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1、新概念英语青少版 1a 课文Unit 1 Lesson 1 Meet the family! 认识下我的家人William: Hello. My name is William Jenkins. This is my family. This is Karen. Karen is my wife. 你好,我的名字叫威廉.詹金斯,这是我的家人,这是凯伦,是我的妻子。Karen: How do you do? 你好。William;This is Lucy. Lucys my daughter. 这是露西,露西是我的女儿。Lucy: Hello! 你好。William: This is my so

2、n, Robert. 这是我的儿子,罗伯特。Robert: Hi! 嗨。William: And this is Paul. Pauls my nephew. 这是保罗,保罗是我的侄子。Paul: Hello! Nice to meet you!你好,很高兴见到你。Rhyme 英语童谣: One, two, this is my shoe One, two, this is my shoe Three, four, that is the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, open the gate. Nine, ten, say thi

3、s again. 新概念英语青少版 1a Unit 2 Lesson 3 What is it?那是什么?Robert: Hey, this is good! Look, Lucy! What is this?嘿,这个真不错,看,露西,这是什么?Lucy: Its a wheel.是车轮。Robert: No, it isnt! Look! Its green! Its a hat!不是,看,它是绿色的额,是个帽子。Lucy: OK. Its a green hat.嗯,诗歌绿色的帽子。Robert: Now look! Whats this?再看,这是什么?Lucy: Its a flowe

4、r. Its a red flower.是花,红色的花。Robert: No, it isnt. Its a red umbrella.不对,是把红色的伞。Lucy: OK. Whats that?嗯,那是什么?Robert: Its grey. Is it a bird? Yes! Its a grey bird.是灰色的,是只鸟吗?是的,是只灰色的鸟。Lucy: No! Its a key!不对,是把钥匙。Robert: Right! Its a silver key.是的,诗歌银色的钥匙。新概念英语青少版 1a Unit 3 Lesson 5 Whos that? 那是谁?Annie:

5、Who is that boy, Polly?那个男孩是谁,波莉?Polly: Which boy, Annie?安妮,哪个男孩?Annie: The boy on the silver bicycle. 那个骑银色自行车的那个。Polly: Thats Robert Jenkins.那是罗伯特.詹金斯。Annie: Whos that man?那个男的是谁?Polly: Which man?哪个男的?Annie: The man with the black umbrella.打黑伞的那个。Polly: Thats Mr. Jenkins. Hes Roberts father.那是詹金斯先

6、生,罗伯特的爸爸。Annie: Whos that woman with the white umbrella?那打白色伞的女人是谁呢?Polly: Thats Mrs. Jenkins. Shes Roberts mother.那是詹金斯夫人,是罗伯特的妈妈。Annie: And whos that girl on the red bicycle?那骑红色自行车的那个是谁呢?Polly: Thats Lucy Jenkins. Shes Roberts sister.那是露西.詹金斯,是罗伯特的妹妹。Annie: Look at that young man. Who is he?看那个年轻

7、的男人,他是谁?Polly: Which young man?哪个年轻人?Annie: The young man in that old car. 那个开旧车的年轻人。Polly: Oh, thats Paul. Paul is Lucys cousin.哦,那是保罗,保罗是露西的堂哥。Annie: So Paul is Roberts cousin, too.那炮烙也是罗伯特的堂哥咯。Polly: Thats right. Robert is Lucys brother. And Paul is their cousin. Hes a student.是的,罗伯特是露西的哥哥,保罗是他们的

8、堂哥,他是个学生。Rhyme 英语童谣: One, two, three, four, fiveOne, two, three, four, five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,Then I let him go again.Why did you let him go?Because he bit my finger soWhich finger did he bite?The little finger on the right新概念英语青少版 1a Unit4 Lesson 7 Robert isnt

9、well. 罗伯特生病了Linda: Hello, Karen. How are you?嘿,凯伦,你好吗?Karen: Im fine. But Robert isnt very well.我很好,但是罗伯特不太好。Linda: Oh, Im sorry!Whats the matter with him?哦,真难过,他怎么了?Karen: Im not sure. Hes very hot. He isnt well.我也不太确定,他在发烧,不太好。Linda: Is he hungry?他饿吗?Karen: No, he isnt hungry.不,他不饿。Linda: Is he th

