where further study is called for. The findings o

20、f such a study will be of value to colleges and universities with foreign faculty.A)field B)possess C)considered D)express E)offer F)create G)requiredH)of I)emerge J)make K)lack L)however M)scope N)cause O)thatSection A原文精译近年来,越来越多的外国人参与了美国的教学项目。当然,在教学中使用外国教职员工既有优点,又有缺点,这必须予以考虑。可以这样说,国外背景使外国教职员工具有价值

21、的同时,也给学校和个人的调整带来一些问题。外国学者通常把自己孤立在实验室中,以此作为一种保护;然而,他所需要的是把自己融入一个具有高度组织的大学体系中,这种体系与其国家的体系截然不同。在日常工作中,他要面对哲学、课程安排和教学方法上的差异。访问教授和他的学生在各自的文化方面都缺乏一种共同点,所以外国教授需要明白美国学生已经了解了那些概念。在帮助外国教授使其适应新环境的同时,学校也必须作出某些调整,以充分发挥新人的优势。如何创造性地利用外国教职教员并不总为人所知,特别是在一些较小的学校中。这被认为是需要进一步研究的领域,其研究成果将对拥有外国教职员工的学院和大学产生重大的价值。47. 【答案】H

22、)【解析】选 of 。使用外国教师的优点和缺点必须仔细权衡,此处空格填介词 of。48. 【答案】C)【解析】选 considered。consider 意思是“考虑,认为” 。使用外国教师的优点和缺点必须仔细权衡,此处用被动语态。49. 【答案】F)【解析】选 create。create 意思是“产生,制造” 。国外的教师资源也会产生些问题。50. 【答案】L)【解析】选 however。本句与前一句意思为转折关系,而且转折词在前,因此用连词however。51. 【答案】O)【答案】选 that。他必须适应管理严密的大学体系,而这一点是与他国内的大学体系大不相同的。that 是指代大学体系

23、。52. 【答案】K)【解析】选 lack。所有外来教授和他的学生都缺乏文化共同性。53. 【答案】G)【解析】选 required。外来教授需要接受美国学生头脑里已存在的那些概念。54. 【答案】J)【解析】选 make。 “做些调整”用动词 make。大学必须做出适当的调整。55. 【答案】E)【解析】选 offer。offer 意思是“提供,供应” 。56. 【答案】A)【解析】选 field。field 意思是“领域” 。这是一个有待进一步研究的领域。第四篇 关于摇滚Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.Rock a

24、nd roll is a genre of popular music that evolved in the United States in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Its 47 lie mainly in blues, rhythm and blues, country, folk, gospel, and jazz. The style subsequently spread to the rest of the world and developed further, leading ultimately to 48 rock music.Th

25、e term “rock and roll” now covers at least two different meanings, both in common usage. The American Heritage Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary both 49 rock and roll as synonymous with rock music.50 , A defines the term as referring specifically to the music of the 1950s.Classic rock an

26、d roll is 51 played with one or two electric guitars, a string bass or an electric bass guitar, and a drum kit. In the 52 rock and roll styles of the late 1940s, either the piano or saxophone was often the lead instrument, but these were generally 53 or supplemented by the guitar in the middle to la

27、te 1950s.The massive popularity and eventual worldwide view of rock and roll gave it a 54 social impact. Far beyond simply a musical style, rock and roll, as seen in movies and in the new medium of television, 55 lifestyles, fashion, attitudes, and language. It went on to spawn various sub-genres, o

28、ften without the initially 56 backbeat, that are now more commonly called simply “rock music” or “rock”.A) define I) followed B) characteristic J) modernC) unique K) explanation D) roots L) ConverselyE) usually M) replaced F) Basically N) prepareG) earliest O) seldoH) influencedSection A47. D) 。此处需要

