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1、1(money) worth of sth. 价值(接数词) has a population of 人口数量是 times as big as 是几倍大 times the size of 是几倍大 a (great/large/small) number of 许多(接可数名词复数;谓语动词用复数) A (together) with B A 与 B 一样,(谓语动词与 A 一致) A as well as B A 跟 B 一样,(谓语动词与 A 一致) A besides B 除了 B 以外,A(谓语动词与 A 一致) a bit of 一点 (接不可数名词) a bit 一点( 接形容

2、词 ) a bunch of 一束、一捆 a certain 某一个( 接可数名词单数) a copy of 一份 (报纸等) a couple of 几个、一些、三两个(接可数名词复数 ) a crowd of 一群、许多a developed country (一个 )发达国家 a developing country (一个)发展中国家 a diet of healthy foods 一份营养食谱 a fallen tree 一棵倒了的树 a few moment later 一会儿、不久以后 a few pieces of advice 几点建议 a good/great deal o

3、f 大量(接不可数名词) a good/great many 大量(接可数名词复数) a great deal 许多东西 a group of 一群 a highly-developed country 高度发达国家 a kind of sth. 一类 a knife and fork 一副刀叉 a knowledge of 某一学科的知识 a lack of 缺乏 a large quantity of 大量( 接可数、不可数名词 ) a large/small/great amount of 一些( 接不可数名词) A like B 像 B 一样,A(谓语动词与 A 一致) a littl

4、e bit 一点 (接形容词) a little 一点(接形容词) a loaf of bread 一个面包 a lost life in a desert 鸿沟 a lot more interesting 更有趣 a lot more 许多 a lucky escape 幸运地逃脱 a narrow escape 侥幸逃脱、九死一生 a piece of advice 一条建议 a place of interest 一处名胜 a point of view 一种观点 A rather than B 与其 B,不如 A a series of 一系列的 a source of 的一个来源

5、a third 三个中的一个 三分之一 a total of 总计(接数词) a type of 一种 a variety of 一种 a waste of money/time/ 浪费(金钱、时间等) a year and a half 一年半 above all 最重要的是,首先要 according to 根据、依照 achieve ones aim/goal 实现某人的目标achieve success 取得成功 act a part 扮演一个角色 假装 act as if 假装(接从句,有虚拟语气) act the part of sb. 演的角色 add A to B 把 A 加到

6、 B 上 add to 增加到 add up to 总计( 无被动形式) 2address a/the letter 写信(的地址) address sth. to sb. 给某人讲 admit to 承认 advise (that) sb. (should) do 建议某人应该做某事(虚拟语气) advise sb. to do 劝说某人去做 afford sb. sth. 为某人承担 afford sth. to sb. 为某人承担 afford to do 能够去做 after a time 一段时间后after a while 不久 after all 毕竟;终究 after that

7、 从这以后(用一般现在时) agree on 在达成共识 agree that 同意( 接从句) agree to do 同意去做 agree to ones plan/suggestion 采纳某人的计划(建议 ) agree with ones idea/opinion/analysis 同意某人的看法(见解) agree with sb. (衣服等) 适合某人 与一致 同意、赞同 agree with sb. on that point 在那方面同意某人的意见 ahead of time 事先;提前 aim at 瞄准 追求、旨在 All but A 除了 A 以外所有人(谓语动词与 a

8、ll 一致,用复数) all kinds of 各种各样的 all of a sudden 突然(单用) all over (Europe) 整个(欧洲) all sorts of 各种各样的 all such 所有这些 (接名词用复数) all the same 仍然、依然 all the way 全程 all the year round 整年 all through the(night/year/ones life) 整个allnot 不都是( 部分否定) allow doing/sb. to do 允许(某人)做某事 announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布 announc

9、e to sb. sth. 向某人宣布 answer for 为负责任 anyone who = whoever 任何人(引导主语从句) apart from 除外还 appear to do 好像 apply for 申请 apply ones minds to 专心于 appreciate doing 感激做 as a matter of fact 实际上 as a result of 由于 as if 似乎、好像 (引导方式状语从句 ) as long as 只要 (引导条件状语从句 )as one body 像一个人一样 as soon as is necessary 如果可能的话尽快

