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1、Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?教材解读本单元主要围绕讨论电视节目和 电影展开。Section A 部分通过图文为学生创设了“谈论电视节目”的语境,并呈现了不同电视节目类型的表达方式,以及句型 A: What do you think of? B: I dont mind them. / I cant stand them. / I love watching them.用来表达对各类电视节目的偏好。本部分还呈现了谈论计划和安排的句型:A: Do you want to watch the news? B: Yes, I do. / No, I

2、dont. A: What do you plan to watch on TV tonight? B: I plan to watch Days of Our Past.主要学习不定式作宾语的用法,如:want to do, plan to do, expect to do, hope to do 等。Section B 部分主要谈论了电影这个话题。掌握一些相关的形容词,进一步学习谈论计划和谈论对电视、电影的喜好的句型。本部分的重点是学习和运用恰当的形容词进一步表述喜欢或不喜欢某种电视节目和电影的原因。本部分的难点是阅读和写作。21cnjy单元目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握重点词汇和句型:Do

3、 you want to watch the news? What do you plan to watch tonight? What do you think of talk shows?及其答语。【来源:21cnj*y.co*m 】2. 掌握几个动词不定式的用法:want to do, plan to do, expect to do, hope to do。3. 能熟练谈论计划和对电视、电影等的喜好及其原因。4. 培养听、说、读、写各项基本技能。二、过程与方法采用展示图片、表演对话、创设情境、小组合作与交流、听说读写四项基本技能相结合的方式来学习本单元的知识,培养各项能力。三、情感、态

4、度与价值观了解各类电视节目,会谈论流行文化,能询问并表达对节目的喜好,能就此与别人展开对话,增进交流。教法导航采用直观教学法,遵循以学生为主体的原则。学法导航采用独立思考与小组合作与交流相结合的方法,在老师的引领下相对独立地学习知识,培养能力。课时支配第 1 课时:Section A 1a -2c第 2 课时:Section A 2d-3c第 3 课时:Section B 1a -2c 第 4 课时:Section B 2d-Self Check课时教案第 1 课时 Section A 1a-2d教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握重点词汇和句型。2. 了解电视节目的名称。3. 能用学到的句型陈述

5、自己的看法。二、过程与方法采用目标和直观教学法,调动学生的积极性,引导他们积极参与课堂。 三、情感、态度与价值观学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视节目的名称和自己的喜好。教学重点1. 掌握重点词汇和句型。2. 能运用所学单词、短语及句型询问并谈论自己的看法。教学难点如何运用所学单词、短语及句型询问并谈论自己的看法。教法导航直观展示法,情境创设法。学法导航模仿,讨论与交流。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Presentation Ask: Do you like watching TV ? What

6、kind of TV show do you like ? And then show some pictures and talk about TV shows in English.Step 3 Practice1a Ask one student to read and translate the TV shows and then ask the class to match them with the pictures. Finally ask some students to report their answers.Step 4 Listening Ask students to

7、 read the shows in the box. Make sure they know the meaning of the shows. Play the recording for the students to listen and number the shows 1-4. Play the recording again. Check the answers with the students. Step 5 Pair work Let students look at the pictures in the box. Then explain the meaning of

8、each expression to the students. Let students read the conversation after the teacher. Then let students make their own conversation using the shows and expressions in the box. Let some pairs ask and answer about the shows. Step 6 Listening 2a, Read the shows in the box of 2a. Ask students to rememb

9、er the information. Play the recording for the students to listen and number the TV shows 1-5. Play the recording again to check the answers. 2b, Let students read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the students. Make sure they know what to do. Play the recording for the students t

10、o write the correct words in the blanks. Play the recording again to check the answers. Step 7 Pair work Let students ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a. They can use the information that is true for them. Let students read the conversation after the teacher. Explain some main points

11、for the students. Students act the conversation in pairs. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations. Step 8 Homework 1. Remember the new words and expressions in this period. 2. Role-play the conversation in 2c after class. 课堂作业英汉互译1.talk show 2. soap opera 3. sports show 4. sitcom 5. game show

