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1、0英 汉 对 照工程常用词汇AN USUAL ENGLISH-CHINESEVOCABULLARY IN ENGINEERING DESIGN(全册)1目 录1. 图面常用词汇 32. 土建部份 213. 给排水部份 614. 气动部份 86 5. 电气部份 966. 暖通部份 12621. 工程设计图面常用词汇CONCLISE ENGLISH OF DRAWING PACKAGE 总论 GENERAL图纸目录 Drawing list标准图目录 Standard drawing list典型图目录 Typical drawing list标准、规范目录 Standard and regula

2、tion list统一详图目录 Uniform detail list标准图集 Standard drawing collection设备清单 Equipment list材料表 Material list建筑物、构筑物一览表 List of buildings and structures施工进度表 Schedule of construction建筑构件表 List of architectural members管道及管件汇总表 Summary of pipes and pipe fittings楼面、屋面构造表 Construction chart of floor and roof各

3、种管道数量表 Bill of piping quantity预埋件明细表 Schedule of embedded elements比例 Scale无比例、不按比例 Not to scale项目名称 Project, item标题栏 Caption of drawing, drawing heading图号 Drawing no.(DWG NO.)张号 Page序号 No.编号 Code型号 Type规格 Specification单位 Unit图例 Legend说明 Notes备注 Remarks由设计 Designed by由校对 Checked by由审核 Approved by3由发行

4、 Issued by专业 Specialty总图 Site plan土建 Civil建筑 Architecture结构 Structure机械 Mechanical给水排水 Water supply and drainage暖通 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)电气 Electrical供电 Power supply电照 Lighting自控 Automatic control通信 Communication物理概念 Physical concept长度 Length宽度 Width高度 Height净高 Clear height

5、深度 Depth面积 Area体积 Volume时间 Time速度 Speed, velocity温度 Temperature湿度 Humidity功率 Power压力 Pressure力 Force公斤 Kilogram( Kg)克 Gram (g)吨 Ton (t)米 Meter (m)厘米 Centimeter (cm)毫米 Millimeter (mm)平方米 Square meter ()立方米 Cubic meter (m3)秒 Second (s)分 Minute (m)时 Hour (h)4厚度 Thickness直径 Diameter半径 Radius弯曲半径 Curve r

6、adius内径 Inside diameter外径 Outside diameter圆形 Circle, round方形 Square矩形 Rectangle矩形的 Rectangular立方体 Cube椭圆 Ellipse重量 Weight毛重 Gross weight净重 Net weight质量 Quality数量 Quantity自然条件 Natural conditions气象 Meteorology气象资料 Meteorological data日照 Sun shine年平均日照时数 Yearly mean sun shine hours风级 Wind class风向 Wind d

7、irection风力 Wind force风向标 Weather cock逐月风向频率 Monthly wind direction and frequency最大(平均)风速 Maximum (mean) wind velocity主导风向 Prevailing wind direction最大风速 Maximum wind velocity台风 Typhoon季节风 Monsoon降雨资料 Rainfall data降雨频率 Rainfall frequency降雨强度 Rainfall intensity降雨日数 Number of rainy days最大(平均)降雨量 Maximum

8、 (mean) rainfall年降雨量 Annual rainfall极限降水量 Maximum possible precipitation雨量 Rain precipitation降雨面积 Rain precipitation5暴雨 Rain area持续时间 Rain storm降雨历时 Duration暴雨历时 Duration of rainfall年平均雷暴时数 Duration of rain storm溢流周期 Yearly mean lightning and thunder days年平均气温 Overflow period年绝对最低气温 Yearly absolute

9、temperature, l owest年绝对最高气温 Yearly absolute temperature, highest最冷月或最热月平均温度Mean temperature, coldest month or hottest month年、月、平均温度,最高、最低Temperature, yearly, monthly, mean, highest, lowest最高或最低绝对温度 Absolute temperature, highest or lowest湿球温度 Wet bulb thermometer湿球温度计 Wet bulb thermometer干球温度 Dry bul

10、b temperature干球温度计 Dry bulb thermometer干湿温差 Psychometric chart冰冻期 Frost period冰冻深度 Frost penetration最大积雪深度 Maximum snow penetration采暖地区 Region with heating provision不采暖地区 Region without heating provision采暖室外计算温度 Calculating outdoor temperature for heating通风(冬季)室外计算温度Calculating outdoor temperature f

11、or ventilation (winter)绝对大气压 Absolute atmospheric pressure蒸发量 Vaporization volume相对湿度 Relative humidity建筑材料 Building material水泥 Cement水泥标号 Cement grade硅酸盐水泥 Portland cement矿渣硅酸盐水泥 Portland slag cement灌浆水泥 Grout cement6快凝水泥 Rapid setting cement防潮水泥 Waterproof cement高强度水泥 High-strength cement高标号水泥 Hig

12、h-strength cement水泥沙浆强度 Cement mortar strength水泥沙浆需水量 Water demand of cement mortar砖 Brick普通粘土砖 Common clay brick实心砖 Solid brick异形砖 Special brick角砖 Angle brick拱顶砖 Key brick面砖 Face brick勒脚砖 Springer带槽砖 Brick with groove空心砖 Hollow brick承重空心砖 Load-bearing hollow brick通风空心砖 Ventilating brick耐火砖 Fire bri