10、 as soon as 一就(引导时间状语从句) as though 似乎、好像 as well as 和一样 与一样好 as well 也;一样 ask (that) sb. (should) do 要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气 ) ask for a leave 请假 ask sb. for advice 取得某人的建议 ask some questions of sb. 向某人提问(书面语) at a distance 有一些距离、在远处 at a great depth 在很深处 at a loss 不知所措、困惑不解 at a low/high price 价格低(高) at a l

11、ow/high speed 速度很慢/快地 at a mouthful 一口、满口 at a safe speed 以安全速度行驶 at a speed of 以的速度行驶 3at a time 一次;有时、曾经 at first blush 一瞥 at full speed 全速前进 at least 至少、最少 at leastif not more 如果不是更多,至少也 at most 最多、至多 at one time 曾经、以前 at present 现在 at that very moment 就在那个时候 at the ball 在舞会上 at the beginning of

12、在的开始 at the bottom of 在的底部 at the cost of 以为代价 at the crossing 在十字路口 at the invitation of sb. 应某人邀请 at the latest 最迟、最晚 at the most 最多 at the price of 以为代价 at the risk of 冒着的危险 at the same time 同时 at the sight of 看见at the speed of 以的速度 at the thought of 当想到 at the top of the voice 用最高的声音 attempt to

13、do 尝试去做、企图去做 attend to sth. 注意;对 关注 attitude to/towards sth. 对 的态度 attract ones attention 吸引某人注意力 back and forth 来来往往地、(前后)来回地 bark at (狗)向叫 be (good) value for money 值钱 be able to do 能够、有能力 be about to do when 就要做某事时,突然 be about to do 准备做(不接时间状语,表示将来 ) be absent from 不在、缺席 be absorbed in 沉迷于、迷恋于 be

14、 active in 在活跃 be admitted into universities 被大学录取 be afraid of doing 担心某事会发生 be afraid of sth./sb. 害怕某人 (物) be afraid that 恐怕 be afraid to do 不敢去做 be after sth./sb. 找 be along with 和一起 be an expert on/in/at sth. 在是专家 be angry at sth. 对某事感到生气 be angry with sb./sth. 对某人 (物)感到生气 be anxious about 为 感到焦

15、虑 be anxious for sth. 急切地要 be anxious to do 急切去做 be ashamed of 感到羞耻、惭愧 be at breakfast/lunch/supper 在吃早/午/晚饭 be at the same level 在同一水平上 be aware of sth. 知道 be away from 离远 be based on 以为基础、以 为根据 be better off 境况好 be blind in one eye 一只眼睛失明、独眼龙 be blind to 对视而不见 be busy doing 忙着 be busy with 忙着 be c

16、areful 小心 be caught in 被困住be concerned about 关心 4be connected with 与 有联系 be content to do 甘愿做某事、愿意做某事 be content with 对满足 be crowded with 挤满了 be dangerous (对)构成威胁、是危险的 be deaf to 对听而不闻、充耳不闻 be disappointed in sth. 对某事( 物)失望 be disappointed with sb./sth. 对失望 be doing when 正要做某事时,突然 be done away with

17、结束、结果 be dressed in 穿 be due to do 预计会怎样 be due to sth. 由于、应归于 be dying for 渴望 be dying to do 急切去做 be eager to do 盼望去做 be engaged in 忙于、致力于 be engaged to 与订婚 be equal to 与相等 be expert in/at doing 擅长于 be famous as 作为而出名 be famous for 因为而出名 be famous to sb. 在中出名 be favourable to 有助于、有利于 be fit for sth

18、. 适合 be fond of 爱好 be friendly/kind/polite to sb. 对某人友好 be going to do 即将做 be gone 不见了 be good on sb. 对某人好 be hard on sb. 对某人苛刻、为难某人 be harmful to 对有害 be honoured for sth. 因为受尊敬 be in (the) majority 占大多数,处于多数 be in business 营业 be in danger 处于危险之中 be in darkness 在黑暗之中 (无光,用于指状态) be in disorder 没有秩序、乱