29、一个名词。此处讲的是摇滚主要植根于布鲁斯、节奏布鲁斯、乡村音乐、民歌、福音歌以及爵士乐。48. J)。此处需要一个形容词。参见上题解析可知,摇滚最终发展为现代的摇滚音乐。49. A) 。此处需要一个动词。根据前面出现的两个词典给出的解释及后面的内容可以推断,这里是对摇滚进行定义。50. L)。此处需要一个副词。根据上下文可知,ALL 与前两个词典的定义不同,它将摇滚定义为 20 世纪 50 年代的音乐而不是现代音乐。51. E)。此处需要一个副词。根据上下文可知,古典摇滚乐通常由如下乐器合奏:一两把电吉他;一个弦贝司或电贝司 ;一组架子鼓。52. G) 。此处需要一个形容词。根据下文出现的 1

30、940s 这个时间可知,这里讲的是 20世纪 40 年代末期出现的最早的摇滚风格。53. M)。此处需要一个动词。根据下文 “or supplemented by the guitar”可知,钢琴与萨克斯风这些早期主打乐器被 20 世纪 50 年代中后期的吉他所取代或补充。54. C)。此处需要一个形容词。根据上下文可知,摇滚对社会产生的影响是独特的。55. H) 。此处需要一个动词。此处讲的是,除了音乐风格,在电影及电视媒体里均可见摇滚对生活风格、流行、态度及语言的影响。56. B)。此处需要一个形容词。此处讲摇滚继续发展成各种不同的类型,一般都没有摇滚乐初期特有的强节奏基调。第五篇 关于美

31、国的专利体系Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.The American patent system, provided for in the Constitution, was designed to encourage the creation and use of new technology. An inventor would describe the invention, both in writing and with drawings, and _47_ the description with a mod

32、el to a government official. If the invention was judged to be _48_ and beneficial, the official would give the inventor a patent. The patent meant that for 14 years the inventor owned the new invention. Inventors could _49_ their ideas to manufacturers or just use them themselves. The government wo

33、uld not _50_ any other patent for the same idea, and the inventor could _51_ anyone of using the patented idea with- out paying the owner of the patent for _52_ to use it.A useful patent meant that the inventor could make a lot of money. In exchange for this gover- nmental protection, the government

34、 published the patent _53_ , which had to provide enough information so that other people could understand the inventionthus adding to the general_54_technological knowledge. And at the end of the 14 years, anyone could use the invention for_55_.The idea behind the patent system was twofold: it woul

35、d increase the amount of technology, by providing a way for people to make money out of new ideas, and it would make new technology widely available, by publicizing ideas that might _56_ be kept as trade secrets.A) license I ) specifications B) however J ) yield C) accuse K) issue D) submit L) charg

36、eE) convenient M) available F) permission N) otherwise G) enable O) original H) free47.D 此处需要一个动词。本句叙述申请专利的程序:申请人申请专利时需要对发明进行具体描述,然后将描述和样品一同提交政府官员,故填 submit 一词。48.O 此处需要填入一个形容词和 beneficial 并列作表语。此句介绍政府官员签发专利的条件是原创性和有用性,故填 original。49.A 空格前为情态动词 could,所以此处需要填入一个动词原形。此处和 or 后面的 use them themselves 意义上

37、是对应的。根据常识,申请人获得专利后,专利当然可以自己使用,也可以转让给其他人,故填 license“许可,特许” 。50.K 此处需要填入一个动词原形。政府为一项发明签发专利后,当然不能再为同样的创意签发专利,故填 issue“签发,发行” 。51.C 空格前为情态动词 could,所以此处需要填入一个动词原形和后面的介词 of 搭配使用。句子用 without 引导条件如果没有支付费并获准使用就擅自使用该专利,因为专利受法律保护,发明人有权对其进行起诉。accuse 和 charge 都有“控告,控诉”的意思,但是用法不同,分别为 accuse sb. of sth.和 charge sb

38、. with sth. ,故排除 charge。 52.F 此处需要填入一个名词作介词 for 的宾语。使用专利的人要向专利发明人支付费用, 获得使用权后才能取得专利的使用权。故填 permission“许可”。53.I 此处需要一个名词。对于专利,政府一方面实施保护政策,另一方面,为了让大众了解专利的相关知识,政府会出版专利的详细说明,所以填 specifications“说明书”。54.M 此处需要一个形容词,修饰其后的名词 knowledge。政府出版专利详细说明的目的是让大众能够了解发明,所以填 available“可利用的” 。55.H 上一段中提到美国政府在专利申诉的 14 年内进