13、ck高耐火砖 High duty fire clay brick特级粘土耐火粘土砖 Super-duty fire clay brick轻质耐火粘土砖 Light weight fire clay brick工字钢底砖 Clip tile (brick)矿渣砖 Slag brick多孔砖 Porous brick瓦 Tile屋面瓦 Roof tile石板瓦 Slate陶土瓦 Vitrified tile粘土瓦 Clay shingle脊瓦 Ridge tile斜沟瓦 Vallay tile槽形瓦 Grooved tile石棉瓦 Asbestos tile方块毛石 Square rubble条石

14、、块石 Block stone花岗石 Granite花岗石饰面板 Granite finishing plank大理石 Marble大理石板 Marble slab人造大理石 Artificial marble7预制水磨石 Precast terrazzo砌块 Block混凝土砌块 Concrete block加气混凝土砌块 Aerated concrete block实心砌块 Solid block空心砌块 Hollow block耐火砌块 Refractory block衬里砌块 Bushing block玻璃 Glass光学玻璃 Optical glass防眩光玻璃 Anti-dazzl

15、e glass耐热玻璃 Heat resisting glass隔声玻璃 Sound proof glass平板玻璃 Plate glass标准玻璃 Standard glass抛光平板玻璃 Polished plate glass中空玻璃 Double glazing glass双层中空玻璃 Glazing glass, insulating glass浮法玻璃 Float glass新釉面玻璃 Neo-ceramic glass有机玻璃 Organic glass钢化玻璃 Armourplate glass强化玻璃 Strengthened glass磨光玻璃 Abrades glass,

16、 polished glass毛玻璃 Obscured glass, frosted glass夹丝安全玻璃 Wired glass无色玻璃 White glass不透明玻璃 Opaque glass漫射玻璃 Diffusing glass波形玻璃 Corrugated glass槽形玻璃 Channel glass淬火玻璃 Heat treated glass薄膜玻璃 Film glass兰色玻璃 Blue glass琥珀色玻璃 Amber glass中性灰色滤光玻璃 Neutral-tinted glass乳色玻璃 Opalescent glass乳白玻璃 Opal glass压花玻璃 P

17、atterned glass酸蚀刻玻璃 Acid-etched glass大理石玻璃 Marbled glass磨沙玻璃 Ground glass8雪花玻璃 Alabaster glass玻璃纤维板 Glass fiber board钢 Steel碳素钢 Carbon steel低(中、高)碳钢 Low (medium, high) carbon steel结构钢 Structural steel高强度结构钢 High-strength structural steel普通碳素结构钢 Ordinary carbon structural steel铸钢 Cast steel耐酸钢 Acid-r

18、esisting steel型钢 Shaped steel圆钢 Round steel bar热轧圆钢 Hot rolled round steel扁钢 Flat steel bar角钢 Angle steel方钢 Square steel槽钢 Channel steel冷轧碳素钢板 Cold rolled carbon steel plate波纹钢板 Corrugated steel花纹钢板 Reliefed steel plate不锈钢管 Stainless steel pipe焊接钢管 Welded steel pipe无缝钢管 Seamless steel pipe镀锌钢管 Galva

19、nized steel pipe高强度钢丝 High strength steel wire绑扎用钢丝 Binding wire冷拨低碳钢丝 Cold drawn mild steel wire钢筋 Steel bar, steel reinforcement铸件管 Cast iron pipe铸铁给水管 Cast iron water pipe铸铁污水管 Cast iron soil pipe铜 Copper黄铜 Brass铝 Aluminum铅 Lead锡 Bin镍 Nickel锌 Zinc螺栓 Bolt螺孔直径 Diameter of bolt hole垫板 Packing垫片 Spac

20、er9锚固螺栓 Anchor bolt现场安装螺栓 Field bolt safety nut安全螺帽 Safety nut地脚螺栓 Holding-down bolt, ground bolt调整螺栓 Adjusting nut平头螺栓 Cheese head bolt源头螺栓 Botton head bolt夹紧螺栓 Clinch bolt埋头螺栓 Countersunk bolt防松螺帽 Self-locking nut带销螺栓头 Bolt head with feather柳钉 Rivet螺丝 Screw垫圈 Washer平垫圈 Flat washer弹簧垫圈 Spring washe

21、r防松垫圈 Lock washer胶合板 Plywood纤维板 Fiber board聚合物 Polymer高分子化合物 High-molecular compound树脂 Resin环氧树脂 Epoxy resin聚乙烯 Polyethylene (PE)聚录乙烯 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)聚苯乙烯 Polystyrene聚脂树脂 Polyester resin聚丙烯 Polyropylene发泡聚案脂 Foamed polyurethane建筑及结构设计规范 Code for architectural and structural design施工及验收规范 Code for construction and acceptance建筑抗震设计规范 Building seismic design code建筑材料标准 Standard for building materials地基及基础规范 Code for soil and foundation防火规范 Fire-protection code卫生标准 Sanitary standard电气设计及装置规范 Code for electrical design and installation给排水规范 Code for water supply and drainage


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