19、 be in earnest 急迫、急切be in good order 有秩序、整洁 be in great need 最需要 be in hospital 住院 be in low/high spirits 情绪低落/高昂 be in poor health 身体不好 be in/under ones charge 受某人管 be in/under the charge of sb. 受某人管 be introduced into 被引进 be joined to 与连接 be keen on 喜欢 be kind for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事(对人) 有好处 be k

20、ind of sb. 某人好 be known for 因为而出名 be known to sb. 在中出名 be lacking in 缺乏 be longing for 盼望去做 be longing to do 盼望去做 be lost 不见了 be lost in sight 看不见 be lost in thought 陷入沉思 be made from 由(加工)制成 be made into 制成、加工成 be made of 由(直接)制成 be made up of 由组成 be marked with 被标上 5be measured in 以来衡量 be missing

21、不见了 be mixed with sth. 用 混合 be not in agreement 是不同的 be nothing more than 只不过是 be of different sizes/colours/weights/ages/ shapes 尺寸/ 颜色/重量/ 年龄/形状不同 be of great/no help/value/importance/use to sb. 对某人(没)有很大(帮助等) be of the same kind 同一类 be of the same size/colour/weight/age/shape 尺寸/颜色/ 重量/年龄/ 形状相同 b

22、e of this kind 属于这一类 be off 离开 be on a visit from sp. 从某地来访问 be on a visit to sp. 正游览、参观某地 be on business 因公( 办事等)be on diet 节食 be on duty 值日、上班 be on fire 着火 be on holiday/vacation 在度假 be on sale 待售、拍卖 be on show 展览;上映 be on strike 罢工 be on the march 正在游行、正在行军 be out of fashion 过时、不流行 be out of ord

23、er 没有秩序、乱 be out of reach 够不着 无能为力 be out of work 失业 be popular among sb. 在中流行 be popular with sb. 在中流行 be prepared for 为作准备(接抽象事物) be present at (the meeting) 参加(会议) be proud of 以自豪 be put to a new use 被用在了新的用途上 be ready for 准备好做 be ready to do 准备好做 be recognised as 被认作是 be reduced by 降低了(接数字、百分数)

24、be related to 与有联系 be responsble for 为负责任 be rich in 在丰富 be satisfied with 对满意 be senior to 比大 be set in 以 为背景 be short of 缺少 be shown into sp. 被带到某地 be spun into thread 被纺成线 be strict in sth. 对某事严格要求 be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求 be successful in doing sth. 做成功 be suitable for 适合 Be sure(certain) to d

25、o 确信做某事(祈使句) be tired from sth./doing (身体上)劳累、疲劳 be tired of sth./doing 厌倦 be tired out 筋疲力尽 be to blame (应该)受责备 be to do 准备做 be trapped by (the fire) 被(火)围困 be treated as 把当作对待be under construction 建设中 be unwilling to do 不愿去做 be up to 高达、达到 达到境界、进入角色 从事、忙于 be well received 接受效果好、广泛接受 6be willing to

26、 do 盼望去做 be worried about 为担心 be worth doing 值得 be worth sth. 值多少 be worthy of 值得 be/become known as 作为 而出名 be/become widely accepted 被广泛的接受 beat sb. black and blue 把某人打得鼻青脸肿 beat sb. on the head 碰某人的头 beat sb. to death 打死某人 beat sth. flat 把压平 become a success 成功 become separated 分开 before all 尤其、特别

27、 before long 没过多久(常用于将来时、过去时) begin with 以开始 believe in 信赖、信任 信奉、信仰 belong to sb. 属于 benefit from 从获取利益、好处 beyond reach 够不着;找不到、消失 beyond that 除了那个以外 beyond the sea 在海外 black out 昏迷、神志不清;停止、中断 black tea 红茶 blood bank 血站、血库 blow away 吹走 both of sb. 两个人都 bothnot 不都是(部分否定) break away from 脱离 break down

28、 分解;破裂 (汽车)抛锚 break in 打断 的话 break into pieces 打(破)成碎片 break off 折断、中断、罢工 break ones promise/words 破坏某人的诺言、食言 break out 分裂、爆发 break the record 打破纪录 break the rules 违反规则break up 分解 bring about 带来、造成 bring down 使下降 bring in 引进 bring on 引起、导致 bring sth. to ones notice 使某人注意 bring up 抚育、养育 build up 建立 b

