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1、小学英语 15 个话题话 题(15 个) 句 型(68 个) 词 汇(250 个)1.数字掌握 28 个词汇 6 个句型How old are you?I am .How much is/are.?It “s/Theyre .yuan.*How many books do you have?I have.one(一),two(二),three(三),four( 四),five(五),six(六),seven( 七),eight(八),nine(九),ten(十 ).*eleven(十一),twelve(十二 ),thirteen(十三), fourteen(十四) , fifteen(十五)s

2、ixteen 十六), seventeen(十七),eighteen( 十八), nineteen( 十九),twenty(二十).thirty( 三十),forty(四十),fifty(五十),sixty(六十 ),seventy(七十),eighty(八十),ninety(九十),one hundred(一百).2.颜色掌握 11 个词汇 2 个句型What color is/are .?Its /Theyre.red(红),green(绿),yellow(黄色),blue(蓝色),black( 黑色),brown(棕色),white(白色),pink(粉红色),orange( 桔色),p

3、urple( 紫色),*grey( 灰色).3.文体活动掌握 15 个词汇 6 个句型Can you .?Yes, l can./No ,l cant.What can you do?I can .*What are you doing?I am swimming.swim(游泳).run(跑),jump(跳),skate(滑冰),draw(画画),play basketball(打篮球),play football(踢足球),fly a kite(放风筝),sing( 唱歌),dance( 跳舞).*play chess(下棋),play tennis (打网球),play the guit

4、ar 弹吉他),play the violin(弹小提琴 ), play computer games(玩电脑游戏)4.天气季节掌握 15 个词汇 4 个句型Whats the weather likeIts*What season do you like?I likeweather(天气),fine(好),rainy(多雨的),sunny( 阳光明媚的),windy(多风的),cloudy(多云的),snowy( 下雪的),hot(热),cold( 冷).*cool(凉爽) warm(暖和)spring(春天),summer(夏天),autumn(秋天),winter(冬天).5.食品、水果

5、掌握 24 个词汇 4 个句型Do you want some.?Yes, I do./No, I dont.*Im hungry. I want someHere you are.food(食物 ),rice(米饭),cake(蛋糕),orange( 橘子汁),sweets(糖果),drink(饮料),water(水),milk(牛奶),soup( 汤)*bread(面包), egg(蛋),hamburger( 汉堡堡) ,Coke(可乐),French fries(炸薯条),biscuits(饼干),noodle( 面条),apple(苹果),banana( 香焦),orange(桔子),

6、strawberry(草梅),pineapple(菠萝) ,lemon(柠檬),pear(梨子) a cup of(一杯)6.服装掌握 15 个词汇 6 个句型What does she/he wear?She/He wears*What color is/are your?It is.Where is /are yourIt is/They are on the bed.clothes(衣服),coat( 大衣),dress(连衣裙),trousers(长裤),shorts(短裤),skirt( 短裙),shoes(鞋),hat(带沿的帽子),socks(短袜),T shirt(T 恤衫).

7、*sweater(运动衫 ),scarf(围巾),jeans(牛仔裤)7.家庭成员与职业掌握 25 个词汇 6 个句型Who is she/he?She /He is my .*What do you want to be?I want to be.What does your father do?He is a.family(家庭),mother(妈妈),father(爸爸),brother(哥哥),uncle(叔叔),aunt(阿姨),sister(姐姐),grandfather(外祖父),grandmother(外祖母),cousin(表兄妹).*worker(工人),teacher(教

8、师),doctor(医生),nurse( 护士),driver(司机),cook(厨师 ),farmer(农民),student(学生),policeman(男警察),policewoman(女警察),fireman(消防队员),soldier(士兵),player(运动员),singer(歌唱家),a photo of my family(全家福)8.位置掌握 8 个词汇 2 个句型Where is my.?It is on/in/behind/under/in front of.Where(哪) , on(在上),in(在里面),under( 在下面),behind(在.后面)in fro

9、nt of(在前面) ,here(在这儿),over there(在那)9.时间掌握 18 个词汇 6 个句型What day is it today?Today is Monday.*What time is it?It is oclock.Its time to go to school.Lets go.morning(早上/上午 ),afternoon(下午),evening(晚上),Sunday(星期天 ),Monday(星期一),Tuesday( 星期二),Wednesday(星期三),Thursday(星期四),Friday(星期五),Saturday(星期六).*clock(钟)

10、, oclock(钟点),watch( 手表),go to school(去上学),go to bed(睡觉),get up(起床) .watch TV(看电视). have classes(上课).10.学校掌握 20 个词汇 4 个句型What grade are you in?Im in Grade Six.May I use your eraser?Yes. Here you are.school(学校),class(班级),teacher( 老师),pupil(学生),desk(课桌),chair(椅子),pencil( 铅笔),pen(钢笔),bag(书包),book(书),pen

11、cil-box(铅笔盒),ruler(尺),eraser(橡胶),knife(小刀) .* Chinese(中文),math(数学),English(英语),P.E( 体育),art(艺术),music(音乐) .11.朋友掌握 13 个词汇 6 个句型This is my friend, Peter.Nice to meet you.*Mike is a boy. He is seven.Mary is a girl. She is a singer.Whats your name?My name is friend(朋友),boy(男孩),girl(女孩),Mike(迈克),Peter(彼

12、特),Jack( 杰克), Tom(汤母),Lily(莉莉),Jane(珍妮),Anne(安莉),Mary( 玛丽)*man(男人),woman(女人).12.节日掌握 6 个词汇 3 个句型Happy birthday to you.Merry Christmas!Happy New Year!Teachers Day(教师节),Childrens Day(儿童节),Christmas Day(圣诞节),Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节),Spring Festival(春节),birthday(生日).13.身体掌握 21 个词汇 5 个句型Touch your*This i

13、s my .These are myI have two legs.I can walk.head(头),hair(头发),ear(耳朵),eye(眼睛),nose(鼻子),face(脸),hand(手),arm(手臂),shoulder(肩),knee(膝盖),foot(脚),body( 身体),mouth(嘴),leg(腿).*see(看), walk(走), read(读),write(写),listen(听),say(说),eat(吃)14.动植物掌握 19 个词汇 6 个句型What is this/that?It is a *What are these/those?They ar

14、eWhat animals do you like?I like.dog(狗),cat( 猫),pig(猪),duck(鸭子),chick(小鸡),hen(母鸡),cock(公鸡),tiger(老虎),flower(花),tree(树).*animal(动物),pig(猪),mouse(老鼠),bird(鸟),fish( 鱼),sheep(绵羊),monkey(猴子),elephant(大象) house(马)15.地名与交通工具掌握 12 个词汇 2 个句型How do you go to Beijing?I go to Beijing by.China(中国),England(英国),American(美国) ,Japan(日本),Hongkong(香港),Beijing(北京),Shanghai(上海 )bus(公共汽车),car( 小车 ) ,bike(单车),train(火车),plane(飞机)


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