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1、新版六年级英语上册 Recycle1 教案第一课时教学目标: 1复习 Unit1Unit3 所学的词汇和句子,要求学生能描述场所的位置、能正确指路。 2.完成课本中听音画圈和听音填空的练习。教学重难点: 1.重点:复习 Unit1Unit3 所学的词汇和句子。 2.难点:能将所学的语言融为一体,并能在具体的情境中进行应用。 教学准备: 1.单词卡片。 2.教学课件。 3录音机和录音磁带。 教学过程: 一热身(Warm-up ) 1 . Sing the song :Where is the hospital? 2 . Lets chant: Go to the bookstore. Buy s

2、ome books. Go to the post office. Send a letter. Go to the hospital. See a doctor. Go to the cinema. See a film. Go to the museum. See some robots. 活动方式:学生边说边做动作。 二复习(Revision) 1、师生对话: T : Good morning. S: Good morning. T : How do you usually come to school? S : I usually come to school on foot. T :

3、 I want to buy a book . Is there a bookstore near here? S : Yes, there is.T: Where is it?S:Its near the post office .Go straight .Turn right at the crossing . Then turn right again at the post office. T : Thank you very much. S1: Youre welcome. 2、学生两人一组,模仿进行对话。 3、请学生根据教师的描述,猜单词。如:T : Im going to buy

4、 some postcards and a dictionary. Where am I going ? S3 : Bookstore. T : Im going to see a doctor. Where am I going ? S4 : Hospital. T : Im going to have a big dinner with my family. Where am I going ? S5: Restaurant. T : Im going to read some books. Where am I going ? S6: Library. T : Im going to s

5、ee a film. Where am I going ? S7 : Cinema. T : Im going to buy some food and drinks. Where am I going ? S8 : Supermarket. 三、 新课呈现(Presentation) 1.教学 Listen and circle.(1) 、学生看交通标志,说说这些交通标志的意思,并拼读: (2) 、教师播放录音,学生根据录音圈出正确的选项。 录音内容如下:X|k | B| 1 . c |O |mWuYifan: Robin, how do we get to my grandparents

6、new house from here? Can you use your GPS?Robin: Sure. First, go straight. Then turn left at the traffic lights. Well turn left and walk 100 metres. Then finally we can see the house.WuYifan: Good! What time are we leaving?Robin: Nine oclock.(3) 、全班讲评订正。 2、Fill in the blanks. (1) 、让学生根据图示,将句子补充完整。 (

7、2) 、全班讲评订正。 (3) 、全班齐读补充完整的句子。 3、Listen again and answer. (1)、全班齐读教材中的两个问题。 (2) 、教师再次播放录音,学生静听。 (3) 、教师请一些学生来回答这两个问题。 (4) 、全班一起回答这两个问题。四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension ) 教师将教室的课桌重新布局,在教室中模拟出一些街道和十字路口,然后在一些课桌上放上表示场所名称的标牌,如:library、museum , school , supermarket .请上一位学生,用眼罩蒙住双眼,扮演盲人。 “盲人”告诉大家他要去哪儿,全班

8、同学扮演为其指路。如: A: Where is the library? B: Turn right, please. Then go straight. Heres the school. Turn left at the school , please . Now go straight .Stop! Heres the library. A: Youre welcome . Bye ! B: Bye ! Be careful ! http:/ /www. 五、Homework1、听录音,跟读对话。 2、复习 Unit1Unit3 学过的单词和句型。 3、完成配套练习。 板书设计: Rec

9、ycle 1Go straight. Turn left. Turn right.Are they going by bus or on foot?Where are they going?教学反思:第二课时教学目标: 1.复习 Unit1Unit3 所学的词汇和句子,能正确理解并使用一般将来时。2.能完成看图说话、听音打钩或画叉等练习。 教学重难点: 1.重点:能正确理解并使用一般将来时。 2.难点:理解歌曲的意义。教学准备: 1.单词卡。 2.录音机和磁带。 3.挂图。 教学过程: 一 热身(Warm-up) 1 . Sing the song : How do you get there