39、行保护,在这 14 年申报人拥有专利的所有权,超过 14 年,任何人都可以免费使用该专利。此处考查固定短语 for fre“免费的”。 56.N 句子主谓结构完整,空格处可以填入一个副词。publicizing ideas 和定语从句中的be kept as trade secrets 之间是对比关系,因此需要填入一个表示转折意义的副词 otherwise。otherwise 和 however 都可以表示引导意义的转折,但 however 常用插入语,其前后需要加逗号,而 otherwise 不需要。第六篇 关于孕妇饮食Questions 11 to 20 are based on the

40、following passage.A pioneering study into the effects of a mothers fat intake during pregnancy on her childs health when he or she grows up is being launched at the University of Southampton.The research will investigate whether the type and amount of fat a mother eats during pregnancy 11 the risk o

41、f heart disease, 12 high blood pressure, in her child when he or she reaches adulthood.Although the link between high fat diets and high blood pressure is well known, there has been 13 research into the connection between a womans diet and her childs risk of hypertension (高血压).The study, which is 14

42、 by the British Heart Foundation, is led by Dr Graham Burdge, British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Science.The award of this 15 grant is part of a 3.5 million boost for heart research in the UK by the British Heart Foundation. The charitys special grants are made to fund research int

43、o the causes, prevention, 16 and treatment of heart disease, the UKs biggest killer.Dr Burdge says, “The type and amount of fat in our diet has 17 during the past 50 years. Pregnant women 18 the same diet as the rest of us, but we know very little about the 19 of these changes in dietary (饮食的) fat o

44、n the development and future health of their children. We hope that the 20 of this study will help to develop recommendations for pregnant women about how much fat they should eat and what types of fat they should avoid.”A) funded I) consume B) diagnosis J) coveringC) including K) influences D) foun

45、ded L) notoriousE) changed M) effects F) enough N) affectsG) findings O) prestigious H) limitedSection A11. K) 。此处讲孕妇摄入的脂肪量和种类是否对心脏病的患病率有影响。12. C)。此处讲研究还包括孕妇摄入的脂肪量和种类同高血压患病率之间的关系。13. H) 。此处讲尽管人们熟知高脂肪饮食与高血压之间有必然的联系,但是对于母亲饮食习惯与她的孩子患高血压的风险之间的相关研究却比较少。14. A) 。此处讲该项研究是由英国心脏病基金会资助的。15. O) 。prestigious 的意思

46、是“著名的,有声望的” 。此处讲这项很有名的基金是英国心脏病基金会为加大对心脏病研究而投入的资金的一部分。16. B)。此处讲这部分慈善基金用于针对心脏病的起因、预防、诊断与治疗方面的研究工作。17. E)。此处需要动词的过去分词,A)和 H)已经选过,只剩余 D)和 E),而此处讲的是我们饮食中的脂肪的种类和数量在过去的 50 年里已经发生变化。D)项的意思是“建立” ,与句意不符。18. I)。此处讲孕妇和我们饮食相同,consume 的意思是 “消耗” ,符合文意。19. M)。此处讲虽然孕妇和我们饮食相同,但是我们对孕妇饮食中脂肪的改变对其孩子未来健康和发育的影响知之甚少。此处是指饮食

47、中脂肪改变所起的作用。要用名词形式 effect;affect 是动词。20. G) 。此处是说研究结果可以帮助我们为孕妇提一些建议,该摄入多少脂肪以及什么样的脂肪应该避免摄入。第七篇 关于新型眼镜Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.It seems you always forgetyour reading glasses when you are rushing to work, your coat when you are going to the cleaners, your credit card when yo

48、u are shopping.Such absent-mindedness may be 47 to you; now British and German scientists are developing memory glasses that record everything the 48 sees.The glasses can play back memories later to help the wearer remember things they have forgotten such as where they left their keys. And the glasses also 49 the user to “label“ items so that information can be used later on. The wearer could walk around an office or a factory identifying certain 50 by pointing at them. Objects indicated are then given a 51 lab


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