12、6. talent show 7. news 8. 你想看什么? 9. 你认为谈话节目怎么样? 10. 我不介意。参考答案:1. 谈话节目 2. 肥皂剧 3. 体育节目 4. 情景喜剧 5. 游戏节目 6. 才艺展示 7. 新闻 8. What do you want to watch? 9. What od you think of talk shows? 10. I dont mind them.板书设计教学反思第 2 课时 Section A 2d-3c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 学习掌握重点词汇。 2. 进一步复习巩固运用 Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。3. 进一步学习运用

13、所学的知识来陈述自己的看法;学会谈论自己的喜好。4. 掌握动词不定式结构作动词的宾语这一语法知识;掌握后面接动词不定式作宾语的动词。二、过程与方法训练法,熟能生巧法,通过练习巩固复习所学知识。三、情感、态度与价值观学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视和电视节目的名称和自己的喜好。注意引导学生们形成正确的文化观念,大力培养学生们的跨文化意识,形成自己独立的个性。 教学重点1. 进一步学习运用所学的知识来陈述自己的看法;学会谈论自己的喜好。2. 掌握动词不定式结构作动词的宾语这一语法知识;掌握后面接动词不定式作宾语的动词。教学难点掌握动词不定式结构作动词的宾语这一语法知识;掌握后面接动词不定式作宾语的动

14、词。教法导航教师引导,学生自主探究,小组合作。学法导航自主探究与小组合作相结合。教学准备多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 RevisionAsk and answer questions about the different shows. What do you think of news? I cant stand it. / I like it. / I dont mind it. / I Step 3 Role-playRead the conversations and match the name

15、with the right shows. Grace a. game shows and sports shows Sarah b. soap operas Graces classmates c. news and talk shows Explain some new words and main points in the conversation. Read the conversation after the teacher. Practice the conversation with their partner. Then let some pairs to act out t

16、he conversation. Step 4 Grammar Focus. Ask the students to read the sentences in Grammar focus and then do some exercises without referring to the book. 你想看新闻吗? Do you want to _ _ _? 你觉得谈话节目怎么样? What do you _ _ _ shows? 我不介意看。/我不能忍受。 / 我喜欢看。 I dont _ them. I _ _ them. I _ _ them. 你计划今晚上看什么节目? _ do y

17、ou_ _watch tonight? 我计划看我们过去的时代。 I _ _ watch Days of Our Past. 你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么? What can you _ _ _ from sitcoms? 你能学到一些很好的笑话。 You can _ some great _. 你为什么喜欢看新闻呢? Why do you like _ _ _? 因为我希望查明在世界各地发了什么事情。 Because I _ _ _ _ whats going _ the world.Then the students check the answers by themselves. Remi

18、nd them to pay attention to the phrases: want to do, plan to do, expect to do, hope to doFinally give the students several minutes to remember them. Step 5 Pair work3a, Ask students to read the conversation in 3a and try to fill in the blanks with right words. Then ask some pairs to read their conve

19、rsations. Finally ask the students to read their conversations aloud.3b Ask one or two students to read and translate the questions in the chart. Then work in pairs, ask and answer them. Finally ask some pairs to ask and answer. Correct the mistakes if any.Step 6 Make a survey3c Ask one student to r

20、ead and translate the phrases in the chart. Then work in groups, ask the questions and write their names in the chart. They can do it like this: A: Do you want to watch a movie? B: Yes, I do. Finally ask some groups to give their report like this: A wants to watch a movie. B wants to .Step 7 Homewor

21、k Write a report to state what kind of TV show they like to watch and say why. You can write like this: My mother likes sitcom. She thinks theyre interesting. 课堂作业用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. She expects _ (arrive) tomorrow.2. Lets _ (watch) talk shows tonight.3. They hope _ (visit) the Great Wall next year. 4.