29、urn down 烧毁 burn sth. to the ground 把 烧毁 burn up 消耗 burst in 闯进、闯入 burst into flames 突然着火 burst into tears/laughter 突然放声大哭 /笑 burst out doing 爆发;突然 business sense 商业理念 by and by 不久以后、很快的 by chance 偶然 by degrees 逐渐地 by far 至今为止 by means of 通过的办法 by occasionally 偶然的 by ones and twos 三三两两地、零零落落地 by one

30、self 独自地、独立地、单独地 by the end 在以前 by the hour/day/week/minute/month/year 按小时/日/ 周/分/ 月/年算 by the kilogramme/ton 按公斤/吨算 7by the time 一段时间前(引导时间状语从句) by the way 顺便说一下 by this means 用这种方法 by weight/length/volume 按重量/长度/容量算 call a taxi 打的 call at sp. 拜访某地 call for 要求 邀请 call in sb. 派人去请 call on sb. to do

31、号召某人做某事 call on sb. 拜访某人 call ones attention to sth. 让某人引起对的注意 call to mind 想起 call up sb. 使想起 给打电话 calm down 镇定下来cant help doing 情不自禁地 cant resist doing 不能抗拒做 carry about 携带、随身带 carry away 冲垮;拿走 carry forward 发展、发扬 carry off 抢走、夺走 carry on 进行、继续 carry out ones promise 遵守某人的诺言 carry out 实行 carry wit

32、h 进行、继续 catch a cold 感冒 catch fire 着火 catch in 被 困住、绊住 catch ones attention 吸引了 的注意 catch sight of 看到 caught by the 抓到某人的(身体部位) cause sb. to be in such a state 导致某人到这样的地步 change A for B 用 B 替换 A change into 变成 clear away 收拾走、清除 clear out 把 请出去 clear up 天晴 解决 climb over 翻越 close to 靠近某地 come about 发生

33、 come across 偶然遇见 come along 进展、进行 come at 袭击、向 打击 come away 脱离、掉下 come back 回来 醒过来 come down 下降 come forth 向前 come into being 形成、产生、存在(无被动) come into effect 生效、启用 come off 脱离、掉下 come on 加油 进展 come out 产生、出现 被知道 出版、发行 结局、结果 come right 直接 come round 转身 come to 把注意力转向 到来 come to an end 消亡、灭亡、分裂 come t

34、o ones notice 引起某人的注意come to oneself 苏醒、恢复知觉 come to power 掌权 come true 成为现实 come up 上升 发生 产生 (问题、话题、议题)被提出(无被动) come up to 过来 come upon 偶然遇见 command (that) sb. (should) do 命令某人应该做某事(虚拟语气) 8compare A to B 把 A 比作 B compare A with B 把 A 与 B 作比较 compare notes 交换意见 compared with/to A, B 与 A 相比,B(B 不用比较级

35、) congratulate sb./sth. (on sth.) 祝贺( 取得的成绩 ) congratulations on sth. 的祝贺 connect A to B 连接 A 与 B(单方面) connect A with B 连接 A 与 B(两方面) consider sb. to have done 认为某人做了某事 consider sb./sth. to be/as 把看作 consider sth./doing 考虑( 做) consist of 由组成 content oneself with sth. 对满意 continue doing 一直做(同一件事) con

36、tinue to do 继续做(下一件事) continue with sth. 继续做某事 contribute sth. to sth. 为贡献 convert sth. into sth. 把 转变成 could have done 本来能做成的(却没做成)(虚拟语气) couldnt have done 本来做不成的(却做成了)( 虚拟语气) count on/upon 指望、依靠 count sth. at 当作 cover sth./sb. with sth. 用盖住 cover the events 报道事件 cross out 除去、勾销 crowd off 挤出 cry ou

37、t 喊出去 cure sb. of 治好某人的 (病) cut away 切下;逃跑 cut down 砍倒;缩减 cut off 切断cut ones hair short 把头发剪短 cut out 切下;删除 cut sth. in half 把切成两半 cut sth. into halves 把切成两半 cut sth. into two parts 把 切成两半 cut up 割开;切碎 daily goods 日用品 dance around 到处跳 dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞 dare to do 敢于 date back to 起源于、追溯到 date