10、? 2 . Lets chant : How do you come to school? Sometimes by car . But I never by subway . How do you go to New York? Never on foot , never by train. Always by plane . Always by plane . 二 复习(Revision) 1.复习有关交通工具类的单词或词组:on foot , bus , plane , taxi , ship , subway ,train , sled , ferry . 游戏:先快速抽读这些单词卡片

11、,接着将这些单词卡片和图片发给学生,教师读单词 bus,拿到该单词卡片和图片的同学迅速将手中的卡片举起。 2.复习动作类词组:visit my grand parents , see a film , take a trip , go to the supermarket ,have an art lesson , do my homework , draw some pictures , go ice-skating , go for a picnic 游戏:先快速抽读这些单词卡片,然后将这些词组卡片发给学生,接着教师将这些词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师每贴一幅图,持有该图片词组的学生要将词组贴

12、在相应的图片下方,全班评价其图片贴的是否正确。 2.复习时间类的单词:evening , tonight , morning , afternoon , tomorrow , next week , weekend 游戏:先快速抽读这些词组卡片,然后让学生将单词和汉语配对。 3.活动:My plan X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m活动方法:将刚才复习的三类单词分别装进三个标有“交通工具” 、 “活动” 、 “时间”的箱子中。请学生上台从这三个箱子中各抽取一张,然后用一般将来时将其组成句子,并大声说出来,如:Im going to take a trip by sled this wee

13、k. Im going to go for a picnic on foot this afternoon. 全班学生对其说的句子进行评价。 5.活动:小司机 活动方法:五人一组排成一列,第一位学生模拟手握方向盘的动作,其他同学依次将手平搭在前一个同学的肩上,模拟一辆车在教室里行走,教师如果出示黄色卡纸,表示黄灯亮了,五位学生齐说:Slow down and stop at a yellow light . 并减速直至停下。可以派出多组“车辆” 在教室里行驶,还可以换学生来出示交通信号灯。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、教学 Look at the pictures and g

14、uess what they are saying . (1) 、教师介绍:Wu Yifan and Robin is going to visit his grandma and grandpa . On the way they see a little boy crying on the street . Look at the pictures and guess what they are saying . (2) 、学生四人一组根据图片及提示,讨论: (3) 、汇报讨论结果。 (4) 、教师讲评。 2、教学 Listen and tick or cross . (1) 、全班齐读这

15、三个句子。 Stop! Dont go at a red light! Lets go to the restaurant. Go straight and turn right at the crossing.(2) 、教师播放录音,学生独立判断。 录音内容如下:1.Yifan: Hey! Stop! Dont cross at the red light. Boy: Sorry. Yifan: You must be more careful. Boy: OK. I cant find my mum. Yifan: Oh, let me help you. 2. Yifan: Are yo

16、u hungry?Boy: Yes, I am.Yifan: There is a restaurant over there. Lets go and buy some food. Boy: Good idea! http:/ /www. 3. Boy: Thank you for the food. I feel better now. Yifan: Lets go to the police station. They can help you.Boy: Where is it?Robin: We go straight and then turn right at the crossi

17、ng. After that, well go straight again. The police station is next to the supermarket. (3) 、全班讲评订正。 3、教学 Listen and read the song aloud . (1) 、教师介绍:The little boy is waiting for his mother. Now Robin is singing a song to him. Listen to the song, please . (2) 、教师播放歌曲录音,学生边听边做动作。 (3) 、全班试读歌词,试着猜猜一些生词的

18、意思。 (4) 、学生找出生词中表达“”的句子,并抄在课本上。 (5) 、全班齐读这些句子。 4、教学 Read and circle . (1) 、学生独立圈出正确的选项。 (2) 、全班讲评订正。 新 课 标 第 一 网四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension ) 1、Sing the song : Hush , little boy . 活动方式:教师播放歌曲录音,全体学生边唱边做动作。 2.活动:情景剧“A crying boy” 活动方式:学生四人一组,根据教材提供的情景,发挥想象,编排一个小“情景剧” ,最后请上一些小组到台前表演。如: Wu Yifa

