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1、 备 课 纸 1授课题目:Unit 4 The Surprising purpose of travel 授课时间:第_周 授课类型:理论课授课时数:_课时教学目的:After finishing this unit, students will be able to:1. To practice speaking skills at a travel agency 2. To foster students genre awareness and apply it to reading and writing 3. To master the reading skill of looking

2、 for thesis statement 4. To enable students to write an essay of causes on fixed topics by using a genre-based process-writing approach 教学重点和难点:1. To talk about the surprising purpose of travel2. To understand the text fully3. To apply the phrases and patterns4. To master the cause-effect essay writ

3、ing skill教学方法和手段:Various kinds of teaching methods are used:1. Teaching in class. Explain the profound theoretical knowledge in class;2. Case study. Provide case study during teaching, and make the students to discuss about the case;3. Bilingual and full English teaching;4. Learner-centered approach

4、; situational 5. Project-based approach备 课 纸 2教学内容和过程:Section A The surprising purpose of travel Step One Warming-up Activities 30 minutesI. Write as many words related to travel as you can Varieties of travel Means of transportation Tourist attractions Entertainment activities Things to take Where

5、to stay Other words about travelII. Lead-in questions:1. Do you like travelling? What are the reasons for you to travel? To have a change To experience something new and unfamiliar To see the world and understand different culture To marvel at the wonder of great nature To escape from a boring lifes

6、tyle To have a thorough relaxation To broaden ones horizons2. Whats your suggestion to a student who wants to have a trip but doesnt have enough money for it? Plan ahead Find useful information Travel in group Go to a less-known place Pack necessary thingsIII Background knowledge1. Where is Left Ban

7、k caf? What features does it have? The Left Bank caf is located in the village of Saranac Lake on the Left Bank of the River Seine in Paris. It is a favorite meeting place of great artists, writers, and famous intellectuals since the early 20th century. LBC serves authentic French caf-style food, in

8、cluding crpes and tar tines, as well as 备 课 纸 3coffee, tea, wines and beers. 2. What is Lets Go? Give more information about it. A world-renowned travel guide series, researched, written, edited, and run entirely by students at Harvard University. It is claimed to be “the student travel guide” aimed

9、 at readers “both young and young at heart”. Lets Go was founded in 1960 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the US. Office.3. What do you know about Machu Picchu? An ancient ruined South American city high up in the Andes Mountains in Peru. It was built by the Incas, a Native American

10、 people of South America, in about 1500 AD, It has a temple of the sun and many other buildings. It is a popular place for tourists to visit.Step Two Text Study 80 minutesI. Interactive reading of the text1. Reading comprehension1) Why does the author choose the word “burdensome” to describe his ima

11、ginary travel? (Para. 1)2) What does the author mean by “the rest of the journey can feel like a tedious lesson in the ills of modernity? It sucks.”? (Para. 2)3) Suppose travel is troublesome and sometimes even unpleasant, why do we travel according to the author? (Para. 2-4) 4) What kind of travel

12、is truly compulsory? (Para. 4) 5) What is the irony when people travel to Paris trying to leave all those troubles behind? (Para. 5)6) What is the finding of the research? What does the author wants to prove by referring to the example? (Para. 6)7) What do we need to do to trigger our creativity? (P

13、ara. 8)8) What are the secret cornerstones of creativity of travel? What will happen to us after travel? (Para. 9)备 课 纸 42. Structure of the textPart I Introduction (Paras. 1-4)The author gives us a vivid description of the imaginary travel experience, including how he struggles to get up in the ear

14、ly morning, how he gets to the flight gate after all trouble and how he finally gets stuck in the airport. The author puts forward a question: Why do we travel?Part II Body (Paras. 5-8)The author takes us to rethink the question: what is the real purpose of travel? Besides, she shares her own unders

15、tanding of the real purpose of travel. Part III Concluding part (Para 9)We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret cornerstones of creativity. .3. Summary of the TextTravel is _ and sometimes even unpleasant; then what is the driving force behind our travel? We trav

16、el because we need to. Sometimes our travel is a _ because we should attend the business luncheon, because we should celebrate Thanksgiving with our mom. We travel because we want to. Owing to the fact that most travel is _, we just travel following our heart. Most people travel for the sake of _, b

17、ut their mind tends to solve the stubborn _ issues while on vacation. What is the real purpose of travel? Travelling to a new place can make us less controlled by familiar cognitive _ that imprison us. As a result, we can better combine the new with the old, the mundane is _ from a slightly more abs

