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1、高中英语书面表达常用高级词汇高级短语归纳总结1. 对感兴趣对某人有吸引力的例:玩游戏对青少年很有吸引力。对有极大兴趣他开始对英语感兴趣。2. 有用的有益处的体育运动有益于增进我们的体质。有回报的学好英语是有好处的。3. 越来越多的人日益增长的越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。4. 擅长有天赋他擅长音乐。天生的他是一个天生的歌唱家。有才华的有才华的他是一个有才华的科学家。5. 喜欢喜爱他喜欢踢足球。对痴迷我对那里发生的事情都非常感兴趣。非常喜欢他非常喜欢经典音乐。6. 好的杰出的非凡的卓越的他是位杰出的科学家。完美的你的发音很完美。极好的“你要来么?”他激动地说, “那太好了!简直难

2、以置信!”她的舞跳得非常好。我无以言表太精彩了。7. 普通的平均,普通他是一个普通的学生。8. 许多成千上万的每年成千上万的游客涌入这个景区来欣赏这里美丽的风景。1. be interested inappeal to sbPlaying vedio games appeals to teenagers greatly.take a great interest inHe began to take a great interest in English.2. helpfulbeneficialSports are beneficial to building our bodies.rewar

3、dingLearning English well is very rewarding.3. more and more peoplea growing number of/ an increasing number ofAn increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.4. be good athave a gift forHe has a gift for music.bornHe was a born singer. talented

4、He is a talented scientist.5. likebe fond ofHe is fond of playing q32995085football.be crazy aboutIm crazy about everything that goes on there.be intoHe is really into classical music.6. goodoutstandingextraordinary brilliantHe is an outstanding scientist.perfectYour pronunciation is perfect.fantast

5、ic“Youre coming?“ he said excitedly. “Thats fantastic! Thats incredible!“Shes a fantastic dancer.Im lost for words its fantastic.7. ordinaryaverageHe is an average student.8. manyhundreds of thousands ofHundreds of thousands of tourists pour into this scenic spot to admire the amazing scenery every

6、year.许多许多学生反对这个主意。很多,非常多这图书馆有相当多英语书。9. 变化很大变化巨大的(戏曲性的变化)由于科技的发展,我们的生活在过去几十年发生了很大的变化。10.相信使信服就我而言,我坚定地认为国游客的数量应得到限制,理由如下:11.想做某事(内心)想做某事就我所知,他们每一个人都想做一个模范学生。12.许多种类的许多不同种类的保护区里有许多不同种类的珍稀的动植物。范围广的,种类多的你有很大的选择余地。13.巨大的,大量的相当大的;重要的改变这种情形需要每个人很大的努力。14.努力的,勤奋的勤奋的,用功的她是一个勤奋的老师,她工作非常勤奋。15.重要的有重要意义的老师的鼓励队员他/

7、她的学生具有重要意义。对至关重要,关键的学好英语对你未来就业至关重要。必不可缺少的水对于生物来说是必不可缺少的。16.有用的有用的(用 of+名词)这本书对你会有很大用处。 17.有价值的有价值的(用 of+名词)所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。 18.有益的,有好处的有益的(用 of+名词)这项工程对每个人都大有好处。many aMany a student is against the idea.a good manyThere are a good many English books in the library.9. change a lotchange dramatically Ou

8、r life has changed dramatically in the last decades because of the development of science and technology.10.believebe fully/firmly convincedAs for me, Im firmly convinced that the number of tourists should be limited for the following reasons.11.want to dointend toSo far as I know, every one of them

9、 intends to be a model student.12.many kinds ofa wide variety of/ variousThere are a wide variety of rare animals and plants in the nature reserve.a wide range ofThere is a wide range of choices open to you.13.large, greatconsiderable Changing this situation requires considerable effort on the part

10、q32995085of everyone.14.hard-workingdiligent She is a diligent teacher and she is diligent in her work.15.importantof great significance/ importanceEncouragement from a teacher is really of great significance/importance to his /her student.be critical/vital toLearning English well is critical/vital

11、to your future employment.be essential toWater is essential to living things.16.usefulof great useThis book will be of great use to you.17.valuableof great valueThe experience gained will be of great value to us. 18.beneficialof great benefitThis project is of great benefit to everyone. 19.helpful19

12、.有帮助的有帮助的(用 of+名词)你的建议对我很有帮助。20.非常极端地;非常地我的手机非常有用。特别地 约翰似乎特别喜欢她。休和约翰对于获得这个奖项感到兴奋不已。21.非常非常,不仅仅是如果有什么我能为你做的,我将非常乐意帮助。22.有时偶尔,时而偶尔晚睡并无妨害。偶尔,有时候他偶尔来我们房中闲谈。23.决定做某事决定/决心做某事我决心要不惜一切代价来实现自己的目标。下定决心做某事听了他的报告后,我想了很多,反思了以前我所做的事情。我已经下定决心从以下几方面来提高自己。24.困难的具有挑战性的这是一个要求苛刻、具有挑战性的工作。25.明显地不用说不用说它对我们的健康是有好处的。26.没能做

13、某事没能做某事但是这些人没有认识到旅游可能会给环境造成的灾难性的影响。27.要求有礼貌地要求所有的游客被要求不能再公园内乱扔废物。28.说,认为争论道他们争论道塑胶要花上好几百万年的时间才会腐化分解。指出许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。of great helpYou suggestions are of great help to me.20.very (cold/beautiful 等)extremelyMy mobile phone is extremely useful.especially/ particularlyJohn seems to be particularly

14、fond of her. Sue and John were especially thrilled with this award.21.very (delighted/ pleased/ happy 等)more than (delighted/ pleased/ happy 等)If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.22.sometimesoccasionallyTheres no harm in your staying up late occasionally.once in

15、a whileHe comes to our room for a chat every once in a while. 23.decide to dodetermine to do/ be determined to doIm determined to achieve my goal at any cost.make up ones mind to do Having hearing his report, I thought a lot and reflected on what I did before. I have made up my mind to improve mysel

16、f in these following ways.24.hard/difficultchallengingIts a demanding and challenging job.25.obviously/ apparentlyIt goes without saying thatIt goes without saying that it will do us a lot of good.26.didnt dofailed to doBut what these people fail to see is that international tourism may bring about

17、a disastrous impact on the environment.27.askrequestAll the visitors were requested not to throw waste about in the park.28.say, thinkargueThey argue that plastic takes millions of years to break down. point outMany experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical

18、fitness.29.a few days agothe other dayI would like to introduce to you the gentleman whom I spoke 29.几天前不久前的一天 我想把几天前说到的那位绅士介绍给你们。30.谋生谋生为了谋生,你必须努力工作。31.应该理应,别人认为应该作为中学生,我们在学校应该衣着整洁。32.想出想出或许我们能想到这个问题的更好的解决办法。of the other day. 30.make a livingearn ones livingTo earn a living, you have to work hard. 31.shouldbe supposed toAs high school students, we are supposed to be neatly dressed when at school.32.think of/find outcome up withMaybe we can come up with a better solution to the problem.


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