22、Do you plan _ (find) a part-time job?5. When do you want _ (go) swimming?6. My uncle often helps me _ (learn) math and English. 参考答案:1. to ar rive 2. watch 3. to visit 4. to find 5. to go 6. (to) learn板书设计教学反思第 3 课时 Section B 1a-2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握重点单词、短语和句子。 2. 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。 3. 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的

23、综合阅读能力。二、过程与方法直观看图,反复听力,操练对话。三、情感、态度与价值观了解他人对不同的电影或电视剧的看法,明白不同的人有不同的喜好,从而明确人们喜好的差异性;了解世界其他国家的文化,形成跨文化的意识。教学重点1. 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。 2. 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。 3. 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。教学难点1. 进行听力训练,提高学生们听对话获取相关信息的能力。2. 进行阅读训练,来培养学生们的综合阅读能力。教法导航听、说、读、写四项基本技能相结合。引导学生进行泛读和精读。学法导航通过多种形式的运用,培养各种能力。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学

24、过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 RevisionCheck the homework. Ask some students to give their report.21cnjycomStep 3 PresentationShow some movies or shows on the big screen. Let students discuss about them. Ask and answer what they think of them. Show some ajectives on the screen

25、and go through them together. Make sure the students know their meanings and how to read them.Step 4 PracticeSay Work with your partners. Ask and answer about the movies or shows. Then let students talk about the movies or shows with the words in 1a. Finally let some pairs ask and answer in front of

26、 the class.【版权所有:21 教育】Step 5 Listening 1b, Ask students to listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a. Play the recording for the students. Students just listen for the first time. Play the recording again and circle the words. Play the recording again and check the answers w

27、ith the students. 1c Say: Now please look at the chart in 1c. What do John and Mary think of the movies or shows? Youll listen to the tape again. Then try to fill in the blanks. students listen to the recording carefully and try to fill in the blanks. Finally play the recording again and check the a

28、nswers with the class. Step 6 Pair workAsk: What John and Mary like to watch? Do you know? And why? Then ask some individual students to answer. Then ask the students to ask and answer in pairs. Then say Tell your partner what you like to watch and why.Step 7 DiscussionWork in groups. Look at the qu

29、estions in 2a. Ask one student the questions as a model. Ask students to discuss the questions in groups. Step 8 Reading 2b Ask: Do you like to watch cartoons? Do you know Mickey Mouse? Show a short video about Michey Mouse and introduce something about Disney. Then say Today well learn a passage ab

30、out Mickey Mouse. Let students read the passage quickly and complete the time line on next page. Check the answers with the students. 2c First, lets read the questions in the chart. Make sure all the students know the meaning of the questions. Then read the passage again and find the answers to the

31、questions. Ask some students to report their answers. Step 9 Homework 1. Remember the new words and expressions learned in this period. 2. Complete 2d after class.课堂作业单项选择1. What do you think of the TV sitcom Home with Kids?Its very _. Many children like watching it.A. boring B. funny C. surprising

32、D. terrible2. I cant stand _ TV for a long time.A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched3. He hopes _ an actor in the future.A. to is B. is C. to be D. him to be4. Please _ when the bus will arrive.A. look for B. find for C. find out D. look out5. I want to learn _ the piano.A. play B. to play C.

33、 plays D. played参考答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B板书设计教学反思第 4 课时 Section B 3a-Self Check教学目标一、知识与技能1. 复习 to 不定式做宾语的用法。掌握后面跟不定式结构做宾语的动词。2. 能够综合运用所掌握的知识来描述自己所喜欢的一些动画片或影视剧。3. 通过自己所喜欢的一些动画片或影视剧来达到熟练运用所学知识的目的。 4. 培养写作能力。二、过程与方法通过各种形式复习巩固本单元内容,并内化为自己的能力,用书面的形式表达出来。三、情感、态度与价值观每个人都有自己的爱好,要了解个体的差异性,了解自己的爱好,尊重别人的爱好。同时了