10、irsty?口渴吗?Karen: Yes, hes very thirsty.嗯,他很渴。Linda: Poor Robert! I am sorry! What about the doctor?可怜的罗伯特,真替他难过,没看医生吗?Karen: The doctors very busy.医生很忙。Linda: Yes, but Robert is ill.嗯,罗伯特生病了。Karen: Perhaps not very ill. But you are right. Better safe than sorry! ( 宁愿要安全稳妥 而不是遗憾。引申为:小心不出大错。) 可能不是什么大病

11、,但是你是对的,小心为上。新概念英语青少版 1a Unit 5 Lesson 9 Meet the neighbours(英式英语)=neighbors(美式英语)!Paul: Hello! My names Paul.你好,我的名字叫保罗。Claire: Hello, Paul. My names Claire. Im your new neighbour.你好,保罗,我叫克莱尔,我是你的新邻居。Paul: Claire! Thats a nice name. What do you do, Claire?克莱尔,真是个好名字,克莱尔,你是做什么的?Claire: Im a student.

12、 What about you?我是个学生,你呢?Paul: Im a student,too. Im at the sports academy. (体育院校)What about you?我也是个学生,我在体育学院,你呢?Claire: Im an art student. Im at the art college. (艺术院校)我是一名艺术系的学生,我念的是艺术院校。Paul: Come and meet Karen. Shes my aunt. Shes a writer. Karen, this is Claire. Claires our new neighbour.给你介绍一下

13、凯伦,她是我姑姑,叶明作家。卡伦,这是克莱尔,我们的新邻居。Karen: Hello, Claire. Nice to meet you. Come and meet the family. This is William, my husband. This is Lucy. And this is Robert.你好,克莱尔,很高兴见到你,给你介绍一下我的家人,这是威廉,我的丈夫。这是露西,这是罗伯特。William: How do you do, Claire?你好,克莱尔。Claire: Hi, everybody! Thank you for the welcome!大家好,谢谢你们的

14、欢迎。新概念英语青少版 1A Unit Unit 6 Lesson 11 Gossip! 八卦Annie: Whos that girl, Polly?波莉,那个女孩儿是谁?Polly: Which girl, Annie?安妮,哪个女孩儿?Annie: The girl over there. That tall girl with the Jenkins family.那边的那个,跟詹金斯一家在一起的那个高个女孩儿。Polly: Oh, thats Claire, our new neighbour. Shes an art student.哦,那是克莱尔,我们的新邻居,是艺术系的学生。A

15、nnie: Shes a very pretty girl.很漂亮的女孩。Polly: Yes, shes clever, too. Shes a nice girl.是的,她也很聪明,是个很棒的女孩。Annie: Wheres she from? Is she English?她是哪里人?英国人吗?Polly: No, she isnt. Shes American. Shes from Washington.不是的,她是美国人,从华盛顿来的。Annie: Is her family here, too?她的家人也在这里吗?Polly: Yes. Her fathers an account

16、ant, and her mothers a famous photographer. Look! Thats her mother over there.是的,她爸爸是会计,她妈妈是著名的摄影师,看,那是她的妈妈。Annie: That woman in the expensive car?开很贵的车的那个?Polly: Thats right. Shes very pretty.是的,她很漂亮。Annie: Pretty? Shes beautiful! What about her husband? Is he handsome?漂亮?她美极了。她老公呢?她老公也很帅么?Polly: W

17、ait and see!拭目以待。Rhyme 英语童谣:One, two, three, fourOne, two, three, fourCome in please and shut the door.Five, six, seven, eightIts time for school. You are very late.Nine, ten, nine, tenDont be late for school again.新概念英语青少版 1A Unit 7 Lesson 13 Wheres my pen? 我的笔呢?Karen: Wheres my pen, Lucy?露西,我的比呢?L

18、ucy: Which pen, Mum?什么笔啊,妈妈。Karen: The blue one.蓝色的那支。Lucy: This one?这个?Karen: Yes, that one. Its my favourite pen, Lucy!是的,就是那个,那是我最爱的笔,露西。Lucy: Sorry, Mum!对不起,妈妈。Karen: And wheres my new ruler?那我的新尺子在哪儿?Lucy: The long one?长尺子?Karen: The long silver one.长的银色的尺子。Lucy: Its in my schoolbag, Mum.在我的书包里

19、,妈妈。Karen: Oh, Lucy! Give me my ruler, please.哦,露西,把我的尺子给我。Lucy: Here you are. Im sorry, Mum. Its a very nice ruler.给你,妈妈,对不起,这是把很不错的尺子。Karen: Yes, it is.是的。Lucy: Mum!妈妈?Karen: Yes?嗯?Lucy: Is this your pencil-case, too?这是你的铅笔盒吗?Karen: No, it isnt. Its your fathers old pencil-case. Thats his favourit