18、tract perspective.To _ travelers, multicultural contrast means that they are open to ambiguity and willing to see the world in different ways, thus to expand the _ of their “cognitive inputs” as they refuse to _their first answers and initial guesses. Of course, that mental flexibility is a side eff

19、ect of difference and we know what we did not know in the past, by which we become more open-minded and less _. Apart from its advantages, travel also has it _, which make us not take great pleasantness. More often than not, we need a _ after our vacation. We travel because we need to, because dista

20、nce and difference are the _of creativity. Travel will change our mind to some extent, which in 备 课 纸 5turn can have _on everything in our life.II. Language Focus: Words and expressions1. Key words:1) groan: (Para.1)vi. make a long low sound, e.g. because you are in pain or unhappy (因痛苦或烦恼等)呻吟,发出哼哼声

21、The old man was groaning with pain.v. speak about sth. in a way that shows you are unhappy 抱怨She sat down beside me and groaned about her working day. 她坐在我身旁,抱怨自己整日辛劳。n. a long low sound that a person makes, esp. when they are in pain or unhappy (尤指疼痛或烦恼时的)呻吟,哼哼声The groan of the injured man came fro

22、m next door. 隔壁房间传来那个受伤男子的呻吟声。2) console (Para.1): vt. try to make sb. feel better when they are unhappy or disappointed 安慰Do you want to console your friend who is broken-hearted? 你想安慰你那位心碎的朋友吗?consolation: n. C,U sth. That makes you feel less unhappy or disappointed 安慰,慰藉We tried to offer her cons

23、olation, but she kept crying anyway. 我们试图安慰她,但她只是一味地哭泣。3) dense (Para.2):a.a. very heavy in relation to its size (物质)密度大的The earth is denser than the other planets, and denser than the moon.地球的密度比其他行星都大,比月球的也大。b. with a lot of trees, plants, or leaves growing close together 茂密的This part of the count

24、ry is covered with dense forests. 该国的这部分地区被茂密的丛林所覆盖。c. dense smoke or gas is so thick that it is difficult to see through it (烟雾或气体) 浓密的The ship was barely visible through the dense fog. 在浓雾里几乎看不备 课 纸 6见那艘船。4) anniversary:n. (Para. 3) a date when you celebrate sth. that happen in a previous year tha

25、t is important to you 纪念日;周年纪念The visit marks the 10th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 这次访问是为了庆贺两国建立外交关系十周年。5) decidedly: ad. (Para. 4)a. in a way that is impossible to doubt and easy to see 确实无疑地;显然The pillar that supports the house looked decidedly shaky and dangerou

26、s.支撑房屋的柱子看起来的确摇摇欲坠,很危险。b. in a way that shows you are very certain about sth. 坚决地;果断地“I dont think we should listen to him,” said Stevenson decidedly. “我认为我们不该听他的话,”史蒂文森坚决地说道。6) corporate:a (Para. 4)a. (only before noun) relating to large companies, or to a particular large company 大公司的When I say co

27、rporate plan, I dont mean you have to live with it rigidly. 我说公司计划,并不是让你们一定要死板地去执行。b. (fml.) shared by or including all the members of a group 全体的,集体的In the face of economic crisis, we should take up corporate responsibility. 面对经济危机,我们应该共同承担责任。7) exotic: a. (para. 6)a. used for describing things tha

28、t are interesting or exciting because they are in or from distant foreign countries 外国产的,外国来的The city has many restaurants with exotic foods. 这个城市有很多异国风味的餐厅。b. interesting or exciting because of being unusual or not familiar 奇异的,别致的Many girls like to wear exotic clothes. 许多女孩喜欢穿奇装异服。2. Practical phr

29、ases:1) on sale: (para.4) available to be bought at a lower price than usual 廉价出售的By reading the advertisement, you may find something you want on sale.备 课 纸 7通过阅读这份广告,你也许会发现想要的某件商品正在减价。2) be open to sth.: (para.7) be willing to consider many different possibilitiesIm sure they will be open to any c

30、omments and suggestions from everyone.我肯定他们会愿意倾听大家任何意见和建议。3) more often than not: (para.9) usually 往往,多半More often than not, people are too easily affected by the outside world.人们觉得不幸福多半是因为他们太容易受外界影响了。3. Useful sentence patterns:1)I run in when we arrive, stagger through security and finally get to

31、my gate. (Para. 1)Meaning: I run in after we arrive, walk unsteadily through security and get to the place where I should get on the plane.Note: The word gate here means “the place at the airport where people get on a plane“.2)We travel because we want to, because the annoyances of the airport are o