34、解一些影视片的内容,通过观看不同形式的影视片来了解社会,丰富自己的文化知识。 教学重点1. 能运用所学的知识及提示来阅读相关影视片的简介,并能完成相关任务。 2. 能运用所学的知识与句型表达方式来简介一下自己所看过的影视片。教学难点能运用所学的知识与句型表达方式来简介一下自己所看过的影视片。 教法导航总结复习,大量练习。学法导航将所学应用到练习中。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 RevisionCheck the homework. Ask some students to answer the

35、 questions in 2d.Step 3 Practice 2e, Ask the students to read the passage again and underline the following phrases in the passage. Then talk about the meanings of the phrases in pairs. Make sure all the students know their meanings. Then say Write your own sentences or questions using the phrases.

36、Finally ask some students to say their questions or sentences.Step 4 PresentationShow a short video about the cartoon Mulan. Ask some questions about Mulan. Let the students think and answer the questions: Do you like cartoons? Do you know Mulan? Can you say anything about it? Students discuss the q

37、uestions and answer the questions. e.g. S1: Yes, I do. Mulan didnt have any brothers. She took his fathers place to fight in the army. S2: Mulan dressed up like a boy. Nobody knew she was a girl in the army. Step 5 PracticeGo through the words in the chart in 3a together. Get the students to read th

38、e article about Mulan. Fill in the blanks in the movie review. Use the words in the box to help them. Then check the answers with the students. Ask some individual students to read the passage and then all the students to read it aloud.Step 6 Writing 3b Say: Think about your favorite movies. Write n

39、otes for your own movie review. Give some examples to the students. The name of the movie: The Lion King. The kind of the movie: cartoon. What the movie is about? Simbas father was the king. But his uncle, Scar killed his father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and became the true Kin

40、g. What you think of the movie/star? It was fantastic. Students try to think about their favorite movies. Write notes for their own movie review. After several minutes, ask some students to give their report.3c Say: Write about your movie review using the notes in 3b. Give the students enough time t

41、o write. Then let some students read their passage to the class. Step 7 DiscussionRead the kinds of shows or movies in the chart in 4. Ask and answer about them with a partner. Write the answers in the chart. Give students some examples: S1: What do you think of soap operas? S2: I think theyre borin

42、g. What about you? S1: Well, I dont like them, either. Students ask and answer with their partners and try to fill in the chart. Finally get some students to give their report like this: I think soap operas are boring. My partner thinks them boring, too.Step 8 Self CheckSelf Check 1, Ask the student

43、s to write questions and answers using the words in brackets. Do the first one as an example. What do you think of soap operas? I dont mind them. What does your father think of soap operas? He doesnt mind them. Remind the students to pay attention to the usage of “do” or “does”. Then ask some studen

44、ts to report their answers.Self Check 2, Get students to read the statements below. Then think about them. If they agree, Check (). Check () if they disagree. Give at least one reason. Give some examples: e.g. 1. I think game shows are meaningless. I think we can learn some interesting things. Then

45、ask some students to report their answers.Step 9 Homework What do your parents think of the TV shows or movies in 4? Ask them and write description words for each one.课堂作业1. _ does she think of the hat? She loves it.A. What B. How C. Who D. Why2. How do you like the new TV play? _.A. Thats right B.

46、Its interesting C. Of course D. Id love to3. Tom _ stand the boring lessons.I cant stand them, _.A. can, too B. cant, either C. can, either D. doesnt, too4. What does he _ soap operas? He doesnt like them.A. think over B. think about C. think of D. think hard5. What does he think of Animal World?_.A

47、. He loves it B. He was right C. Thats right D. Youre welcome6. Tom doesnt _ the belt and Clark cant _ the watch.A. minds, stands B. minds, stand C. mind, stand D. mind, stands7. What did he say to you?He wanted me _ him up after lunch.A. ring B. rings C. rang D. to ring8. My grandpa wants _ around the world because he enjoys _ new places.A. travelling, seeing B. to travel, to see【来源:21世纪教育网】C. to travel, seeing D. travelling, to see2-1-c-n-j-y9. Could you give me a hand, please?Sure. What would yo


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