38、 from 起源于、追溯到 day after day 日复一日 day and night 一天到晚 day by day 逐日 deal in 经营 deal with 处理、对待 declare sb./sth. to be adj./n. 宣称是(接形容词或名词) deep into the night 熬夜 delay doing/sth. 推迟 demand (that) sb. (should) do 要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气) demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要求 demand to do 要求去做 depend on/upon 取决于、依赖于、依靠

39、describe sth. to sb. 将描述给(讲给) despise of sb. 看不起 determine sb. to do 使某人下决心做某事 determine to do 下决心做某事 develop a habit 养成习惯 develop an interest in sth. 表现出对的兴趣 develop films 制作电影 devote sth./oneself to sth./doing 把奉献给 die away (气味、声音、光线)逐渐消失、变弱 9die down 平息、变弱、逐渐消失 die from polluted air/over work/an

40、accident/ 因为( 空气污染、过度劳累、事故等)而死 die of grief/cold/hungry/old age/ 因为(悲伤、寒冷、饥饿、年老等 )而死 die out 灭绝;死光、死绝dig out 挖出 direct sb. to do 指导、要求某人去做 direct that sb. should do 命令某人去做 discourage sb. from sth./doing 阻碍某人做某事 dislike doing/sb./sth. 不喜欢 dive off 从跳水 divide sth. by sth. 除以 divide sth. into 将分成 do a

41、good deed 做好事 do away with 废除 do damage to 损害 do good/harm to sb./sth. 对有好处(坏处) do not give in an inch 一寸不让 do research on/in/about/into sth. 研究 do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙 do sb. good/harm 对某人有好处(坏处) do sb. the favour to do/of doing 帮某人忙做 do sth. alone 自己、靠自己 do sth. at the right time 在合适的时候做某事 do sth.

42、by hand 手工制作(常用被动) do sth. by turns 轮流做、依次做 do sth. deep/far into the night 熬夜 do sth. for fun 做为了取乐 do sth. in good faith 诚实地 do sth. on purpose 有目的地做 do up 系上、扣上 收拾整理 do with 处理 double ones output 使(产量等)成倍增长 draw a deep breath 深呼吸 draw conclusions 下结论 draw in (车)进站 引诱 draw ones attention 吸引某人注意力 d

43、raw quick interest 获得快捷利润 draw up 草拟、拟定 dream of sth./doing 梦想 drink to 为干杯 drive sb. to tears 使某人哭 drop in at sp. 拜访某地 drop in on sb. 拜访某人 eager for 渴望early bird 早起者、早到者 earn ones living 谋生 easy-going 随和、平易近人 eat ones words 收回某人(说过)的话 eat up 吃光 either A or B 是 A 或者是 B(谓语动词就近一致) encourage sb. to do

44、sth. 鼓励某人做 end up with 以结束 enter for 报名参加 escape being done 逃避被 escape doing sth. 逃避做 escape from sp. 从逃离 ever lasting 永不停止的、永远的 every one of sb./sth. 中的每一个 every other 每两个 every two 每两个 except for 除了(用于两种不同的事物) expect sb. to do 期望某人 10expect sth. to be done 期望某事被 expect to be/do 期望会 explain sth. to

45、 sb. 向某人解释 explain to sb. sth. 向某人解释 export to 向 出口 face to face 面对面(作状语) face-to-face 面对面的(作定语) fail to do 失败、未做成 fall asleep 睡着了 fall behind 落后 fall ill 生病 fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 fall off 掉下 fall to pieces 消亡、灭亡、分裂、崩溃 far and near 远近、到处、四面八方 far and wide 广泛地 far more interesting 更有趣 far more 许多 fast asleep 熟睡 feed on sth. 以为食 feed sb./sth. with/on sth. 用喂养 feed sth. to sb./sth. 把喂养给 feel alone 感到孤单 feel like doing/sth. 喜爱 (做) feel lonely 感到孤单feel ones way 摸索着前进 feel out 探索某人的意图 feel sb. on the head 摸某人的头 feel terrible 感觉不舒服 feel well 感觉舒服 few such mi


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