19、n : Robin , look at the little boy . Hes crying . Robin : I see . (The boy is crossing the street .) Wu Yifan :Stop! Dont go at a red light .Its very dangerous . Why are you crying ? Little boy : I cant find my mum. Wu Yifan :Dont cry . Were going to drink some juice .then Ill call your mum .Robin ,

20、wheres the restaurant ? w W w .x K b 1.c o MRobin :Go straight .Then turn right at the cinema . Wu Yifan :Thank you .Lets go . 五、家庭作业(Homework) 1、听录音跟读单词。 2、完成配套练习。 板书设计: Recycle 1on foot , bus , plane , taxi , ship , subway ,train , sled , ferry . visit my grand parents , see a film , take a trip ,

21、 go to the supermarket ,have an art lesson , do my homework , draw some pictures , go ice-skating , go for a picnic evening , tonight , morning , afternoon , tomorrow , next week , weekend _ _ going to _教学反思:http:/ /www. 第三课时教学目标: 1.复习 Unit1Unit3 单元所学的词汇和句子。 2.能完成看图填空、看图会答等练习。 教学重难点; 1.重点:复习如何问路指路。

22、2.难点:正确描述行走路线。 教学准备: 1.单词卡片和挂图。 2.录音机和磁带。 教学过程; 一、热身(Warm-up) 1 .师生问好。 2 .Sing the song :What are you going to do? 二、复习(Revision) 1 . 活动:我问你答,你问我答。 活动方式:学生四人一组,采用我问你答,你问我答的方式进行连环问答,回答错误或回答不上来的学生则被判出局。如: S1:Where is the bookstore? S2: Its near the supermarket .What are you going to do? S3: Im going t

23、o draw a picture .Are you going to draw a picture? S4 : Yes ,I am .Where are you going? S1: Im going to the bookstore .How can I get to the bookstore? . 2.活动:快乐寻宝 活动方式:教师准备一张简明的城市交通图,在图中标出若干个地点以及在这些地点所埋藏的宝藏,如:A、B 、C 等,请全体学生根据老师的指示语,去寻找埋藏宝藏的地点。谁先找到宝藏,谁就获胜。如:Im at Point A. I go straight from A .Then t

24、urn left at the traffic lights .Where am I ? 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1.教学 Look at the map and fill in the blanks . (1) 、教师先做背景介绍 mWu Yifan, Robin and the little boy are at the police station . The policeman is calling his mum . Lets see . (2) 、教师让学生根据地图所示,将警察和妈妈的对话补充完整。 (3) 、全班讲评订正。 (4) 、两人一组,分别扮演警察和妈妈

25、进行对话练习。如: Policeman : Madam ,we have your son . Come to the police station , please . Mum : Thank you . Thank you! How can I go there? Policeman : Where are you now ? Mum : Im in front of the hospital .Is it far ? Should I go by bus? (5) 、请上一些学生到台前表演。 2、教学:Read , answer and do . (1) 、教师提问:How can th

26、e boys mother go to the police station?请几个学生来回答。 (2) 、教师让学生画出对话中提及的交通方式,然后让学生在横线上写下他们所知道的其他交通方式。 (3) 、全班讲评订正。 xKb 1. Co m 3、教学:Listen and read aloud . (1) 、教师让学生根据标注提示试读句子。 (2) 、教师播放录音,全班跟读。录音如下:Man: Are you Mrz Zhang?Woman: Yes, I am. Thank you so much!四,巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension ) 活动:问卷调查- “Happy Weekend” 活动方式:学生六人一组,利用教师提供的表格,询问同伴本周末的安排,调查表格如下: Happy WeekendName Activity五、家庭作业(Homework) 1.复习 Unit1Unit3 学过的单词。 2.完成配套练习。 板书设计: Recycle 1What are you going to do? Im going to Are you going to ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.教学反思:


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