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1、人教版必修五第五单元 First aid (reading)阅读课教案一教材分析随着现代社会日益工业化进程的加快,各种事故发生的潜在危险系数也在增加。很多时候如果我们能了解一点急救常识对于事故中的他人和自己都是非常有利的,有时候甚至能挽救宝贵的生命。这个单元是以 First aid 为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解相关急救知识。具体涉及一些紧急情况下应采取的急救措施,尤为详细地陈述了“烧伤”的急救常识,并通过一个真实的第一时间对被刺伤者进行急救的故事阐明急救的重要性。语言学习的词汇(词性转换与填词)和语法(省略)以急救为载体展开,内容与形式相辅相成,学生在了解急救常识的同时掌握了与急救相关的

2、词汇和句子。二学情分析鉴于高二的学生已具备一定的认知能力,有自我的观点和看法,不满足于教科书的内容,而希望通过课本获取更多的知识和信息,我将引导学生自主参与学习、交流合作,注重学生实际与课文主题的结合,使学生在自主与合作的学习方式中获取知识,形成正确的学习方法。实现阅读能力与表达能力的提高。三教学步骤1. 教学目标 (1) 知识目标:A. 帮助学生掌握重点词汇及短语。(first aid fall ill skin organ barrier essential layer poison complex variety liquid mild mildly heal electric shoc

3、k swell swollen scissors unbearable watery squeeze out over and over againbandage blouse in place)B. 引导学生阅读文章,并掌握烧伤的急救方法。(2) 能力目标: A. 引导学生用不同的方法阅读文章,从而提高学生的阅读能力。 B. 帮助学生了解烧伤,掌握烧伤的急救方法。 (3)情感目标: A. 激发学生对急救的兴趣,学会保护自己,并且能够在别人遇到危险时给与帮助。 B. 培养学生的合作学习能力。2. 教学重点: A. 帮助学生了解烧伤,掌握烧伤的急救方法。 B. 帮助学生掌握文章的大意及细节内容。

4、C. 培养学生的阅读能力。 3. 教学难点: A. 怎样帮助提高学生的阅读能力?B. 帮助学生了解烧伤,掌握烧伤的急救方法。4. 教学策略和方法:教学策略主要以四步教学法和任务型教学(Task-based Teaching)为主,通过多媒体课件以及安排多个课堂教学活动贯穿整个课时,侧重培养学生的阅读能力。A. 通过头脑风暴的练习,使学生在大脑中形成语言的输入。B. 通过略读和查读方法训练学生的阅读能力。C以所学内容为基础,设计讨论话题来提高学生的说的能力,形成语言的输出。D以小组讨论的方式使学生积极参与到自主学习的活动中来。5. 教学过程第一步:目标导入(2 分钟)1. Writing the

5、 title on the board;2. Showing the learning aims;(1). To get the students to know more about first aid.(2). To activate and review the students knowledge of first aid procedure (3). To improve the students speaking and reading ability.(4). To enable the students to deal with emergency through discus

6、sion.3. Guiding the self-study (附在任务中 )第二步:自主学习(附在任务中 )第三步:互助释疑(附在任务中 )Task one (任务一 )(8 分钟)自学指导 自主学习及互助释疑1. What words can you think of when talking about home accidents and first aid?2. First aid quiz (according to the pictures shown on Page 33)3. Definition of first aid: a temporary form of help

7、given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.1. Brainstorming(cut, nosebleed, choking, burn.)2. Watch, read and think, then work in groups to make the choices3. Read aloud and understand the definition Task two(任务二) (2 分钟)自学指导 自主学习及互助释疑Present the picture on P

8、age 33 and ask the students to answer the questions of Pre-reading.Ask the students to look at the title and subtitle, and predict: What may be written in the text?Look at the picture carefully and discuss in groups. Choose one student to give the answers. (Answers can vary)Students look at the titl

9、e and subtitle and give their prediction. 利用课文图片导入主题:FIRST AID FOR BURNSTask three(任务三) (18 分钟)自学指导 自主学习及互助释疑Reading for general idea1. Make the students to skim the passage in limited time and get a general idea, and then ask the students to divide the passage into 5 parts.2. In which order are the

10、se topics covered in the text? (Ex.1 of Page 35)Reading for details (Get the students to read the text part by part)1. Ask the question: What is skin? What can get the skin burned? What is the function of the skin? 2. Types of burns and their characteristics. Do Ex.2 of Page 35. (Label the pictures)

11、Students skim the passage to find the answer.Students work individually to give the right answers.Students read and find out the answers. Do related exercises. 3. Answer the following questions. (Ex.3, Page 35) 第四步:达标检测(15 分钟)1. Give a few minutes for the students to read after the tape.2. Ask the s

12、tudents to judge the treatments of Ex.4.3. Make a summary of three parts: some new words; the definition of first aid; the main idea of the reading text.6. 布置作业1. Get more about first aid from the newspaper, magazine or the Internet.2. Find out the important and difficult words and expressions to you and finish exercises on page 36. 7. 板书设计AccidentFirst aidsprained ankle bleedFirst aid for burnsa broken arma snake bitechoke1. The functions of skin2. Causes of burns3. Types of burns4. Symptoms of burns5. First aid treatmentA temporary form of help


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