20、e thing!不是,那是你爸的旧铅笔盒,也是他最喜欢的东西。Lucy: Sorry, Mum! Its my favourite thing, too.对不起妈妈,那也是我最喜欢的。Karen: Oh, well! Put it on his desk. No harm done!(不要紧)嗯,把它放桌子上吧,不要紧。Lucy: Thanks, Mum!谢谢,妈妈。新概念英语青少版 1A Unit 8 Lesson 15 A bump in the night! 有夜贼Karen: William! Wake up!威廉,醒醒。William: Mm. Whats the matter?嗯.

21、怎么了?Karen: Listen! Theres a noise in the living-room. Its a burglar(夜贼)!听着,客厅里有动静,有小偷。William: A burglar? Nonsense! Youre right! Theres a noise in the kitchen now! It is a burglar!小偷?胡说八道。你说得对,现在是厨房里有声音了,真有小偷。Karen: Shh! Theres a torch(手电筒) here.嘘,那里有手电筒。William: Give me the torch, please.把手电筒给我下。Ka

22、ren: Here it is. Oh, William! Please be careful!给你,威廉,小心点。William: Shh! There is someone downstairs. Whos there? Who is it?嘘,有人在楼下,谁在那里,是谁?Lucy: Its me, Dad! Im wide-awake(完全清醒的), and Im hungry.William: Were all wide-awake now!是我,爸爸,我睡不着了,饿了。Karen: Oh, well! No harm done!哦,嗯,没事就好。Rhyme 英语童谣:Lucy Loc

23、ket lost her pocketLucy Locket lost her pocket.Kitty Fisher(基蒂.费希尔) found it.Not a penny was there in it!Just the ribbon round it!新概念英语青少版 1A Unit 9 Lesson 17 Red, white and . pink! 红的白色和粉的Robert: Here are Pauls new pyjamas.(一套睡衣裤) Look at them! They are bright red! But they are a bit dirty.这是保罗的新睡衣

24、,看,它们是大红色,不过有点脏。Lucy: Here are Dads shirts. They are pure white. But theyre a bit dirty, too. Put them in the washing machine.这是爸爸的衬衫,它们是白色的,也有点脏了,把它们一起放进洗衣机里把。Lucy: What about your shirts?你的衬衫呢?Robert: Yes. My shirts are dirty, too. 对哦,我的衬衫也脏了。Lucy: Put them in the washing machine.放到洗衣机里把。William:

25、Karen! Where are my new shirts?凯伦,我的新衬衫呢?Karen: Theyre in the washing machine, with Pauls pyjamas and Roberts shirts. Here you are! Two lovely clean shirts!在洗衣机里,还有保罗的睡衣和罗伯特的衬衫,给你,两件可爱又干净的衬衫。William: Those shirts arent white! Theyre pink!那两件不是白色的额,是粉色的。Karen: Yes, they are, and theyre very pretty!是啊

26、,它们就是粉色,很漂亮吧。英语童谣:洗衣服Rhyme Oh, can you wash your fathers shirt?Oh, can you wash your fathers shirt?Oh, can you wash it clean?Oh, can you wash your fathers shirt,And hang it on the green?I cannot wash my fathers shirt.I cannot wash it clean.I cannot wash my fathers shirt,And hang it on the green.新概念英

27、语青少版 1A Unit 10 Lesson 19 Jump in! 上车吧Robert:Hurry up, Lucy! Heres the bus!露西,快点,车来了。Lucy: Wait a minute! My bags heavy.等等,我的包太重了。Robert: My bags heavy, too. Come on! Oh, no! The bus is full!我的包也很重,快点,哦,不,车都满了。Lucy: Oh, dear! Our school buses are all full.哦,天啦,我们的校车全满了。Robert: Whats in your bag?你的包里装的啥啊?Lucy: Books, of course!当然是书了。Robert: My bag is full of books, too. Look, theres Claire! Hello, Claire!我的包也装满了书,看,那是克莱尔,你好,克莱尔。Claire: Hello, Robert! Hello, Lucy! Whats the matter, Lucy?你好,罗伯特!你好,露西,露西,怎么了?Lucy: The buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.车都全满了,而且我们的书包很重。


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