32、ffset by the thrill of being someplace new. (Para. 4) Sb. do sth. because sb.like/dislike to, because. 用于表达“某人喜欢/不喜欢做某事的种种原因或理由”。我网购是因为我喜欢网购,因为网购可以免去我的腿脚之苦从而节省精力。I shop online because I like to, because online shopping can save my feet and energy.3)According to research, the experience of an exotic

33、culture endows us with a valuable open-mindedness, making it easier to realize that even a trivial thing can have multiple meanings. (Para. 6)According to research, sth. / sb. do , making it easier to do 用于引证,表达“研究发现/结果表明”。According to a recent survey, the number of car doubled over the past five ye

34、ars, leading to the climbing traffic accidents根据最近的调查,汽车拥有量已经在过去的五年时间里翻了一倍,致使交通事故不断攀升。Step Three Writing devices 25 minutesDevelop a cause-and-effect essay备 课 纸 8The purpose of cause-and-effect essays is to explain to the reader: (1) the causes of an event or situation; (2) the effects of an event o

35、r situation; or (3) both causes and effects. An essay of causes begins with an introduction which briefly describes the effect, and then the entire body of the essay analyzes the causes.1. Do not oversimplify causes.2. Beware especially of making a mistake in logic known as the fallacy of post hoc,

36、ergo propter hoc Latin words meaning “after this, therefore because of this”. For instance, if a disease broke out soon after X became Minister of Public Health, we would probably make a mistake in logic in saying that the epidemic broke out because X was made minister. Remember sequence 3. Distingu

37、ish between direct and indirect causes and between major and minor causes.4. Do not omit links in a chain of causes.5. Be objective and support the analysis with solid, factual evidence. Language tipsTry to avoid using because and as a result repeatedly in a cause-and-effect essay. Here are some oth

38、er transitional words and phrases:since, consequently, therefore, accordingly, because of, for that reason, thus, then, hence, due to, so that, such that, the more . the more, result from, lead to, contribute to, cause, result in, be the reasonfor, be the consequence of. Writing practiceTopic:Why le

39、arn the Chinese language?Introduction:Thesis statement: In recent years more and more foreigners are beginning to take an interest in the Chinese language.Body:Cause1: Chinas ancient culture has attracted many people in the world.Cause2: China is enjoying rapid economic growth, and its economic and

40、cultural exchange with other countries has increased continuously.Cause3: The Chinese language itself has charm in its characters and pronunciation.备 课 纸 9Conclusion:The Chinese language is sure to spread more widely in the world. Step Four oral reproduction 30 minutesExplain your choice on the foll

41、owing topic. Suppose you are debating with your classmates. You want to show them why you choose to shop online.Part 1. Introduction1. current situation about online shopping;2. thesis statement: your feelings and impressions about the online shoppingPart 2. Body (various reasons)Cause 1. convenienc

42、e of online shopping.Cause 2. goods online cheaper than in stores.Cause 3. access to wider range of options.Cause 4. privacy protection.Part 3. conclusionThe future of online shopping.Step Five Summary 5 minutes1. Revision of the useful expressions 1. 从美梦中惊醒 steal away a lovely dream 2. 被困在了机场 be st

43、uck in the airport3. 飞行的奇妙感觉 the wonder of being airborne4. 现代弊病的课程 a lesson in the ills of modernity5. 以非人的速度在空中穿梭 move through space at an inhuman speed 6. 意识到旅行在提高创新方面的价值 realize the creative benefits of travel7. 以字义明确的散文方式思考 think in finite, literal prose 8. 放松认知的链条 loosen the cognitive chains备

44、课 纸 109. 体验异国文化 experience of an exotic culture2. Revision of the writing devices and reading skills课后作业:1. Exercises after Text A & Text B 2. Essay writing: Topic: Stressful life for kidsIntroduction: Thesis statement: Some parents tend to expect too much from their children.Body:Cause 1: The harsh

45、 realityCause 2: The peer pressureCause 3: Parents love for their kidsConclusion: To set reasonable expectations for the kids is no easy, but is worth trying.3. Oral reproduction: Make a speech on one of the following topics:1) Why delay marriage?2) The grain crisis4. Preview Unit 5.参考文献:郑树棠. 新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第三册M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2015.郑树棠. 新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第三册教师用书M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2015.夏纪梅. 现代外语课堂设计理论与实践M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003.张道真. 实用英语语法大全M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.课后小结:


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